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The Origin of All Earths Religions


Active Member
Hi Folks..

In this modern world, there are many many religions - many many gods and deities - many many "belief systems" that try to explain how mankind came to Be and how we arrive at our current predicamant...Trouble with all that, is first - they nearly all rely on an element of "supernatural occurrences" - things not of this world that we are then asked to take on "faith" and to place absolute trust in the religion as truth, without any hard or concrete evidence at all..Second of course, because these religions indeed always become a "power base" and a means to control the masses, so they have become corrupt from their ORIGINAL truth and understanding - nearly always this is so - and especially so with the dominant western Judaic religions...The things we now take as "religious myth" or fable or legend or allegory - were all actually once, the living truth and real world events that the founders of these religions experienced directly - but over time, twisted and changed - often with a definate agenda - to become that worldwide confusion we call religion today and which DIVIDES us fully one faction from another...

When though - with an honest open mind - without any preconceptions - without any religious bias or affiliation at all - we take a close look at ALL the worlds religions - we can indeed trace them all back to a single time and place that starts it all off....And most suprising of all - this starting point time and place for ALL the "SPIRITUAL wisdom" in the world today - well actually - its NOT SPIRITUAL AT ALL - all the worlds religions NOW, are actually founded WHOLLY in SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY if anything - and there is nothing actually supernatural about mans creation or how we ACTUALLY came to be here in this present circumstance...The actual PHYSICAL TRUTH was laid out for all to see way back at the very start of ANY civilisation ANYWHERE on Earth - like the very VERY first established cities - that which we call ancient SUMER - from THIS origin ALL the religions will eventually become fully established...How and why this happens is all recorded in step by step narratives that are UNALTERABLE physical hard evidence....

Clay tablets - cannot be altered - what we read there is the truth as recorded by those humans who were present and experienced directly the things they record..There are literally THOUSANDS of such artifacts found - and they record EVERYTHING about these people and their culture - their beliefs and origins - and there is lots and lots and LOTS of undeniable evidence that tells us the things recorded MUST be indeed, truth - for things THEY knew back then and took for granted, we modern humans are only now verifying with our modern technology....There can be no doubt - these clay tablets contain precise and accurate SCIENTIFIC knowledge that there is simply no feasable way for the early humans to know or comprehend - yet clearly they DO know it, wrote it down for us to know also - and as said MODERN science is only just now realising the things that these Ancients spoke of openly with complete authority and knowledge...

Thats pretty crucial to grasp so we should let it sink in deep Folks....ANCIENT MAN - KNEW of such scientific knowledge as for example - the manipulation of DNA - something modern man has only learned last century or so - but which is described accurately in step by step experimentation, as recorded on those clay tablets - for sure they DID know it as they wrote it down clearly......ANCIENT MAN - knew a complete and accurate arrangement of our Solar System - knew and named planets AND their moons and again, MOST of THEIR knowledge is only verified in modern times by man and our TECHNOLOGY that proves for sure the things that they AL:READY KNEW and recorded...For sure beyond any reasonable doubt - these people knew and understood a whole wide range of cultural and scientific issues that we believe are simply BEYOND THEIR CAPABILITY - and yet hard physical evidence exists the world over that undeniably proves this ancient Sumerian source as our original truth for literally EVERYTHING in the world today....

So the question then has to be first - WHERE did THEY themselves say they got this wisdom..??...The clear answer is that it did NOT COME FROM A GOD - NOT from ANY form of "spiritual being" - not from any form of "supernatural event" - but clearly as THEY RECORD - all this creation of mankind and our entire history, is caused by FLESH AND BLOOD LIVING CREATURES - exactly the same as You and I in many many respects as THEY will use their OWN dna to hybridise a primate species that they find ALREADY HERE - they manipulate the natural proceeses of life to bring about a new species - mankind - and this is done expressly as they need an animal slave to carry out physical long lasting labour tasks for them...Their own account is VERY VERY detailed - written down with the full and expressed purpose of TEACHING mankind the truth of our origins - and look - there is NOTHING SUPERNATURAL about it - it is a narrative of PHYSICAL flesh and blood SCIENTISTS who travel the cosmos in TECHNOLOGICAL machines ( we call them spaceships) and who used their knowledge and wisdom to alter life here to suit their own purposes....

Now as I say there are thousands of these artifacts still waiting to be interpreted - and its a very VERY easy process - as they lay out for us the actual history of language itself (and every other aspect of culture and society we could think of, for here is the start of them all) - and knowing that which they intended to do to us they recorded a kind of world first "dictionary" and translation tool - with knowledge written side by side in differing comparable languages that they literally INVENTED and taught to mankind..The whole history of the Earth is explained - with as said many many undeniable hard evidence sources that verify everything so recorded...Lucky for us - or perhaps it was "fate" and "destiny" - right at the start of this discovery process - out of thousands and thousands of such clay tablet records - we just happened to find the COMPLETE SET and complete history - as written directly by one of the leaders of this "off world" visitors - one named Enki who was indeed first off worlder to arrive here and then went on to literally create mankind directly from the species he found ALREADY alive and thriving..

The Sumerians - literally over night in terms of mans actual history - went from no permanant culture at all - no established cities - no society or permanant settlements anywhere - and then out of nowhere fully formed "city states" with complete social structure and mega advanced building methods, and all that mega advanced SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE sprang up in just a few short centuries - so modern academia has us believe..even today with modern technology and modern machines and building techniques, still, WE CANNOT MATCH THEIR BUILDING ACHIEVEMENTS !!! In fact, we have absolutely no idea at all HOW they managed to build these huge pyramids, zigarutts, cities - constructed with SOLID BLOCKS OF STONE THAT WEIGH HUNDREDS OF TONNES - and the feat itself baffles modern engineers who cannot achieve anything like..

HOW did they manage to align them to stars in the cosmos they are supposed to have no DIRECT way of knowing about..??...HOW did they even quarry cut and transport such HUGE blocks of solid stone and lift them hundreds of feet into the air and place them with such supra accuracy..??..According to modern understanding, these people a few years before this were hunting wild game with bows and arrows and followjng the herds living in a tent off of the land - yet just a few centuries later, such truly astounding feats are accomplished with ease, the entire world over...How and why they did this - and how and why we humans came to worship them fully as "gods" - is fully explained in these tablets - specifically, a set of fourteen tablets that are claimed by the one called Enki to be the actual truth and actual history of how we came to be...They contain so much undeniable proof that I for one say it must be a complete legitimate PHYSICAL truth - for the details and things revealed are beyond any other way of knowing unless the man writing these words is speaking truth then there is NO WAY should these things be known back then...Therefore what he says MUST be true as we can and do verify all the important physical things revealed - even right back to the formation of the solar system and the planets themselves...

