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The Origin of All Earths Religions


Trying to bring myself ever closer to Allah
Premium Member
Clay tablets - cannot be altered - what we read there is the truth as recorded by those humans who were present and experienced directly the things they record.

Even if clay tablets cannot be altered, what is to stop humans writing (entire) clay tablets that do not record the truth?

The Sumerians - literally over night in terms of mans actual history - went from no permanant culture at all - no established cities - no society or permanant settlements anywhere - and then out of nowhere fully formed "city states" with complete social structure and mega advanced building methods

But that is not the case. The ancient Sumerian settlement of Eridu (often considered the first settlement, or the first city, of ancient Sumer) was not the first permanent settlement in the region. Jericho in the West Bank is considered one of the earliest permanent settlements in the region (and indeed is one of the claimants to the title of the oldest continuously-inhabited place on Earth), with the first permanent settlement at the site dating to 9,400 BCE (or possibly a little earlier) (as against Eridu at 5,400 BCE). The Pre-Pottery Neolithic B culture, of which Jericho is often considered the type site, spread right across Mesopotamia (and indeed into Egypt too). It was succeeded by the Halaf and Samarra cultures, which were in turn succeeded by the Ubaid culture (to which Eridu belongs). There are clear connections between each of these cultures. So ancient Sumerian settlements and city-states did not suddenly spring up out of nowhere overnight.

Now - it has become widely accepted that these off worlders are some kind of "lizard species" - like a reptilian species.....This is never said openly by Enki - but it may well be true given other things he DOES say...First, we have that remark where he says on their home world they HIBERNATE through the long orbit - then we have here this creation of a hybrid - and when the first one i born alive a comparison is made...It says they are still too hairy - displeasing to look upon - and they are still far too clumsy and stupid - cannot learn basic instructions even - so they keep trying - all recorded in step by step procedure...

Widely accepted by whom? Where in the original clay tablets does it say anything about 'some kind of lizard species'?

Adam is called ADAPA by them and the female they named TIAMAT after the planet that gave all life here

Where in the original clay tablets does it talk about Adapa and Tiamat being the first male and female (i.e. Adam and Eve)? The story of Adapa crops up for the first time in about the mid- to late- 2nd millennium BCE (which is quite late as far as clay tablets go).

Enki himself, has what can only be described as a SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE that actually plays out here in the "real world"...In a dream vision - first one he ever had he records - he saw a manlike being MADE OF LIGHT - that visits him in what sounds like an out of body astral experience - it is the mysterious Galzu who tells him clearly that He is an EMMISARY sent from the Divine Father Of All and that the Humans now created have a legitimate SOUL - are eternal in the Fathers MIND and are to be saved, allowed to live and prosper and crucially they are to BE TOLD THE TRUTH !!

So why did the Divine Father Of All not intervene earlier? And why did this Divine Father only choose Enki (on this occasion) to tell the truth to these humans (and btw, to which humans?)?


Active Member
Hi Folks..

Mestemia; As said - you clearly have no actual idea what the meaning of "vindicated" is lol - and clearly you do not actually understand the concept itself of "vindication"..Thats not suprising really - as you demonstrate repeatedly that you have a remarkably "closed mind" - and this leads you often to make rash nonesensical comments that make you seem very - stupid - arrogant - here though I will attempt to educate you..lol...Look :

You keep forgetting that you are the one who made the claims, it is on you to support your claims.

Ah yes - but look - I ALREADY DID - didnt I.....yes for sure - MY position IS vindicated - as I PRESENTED EVIDENCE in the form of the tablets themselves which obviously DO exist - then I pointed out their CONTENT which all by itself VINDICATES the things I say, because as offered THERE IS NO WAY FOR THESE PEOPLE TO KNOW THE THINGS THEY KNOW - and the fact that they DO know such things IS ITSELF TOTAL VINDICATION as it PROVES BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT their truth HOWEVER they came by it they STILL POSSESS it DONT THEY..?? - so yes my friend - ALL the things I SAY here are FULLY supported and FULLY VINDICATED BY that HARD REAL WORLD EVIDENCE....

That is after all - what "vindicated" actually means -yes..?..To present proof beyond reasonable doubt to support a stated position - yes..?...And so undeniably - my position here is the vindicated one - as I indeed presented the proof contained within the tablets themselves - evidence that UNDENIABLY tells us they have knowledge they should NOT posses at all - fully vindicated BY MODERN SCIENCE who now VERIFIES their ORIGINAL truth...see..?....OUTSIDE sources FULLY AGREE with that which the tablets state - so the knowledge they contain IS FULLY VINDICATED - thats what the term ACTUALLY means - can you follow that or should I try again with smaller words..??..lol..

