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The one true religion


Wonderful Wizard
Premium Member
Does it mean God likes Jews more, or that God likes them less?
Does it mean that God has higher standards for Jews, or that God wants to make it harder for them for some other reason?
Not 'higher' standards, just different. Our standards come from the Torah, standards which are required of us because of the Covenant we entered with G-d. What are these standards for? Certainly not to be 'superior' than our fellow man, but to be a better priest for our fellow man. That is what it means to be a Jew, it's to be a priest and serve G-d and bless all the Nations of the world.

...you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation...


Active Member
Is it too early to tell whether, or not, you are correct?

Nah...Five hundred to a thousand years after the death of the religions founder is sufficient time to determine if it originated with a charismatic fraud or a messanger of God.
The former religions are dead the latter living...check out a timeline of the worlds Major Living Faiths.

Civil Shephard

Active Member
Not 'higher' standards, just different. Our standards come from the Torah, standards which are required of us because of the Covenant we entered with G-d. What are these standards for? Certainly not to be 'superior' than our fellow man, but to be a better priest for our fellow man. That is what it means to be a Jew, it's to be a priest and serve G-d and bless all the Nations of the world.

...you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation...

I like that... from Isaiah to Hebrews it jives with my understanding without need for references. May God Bless Israel... some say that because they believe God will bless them for saying it. But in my estimation of Christian teaching we should bless even our enemies. I believe in my heart that the one true religion is the religion that blesses everyone, high or low, good or evil... Because when the sudden disaster strikes we're all on equal footing... and you never know who's gonna change for the better or for the worst.

Now there are many Holy men and women in history from many nations... I believe God chose Israel so that stories of his love and judgement could be made clear. I believe Abraham was chosen to show us a better way simply because he obeyed our common Creator God in faith. There may have been others who heard but simply did not obey...


Wonderful Wizard
Premium Member
Now there are many Holy men and women in history from many nations...
Most Jews think in this same way. That's why you see so few Jews posting on this thread, as the title and OP are alien to us. Levite sums up the Jewish POV fairly well in post #50, so I won't repeat.
I believe Abraham was chosen to show us a better way simply because he obeyed our common Creator God in faith. There may have been others who heard but simply did not obey...
Abraham did far more than obey. Noah obeyed, and receives qualified praise ...righteous in his generation... as if in another generation he would not be considered all that righteous. G-d told him he would destroy civilization and Noah said 'yes sir, building that ark now'. G-d told Abraham he would destroy the world with fire this time around and Abraham actually confronted him!

...would you slay the righteous with the wicked?...

Big brass ones.


Are there people that believe in all religions, or most religions, or are all religions, or most, mutually exclusive? Or is there a one true religion, and which is it?

there was always one way of serving the Most High. Moses was choosen to teach this.when there were SO many different beliefs and teachings. Moses was the only tue leader,who taught the truth. before him, many children of Israel knew of this God who had no name. they knew that God WASN'T the same god other people and tribes worship.

all the way up to Jesus was there JUST ONE TRUE TEACHING. if that wasn't so,he would have dealt with those men ,harsly, who THOUGHT they were teaching all truth. meaning some things they taught was true,but some wasn't. Jesus and men before him taught ALL truth, this is what God wants. some false teachings would make that religion...a false religion.

do one think now that those men are dead,the true teaching stop? if God didn't want humans pass the time of all those leaders who followed in Jesus steps to learn the truth. he wouldn't have ,(through his HS), allow those men...Paul,Timothy,and especially John,(who wrote the end book). write words,helping mankind today in
taking in accurate knowledge.

God word shows, many does want to learn God's word,but isn't getting it right.(Rom.10:2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge). there's many scriptures which shows not ALL religion would lead to salvation. it didn't then and it won't now!

not ALL misinsters teach ALL true,it doesn't matter who want to believe this. just because they ARE ministers or personally know someone who are. here's a few scriptures that shows this...