As I say strongly and emphasise here - everything PHYSICAL is fully explained by these space travelling scientists - off worlders - they call them selves Annunaki - but - there is NOTHING SPIRITUAL about it - not directly spiritual at least - though a few times they speak openly of THEIR OWN GOD and spiritual truth - the Father of All Beginning - is how they term it - a great none physical spirit - but this is NEVER fully explained at all, only hinted at - as if they believe such a thing exists, but truly DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT, and when this spiritual element finally reveals itself here, it will BAFFLE these Annunaki who are confused as to what is really happening....Certainly though - they themselves are NOT GODS - and at first they state this very openly and candidly - but later, some will see this as a means to gain power and control over the humans they create, and so they will come to portray themselves as "spiritual gods" - when really they have ALWAYS been FLESH AND BLOOD CREATURES exactly like You and I...
i recommend you the holy quran first.
there is not any distortion and contradiction in it and its the last and final message of God for salvation of all mankind.
God bless you.


Active Member
Hi Folks..

In this modern world, there are many many religions - many many gods and deities - many many "belief systems" that try to explain how mankind came to Be and how we arrive at our current predicamant...Trouble with all that, is first - they nearly all rely on an element of "supernatural occurrences" - things not of this world that we are then asked to take on "faith" and to place absolute trust in the religion as truth, without any hard or concrete evidence at all..Second of course, because these religions indeed always become a "power base" and a means to control the masses, so they have become corrupt from their ORIGINAL truth and understanding - nearly always this is so - and especially so with the dominant western Judaic religions...The things we now take as "religious myth" or fable or legend or allegory - were all actually once, the living truth and real world events that the founders of these religions experienced directly - but over time, twisted and changed - often with a definate agenda - to become that worldwide confusion we call religion today and which DIVIDES us fully one faction from another...

When though - with an honest open mind - without any preconceptions - without any religious bias or affiliation at all - we take a close look at ALL the worlds religions - we can indeed trace them all back to a single time and place that starts it all off....And most suprising of all - this starting point time and place for ALL the "SPIRITUAL wisdom" in the world today - well actually - its NOT SPIRITUAL AT ALL - all the worlds religions NOW, are actually founded WHOLLY in SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY if anything - and there is nothing actually supernatural about mans creation or how we ACTUALLY came to be here in this present circumstance...The actual PHYSICAL TRUTH was laid out for all to see way back at the very start of ANY civilisation ANYWHERE on Earth - like the very VERY first established cities - that which we call ancient SUMER - from THIS origin ALL the religions will eventually become fully established...How and why this happens is all recorded in step by step narratives that are UNALTERABLE physical hard evidence....

Clay tablets - cannot be altered - what we read there is the truth as recorded by those humans who were present and experienced directly the things they record..There are literally THOUSANDS of such artifacts found - and they record EVERYTHING about these people and their culture - their beliefs and origins - and there is lots and lots and LOTS of undeniable evidence that tells us the things recorded MUST be indeed, truth - for things THEY knew back then and took for granted, we modern humans are only now verifying with our modern technology....There can be no doubt - these clay tablets contain precise and accurate SCIENTIFIC knowledge that there is simply no feasable way for the early humans to know or comprehend - yet clearly they DO know it, wrote it down for us to know also - and as said MODERN science is only just now realising the things that these Ancients spoke of openly with complete authority and knowledge...

Thats pretty crucial to grasp so we should let it sink in deep Folks....ANCIENT MAN - KNEW of such scientific knowledge as for example - the manipulation of DNA - something modern man has only learned last century or so - but which is described accurately in step by step experimentation, as recorded on those clay tablets - for sure they DID know it as they wrote it down clearly......ANCIENT MAN - knew a complete and accurate arrangement of our Solar System - knew and named planets AND their moons and again, MOST of THEIR knowledge is only verified in modern times by man and our TECHNOLOGY that proves for sure the things that they AL:READY KNEW and recorded...For sure beyond any reasonable doubt - these people knew and understood a whole wide range of cultural and scientific issues that we believe are simply BEYOND THEIR CAPABILITY - and yet hard physical evidence exists the world over that undeniably proves this ancient Sumerian source as our original truth for literally EVERYTHING in the world today....

So the question then has to be first - WHERE did THEY themselves say they got this wisdom..??...The clear answer is that it did NOT COME FROM A GOD - NOT from ANY form of "spiritual being" - not from any form of "supernatural event" - but clearly as THEY RECORD - all this creation of mankind and our entire history, is caused by FLESH AND BLOOD LIVING CREATURES - exactly the same as You and I in many many respects as THEY will use their OWN dna to hybridise a primate species that they find ALREADY HERE - they manipulate the natural proceeses of life to bring about a new species - mankind - and this is done expressly as they need an animal slave to carry out physical long lasting labour tasks for them...Their own account is VERY VERY detailed - written down with the full and expressed purpose of TEACHING mankind the truth of our origins - and look - there is NOTHING SUPERNATURAL about it - it is a narrative of PHYSICAL flesh and blood SCIENTISTS who travel the cosmos in TECHNOLOGICAL machines ( we call them spaceships) and who used their knowledge and wisdom to alter life here to suit their own purposes....

Now as I say there are thousands of these artifacts still waiting to be interpreted - and its a very VERY easy process - as they lay out for us the actual history of language itself (and every other aspect of culture and society we could think of, for here is the start of them all) - and knowing that which they intended to do to us they recorded a kind of world first "dictionary" and translation tool - with knowledge written side by side in differing comparable languages that they literally INVENTED and taught to mankind..The whole history of the Earth is explained - with as said many many undeniable hard evidence sources that verify everything so recorded...Lucky for us - or perhaps it was "fate" and "destiny" - right at the start of this discovery process - out of thousands and thousands of such clay tablet records - we just happened to find the COMPLETE SET and complete history - as written directly by one of the leaders of this "off world" visitors - one named Enki who was indeed first off worlder to arrive here and then went on to literally create mankind directly from the species he found ALREADY alive and thriving..