The only question now then - is WHERE did they obtain the knowledge..??....The answer is clear as they tell us clearly WHO gave it to them directly -and as everythign else they present is PROVED to be ACCURATE -fully vindicated -then we now have no reason at all to even doubt their version at all -do we..? - except your arrogance wont allow you to admit it - but look and understand here - EVERYTHING they know and record is VERIFIED as legitimiate and actual SCIENTIFIC truth of the cosmos - THEY KNEW IT even before modern science did...Similar they speak of TECHNOLOGY and GENETIC manipulation that they likewise SHOULD NOT KNOW, yet DO KNOW FULLY - and again - everything they present about the creation of mankind is SCIENTIFICALLY VERIFIED BY US...Even the timeframe and the fact that a genetic "jump" occurred at PRECISELY that time and place in our evolution - they SHOULD HAVE NO CONCEPTION OF ANY OF IT AT ALL - shouldnt even be dreaming or wondering about such things yet at all - SHOULD THEY..??? - and yet it is ALL FULLY RECORDED....The procedures and experiments the tablets describe in detail are the SAME types of things MODERN SCIENCE does in ITS investigation also....VERIFIED ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE yet again fully corroborated by the findings of MODERN SCIENCE who have REDISCOVERED and validated and verified the things these tablets ALREADY KNOW and tell us about...Do let it sink in...They knew all this FIRST at a time when our best academic "experts" tell us they are hunter gatherer types with NO permanant culture at all..This is UNDENIABLE as it is clearly recorded for all to see - ..So yes - MY position here - fully vindicated all ways around...

How about YOU and YOUR position..??..Lets see if you are "vindicated" - at all - apparantly not - as all you can do is attempt to insult, ridicule and when that fails you simply state it is all "bullsh**" - and sorry but that just shows us all as said - you are closed minded and arrogant.. You throw words around like vindication but you dont even know the fundamental concept - I have given you the opportunity to ACTUALLY vindicate your position - and all we get in response is arrogance and NO wisdom or supporting evidence for YOUR position - NONE AT ALL - so no my friend you are not vindicated at all - not even a hint - havent even begun to utter a word at all that could possibly support your posoition as you have said NOTHING of any content at all - except insults and ridicule that say far more about you than they do about me..lol..

If you TRULY want to be vindicated here - then do as I do and SHOW the things that support your position BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT - for that IS what the word you use ACTUALLY means yes..?...SHOW US - quit the tap dance routine as you try ot avoid the hard questions - stick to the TOPIC - DIRECTLY ANSWER the questions asked before - if you can - and thus you will truly be vindicated here...Obvious really...You tell me frankly Iam speaking bullsh** - so now as said put your money where your big mouth is and PROVE your claim as I have already proved mine...

Again - if you even can - show us YOUR wisdom and proofs how you know this is bullsh*t - and if you cant or wont do that - then for your own sakes - quit with the arrogance ridicule and insults as you just make yourself seem like a stupid petulant child - do at least TRY to have an adult conversation here or its a bit pointless you contributing at all isnt it..??..So heres another chance - stop trying to make it into an "ego competition" for just a minute or two and instead deal with honest facts as presented - take a look at the questions I ask - things you state openly are nothing but BS -so prove it to us all here in your next post - ANSWER all the questions asked please and thus you will finally vindicate yourself legitimately...As we say here - its time to either "put up or shut up" - in your next post here please andwer the specific questions asked of you if you can - just stick to the facts presented and forget all this egoical bs you insist on bringing into discussion, as really, we already see it is an obvious attempt to sidetrack and avoid the hard questions asked that you simply cannot answer at all - isnt it..? ;)


Active Member
~;> perhaps eveyone here should not argue with a child like manner so that every could move on now
and stay unto the topic

as what we have read from some writtings of a certain person . . .
so as it is written
The major source for the Sumerian conception of the creation of the universe is the introductory passage to a Sumerian poem which I have entitled "Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Nether World." The history of its decipherment is illuminating and not uninteresting. In 1934, when I first tried to decipher the contents, I found that eight pieces belonging to the poem--seven excavated in Nippur and one in Ur--had already been copied and published, thus: Hugo Radau, once of the University Museum, published two from Philadelphia in 1910; Stephen Langdon published two from Istanbul in 1914; Edward Chiera published one from Istanbul in 1924 and two more from Philadelphia in 1934; C. J. Gadd, of the British Museum, published an excellently preserved tablet from Ur in 1930. 32 But an intelligent reconstruction

p. 83), I decided to make a serious effort to reconstruct the contents of the poem, which obviously seemed to contain a charming and significant story. And it was then that I came upon the clue which enabled me to arrange the pieces in their proper order.