1.(2Cor.-11:13-15), first and formost,this scriptures sums it all up,..many are sent by satan to fool people into believing they are of God. and what they're being taught is right. though they wouldn't want to hear they aren't. because in their hearts,they want to serve god, but it's true.
2.(John 8:44)-here Jesus came down on a group of religious teachers,concerning their teachings.
3.(ISA.-1:13-16)-concerning religious leaders, Jehovah God said he wouldn't even heard their prayers,until they clean up their act.
4.(Matt.23:13,14)- Jesus talks of religious learders who make fake prayers. also basically saying your teachings is not only keeping you from seeking God's kingdom.but you're stopping other from seeking it.

Paul was another one who persecuted followers of Jesus,(once he returned to Heaven), because of their teaching other what Jesus taught them. but Jesus quickly changed Paul by making him began to teach the total truth. instead of what his religion was teaching, part truth.

Jesus wasn't trying to be of the world,though he was living in it. which mean he wasn't trying to do the things the world was doing in his time. God wants his servants to be NOT of this world,(1John 2:15,16). because it's satan who controls it...(2Cor.4:4). which again includes the many ministers and their teachings.

so even if many refuse to believe, there's only one TRUE teaching. those who choose to find this teaching will understand God's words more clearly. and have a chance of everlasting life. though just learning the truth won't gain us life. but trying to walk in which Jesus taught us will,peace.



Well-Known Member
there was always one way of serving the Most High. Moses was choosen to teach this.when there were SO many different beliefs and teachings. Moses was the only tue leader,who taught the truth. before him, many children of Israel knew of this God who had no name. they knew that God WASN'T the same god other people and tribes worship.

all the way up to Jesus was there JUST ONE TRUE TEACHING. if that wasn't so,he would have dealt with those men ,harsly, who THOUGHT they were teaching all truth. meaning some things they taught was true,but some wasn't. Jesus and men before him taught ALL truth, this is what God wants. some false teachings would make that religion...a false religion.

do one think now that those men are dead,the true teaching stop? if God didn't want humans pass the time of all those leaders who followed in Jesus steps to learn the truth. he wouldn't have ,(through his HS), allow those men...Paul,Timothy,and especially John,(who wrote the end book). write words,helping mankind today in
taking in accurate knowledge.

God word shows, many does want to learn God's word,but isn't getting it right.(Rom.10:2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge). there's many scriptures which shows not ALL religion would lead to salvation. it didn't then and it won't now!

not ALL misinsters teach ALL true,it doesn't matter who want to believe this. just because they ARE ministers or personally know someone who are. here's a few scriptures that shows this...

1.(2Cor.-11:13-15), first and formost,this scriptures sums it all up,..many are sent by satan to fool people into believing they are of God. and what they're being taught is right. though they wouldn't want to hear they aren't. because in their hearts,they want to serve god, but it's true.
2.(John 8:44)-here Jesus came down on a group of religious teachers,concerning their teachings.
3.(ISA.-1:13-16)-concerning religious leaders, Jehovah God said he wouldn't even heard their prayers,until they clean up their act.
4.(Matt.23:13,14)- Jesus talks of religious learders who make fake prayers. also basically saying your teachings is not only keeping you from seeking God's kingdom.but you're stopping other from seeking it.

Paul was another one who persecuted followers of Jesus,(once he returned to Heaven), because of their teaching other what Jesus taught them. but Jesus quickly changed Paul by making him began to teach the total truth. instead of what his religion was teaching, part truth.

Jesus wasn't trying to be of the world,though he was living in it. which mean he wasn't trying to do the things the world was doing in his time. God wants his servants to be NOT of this world,(1John 2:15,16). because it's satan who controls it...(2Cor.4:4). which again includes the many ministers and their teachings.

so even if many refuse to believe, there's only one TRUE teaching. those who choose to find this teaching will understand God's words more clearly. and have a chance of everlasting life. though just learning the truth won't gain us life. but trying to walk in which Jesus taught us will,peace.

How do you demonstrate that all (or any) of this is true?


there was always one way of serving the Most High. Moses was choosen to teach this.when there were SO many different beliefs and teachings. Moses was the only tue leader,who taught the truth. before him, many children of Israel knew of this God who had no name. they knew that God WASN'T the same god other people and tribes worship.

all the way up to Jesus was there JUST ONE TRUE TEACHING. if that wasn't so,he would have dealt with those men ,harsly, who THOUGHT they were teaching all truth. meaning some things they taught was true,but some wasn't. Jesus and men before him taught ALL truth, this is what God wants. some false teachings would make that religion...a false religion.

do one think now that those men are dead,the true teaching stop? if God didn't want humans pass the time of all those leaders who followed in Jesus steps to learn the truth. he wouldn't have ,(through his HS), allow those men...Paul,Timothy,and especially John,(who wrote the end book). write words,helping mankind today in
taking in accurate knowledge.