The Sumerians - literally over night in terms of mans actual history - went from no permanant culture at all - no established cities - no society or permanant settlements anywhere - and then out of nowhere fully formed "city states" with complete social structure and mega advanced building methods, and all that mega advanced SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE sprang up in just a few short centuries - so modern academia has us believe..even today with modern technology and modern machines and building techniques, still, WE CANNOT MATCH THEIR BUILDING ACHIEVEMENTS !!! In fact, we have absolutely no idea at all HOW they managed to build these huge pyramids, zigarutts, cities - constructed with SOLID BLOCKS OF STONE THAT WEIGH HUNDREDS OF TONNES - and the feat itself baffles modern engineers who cannot achieve anything like..

HOW did they manage to align them to stars in the cosmos they are supposed to have no DIRECT way of knowing about..??...HOW did they even quarry cut and transport such HUGE blocks of solid stone and lift them hundreds of feet into the air and place them with such supra accuracy..??..According to modern understanding, these people a few years before this were hunting wild game with bows and arrows and followjng the herds living in a tent off of the land - yet just a few centuries later, such truly astounding feats are accomplished with ease, the entire world over...How and why they did this - and how and why we humans came to worship them fully as "gods" - is fully explained in these tablets - specifically, a set of fourteen tablets that are claimed by the one called Enki to be the actual truth and actual history of how we came to be...They contain so much undeniable proof that I for one say it must be a complete legitimate PHYSICAL truth - for the details and things revealed are beyond any other way of knowing unless the man writing these words is speaking truth then there is NO WAY should these things be known back then...Therefore what he says MUST be true as we can and do verify all the important physical things revealed - even right back to the formation of the solar system and the planets themselves...

As I say strongly and emphasise here - everything PHYSICAL is fully explained by these space travelling scientists - off worlders - they call them selves Annunaki - but - there is NOTHING SPIRITUAL about it - not directly spiritual at least - though a few times they speak openly of THEIR OWN GOD and spiritual truth - the Father of All Beginning - is how they term it - a great none physical spirit - but this is NEVER fully explained at all, only hinted at - as if they believe such a thing exists, but truly DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT, and when this spiritual element finally reveals itself here, it will BAFFLE these Annunaki who are confused as to what is really happening....Certainly though - they themselves are NOT GODS - and at first they state this very openly and candidly - but later, some will see this as a means to gain power and control over the humans they create, and so they will come to portray themselves as "spiritual gods" - when really they have ALWAYS been FLESH AND BLOOD CREATURES exactly like You and I...
if someone recites the holy quran carefully and ponder to its content, realizes that the holy Quran is not human word and its the devine miracle.
i invite you to study this devine books to test its sweetness.
God almighty in chapter 2, verse 23 of the holy quran invite others that if they dont believe the devinity of the holy quran bring one chapter like this!
and confirms that the holy quran is God's revelation.
God says in this verse:
And if you are in doubt as to that which We have revealed to Our servant, then produce a chapter like it and call on your witnesses besides Allah if you are truthful.
and also confirms and guaranteed maintaining his final books for guidance of all mankind.
in chapter 15, verse 9, the all merciful God says:
Surely We have revealed the Reminder and We will most surely be its guardian


Aštara, Blade of Aštoreth
I absolutely love the Enuma Elis and actually do incorporate it into my spiritual-religious system. Although I have no issue using the term "extraterrestrial" to describe various Celestial beings and "gods" who did not originate on earth, Sitchin's interpretation of it just feels too inaccurate.

For example, his depiction of Tiamat as a planet cleaved in two is interesting, and I am glad that he considered alternative ways to interpret these ancient myths... but it defeats the entire purpose of the battle of Marduk vs Tiamat. That myth is about Order vs Chaos, the younger generation against the primordial generation, being one of mankind's first Chaoskampf motifs as Marduk becomes a savior among Gods in an epic battle of hero vs dragon.

The rest of Zecharia Sitchin's interpretations are interesting to read, but honestly I just enjoy the Sumerian/ Babylonian myths as they are, while considering any influences they might have had on certain biblical stories and Abrahamic myths.


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Well-Known Member
Why do you think that?
They are, quite literally, pure inventions that are purposefully self-serving. They are hierarchical, aggrandizing one individual or group over others.
Even in their purest form, they thrive on the prospect of self - self fulfillment, self enlightenment, self awareness, self preservation, etc.

I'd challenge you to name me a world religion that's not any of those things.

This selfishness is true of even the most egalitarian attempts.

There's a deeper discussion that could be had here about the necessity of selfishness for survival - but that's a bit off topic.


Active Member
Hi Folks..

I find it rather curious that with all the advanced knowledge you claim these ancient ancients had, the best they could come up with to write it all down is on clay tablets...

Ah but it can hardly be called a mere "claim" now can it..??..More like undeniable truth - for sure the ancients DID know all the things I present here as they wrote it clearly for us to read about....These people should have no concept at all of ANY of it - should they..??..

Certainly they should not know even that the Earth is round even - as according to accepted "wisdom" this startling revelation is a modern notion and according to all our modern sources ancient man at THAT time believed fully the earth was FLAT - but oops - these here in Sumeria not only know its round - they know a beardless type of man lives across the ocean and they even know WHY he is indeed, beardless..lol as they understand and fully describe the FUNDAMENTAL aspects of life and creation - dna as said, FULLY UNDERSTOOD and recounted in detail...Earths MAGNETIC SPHERE fully explained in detail....And all that MONUMENTAL BUILDING WORK that even we modern man simply baffles us how they did it.....

And not only the Earth and its secrets of course - but they SOMEHOW know the ENTIRE solar system ACCURATELY - and again even still today we are just RE DISCOVERING facts that they ALREADY knew and recorded ACCURATELY...

All that plus many more examples - are really quite undeniable - they DID know and understand all this and we can be sure of that simply because of the CONTENT of the things they write about...HOW DID THEY MANAGE THIS..??????.......

Do you (all) honestly believe they just "guessed" all this ACCURATE scientific knowledge..??...lol...WISE UP - the ONLY plausable explanation IS the one they themselves offer - OFF WORLDERS who are very technologically advanced, scientifically supra intelligent compared to even modern man - THESE taught us EVERYTHING !!

Think about ALL the advanced concepts mentioned - HOW did they come up with ANY of it..???? We are told they are hunter gatherers living in tents following herds just a short time frame before...There most advanced technology seems to be the bow and arrow lol - and they have no cause at all to be wondering about ANY of the things mentioned here...In a few centureies they go from NOTHING at all to fully formed CITY STATES that as said even modern man has NO EXPLANATION for their achievements...Its probalbly best then to simply allow THIER OWN explanation to stand - for after all ALL THEIR KNOWLEDGE IS ACCURATE - so we have no reason even to doubt them when they tell us a source FOR that wisdom - do we..??...Everything they say regarding mans PHYSICAL condition and circumstance, is verified as legitimate truth - the base foundation is absolutely sound and verified - so there is no reason at all then to doubt their other truths either regarding mans progression and how civilisation unfolded..