This clue crystallized from an effective utilization of two stylistic features which characterize Sumerian poetry. The first is one which ranks very low in the scale of artistic technique but which from the point of view of the decipherer is truly a boon. It may be described as follows. When the poet finds it advisable to repeat a given description or incident, he makes this repeated passage coincide with the original to the very last detail. Thus when a god or hero orders his messenger to deliver a message, this message, no matter how long and detailed, is given twice in the text, first when the messenger is instructed by his master, and a second time when the message is actually delivered. The two versions are thus practically identical, and the breaks in the one passage may be restored from the other.

As for the second stylistic feature, it may be thus sketched. The Sumerian poet uses two dialects in his epic and mythic compositions, the main dialect, and another known as the Emesal dialect. The latter resembles the main dialect very closely and differs only in showing several regular and characteristic phonetic variations. What is more interesting, however, is the fact that the poet uses this Emesal dialect in rendering the direct speech of a female, not male, deity; thus the speeches of Inanna, queen of heaven, are regularly rendered in the Emesal dialect. 33 And so, on examining carefully the texts before me, I realized that what in the case of several passages had been taken

p. 32

to be a mere meaningless and unmotivated duplication, actually contained a speech of the goddess Inanna in which she repeats in the Emesaldialect all that the poet had previously described in narrative form in the main dialect. With

One of the more remarkable contributions to art made by Mesopotamia is the cylinder seal. Invented primarily for the purpose of identifying and safeguarding ownership of goods shipped or stored, it came to be used in time as a kind of signature for legal documents. The procedure consisted merely of rolling the cylinder over wet clay and thus impressing the seal's design upon it. It is the contents of these designs engraved by the seal-cutters on the stone cylinders which are of considerable value for our study of Sumerian mythology. Especially is this true of the cylinder seals current in Sumer in the latter half of the third millennium B. C., not a few of whose designs are religious and mythological in character. 31

The upper design clearly attempts to portray a more or less complicated mythological story. Three of the deities can be identified with reasonable certainty. Second from the right is the water-god Enki, with the flowing streams of water and the swimming fishes. Immediately behind him is his Janus-faced messenger Isimud, who plays an important role in several of our Enki myths. Seemingly rising out of the lower regions is Utu, the sun-god, with his saw-knife and fiery rays. The female figure standing on top of the mountain, near what seems to be a rather desolate tree, may perhaps be Inanna. If the figure to the left with bow in hand is intended to be Gilgamesh, we have in this design most of the protagonists of the tale "Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Nether World." However, it is to be noted that Enkidu is missing, and Isimud, who is pictured in the design, plays no part in the story. And so any close connection between the design and the epic tale is improbable.

In the central design none of the figures can be identified with reasonable certainty. In the left half of the picture we note a deity who seems to be rising out of the lower regions and is presenting a macelike object to a goddess. To the left is a god, perhaps Gilgamesh, who seems to be chopping down a tree whose trunk is bent to a curve. The right half of the design seems to depict a ritual scene.

The lower design may illustrate graphically the meaning of such a phrase as, "The nether world has seized him" (see p. 35). In the right half of the scene we note a god actually within a flaming mountain (in Sumerian the word meaning "mountain" is the word used regularly for "nether world"). To the right of the mountain is a god who may be putting it to flame with a torch. Behind this deity is a goddess with fiery rays and ring who may perhaps be identified as Inanna. The left half of the design portrays a god holding a bull-man by the tail; both are inside a mountain.

(Reproduced, by permission of the Macmillan Company, from Henri Frankfort, Cylinder Seals (London, 1939), plates XIXa, XXIa, and XVIIIj.)


unto all always


Active Member
Hi Folks..

Even if clay tablets cannot be altered, what is to stop humans writing (entire) clay tablets that do not record the truth?

Ah at last - someone who thinks before they speak - what a refreshing change...lol...Thats a very good question...Two part answer I think - firstly - the CONTENT of the tablets themselves - as said - FULLY VERIFIED - vindicated lol - by modern science...The things the tablets say regarding our history - the things they say regarding scientific knowledge especially the crucial hard questions of accurate solar system and intimate knowledge of DNA itself - ALL fully supported and verified by modern science as accurate and truthful - so when it comes to things like the cities they name and we go on to then find them as archeological ruins just as they predict (mostly, nearly all have been found) - and when it speaks of successions of societies and the Kingship and advancement and achievements of each - well really we HAVE NO REASON TO DOUBT - for as said everything PHYSICAL is accurate - these people DID obviusly know all the things they wrote about - SOMEHOW they knew it....

So, piont 1 then as said, we dont ACTUALLY have any reason to doubt ANYTHING they say as thus far, they HAVE proven WHOLLY ACCURATE in their physical wisdom..We find these tablets that DO contain legitimate truth - so there is no reason to doubt ANYTHING else they present that is not yet verified....