God word shows, many does want to learn God's word,but isn't getting it right.(Rom.10:2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge). there's many scriptures which shows not ALL religion would lead to salvation. it didn't then and it won't now!

not ALL misinsters teach ALL true,it doesn't matter who want to believe this. just because they ARE ministers or personally know someone who are. here's a few scriptures that shows this...

1.(2Cor.-11:13-15), first and formost,this scriptures sums it all up,..many are sent by satan to fool people into believing they are of God. and what they're being taught is right. though they wouldn't want to hear they aren't. because in their hearts,they want to serve god, but it's true.
2.(John 8:44)-here Jesus came down on a group of religious teachers,concerning their teachings.
3.(ISA.-1:13-16)-concerning religious leaders, Jehovah God said he wouldn't even heard their prayers,until they clean up their act.
4.(Matt.23:13,14)- Jesus talks of religious learders who make fake prayers. also basically saying your teachings is not only keeping you from seeking God's kingdom.but you're stopping other from seeking it.

Paul was another one who persecuted followers of Jesus,(once he returned to Heaven), because of their teaching other what Jesus taught them. but Jesus quickly changed Paul by making him began to teach the total truth. instead of what his religion was teaching, part truth.

Jesus wasn't trying to be of the world,though he was living in it. which mean he wasn't trying to do the things the world was doing in his time. God wants his servants to be NOT of this world,(1John 2:15,16). because it's satan who controls it...(2Cor.4:4). which again includes the many ministers and their teachings.

so even if many refuse to believe, there's only one TRUE teaching. those who choose to find this teaching will understand God's words more clearly. and have a chance of everlasting life. though just learning the truth won't gain us life. but trying to walk in which Jesus taught us will,peace.

I would encourage you to proofread your post, and to spellcheck it as well as look for grammatical errors within it. The way in which this post is presented is so full of errors of this type that it makes it exceedingly hard to follow. If english is not your first language, then I apologize, but I think that english is your first language, and that you are not used to speaking proper english.


Organic, kinetic learner
How do you demonstrate that all (or any) of this is true?
Children believe that any thing they think must be true because they have no reference point. Only one straight line may exist between two points, but an infinite number can exist through any one point.

Likewise, the smallest the amount of knowledge, the easier it is to believe, and the more it all makes sense.


Organic, kinetic learner
I would encourage you to proofread your post, and to spellcheck it as well as look for grammatical errors within it. The way in which this post is presented is so full of errors of this type that it makes it exceedingly hard to follow. If english is not your first language, then I apologize, but I think that english is your first language, and that you are not used to speaking proper english.
You are most likely correct, and that knowledge should make you more tolerant because that person is most likely unaware of his/her limitations and most likely unable to easily correct the situation.

The fact that you are more literate does not take away the right to express an opinion from those who are less fortunate than you. I hope you can accept that and take no offense from it. None is intended.


"Religious Meaning"
Well first I will say that I believe that religion is truly a man made concept in which many have chosen to partake in. I personally don't see myself as apart of a religion, but rather I have faith in God. I also think there is a certain sense of ignorance to any religion or individual who thinks they have absolute truth, or think that someone is absolutely wrong. Of course there is the whole God is One theory, which has people believing that every religion leads to God; just in different ways. I'm not so sure you can make a great argument for that belief either. I believe religion has caused more problems for society, and has taken focus off what is really important. In my mind what is really important is for each individual to assess their own spiritual state and decide what they believe in and why? Also know that they could never be fully right, but rather feel at peace within their spiritual self.


