Find me one, just one, dictionary definition that states that an aspect of something is the same as or equivalent to that theme and post the link here.
definition of "aspect" was given already, as well as clear indication that in the case of persons - gods included - the second definition is the most applicable. Yet again, in the Opening Post you stated that you are of the opinion that all gods worshiped by man are "merely aspects of one God." In other words - using the proper definition of "aspect" - you believe that (for example) Thor is the appearance of this "one God" just as Kali is the appearance of this "one God." That they are the same thing, just a different look. Yet that's quite a different look.
For example, the Goddess Freyja has two aspects. There is Freyja the Lady, and there is Valfreyja - the later being Freyja in a warrior role, leading the Valkyries into battle. Valfreyja is still Freyja, just Freyja with armor and not-so-lady-like. This is a plausible example of a deity having multiple aspects, rather than one god being a theological Ditto, morphing into gods of various roles, genders, and cultural significances. have not given your [opinion], as your too busy trying to prove that aspect means the same.
On the contrary, several of my posts - I would argue all of them - present my opinion fairly clearly; the gods are unique, individual beings, not glimpses at a greater whole or "oneness of the universe".
The plane of the gem is not the gem. It is merely a portion of it. Which is exactly what I'm suggesting (not proving or verifying). All gods man reveres or worships are gem planes of one gem.
And I'm disagreeing. The planes of a gemstone most certainly are the gem. They are not pieces pulled from other locations to form the gem; in fact, they are the result of segments of the gem being removed in an artistic fashion. What's more, each plane - while different in shape or angle - is made of the same material. Each facet is
not unique, nor appreciated in it's own right. In comparing gods - even in the same pantheon - you do not find such sameness, nor can you without massively over-simplifying who and what the gods are.
I never suggested ITT that all gods are the same god. That is your inference. I suggested that they are all parts of the same god.
I am of the opinion that all gods worshiped/revered by all religions are merely aspects of one God.
If all gods are "parts" of the same god... they are the same god. Neither your foot, stomach, heart nor brain are individual from the rest of your body. They are parts of you, and they
are you.