Point 2 answer to the question -we should take intoaccount that these tablests are ofuond REPRIODUCED ver and over - in EVERY major city of their (various) cultures - they remain central and foundational to the society as a whole....So - IF someone REPLACED the orgiinals they would need to somehow do so in EVERY city - and would need to keep on replacing with every new city built as htis is EPIC civilisation that spans much much MUCH further than anyhting modern academia can account for - or I should say, anything modern academia is WILLING to ADMIT to - for as said before, there is a definate concerted effort here to literally cover over certain facts as if it never happened at all - for the truth here proves modern academia to be WHOLLY WRONG on just about everything they teach as "truth"...The implications of these Sumer tablets are truly staggering regarding mans truth and would destroy all academic and crucially, RELIGIOUS credability....This is not a "one set" single artifact scenario - this is a repeated ongoing wisdom spread among lilterally thousands and thousands of such artifacts - all as said - carefully stored, catalogued for us, numbered for us - even a dictionnary provided for us - exactly like modern librairies do - exactly as if they WANT us to find decipher and understand..

So for these two reasons we can most obviously trust tteir base legitimacy - SOMEHOW they do contain actual verified accurate scientific knowledge that they - according to our "experts" - simply should not know at all or even be day dreaming of such things in their wildest fantasies - yet they do know it undeniably so and record it there for us as their truth...And clearly that formed the basis for their ongoing society as they then reproduced that truth over and over lilke a standard text book and deposited these in their city centres freely available for all - exactly like a constitution for example - rules and accepted truths that society abided by...We can be sure then beyond reasonable doubt - first they are the ORIGINAL truths they all held - and second there is ACTUAL scientific truth contained within that which they state - so logically, we dont even have grounds or cause to doubt the rest - and such doubts come primarily from the ACADEMIC and RELIGIOUS influences we each now hold - things TAUGHT to us all as world truth - but things that were obviously taught it seems in total error and misunderstanding..

But that is not the case. The ancient Sumerian settlement of Eridu (often considered the first settlement, or the first city, of ancient Sumer) was not the first permanent settlement in the region. Jericho in the West Bank is considered one of the earliest permanent settlements in the region (and indeed is one of the claimants to the title of the oldest continuously-inhabited place on Earth), with the first permanent settlement at the site dating to 9,400 BCE (or possibly a little earlier) (as against Eridu at 5,400 BCE). The Pre-Pottery Neolithic B culture, of which Jericho is often considered the type site, spread right across Mesopotamia (and indeed into Egypt too). It was succeeded by the Halaf and Samarra cultures, which were in turn succeeded by the Ubaid culture (to which Eridu belongs). There are clear connections between each of these cultures. So ancient Sumerian settlements and city-states did not suddenly spring up out of nowhere overnight.

In terms of the expanded complete history - what transpired in just a few short centuries can indeed be seen to be practically "overnight" - for thousands of years so academia tells us - man is a hunter gatherer with NO permanant settlement anywhere - then out of nowhere, in a very VERY short space of time - man went from using bows and arrows - LITERALLY - to building PYRAMIDS and massive stone monuments that even WE cannot yet match or even explain...In terms of our entire history we made that amazing jump in just a few centuries...READ the tablets themselves and see directly the SCIENTIFIC concept they speak about with open wisdom - such things simp,y have no place inthat prinmitve time and culture according to our "experts" these people thought the world was still flat - yet clearly they record all manner of things that fully debunk the modern hypothesis of our origins.....

Now a sI said before - MY attempt to relay the saga here was way way way LONG wasnt it..??...But look - as I said - my attempt is a very short edited version of a much more detailed text that became known as the Book of Enki ...That original that I paraphrase from here can indeed answer ALL the points you raise above about various cultures that arise - when and WHY they arise are all fully explained within....I have not - obvisously - presented anything like the ENTIRE saga or complete truth with all its details - that was not the intention - I just want to show you (all) where the RELIGIONS all come from - and to show you (all) that the religions are actually PHYSICAL in their truths and not spiritual or Divine at all...

Indeed I have barely touched the surface and already there are plenty of questions and glaring truths that simply do not fit in with modern academic or religious knowledge at all - yet PROVED to be accurate and therefore I ask which one to trust..?...Undouobtedly the original tablets DO contain LEGITIMATE verified scientific truth - so as said - do we even have reasons to doubt their other claims about society and hostory..??....Not really if we ar ehonest - seems more likely OUR version is wrong rather than theirs -we need to account for the things THEY DO know, rather than the things WE do NOT ;)


Active Member
Widely accepted by whom? Where in the original clay tablets does it say anything about 'some kind of lizard species'?

