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The one true religion


Hey, I didn't know that preaching was against the rules here. Yippee!
From the forum rules:
. Proselytizing
The forums were set up for the purpose of sharing and understanding other religions and faiths, by discussion and debate. It is not to be used for converting others to your own faith. Or to place links or copy material from elsewhere, intended for this purpose. Such posts will be edited or removed and subject to moderation.


Its only a Label
Friend Godwilling,

The one true religion

Religion is only a path or a way undertaken for the journey inwards and one's life itself is one's path as knowingly or unknowingly ever form or no-form are all on the path of evolution and so is a path meaning each individual walks a path is true!

Love & rgds


Left Hand Path
I don't think she was addressing you, just the question in the forum.

Doesn't matter, I was addressing her.

Without truth there is no purpose, or right or wrong.

No, without Opposition, there is no purpose.

If I had nothing to Oppose my Life, then I wouldn't die and I wouldn't be alive, I would just be, as I am.

Without purpose, there is no truth or right or wrong, because false does exist, to make truth what it is.

Obviously, my Self evident truths differ greatly from yours, so which is it?

Are you right or am I?

Without those there is no way to validate the value of a human being.

None sense, everyone lives for Self gratification. Every act is done out of the conscious drive to better One's Self, even if these actions lay in the most "selfless" appeal.

I was asking if it is possible without truth to validate the law do not kill.
You are either assuming that law to be innate, which eludes to a creater, or you are claiming it to be learned by some system [natural law], or you have never even thought about it and are adopting the apple [do not kill] without the tree it came from [life is sacrid].

True laws are not broken.

The highest law of Life is Self Preservation, survival.

As if urgently built societies possessed no maculance.

All your freedoms came from some concept of value, and people die to give them to you.

People also die to take them from me.

So which is it?

Your arguement seems to be more of an adolescent rebelion against authority, and I would like some idea of moral oughtness without an authority.


You assume too much.
We are talking
I only assumed because you gave me nothing else
I have to play with my son for a couple of hours but I would like to expained on your ideas later.
Without opposition, there is no purpose?
Opposition is only an attribute of reaction and is codependent on whatever it is reacting to. If we are talking about the opposition toward a purpose the purpose must exceed the opposition. Opposition would again be the fruit and purpose the tree. The contrast between falsehoods and truths exist but only in recognition of truth, faslehoods are not identified in and of themselves but are only a result of an admitted existing truth. 2+2=4 because two of something existing and two of another existing something reduntantly reveal the existance of four, in contrast 2+2 does not equal 3. Falshoods again are the fruit and truth is the tree.

It is a bold statement to claim everyone lives for self-gratification, but again you have neglected to identify what value of life would be gratifying. Self-preservation would be considered the most grotesque form of moral reason and could never be recognized by governing social laws. Science would recognize self-gratification and self-preservation as two very different things. Self-gratification apears to always involve relevence and that is not attainable without some value or purpose outside ones self. Pychological egoism has multiple flaws of reason, but more than this, the attraction of such an idea appears to most moral phylosophy to be a hardheaded, deflationary attitude toward human pretensions and you still cannot validate the law do not kill. Even with all these apples, you have admitted a supposed truth (survival). Truth will always be the overiding value in a logical pattern of thought. Without at least recognizing the possability of one truth we will always assume too much.


Well-Known Member
I would just like to talk about the concept. I don't have to be right, I just like learning what I can so I can die with my eyes open.

I agree, and thanks to you, too! :)

I'm always more than happy to converse with folks.

And just in case it wasn't clear from the quote I posted, IOV truth is relative, too--just like everything else aside from God Himself!

Peace, :)

I do not know if all existance is reletive I have not thought about that before. I do believe physical existance or what I can only explain as finite expressions of essence are interdependent, chained one to the other and so subject, but there exist some things that are not subject to finit expressions such as passion, volition and actions, I cannot find any reason to think these not to be innate and It is wonderfull to realise that these recognize value or moral oughtness


Left Hand Path
Without opposition, there is no purpose?
Opposition is only an attribute of reaction and is codependent on whatever it is reacting to.

Yes, it reacts to itself.

If we are talking about the opposition toward a purpose the purpose must exceed the opposition.
Opposition would again be the fruit and purpose the tree.


Everything Opposes, that is the constitution of being, not One thing is the same as another, leading to specious symbology and fanatical divide.

The purpose of labels is to define other labels, for all words contradict the voice of the mind.