Anybody got any other credable explanation for ALL their advanced wisdom and culture - then lets hear it please..??....

Oh yes - nearly forgot - CLAY TABLETS - WHY them specifically when they have TECHNOLOGY..??....I have already answered the question for you - anticipated it -so I answered it first and even emphasised it with bold lettering as I do - they use CLAY tablets - simply because as stated - Enki WANTS MAN TO HAVE TRUTH and openly declares this is the intention and reason why he is writng it all down - and he is LIVING THROUGH all this poitical and regional turmoil - seeing all manner of deceptions and subterfuge begin - and so it is written down in an UNALTERABLE FORM - the ORIGINAL truth that he knows nobody can come along later and alter - CLAY TABLETS - cannot be EDITED or changed - only defaced or destroyed - thus there can be no twisting of Enkis truth to mankind......And ot ensure the truth survies - the Sumerians REPRODUCED their works over and over again - EVERY CITY had an IDENTICAL LIBRARY - set up exaclty like a modern library actually...Shelves containing COMPLETE sets of tabalets - with as said a DICTIONARY provided - and a CATALOGUE tablet that tells us how many tablets for each scenario and in what order to read them etc etc - all recorded fully with names of patron "gods" given and ALSO names of mortal SCRIBE who is doing the actual engraving.....They kept meticulous long and detailed records about EVERYTHING - and all the important stuff as said, is reproduced and spread out among all their cities - rules and laws for society are found accurately word for word reproduced - same for their history - like these things are base foundation for their entire society...

Clay was the obvious choice - they are not going to set up technological processes to produce PAPER as they have no need for it - this was supposed to be a QUICK assignment remember - and consider the FIRST human s created were bred to be DUMB brutes and so such processes were beyond them anyway at first...WHY waste time and effort producing technology to record a history that NO ONE CAN READ !!! When it was decided to colonise Earth properly THEN these city states appear along with the recorded history.....So appreciate then - this is done "as needs must" -they didnt expect to start a whole civilisation here and were at first, not even prepared properly to achieve that when they first arrived....Later - more technology is bought here by later arrivals - but they are only doing that which they NEED to do - quick mining colony - job done - go home they think...Certainly then - they are NOT going to "open up an apple store" and start mass producing technology as some jokers say lol......Its a ridiculous idea given the context of all this...

So they are not going to mass produce their technology for Earth people who ar eintheir first infant stage if intellectual development - why should they..??...But when they decide to make a semi permanat colony - then they likewise make it "home from home" and set themselves up fully - THEN we start to see recorded history appear..Clay would be the PERFECT media at THAT time - for as Enki expressly said - clay tablets cannot be altered by man or other "gods" - the truth can only be replaced or destroyed but never twisted again to dominate the others - and Enki seems to be all about truth above all things - especially after that mysterious Being of Light practically orders him to look out for mankind....

The origin of religion is selfishness

Yes Id have to agree there in part at least -- the selfishness of the one named Mardok who decreed himself lord of all and tried to take it all by force - HE and his purely selfish mentality as he renamed himself Ra the supreme and this gave rise to religions in his name that went on to morph into many forms the world over - and the second cause for religion alongside this selfishness - was the absolute DELUSION of Anana who likewise declared herself an immortal DIVINE goddess Ishtar and this in turn gave rise to other forms of religion that were directly opposed to the Mardok clan...Selfish desire - egomaniacal behaviour in the one camp - and pure mental delusion in the other camp - gave rise to ALL the modern religions we now have...

Zahra; Thanks for the recommendations - but to be honest - I already know THAT "god" fully - and truth be told - it aint a god at all - sorry - your god is indeed one of these Annunaki and its religious origins are easy to trace - once a moon goddess - yet another "wannabe" claiming full dominion over us all - not legitimate though and that is easy to verify - NOT a SPIRITUAL entity at all - a purely FLESH AND BLOOD CREATURE - exactly like You and I - everything presented here is the PHYSICAL truth - but there is bare hint of anything spiritual revealed bu these we call gods ;)

Indeed - I will give you (all) a recomendation of my own - IF we want the SPIRITUAL truth to all this - then honestly -the only source to trust is CHRIST - for He alone speaks of coming form a place that is OUTSIDE of space and time as we comprehend it - a place that He said was SOURCE of all things - spoke openly about it - said most clearly that no Soul here EVER - not even these "gods above" He said have EVER encountered the truth or the realm of the kegitimate Father - HE ALONE shows that truth - not these wannabes - for those with ears to hear...

or example, his depiction of Tiamat as a planet cleaved in two is interesting, and I am glad that he considered alternative ways to interpret these ancient myths... but it defeats the entire purpose of the battle of Marduk vs Tiamat. That myth is about Order vs Chaos, the younger generation against the primordial generation, being one of mankind's first Chaoskampf motifs as Marduk becomes a savior among Gods in an epic battle of hero vs dragon.

Hmm - you are looking at it all wrong - back to front....It was an ACTUAL PHYSICAL OCCURRENCE - not a myth or legend at all but a REAL WORLD EVENT...Now - PRIMITIVE man gave that interpretation of "gods battling" as they struggled to understand things they were told but had no way of DIRECTLY experiencing....But look - the ANNUNKI - DID experience it DIRECTLY - so Enki records it as a NATURAL explainable event and lays out precisely what happened in the PHYSICAL universe as THEY witness it directly....To these "gods" - as said - all this is PHYSICAL and they are BAFFLED when spiritual elements finally show them selves clearly...

LATER - mankind will struggle to comprehend of course - and especially AFTER the flood most knoweldge is lost and they start again - so once factual events became twisted truth and misunderstood - passed by word of mouth they became altered by MAN - not by Annunaki who wrote it all down UNALTERABLE - but by man ourselves with our divided heritage...I stress it again -to these Annunaki -tot hese "gods" - this is NOT a spiritual battle between Chaos and Order - nothign like - to THEM it is a NATURAL cosmic event with purely PHYSICAL causes - namely their own planet entering into a new system...