Ah keep it in context - I said that it is NOT said directly at all NOT admitted or mentioned by Enki directly - but that some have ASSUMED this to be the case based on other things said and corroborating evidence...Things such as pottery and murals - DO seem to depict in places a very reptilian kind of human...My Self I think those that jumped on this immediately and made a big deal of it, are the kind of people who have religous baggage to deal with and who are looking for "satan" to be among these "gods".... Ther is some truth there to the reptilian conenction - but it s nto really clear or obvious...

For sure - they are DIFFERENT to us - and yet exceedingly similar it seems..>At least we BEOCME exceedingly similar to themas their experiments priogress...Teh more Annunaki dna they giove us, the more neandertha changes - until eventually as said -they find us to be practically equal - and have no problems taking us as wives and husbands -truly living among us fully....itsobvious then our differences cant be that great - probably not "lizard like" at all or else we would surely reject them I think.....But as said -different for sure...it is stated clearly - on their home world they once HIBERNATED - and being UNABLE to hibernate on Earth is clearly stated as part of thier physical worries that start the troubles...Likewise it is clearly states that they have SMOOTH HAIRLESS SKIN - not scales at all - it is said that the human so produced, being hairy was unpleasant to them - they DESIRED the smooth skin like thier own - so we can assume then they are pretty much like us and most mammals - not reptiles - not scaled - smooth skinned mostly hairless, but it does say they have facial hair and so too their carvings and idols have definate beards..

Other differences are noted in the tablets dealing with the creation of man...it says our EYES are different - but it doesnt say how precisely...And bizarrely - it makes a long detailed account of the male reproductive organ - and indeed the difference here is stated as a definate way to tell man form "god" - so perhaps then we all but identical in every respect - except this one small detail as follows that is a guaranteed way to tell us apart.....It states very very clearly - for some bizarre reason - that mankind males are born WITHOUT a baculum (bone in the penis) - but are born WITH an extra FORESKIN and htis is very different to the Annunaki ...Clearly stated then - Annunaki DO have a penis bone but DO NOT have a foreskin at all - and it states very clearly that this was a definate way to tell us apart - and they kept us naked - so perhaps it seems we are nearly identical once mature and only our phallus is different..They do seem actually - to be VERY sexually pleasure based - and clearly their sexuality and the physical pleasures are very important to them and play prominant part in all that happens...

See again - a very clear religious confusion - as a sign of a covenant between man and "god" - one certain religion will enforce genital mutilation on ts young males believing this is what the god wants and believing the act itself will make mortal become more like the Divine..

Where in the original clay tablets does it talk about Adapa and Tiamat being the first male and female (i.e. Adam and Eve)? The story of Adapa crops up for the first time in about the mid- to late- 2nd millennium BCE (which is quite late as far as clay tablets go).

Hmm - DIRECTLY in the set of tablets known as the Book of Enki - which as said are the Prince Enki recording his entire truth start to finish in a plain sequential way - it says so very clearly - and as indeed it is HE who has the idea to create man, plans it and carries out all the experiments (with help of wife and son) - then of course it is he who would know how they came about......Adapa and Tiamat - first mentioned by him - come along AFTER the expeimentation stages have finished and they believe mankind is finished - only our dna starts it regress with each generation - inbreeding..So Enki directly mates two human girls - and their offspring are named specifically as Adapa and Tiamat - these two alone go to Eden and are NOT slaves as the rest of humanity thus far are...

So why did the Divine Father Of All not intervene earlier? And why did this Divine Father only choose Enki (on this occasion) to tell the truth to these humans (and btw, to which humans?)?

lol - Im not the divine Father so cant really speak FOR HIm - but I do know Christ - and He tells me always - FREE WILL is the Number 1 Divine Rule - Free WILL is not to be usurped EVER unless we do so to protect another....CRUC|IAL - for the Annunaki actually created a form that does indeed HAVE FREE WILL - we ARE a fully capable SENTIENT MIND - and that Folks, guarantees us an ETERNAL existance - a Divine SOUL (not all lifeforms have this)....

You are asking me to explain here base metaphyscal truths to all existance - to interpret the Will of the Primal Spirit - and I tell you clearly - no mortal mind can possibly understand that Divine Will - first we ourselves must BECOME Divine - and whilst I slowly take the journey as we all do - as yet I havent quite reached that destination....As I recommended earlier elsewhere - Christ alone is the one with such SPIRITUAL answers ;)


Active Member
~;> now
for the story to go on
let us further proceed if we may say so
as it is written

this clue as a guide I succeeded in piecing together the first part of this poem; this was published in 1938. 34 The latter half of the poem still remained largely unintelligible, and even the first and published part had several serious breaks in the text. In 1939 I found in Istanbul a broken prism inscribed with the poem. And in the course of the past year I identified and copied 7 additional pieces in the University Museum at Philadelphia. 35 As a result we now have 16 pieces inscribed with the poem; over two hundred and fifty lines of its text can now be intelligently reconstructed and, barring a passage here and there, be correctly translated.