The contrast between falsehoods and truths exist but only in recognition of truth, faslehoods are not identified in and of themselves but are only a result of an admitted existing truth. 2+2=4 because two of something existing and two of another existing something reduntantly reveal the existance of four, in contrast 2+2 does not equal 3. Falshoods again are the fruit and truth is the tree.

The labor of Life is truth, it reveals Origin.

It is a bold statement to claim everyone lives for self-gratification, but again you have neglected to identify what value of life would be gratifying. Self-preservation would be considered the most grotesque form of moral reason and could never be recognized by governing social laws.

Do I need too?

All willful acts are done out of Self gratification. Whether it be to donate to charity, you gratify the emotion of achievement or being a "morally accepted" person.

Science would recognize self-gratification and self-preservation as two very different things.

I never said they were the same, merely that they are counter parts.

Self-gratification apears to always involve relevence and that is not attainable without some value or purpose outside ones self.

Yes, its called perception.

Pychological egoism has multiple flaws of reason, but more than this, the attraction of such an idea appears to most moral phylosophy to be a hardheaded, deflationary attitude toward human pretensions and you still cannot validate the law do not kill.

Ha, psychological egoism.

I do not possess a "deflationary attitude towards human pretensions", just that I have my own ideas that contend with flocks.

Even with all these apples, you have admitted a supposed truth (survival). Truth will always be the overiding value in a logical pattern of thought. Without at least recognizing the possability of one truth we will always assume too much.

Yes, you assume that I deny the possibility of truth.
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obviously things oppose each other.
oposition to oposition, that is your axiom?
this is just me signing off. I rest my case.
read the forum you are the trendy flock.
truth is a delusion right?
My signature sums it up......

Proof of intelligent design is all around us. The evolutionist likes to start with the simple cell in an ocean of primordial soup. My goodness does he ever look at what a simple cell is? ...........

The Simple cell.

The Incredible Cell
A living cell is enormously complex. Biologist Francis Crick endeavors to describe its workings simply, but he finally realizes that he can go only so far, "because it is so complicated the reader should not attempt to struggle with all the details." ..Life Itself, page 71

The instructions within the DNA of the cell, "if written out, would fill a thousand 600-page books," explains National Geographic. "Each cell is a world brimming with as many as two hundred trillion tiny groups of atoms called molecules. . . . Our 46 Chromosome 'threads' linked together would measure more than six feet. Yet the nucleus that contains them is less than four ten-thousandths of an inch in diameter." ...National Geographic, "The Awesome Worlds Within a Cell," by Rick Gore, September 1976, ages 357, 358, 360.

Newsweek magazine uses an illustration to give an idea of the cell's activities: "Each of those 100 trillion cells functions like a walled city. Power plants generate the cell's energy. Factories produce proteins, vital units of chemical commerce. Complex transportation systems guide specific chemicals from point to point within the cell and beyond. Sentries at the barricades
control the export and import markets, and monitor the outside world for signs of danger. Disciplined biological armies stand ready to grapple with invaders. A centralized genetic government maintains order." Newsweek, " The Secrets of the Human Cell," by Peter Gwynne,Sharon Begley and Mary Hager, August 20, 1979, page 48.

When the modern theory of evolution was first proposed, scientists had little inkling of the fantastic complexity of a living cell.



Active Member
Most religions have many things in common so I'd better consider the " MOST TRUE RELIGION" rather than the one true religion


Active Member
The One True Religion
is MINE!

NO Human on Earth will DISAGREE with the Statement that “The One True Religion is Mine!”

ENQUIRE…..into….the NATURE….of

I…Me….& …Mine..


Diamond Mine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Godwilling
"Even the most staunch believers have "one true religion" and denounce all other religions as false.
That amounts to everyone being atheist to all religions but their own."

Very wrong.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Proof of intelligent design is all around us. The evolutionist likes to start with the simple cell in an ocean of primordial soup. My goodness does he ever look at what a simple cell is? ...........

The Simple cell.

The Incredible Cell
A living cell is enormously complex. Biologist Francis Crick endeavors to describe its workings simply, but he finally realizes that he can go only so far, "because it is so complicated the reader should not attempt to struggle with all the details." ..Life Itself, page 71

The instructions within the DNA of the cell, "if written out, would fill a thousand 600-page books," explains National Geographic. "Each cell is a world brimming with as many as two hundred trillion tiny groups of atoms called molecules. . . . Our 46 Chromosome 'threads' linked together would measure more than six feet. Yet the nucleus that contains them is less than four ten-thousandths of an inch in diameter." ...National Geographic, "The Awesome Worlds Within a Cell," by Rick Gore, September 1976, ages 357, 358, 360.