MAN alone provided the allegory for all the myth and "supernatural" things that MAN could not explain..As said though - there is an element of LEGITIMATE spiritual truth here - and when this is finally realised as said, it completely BAFFLES these "gods" for they are NOT gods at all - and although they often mention their spiritual beliefs it is clear they do not UNDERSTAND the nature of the Divine any more than our modern religions do...Certainly they DO NOT see the planets as "gods" and that explanation is purely mans allegorical interpretation for things he cannot directly comprehend...WE though CAN comprehend as WE have been out there in space and seen such things DIRECTLY and the knowledge is common knowledge to us all - thus to us modern man, such things recorded sound like myth but alongside is truth as we view things now exaclty as the Annunaki did back then...

We see physical truth and cause and affect - but early man could only interpret it ALLEGORICALLY - gods came here AMONG them and they know this is true because they live SIDE BY SIDE every day..They are warring each other disagrreiing fighting always - and look - they CAME FROM THE STARS...Perfectly natural then for man to think assume that the stars themselves are likewise at war, fiighting each other...

For my Self -the myth - the allegory - will never satisfy alone - I want the LIVING truth of it - of ALL things - only Gnosis can satisfy the Soul..

Jonathan Ainsley Bain

Logical Positivist
I find it rather curious that with all the advanced knowledge you claim these ancient ancients had, the best they could come up with to write it all down is on clay tablets...

Its to remind us of our origins.
Clay tablets have that authentic mystic feel to them.
If you found a computer printout that was 4 billion years old, would you believe it?


Admiral Obvious
Hi Folks..


Ah but it can hardly be called a mere "claim" now can it..??..More like undeniable truth - for sure the ancients DID know all the things I present here as they wrote it clearly for us to read about....These people should have no concept at all of ANY of it - should they..??..

Certainly they should not know even that the Earth is round even - as according to accepted "wisdom" this startling revelation is a modern notion and according to all our modern sources ancient man at THAT time believed fully the earth was FLAT - but oops - these here in Sumeria not only know its round - they know a beardless type of man lives across the ocean and they even know WHY he is indeed, beardless..lol as they understand and fully describe the FUNDAMENTAL aspects of life and creation - dna as said, FULLY UNDERSTOOD and recounted in detail...Earths MAGNETIC SPHERE fully explained in detail....And all that MONUMENTAL BUILDING WORK that even we modern man simply baffles us how they did it.....

And not only the Earth and its secrets of course - but they SOMEHOW know the ENTIRE solar system ACCURATELY - and again even still today we are just RE DISCOVERING facts that they ALREADY knew and recorded ACCURATELY...

All that plus many more examples - are really quite undeniable - they DID know and understand all this and we can be sure of that simply because of the CONTENT of the things they write about...HOW DID THEY MANAGE THIS..??????.......

Do you (all) honestly believe they just "guessed" all this ACCURATE scientific knowledge..??...lol...WISE UP - the ONLY plausable explanation IS the one they themselves offer - OFF WORLDERS who are very technologically advanced, scientifically supra intelligent compared to even modern man - THESE taught us EVERYTHING !!

Think about ALL the advanced concepts mentioned - HOW did they come up with ANY of it..???? We are told they are hunter gatherers living in tents following herds just a short time frame before...There most advanced technology seems to be the bow and arrow lol - and they have no cause at all to be wondering about ANY of the things mentioned here...In a few centureies they go from NOTHING at all to fully formed CITY STATES that as said even modern man has NO EXPLANATION for their achievements...Its probalbly best then to simply allow THIER OWN explanation to stand - for after all ALL THEIR KNOWLEDGE IS ACCURATE - so we have no reason even to doubt them when they tell us a source FOR that wisdom - do we..??...Everything they say regarding mans PHYSICAL condition and circumstance, is verified as legitimate truth - the base foundation is absolutely sound and verified - so there is no reason at all then to doubt their other truths either regarding mans progression and how civilisation unfolded..

Anybody got any other credable explanation for ALL their advanced wisdom and culture - then lets hear it please..??....

Oh yes - nearly forgot - CLAY TABLETS - WHY them specifically when they have TECHNOLOGY..??....I have already answered the question for you - anticipated it -so I answered it first and even emphasised it with bold lettering as I do - they use CLAY tablets - simply because as stated - Enki WANTS MAN TO HAVE TRUTH and openly declares this is the intention and reason why he is writng it all down - and he is LIVING THROUGH all this poitical and regional turmoil - seeing all manner of deceptions and subterfuge begin - and so it is written down in an UNALTERABLE FORM - the ORIGINAL truth that he knows nobody can come along later and alter - CLAY TABLETS - cannot be EDITED or changed - only defaced or destroyed - thus there can be no twisting of Enkis truth to mankind......And ot ensure the truth survies - the Sumerians REPRODUCED their works over and over again - EVERY CITY had an IDENTICAL LIBRARY - set up exaclty like a modern library actually...Shelves containing COMPLETE sets of tabalets - with as said a DICTIONARY provided - and a CATALOGUE tablet that tells us how many tablets for each scenario and in what order to read them etc etc - all recorded fully with names of patron "gods" given and ALSO names of mortal SCRIBE who is doing the actual engraving.....They kept meticulous long and detailed records about EVERYTHING - and all the important stuff as said, is reproduced and spread out among all their cities - rules and laws for society are found accurately word for word reproduced - same for their history - like these things are base foundation for their entire society...

Clay was the obvious choice - they are not going to set up technological processes to produce PAPER as they have no need for it - this was supposed to be a QUICK assignment remember - and consider the FIRST human s created were bred to be DUMB brutes and so such processes were beyond them anyway at first...WHY waste time and effort producing technology to record a history that NO ONE CAN READ !!! When it was decided to colonise Earth properly THEN these city states appear along with the recorded history.....So appreciate then - this is done "as needs must" -they didnt expect to start a whole civilisation here and were at first, not even prepared properly to achieve that when they first arrived....Later - more technology is bought here by later arrivals - but they are only doing that which they NEED to do - quick mining colony - job done - go home they think...Certainly then - they are NOT going to "open up an apple store" and start mass producing technology as some jokers say lol......Its a ridiculous idea given the context of all this...

So they are not going to mass produce their technology for Earth people who ar eintheir first infant stage if intellectual development - why should they..??...But when they decide to make a semi permanat colony - then they likewise make it "home from home" and set themselves up fully - THEN we start to see recorded history appear..Clay would be the PERFECT media at THAT time - for as Enki expressly said - clay tablets cannot be altered by man or other "gods" - the truth can only be replaced or destroyed but never twisted again to dominate the others - and Enki seems to be all about truth above all things - especially after that mysterious Being of Light practically orders him to look out for mankind....