The story of our poem, briefly sketched, runs as follows: Once upon a time there was a huluppu-tree, perhaps a willow; it was planted on the banks of the Euphrates; it was nurtured by the waters of the Euphrates. But the South Wind tore at it, root and crown, while the Euphrates flooded it with its waters. Inanna, queen of heaven, walking by, took the tree in her hand and brought it to Erech, the seat of her main sanctuary, and planted it in her holy garden. There she tended it most carefully. For when the tree grew big, she planned to make of its wood a chair for herself and a couch.

Years passed, the tree matured and grew big. But Inanna found herself unable to cut down the tree. For at its base the snake "who knows no charm" had built its nest. In its crown, the Zu-bird--a mythological creature which at times wrought mischief--had placed its young. In the middle Lilith, the maid of desolation, had built her house. And so poor Inanna, the light-hearted and ever joyful maid, shed bitter tears. And as the dawn broke and her brother, the sun-god Utu, arose from his sleeping chamber, she repeated to him tearfully all that had befallen her huluppu-tree.

Now Gilgamesh, the great Sumerian hero, the forerunner of the Greek Heracles, who lived in Erech, overheard Inanna's weeping complaint and chivalrously came to her rescue. He donned his armour weighing fifty minas--about fifty pounds--and with his "ax of the road,"

My pukku, who will bring it up from the nether world?
My mikku, who will bring it up from the "face" of the nether world?

His servant, Enkidu, his constant follower and companion, heard his master's cries, and said to him:

My master, why dost thou cry, why is thy heart sick?
Thy pukku, I will bring it up from the nether world,
Thy mikku, I will bring it up from the "face" of the nether world.

Thereupon Gilgamesh warned him of the dangers involved in his plan to descend to the nether world--a splendid passage, brief and concise in describing the taboos of the lower regions. Said Gilgamesh to Enkidu:

Gilgamesh: "Him who has one son hast thou seen!"
Enkidu: "I have seen."
Gilgamesh: "How is he treated?"
Enkidu: (Answer broken)

Gilgamesh: "Him who has two sons hast thou seen?"
Enkidu: "I have seen."
Gilgamesh: "How is he treated?"
Enkidu: (Answer broken)

Gilgamesh: "Him who has three sons hast thou seen?"
Enkidu: "I have seen."
Gilgamesh: "How is he treated?"
Enkidu: ". . . much water he drinks."

to be continue
in the
next page


unto all always


Active Member
~;> now
:read: (as it is written)

The two pieces illustrated here are duplicates belonging to the epic tale, "Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Nether World." The one to the left is a tablet (14068 in the Nippur collection of the University Museum) published by Chiera in 1934. 36 The one to the right (4429 in the Nippur collection of the Museum of the Ancient Orient at Istanbul) is a fragment of a prism copied by the author and hitherto unpublished. The marked passages contain the lines significant for the creation of the universe; for the translation and the transliteration, see page37 and note 37.

The tablet (13877 in the Nippur collection of the University Museum) illustrated 38 here is one of the 20 duplicating pieces utilized to reconstruct the text of the poem, "The Creation of the Pickax" (see p. 51). Its first five lines are significant for the Sumerian concepts of the creation of the universe; for the translation and the transliteration, see page 40 and note 39.

(For description, see opposite page)

(For description, see page 36.)


And so our poem ends. 40 It is the introduction to this composition which furnishes the most significant material for the Sumerian concepts of the creation of the universe. The intelligible part of the introduction reads as follows:

After heaven had been moved away from earth,
After earth had been separated from heaven,
After the name of man had been fixed;

After An had carried off heaven,
After Enlil had carried off earth,
After Ereshkigal had been carried off into Kur as its prize;

After he had set sail, after he had set sail,
After the father for Kur had set sail,
After Enki for Kur had set sail; 41 the goddess Nammu, written with the ideogram for "sea," is described as "the mother, who gave birth to heaven and earth." Heaven and earth were therefore conceived by the Sumerians as the created products of the primeval sea.

2. The myth "Cattle and Grain" (see p. 53), which describes the birth in heaven of the spirits of cattle and grain, who were then sent down to earth to bring prosperity to mankind, begins with the following two lines:

After on the mountain of heaven and earth,
An had caused the Anunnaki (his followers) to be born. . . .

[paragraph continues] It is not unreasonable to assume, therefore, that heaven and earth united were conceived as a mountain whose base was the bottom of the earth and whose peak was the top of the heaven.

3. The myth "The Creation of the Pickax" (see p. 51), which describes the fashioning and dedication of this valuable agricultural implement, is introduced with the following passage:

p. 40

The lord, that which is appropriate verily he caused to appear,
The lord whose decisions are unalterable,
Enlil, who brings up the seed of the land from the earth,
Took care to move away heaven from earth,
Took care to move away earth from heaven.