Organic, kinetic learner
Well first I will say that I believe that religion is truly a man made concept in which many have chosen to partake in. I personally don't see myself as apart of a religion, but rather I have faith in God. I also think there is a certain sense of ignorance to any religion or individual who thinks they have absolute truth, or think that someone is absolutely wrong. Of course there is the whole God is One theory, which has people believing that every religion leads to God; just in different ways. I'm not so sure you can make a great argument for that belief either. I believe religion has caused more problems for society, and has taken focus off what is really important. In my mind what is really important is for each individual to assess their own spiritual state and decide what they believe in and why? Also know that they could never be fully right, but rather feel at peace within their spiritual self.
Your thinking appears mature and rational. I tend to agree with you with respect to religion. I also feel that one must differentiate between one's faith and one's religion. While each person has his or her own faith or beliefs, it appears that religion aims at controlling faith for various selfish reasons: sometimes for profit, sometimes for power and control, and sometimes for both.


"Religious Meaning"
Your thinking appears mature and rational. I tend to agree with you with respect to religion. I also feel that one must differentiate between one's faith and one's religion. While each person has his or her own faith or beliefs, it appears that religion aims at controlling faith for various selfish reasons: sometimes for profit, sometimes for power and control, and sometimes for both.

Absolutely, in fact according to the Oxford Dictionary the word religion didn't appear until around 1100-1200AD in literature. That just happens to be during, and near the end of the crusades. Faith and ones own spiritual journey has always existed, but religion was man made. I truly believe that religion has become like you said a way to control people in general. The money comes from having that control, and it also helps in the political world.


The Buddha taught that one should not demean or denounce another religion other than Buddhism simply because it's not Buddhism.

That is completely false. Got any scriptural backing for that?

I have scriptural proof to the contrary:

The Buddha: "Preach it, make it known, establish it, open it, minutely explain it, and make it clear-until they, when others start vain doctrines, shall be able to vanquish and refute them, and so to spread the wonderworking truth abroad. I shall not die until the pure religion of truth shall have become successful, prosperous, widespread, and popular in all its full extent-until, in a word, it shall have been well proclaimed among men!" [Mahaparinibbana Sutta]

I, for one, believe that all religions are valid, and will ultimately lead to transcendence. I think a good majority of Buddhists feel this way as well, but I'm not entirely sure on that. All religions are valid, and have value. All lead to transcendence. Each individual religion is simply a different interpretation of the transcendental, ultimate truth, which is inevitably incomprehensible to the human mind, so we do the best we can. Each religion is therefore a part of this ultimate truth, a different viewpoint on that truth. That's what I believe.

That is again false and certainly not a Buddhist viewpoint consistent with scripture.

The Buddha: "In this same class the disciples are the earnest disciples of other faiths, who clinging to the notions of such things as, the soul as an external entity, Supreme Atman, Personal God, seek a [belief] that is in harmony with them....But none of these, earnest though they be, have gained an insight into the truth of the twofold egolessness and are, therefore, of limited spiritual insights as regards deliverance and non-deliverance; for them there is no emancipation. They have great self-confidence but they can never gain a true knowledge of Nirvana." [Lankavatara Sutra]

Last edited:


Organic, kinetic learner
First, in what context do you mean it is 'true'?

If you are speaking of it in terms of it being 'legitimate' or it exhibits 'self-integrity' then there can be many true religions. I view Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Mormonism all as being 'true' in the sense that they repersent a progressive unfolding of the God of Abraham's efforts to manage His brood.

Unfortunately, as best as I can tell, none of these any longer pass the 'self-integrity' test. So, I would have to conclude they are now all false religions.
Of what does 'the self-integrity' test' consist?


Active Member
I truly believe that religion has become like you said a way to control people in general. The money comes from having that control, and it also helps in the political world.

I'm going to agree with much/most of what you and Godwilling have been saying about the distinction between faith/religion........but..;)....

The way I see it I have a spiritual relationship/responsibility with-
God external, god internal, god in others, god in nature......that I call faith...my individual spiritual relationships.

I also have a collective spiritual relationship/responsibility...how my family, my workplace, my community, my nation, my community of likeminded 'faith' companions (multi denominational) and my planet... all interact. This I call my religion...my collective spiritual relationships.

While I agree- "religion has become... a way to control people in general" I would suggest- less so than in the past and far less control than religious authorities would like to think or imagine. And that, greater independence, has been the increasing trend since the printing press, Luther and subsequent increasing rates of literacy.