Yes Id have to agree there in part at least -- the selfishness of the one named Mardok who decreed himself lord of all and tried to take it all by force - HE and his purely selfish mentality as he renamed himself Ra the supreme and this gave rise to religions in his name that went on to morph into many forms the world over - and the second cause for religion alongside this selfishness - was the absolute DELUSION of Anana who likewise declared herself an immortal DIVINE goddess Ishtar and this in turn gave rise to other forms of religion that were directly opposed to the Mardok clan...Selfish desire - egomaniacal behaviour in the one camp - and pure mental delusion in the other camp - gave rise to ALL the modern religions we now have...

Zahra; Thanks for the recommendations - but to be honest - I already know THAT "god" fully - and truth be told - it aint a god at all - sorry - your god is indeed one of these Annunaki and its religious origins are easy to trace - once a moon goddess - yet another "wannabe" claiming full dominion over us all - not legitimate though and that is easy to verify - NOT a SPIRITUAL entity at all - a purely FLESH AND BLOOD CREATURE - exactly like You and I - everything presented here is the PHYSICAL truth - but there is bare hint of anything spiritual revealed bu these we call gods ;)

Indeed - I will give you (all) a recomendation of my own - IF we want the SPIRITUAL truth to all this - then honestly -the only source to trust is CHRIST - for He alone speaks of coming form a place that is OUTSIDE of space and time as we comprehend it - a place that He said was SOURCE of all things - spoke openly about it - said most clearly that no Soul here EVER - not even these "gods above" He said have EVER encountered the truth or the realm of the kegitimate Father - HE ALONE shows that truth - not these wannabes - for those with ears to hear...


Hmm - you are looking at it all wrong - back to front....It was an ACTUAL PHYSICAL OCCURRENCE - not a myth or legend at all but a REAL WORLD EVENT...Now - PRIMITIVE man gave that interpretation of "gods battling" as they struggled to understand things they were told but had no way of DIRECTLY experiencing....But look - the ANNUNKI - DID experience it DIRECTLY - so Enki records it as a NATURAL explainable event and lays out precisely what happened in the PHYSICAL universe as THEY witness it directly....To these "gods" - as said - all this is PHYSICAL and they are BAFFLED when spiritual elements finally show them selves clearly...

LATER - mankind will struggle to comprehend of course - and especially AFTER the flood most knoweldge is lost and they start again - so once factual events became twisted truth and misunderstood - passed by word of mouth they became altered by MAN - not by Annunaki who wrote it all down UNALTERABLE - but by man ourselves with our divided heritage...I stress it again -to these Annunaki -tot hese "gods" - this is NOT a spiritual battle between Chaos and Order - nothign like - to THEM it is a NATURAL cosmic event with purely PHYSICAL causes - namely their own planet entering into a new system...

MAN alone provided the allegory for all the myth and "supernatural" things that MAN could not explain..As said though - there is an element of LEGITIMATE spiritual truth here - and when this is finally realised as said, it completely BAFFLES these "gods" for they are NOT gods at all - and although they often mention their spiritual beliefs it is clear they do not UNDERSTAND the nature of the Divine any more than our modern religions do...Certainly they DO NOT see the planets as "gods" and that explanation is purely mans allegorical interpretation for things he cannot directly comprehend...WE though CAN comprehend as WE have been out there in space and seen such things DIRECTLY and the knowledge is common knowledge to us all - thus to us modern man, such things recorded sound like myth but alongside is truth as we view things now exaclty as the Annunaki did back then...

We see physical truth and cause and affect - but early man could only interpret it ALLEGORICALLY - gods came here AMONG them and they know this is true because they live SIDE BY SIDE every day..They are warring each other disagrreiing fighting always - and look - they CAME FROM THE STARS...Perfectly natural then for man to think assume that the stars themselves are likewise at war, fiighting each other...

For my Self -the myth - the allegory - will never satisfy alone - I want the LIVING truth of it - of ALL things - only Gnosis can satisfy the Soul..
More bold empty claims.
Perhaps you can start presenting evidence to support them?


Admiral Obvious
Its to remind us of our origins.
Clay tablets have that authentic mystic feel to them.
If you found a computer printout that was 4 billion years old, would you believe it?
Where are these clay tablets?
There will have to be several hundred thousand of them if they are as detailed as the OP claims.


Active Member
Hi Folks..

Mestemia; Are you even for real here..??...

You actually doubt they exist at all..?...Or - You doubt they are found in their THOUSNDS..??..Or you doubt the things I say they contain..??...

The answer is simple - Google is your friend - this subject is VERY WELL DOCUMENTED as you can imagine given the sensatinoal claims the artifacts themselves make....

Yes - they DO exist Folks - in museums all over the world - notably the British Museum which houses an astounding THIRTY ONE THOUSAND COMPLETE TABLETS !!! I will tell you here there seems to be a concerted effort among academics, to keep certain truths from becoming commonly known - for certain things we know for sure to be true will fully negate certian things they TOLD and TEACH us to be true in their "school books".....We have a huge chunk of history MISSING Folks - around the time of the flood - it all gets lost and reboots later - modern academia cant quite grasp that as it means our timeline - TAUGHT by our academics - must be entirely wrong - among other things...

Yes they do exist in their THOUSANDS - and if you doubt the saga I presented above then please -google the Book of enki - its rather more longer and detailed than my effort here - but I assure you all those advanced scientific concepts CAN be found within openly discussed so that we have no trouble at all realising what they are talking about...Its all very plain language actually - not at all "religious"...A SCIENTIST is recording a personal diary of truth for US his offspring....Written as said on UNALTERABLE media so that truth cannot be edited or changed - and veriifed as original as they are known to to be now over 60000 years old...

Read it for yourselves Folks - Book Of Enki - and realise that whoever is telling this epic is speaking over SIX THOUSAND YEARS AGO - and take in and digest all that advanced knowledge and subjects they mention and tell us of ACCURATELY...Realise that the very fact is IS accurate scientific knowledge - from those PRIMITIVE people at that time in history so academics tell us - yet the content ad things discussed within them practically guarantees the source they attribute it all to as being legitimate truth....As said its ALL accurate and way beyond anything they SHOULD possibly know or even be dreaming about,..The only conceivable truth to explain all this anomolous wisdom they posess, is the truth they themselves offer - NOT gods - created directly by and given knowledge directly by off world advanced scientists...