[paragraph continues] And so we have the answer to our third question; it was the air-god Enlil, who separated and removed heaven from earth.

If now we sum up the cosmogonic or creation concepts of the Sumerians, evolved to explain the origin of the universe, they may be stated as follows:

1. First was the primeval sea. Nothing is said of its origin or birth, and it is not unlikely that the Sumerians conceived it as having existed eternally.

2. The primeval sea begot the cosmic mountainconsisting of heaven and earth united.

3. Conceived as gods in human form, An (heaven) was the male and Ki (earth) was the female. From their union was begotten the air-god Enlil.


unto all always


Trying to bring myself ever closer to Allah
Premium Member
the CONTENT of the tablets themselves - as said - FULLY VERIFIED - vindicated lol - by modern science

It would help move the conversation forward, I think, if you presented examples of the text from these tablets and showed how modern science verifies them.

Point 2 answer to the question -we should take intoaccount that these tablests are ofuond REPRIODUCED ver and over - in EVERY major city of their (various) cultures - they remain central and foundational to the society as a whole....So - IF someone REPLACED the orgiinals they would need to somehow do so in EVERY city -

But I am not talking about a replacement of the originals, I am saying what if the originals were written by humans using the knowledge they had at that time (rather than by advanced 'god-like' beings conveying these things to humans) and these were then reproduced over and over in every major city?

In terms of the expanded complete history - what transpired in just a few short centuries can indeed be seen to be practically "overnight" - for thousands of years so academia tells us - man is a hunter gatherer with NO permanant settlement anywhere - then out of nowhere, in a very VERY short space of time - man went from using bows and arrows - LITERALLY - to building PYRAMIDS and massive stone monuments that even WE cannot yet match or even explain...In terms of our entire history we made that amazing jump in just a few centuries.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by 'a few short centuries' and 'a very very short space of time' - it would be helpful if you elucidated - but note that the transition from temporary settlements to permanent settlements (which happened over time, via semi-permanent settlements btw, not suddenly) did not take place first in Sumer.

Ah keep it in context - I said that it is NOT said directly at all NOT admitted or mentioned by Enki directly - but that some have ASSUMED this to be the case based on other things said and corroborating evidence...Things such as pottery and murals - DO seem to depict in places a very reptilian kind of human...My Self I think those that jumped on this immediately and made a big deal of it, are the kind of people who have religous baggage to deal with and who are looking for "satan" to be among these "gods".... Ther is some truth there to the reptilian conenction - but it s nto really clear or obvious...

For sure - they are DIFFERENT to us - and yet exceedingly similar it seems..>At least we BEOCME exceedingly similar to themas their experiments priogress...Teh more Annunaki dna they giove us, the more neandertha changes - until eventually as said -they find us to be practically equal - and have no problems taking us as wives and husbands -truly living among us fully....itsobvious then our differences cant be that great - probably not "lizard like" at all or else we would surely reject them I think.....But as said -different for sure...it is stated clearly - on their home world they once HIBERNATED - and being UNABLE to hibernate on Earth is clearly stated as part of thier physical worries that start the troubles...Likewise it is clearly states that they have SMOOTH HAIRLESS SKIN - not scales at all - it is said that the human so produced, being hairy was unpleasant to them - they DESIRED the smooth skin like thier own - so we can assume then they are pretty much like us and most mammals - not reptiles - not scaled - smooth skinned mostly hairless, but it does say they have facial hair and so too their carvings and idols have definate beards..

I don't see anything in what you have written above to really back up the notion of these reptilian species. And you yourself seem to think there is no clear evidence for this connection.

Other differences are noted in the tablets dealing with the creation of man...it says our EYES are different - but it doesnt say how precisely...And bizarrely - it makes a long detailed account of the male reproductive organ - and indeed the difference here is stated as a definate way to tell man form "god" - so perhaps then we all but identical in every respect - except this one small detail as follows that is a guaranteed way to tell us apart.....It states very very clearly - for some bizarre reason - that mankind males are born WITHOUT a baculum (bone in the penis) - but are born WITH an extra FORESKIN and htis is very different to the Annunaki ...Clearly stated then - Annunaki DO have a penis bone but DO NOT have a foreskin at all - and it states very clearly that this was a definate way to tell us apart - and they kept us naked - so perhaps it seems we are nearly identical once mature and only our phallus is different..

How does modern science back the above up?