It would have been unthinkable for mere peasants such as we to be reading a single (locked in Latin) scripture five hundred years ago...the authorities/in controll would not have it.

But look at us now:D...freely reading and discussing all the worlds scriptures at light speed from across and arround the world...literally >out of "controll"<:D... exploring and developing 'faith'...examining the parameters and purpose of 'religion'...there aint no "way to control people in general" no more...
we be out of the bag and on the loose!
:shout WhooHoo!


"Religious Meaning"
I'm going to agree with much/most of what you and Godwilling have been saying about the distinction between faith/religion........but..;)....

The way I see it I have a spiritual relationship/responsibility with-
God external, god internal, god in others, god in nature......that I call faith...my individual spiritual relationships.

I also have a collective spiritual relationship/responsibility...how my family, my workplace, my community, my nation, my community of likeminded 'faith' companions (multi denominational) and my planet... all interact. This I call my religion...my collective spiritual relationships.

While I agree- "religion has become... a way to control people in general" I would suggest- less so than in the past and far less control than religious authorities would like to think or imagine. And that, greater independence, has been the increasing trend since the printing press, Luther and subsequent increasing rates of literacy.

It would have been unthinkable for mere peasants such as we to be reading a single (locked in Latin) scripture five hundred years ago...the authorities/in controll would not have it.

But look at us now:D...freely reading and discussing all the worlds scriptures at light speed from across and arround the world...literally >out of "controll"<:D... exploring and developing 'faith'...examining the parameters and purpose of 'religion'...there aint no "way to control people in general" no more...
we be out of the bag and on the loose!
:shout WhooHoo!

I would partially agree with what you are saying about spiritual relationships being your religion. However, lets take for example Christianity. I don't think Jesus intended for it to be religion. In the early church (Acts) they had fellowship where they met in houses and discussed faith, worshiped God, and prayed. That is what God wants from spiritual relationships. A collaboration of Christ Followers who don't necessarily believe the same thing, but are willing to discuss it and grow closer to God together. Now we separate everyone with every little disagreement. That is why there are hundreds of denominations, and its being used to control thinking and beliefs. The idea of discernment has totally left most Christians mind. They instead just believe whatever their pastor tells them. I am all for what the early church stood for; fellowship, small groups, prayer, worship, and discussion. However, the church in today's world is a multi-million probably billion dollar corporation, and that is unfortunate.


Veteran Member
Well first I will say that I believe that religion is truly a man made concept in which many have chosen to partake in. I personally don't see myself as apart of a religion, but rather I have faith in God. I also think there is a certain sense of ignorance to any religion or individual who thinks they have absolute truth, or think that someone is absolutely wrong. Of course there is the whole God is One theory, which has people believing that every religion leads to God; just in different ways. I'm not so sure you can make a great argument for that belief either. I believe religion has caused more problems for society, and has taken focus off what is really important. In my mind what is really important is for each individual to assess their own spiritual state and decide what they believe in and why? Also know that they could never be fully right, but rather feel at peace within their spiritual self.

i agree 100%...are you shocked?
you are right, no one can know for certain. all one can do is observe as best as they can. it is, in my opinion, an arrogant stance to assume one can understand the WHY of the mysteries in life...but nonetheless science has solved most mysteries with discovering the HOW...it's the "god particle" we are searching for. we may never find it...or we might...
for me, what is most important is to be true to myself, if i fail to uphold my integrity and self respect...which is indeed, not a pleasant experience...more frightening then any hell that has been imagined.
All truths are selective that is reality. I cannot sunbath in a snowstorm let alone my own truth. To claim truth to be reletive is claiming there is no truth. Claiming there is no truth is stating that claim to be conclusive- [the truth is there is no truth]. No one can claim anything without subjecting all other claims false. You cannot claim all religions to be similar without subjecting what they admire to be unique. The purpose of mankind, strckly from our ability to reason is to seek truth. If you claim truth to be unatainable the truth is unattainable. If you claim truth to be unknown you might be claiming the obviouse but if you refuse to seek it, then it is unattainable. This is not because the truth does not exist, this is because falsehood does not exist. Goodluck finding any purpose for life without it. Anything that promotes tolerance and skepticism is promoting devision not unity.