Admiral Obvious
Hi Folks..

Mestemia; Are you even for real here..??...

You actually doubt they exist at all..?...Or - You doubt they are found in their THOUSNDS..??..Or you doubt the things I say they contain..??...

The answer is simple - Google is your friend - this subject is VERY WELL DOCUMENTED as you can imagine given the sensatinoal claims the artifacts themselves make....

Yes - they DO exist Folks - in museums all over the world - notably the British Museum which houses an astounding THIRTY ONE THOUSAND COMPLETE TABLETS !!! I will tell you here there seems to be a concerted effort among academics, to keep certain truths from becoming commonly known - for certain things we know for sure to be true will fully negate certian things they TOLD and TEACH us to be true in their "school books".....We have a huge chunk of history MISSING Folks - around the time of the flood - it all gets lost and reboots later - modern academia cant quite grasp that as it means our timeline - TAUGHT by our academics - must be entirely wrong - among other things...

Yes they do exist in their THOUSANDS - and if you doubt the saga I presented above then please -google the Book of enki - its rather more longer and detailed than my effort here - but I assure you all those advanced scientific concepts CAN be found within openly discussed so that we have no trouble at all realising what they are talking about...Its all very plain language actually - not at all "religious"...A SCIENTIST is recording a personal diary of truth for US his offspring....Written as said on UNALTERABLE media so that truth cannot be edited or changed - and veriifed as original as they are known to to be now over 60000 years old...

Read it for yourselves Folks - Book Of Enki - and realise that whoever is telling this epic is speaking over SIX THOUSAND YEARS AGO - and take in and digest all that advanced knowledge and subjects they mention and tell us of ACCURATELY...Realise that the very fact is IS accurate scientific knowledge - from those PRIMITIVE people at that time in history so academics tell us - yet the content ad things discussed within them practically guarantees the source they attribute it all to as being legitimate truth....As said its ALL accurate and way beyond anything they SHOULD possibly know or even be dreaming about,..The only conceivable truth to explain all this anomolous wisdom they posess, is the truth they themselves offer - NOT gods - created directly by and given knowledge directly by off world advanced scientists...
Yet you are unable to present even one link yourself?

You made the claims, it is on you to do the homework.


Active Member
Hi Folks..

Mestemia; Hmm - a rather child like petulant attitude - but as you insist then Iam happy to oblige..


That site discusses the whole issue in an open minded none biassed manner - you should find it very illuminating..


And this is a set of articles from another none biassed academic author - again extremely informative - fills in lots and lots of extra informtion and gain should be very helpful here...


Admiral Obvious
Hi Folks..

Mestemia; Hmm - a rather child like petulant attitude - but as you insist then Iam happy to oblige..


That site discusses the whole issue in an open minded none biassed manner - you should find it very illuminating..


And this is a set of articles from another none biassed academic author - again extremely informative - fills in lots and lots of extra informtion and gain should be very helpful here...
If those links are the best you got in support of your claims, I stand vindicated.

Thank you.


Active Member
Hi Folks..

Mestemia; lol - obviously not - your version of what vindication means must be entirely different to everyone elses then - lol - as to be vindicated here you would need to prove your position beyond reasonable doubt - that position being of course that all this I present is "rubbish" or "fantasy" or delusion or some such - yes..?...

So here is an real chance to properly vindicate yourself then and put your money where your mouth is as they say - PROVE your position to us - and SHOW us HOW it is all rubbish fantasy or delusion....ANSWER these following questions DIRECTLY (if you indeed can) and you will "vindicate" your position and I will bow to your inferred superior wisdom..lol...ready ? - here goes..

1) - HOW does ancient Sumerian man ACCURATELY know the ENTIRE layout of the solar system..?...

(according to accepted wisdom mankind for centuries to come will still be believing the "earth is flat" - so please EXPLAIN first this basic discrepancy - this startling revelation in Sumer of a ROUND Earth and many similar planets)

2) HOW do THEY accurately record planets and moons that WE are only just discovering in the last few centuries..??

3) HOW do they map out the calendar - the constelations ACURATELY - then take it further and map out the ENTIRE PROCESSION OF THE AGES..??....

(surely you (all) realise - to accomplish this feat means the Sumerian MUST have been around to WITNESS the changes they record in the ENTIRE cycle - and that means that SOMEONE was around to record all this over a TWENTY SIX THOUSAND YEAR period - as indeed the full cycle IS recorded and it does indeed take near 26 000 EARTH years to complete)

So the question remains - vindicate yourself - explain that rather startling wisdom they posess in a better more reasonable way than the Sumerian themselves explain it - IF you even can...lol...

4)HOW do the Sumerians - whose greatest PHYSICAL technology thus far so accepted wisdom states,, is the humble bow and arrow lol - so please explain to us from your vast wisdom - HOW in just a few centuries they went from hunting with bows and arrows - to describing space travel, wars with flying machines and what sound exactly like nuclear missiles..???...

5)How do the Sumerians know that across an ocean they themselves CANNOT cross so we believe - but they know and record of ANOTHER RACE OF MAN - that is like them except they are BEARDLESS...HOW do they know these people even exist in that far away land..?...

So Ive been going easy on you so far - its getting a little more complicated now though - some HARD undeniable aspects are coming to the fore and must too be examined and EXPLAINED by YOU if indeed you wish to calim such vindication here.Things such as...

6) Not only do they know people inhabit a land they themselves cannot directly verify, supposedly - and not only do they know for sure those other people are DIFFERENT physically to themselves - but they even EXPLAIN HOW And WHY they are different - and the explanation is GENETIC as they themselves reveal it - so this rather hard question has to be answered also if you are to be "vindicated" - if this is rubbish fantasy or delusion - then please explain HOW these ancients KNOW AND UNDERSTAND GENETIC MANIPULATION..????....

CLEARLY - they DO understand all that - plus much more - I havent even mentioned here their rather astounding BUILDING feats incorporating stones that modern man has no method of using but which these "ancient PRIMITIVE man" accomplished WITH EASE the entire world over - neither have we investigated their PRECISE and WORLD WIDE cosmological alignment - lets just stick to the easy stuff first eh ...lol..but Im really dying to hear YOUR explanation for all this..

So - according to your obvious stance here all this is some kind of bogus delusion, fantasy and obviously you yourself have a much more credable explanation - right..?... I mean - you NEED to have such an explanation available - if indeed you are to "vindicate" your position as you insist..lol...