Newsweek magazine uses an illustration to give an idea of the cell's activities: "Each of those 100 trillion cells functions like a walled city. Power plants generate the cell's energy. Factories produce proteins, vital units of chemical commerce. Complex transportation systems guide specific chemicals from point to point within the cell and beyond. Sentries at the barricades
control the export and import markets, and monitor the outside world for signs of danger. Disciplined biological armies stand ready to grapple with invaders. A centralized genetic government maintains order." Newsweek, " The Secrets of the Human Cell," by Peter Gwynne,Sharon Begley and Mary Hager, August 20, 1979, page 48.

When the modern theory of evolution was first proposed, scientists had little inkling of the fantastic complexity of a living cell.


We now have a genome database and can compare multiple species on the planet so even though DNA structure is enormous it's not difficult to understand. Scientist are making great strides to help in that understanding.

Don't feed into the propaganda that because something seems complex and you don't have an answer for it's complexity then a god must have made it that way. Once upon a time not so long ago (historically speaking) man thought thunder and lightning was from the gods but we know today that's not true. Some believed earthquakes was the wrath of "God" but geologist corrected misunderstandings like this long ago. Man thought the Earth was the center of the solar system and the sun revolved around it but we know today that's not right at all.

While complexity exist and for alot of things we don't have answer it doesn't mean we will never have one. You can bet the answer won't involve invoking which ever flavor of deity the scientist want to dream up.


Active Member
Proof of intelligent design is all around us. The evolutionist likes to start with the simple cell in an ocean of primordial soup. My goodness does he ever look at what a simple cell is? ...........

The Simple cell.

The Incredible Cell
A living cell is enormously complex. Biologist Francis Crick endeavors to describe its workings simply, but he finally realizes that he can go only so far, "because it is so complicated the reader should not attempt to struggle with all the details." ..Life Itself, page 71

The instructions within the DNA of the cell, "if written out, would fill a thousand 600-page books," explains National Geographic. "Each cell is a world brimming with as many as two hundred trillion tiny groups of atoms called molecules. . . . Our 46 Chromosome 'threads' linked together would measure more than six feet. Yet the nucleus that contains them is less than four ten-thousandths of an inch in diameter." ...National Geographic, "The Awesome Worlds Within a Cell," by Rick Gore, September 1976, ages 357, 358, 360.

Newsweek magazine uses an illustration to give an idea of the cell's activities: "Each of those 100 trillion cells functions like a walled city. Power plants generate the cell's energy. Factories produce proteins, vital units of chemical commerce. Complex transportation systems guide specific chemicals from point to point within the cell and beyond. Sentries at the barricades
control the export and import markets, and monitor the outside world for signs of danger. Disciplined biological armies stand ready to grapple with invaders. A centralized genetic government maintains order." Newsweek, " The Secrets of the Human Cell," by Peter Gwynne,Sharon Begley and Mary Hager, August 20, 1979, page 48.

When the modern theory of evolution was first proposed, scientists had little inkling of the fantastic complexity of a living cell.


Outstanding. Now, not being an evolutionist myself (science, schmience), here is an ideal opportunity to detail your intelligent design theory for me. My breath is indeed bated and my pencil is sharpened and poised for notation. The truth about how we are who we are, finally....but please, please, no magic....begin.


Well-Known Member
Even the most staunch believers have "one true religion" and denounce all other religions as false.
That amounts to everyone being atheist to all religions but their own. If we ask people their opinion on all religions and calculate a mean (in colloquial terms people call the mean, "average"), our calculations would reveal that the majority would find all religions as false.

Are there people that believe in all religions, or most religions, or are all religions, or most, mutually exclusive? Or is there a one true religion, and which is it?

I gotta hand it to them "Jesus freaks." I hadda scrap my "Gwynnite religion; I couldn't go up to strangers with open arms of love just to get a kick in the nutz... say what to my Gwynnies! But the Gwynnite agenda remains - I'm the least, she's the most; between us we shall elevate the entire race to a new level of consciousness. What's wrong with that? ;)

The "true religions" are the ones unspoke. Honor without horror, integrity without insult; the Code. And I have found spiritual beings can manage to interact without a lot of labeling... but as soon as someone goes, "But Jesus said..." I have to interrupt - that was Paul, with Agenda... :D because the path does not make one righteous, only god; and to fellow travelers I can concede right with grace.