So - PLEASE - enlighten us Oh Great Mestemia - we await your wise counsel....lol...Answer the speciffic questions that pertain to undeniable facts - again,if you even can - heres your chance - vindicate yourself truly - show us YOUR proofs and evidence and wisdom - as said IF you even can ;)
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Active Member
~;› as we also believe on every posibilities
that could acquire a very deep knowledge unto something which is beyond understanstable for some individuals
but something is not meant not to be reveal until the given time
and this is known as the prophesy

as some says who could know all things and if it knows all the things within this universe then how come it cant even sense the nearest possibility
of how it will end
when it says something about its beginning

some of our brethren and fellows are a believer of good spirits
they also believed in evil spirits
thats why they thought to ask some certain things such as this
how come humans have emotions and
can we consider it as a physical thing

by the way
as we talking about physical things then perhaps this could give some thoughts about the physical universe
as it is written
Our physical space is observed to have three large spatial dimensions and, along with time, is a boundless four-dimensional continuum known as spacetime. However, nothing prevents a theory from including more than 4 dimensions. In the case of string theory, consistency requires spacetime to have 10 (3+1+6) dimensions. The fact that we see only 3 dimensions of space can be explained by one of two mechanisms: either the extra dimensions are compactified on a very small scale, or else our world may live on a 3-dimensional submanifold corresponding to a brane, on which all known particles besides gravity would be restricted.

If the extra dimensions are compactified, then the extra six dimensions must be in the form of a Calabi–Yau manifold. Within the more complete framework of M-theory, they would have to take form of a G2 manifold. Calabi-Yaus are interesting mathematical spaces in their own right. A particular exact symmetry of string/M-theory called T-duality (which exchanges momentum modes for winding number and sends compact dimensions of radius R to radius 1/R), has led to the discovery of equivalences between different Calabi-Yaus called Mirror Symmetry.

about those summerian gods (as they were been worshiped as gods before)
where also been mentioned in the bible
although some must use a simple common sense to realize this
and put some logic unto it
for this verse has something to say unto what is written unto those clay tablets
so as it is written
Jeremiah 10:11
Thus shall you say to them, The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens.


unto all always
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Admiral Obvious
Hi Folks..

Mestemia; lol - obviously not - your version of what vindication means must be entirely different to everyone elses then - lol - as to be vindicated here you would need to prove your position beyond reasonable doubt - that position being of course that all this I present is "rubbish" or "fantasy" or delusion or some such - yes..?...

So here is an real chance to properly vindicate yourself then and put your money where your mouth is as they say - PROVE your position to us - and SHOW us HOW it is all rubbish fantasy or delusion....ANSWER these following questions DIRECTLY (if you indeed can) and you will "vindicate" your position and I will bow to your inferred superior wisdom..lol...ready ? - here goes..

1) - HOW does ancient Sumerian man ACCURATELY know the ENTIRE layout of the solar system..?...

(according to accepted wisdom mankind for centuries to come will still be believing the "earth is flat" - so please EXPLAIN first this basic discrepancy - this startling revelation in Sumer of a ROUND Earth and many similar planets)

2) HOW do THEY accurately record planets and moons that WE are only just discovering in the last few centuries..??

3) HOW do they map out the calendar - the constelations ACURATELY - then take it further and map out the ENTIRE PROCESSION OF THE AGES..??....

(surely you (all) realise - to accomplish this feat means the Sumerian MUST have been around to WITNESS the changes they record in the ENTIRE cycle - and that means that SOMEONE was around to record all this over a TWENTY SIX THOUSAND YEAR period - as indeed the full cycle IS recorded and it does indeed take near 26 000 EARTH years to complete)

So the question remains - vindicate yourself - explain that rather startling wisdom they posess in a better more reasonable way than the Sumerian themselves explain it - IF you even can...lol...

4)HOW do the Sumerians - whose greatest PHYSICAL technology thus far so accepted wisdom states,, is the humble bow and arrow lol - so please explain to us from your vast wisdom - HOW in just a few centuries they went from hunting with bows and arrows - to describing space travel, wars with flying machines and what sound exactly like nuclear missiles..???...

5)How do the Sumerians know that across an ocean they themselves CANNOT cross so we believe - but they know and record of ANOTHER RACE OF MAN - that is like them except they are BEARDLESS...HOW do they know these people even exist in that far away land..?...

So Ive been going easy on you so far - its getting a little more complicated now though - some HARD undeniable aspects are coming to the fore and must too be examined and EXPLAINED by YOU if indeed you wish to calim such vindication here.Things such as...

6) Not only do they know people inhabit a land they themselves cannot directly verify, supposedly - and not only do they know for sure those other people are DIFFERENT physically to themselves - but they even EXPLAIN HOW And WHY they are different - and the explanation is GENETIC as they themselves reveal it - so this rather hard question has to be answered also if you are to be "vindicated" - if this is rubbish fantasy or delusion - then please explain HOW these ancients KNOW AND UNDERSTAND GENETIC MANIPULATION..????....

CLEARLY - they DO understand all that - plus much more - I havent even mentioned here their rather astounding BUILDING feats incorporating stones that modern man has no method of using but which these "ancient PRIMITIVE man" accomplished WITH EASE the entire world over - neither have we investigated their PRECISE and WORLD WIDE cosmological alignment - lets just stick to the easy stuff first eh ...lol..but Im really dying to hear YOUR explanation for all this..

So - according to your obvious stance here all this is some kind of bogus delusion, fantasy and obviously you yourself have a much more credable explanation - right..?... I mean - you NEED to have such an explanation available - if indeed you are to "vindicate" your position as you insist..lol...

So - PLEASE - enlighten us Oh Great Mestemia - we await your wise counsel....lol...Answer the speciffic questions that pertain to undeniable facts - again,if you even can - heres your chance - vindicate yourself truly - show us YOUR proofs and evidence and wisdom - as said IF you even can ;)
You keep forgetting that you are the one who made the claims, it is on you to support your claims.

I understand you are used to the choir eagerly lapping up your bold empty claims, but I am not a choir member and it takes much more than bold empty claims in support of bold empty claims to convince me.

so now that we all know you cannot support your bold empty claims, they can be dismissed as the bull **** they are.

I am not the least bit surprised, but it is most comical you think my position is anything other than you have not supported your claims.
So for all your chest beating puffery, the best you have is to link to other people making bold empty claims, a sad attempt to assign to me a strawman, and an even sadder attempt at shifting the burden of proof?

I stand vindicated.
And you did all the work for it.