Hmm - DIRECTLY in the set of tablets known as the Book of Enki - which as said are the Prince Enki recording his entire truth start to finish in a plain sequential way - it says so very clearly - and as indeed it is HE who has the idea to create man, plans it and carries out all the experiments (with help of wife and son) - then of course it is he who would know how they came about......Adapa and Tiamat - first mentioned by him - come along AFTER the expeimentation stages have finished and they believe mankind is finished - only our dna starts it regress with each generation - inbreeding..So Enki directly mates two human girls - and their offspring are named specifically as Adapa and Tiamat - these two alone go to Eden and are NOT slaves as the rest of humanity thus far are...

I've read quite a few ancient Mesopotamian tablets, and I don't recall any (certainly amongst the older ones) which name Adapa and Tiamat as the original Adam and Eve. Adapa has been suggested as the basis - or one of the bases - for the figure known as Adam (although as I said earlier, do note that the earliest source for the story of Adapa is a fairly late one in terms of ancient Mesopotamian literature). But Tiamat as Eve is a new one, I must say. Can you quote your source for this?

FREE WILL is the Number 1 Divine Rule

This I pretty much agree with.

first we ourselves must BECOME Divine

And this.
This is a video I made that does a decent job covering the origins of sin and it tackles before creation of Planet Earth. It's a sequel part of a few and even to be continued so there is more to the story, but I think this flows with the topic here. There are more sequels on my actual channel that cover other topics as well:


Active Member
Hi Folks..

It would help move the conversation forward, I think, if you presented examples of the text from these tablets and showed how modern science verifies them.

Yer, youre probably right..Everything I will quote here is taken form this link - https://archive.org/stream/pdfy-MyQJH1dUOQrd7Ojt/Lost Book o Enki_djvu.txt - which is the full text of the "Book Of Enki" I mention earlier and from which all I present here is taken..

As said it is a complete account - literally start to finish - of their entire involvement with Earth and mankind - and all the way through it is cram full of scientific and technological aspects that clearly, these so called "ancient primitives" in Sumeria, should have absolutely no understanding of at all - should not even be day dreaming of such things...All the way through though - certain things will be said that are clearly descriptions of technology and procedures that WE would recognise easily given OUR level of understandnig - but as said, these in Sumer ?? - NO WAY should they have any clue at all about any of this - our acadeics insist they are backwater huunter gathereres whos greatest asset thus far is the humble bow and arrow - technology - advancement is ALWAYS driven by NEED isnt it..??....Understand then - all the things presented here - they have absolutely no need of at all - spaceships - pyramids - genetic manipulation etc etc - totally IRRELEVANT to these people in that time and place and social context (should be so academia has us believe) - and yet HERE IT IS - all described accurateley..

Right at the start and all the way through the saga they exhibit this knoweldge and technology - they describe the journey frorm their planet to here, speak of the planets and their relative sizes etc etc - named differently as yet, but the usual names are also given later alongside - and besides we know which planet is which from the order and orbits of the sun - ALL fully and accurately described by them of course...The technology is most easily recognisable though - and we can be sure it IS an actual technology they speak about directly and not just some fantastic delusion they somehow "dreamt up by themselves" lol, for the descriptions leave no doubt at all as to what is happening...Such as here - the first time they land and venture out of their ship - this is how it is recorded :

At the planet of gold he victoriously arrived, his chariot with a thunder crashing.With a beam he scanned the place, his whereabouts to discover; His, chariot on dry land descended, at the edge of extended marshes it landed.
He put on an Eagle's helmet he put on a Fish's suit.The chariot's hatch he opened; at the open hatch he stopped to wonder.

Immediately then we see TECHNOLOGY - a flying ship - a "beam" that scans the planet to determine a landing place - he puts on a suit and a helmet before he opens the hatch - obviousyl the exact same things WE would do as he is an OFF WORLDER with technology - thus we have no problems here understanding all this as SCIENTIFIC explortation primarily...There is lots lots LOTS more direct evidence that tells us for sure this must be legitimate - for as said, ancient man shouldnt even be day dreaming this stuff yet for millenia to come - lets keep looking,it soon becomes obvious ..he goes back into the ship - has some food he has bought, takes a nap - and awakes it is DAYTIME - and this is somethign entirely new to him..It says directly :

A brightness there was outside, a brilliance on Nibiru unseen. A pole from the chariot he extended; with a Tester it was equipped.It breathed the planet's air; compatibility it indicated! The chariot's hatch he opened, at the open hatch he took a breath. Another breath he took, then another and another; the air of Ki indeed compatible was! clapped his hands, a song of joy he was singing. Without an Eagle's helmet, without a Fish's suit, to the ground himself he lowered.The brightness outside was blinding; the rays of the Sun were overpowering! Into the chariot he returned, a mask for the eyes he donned. He picked up the carried weapon, he picked up the handy Sampler.

Lots more TECHNOLOGY already apparant and we only just begun..lol..he activates some tool on his craft that samples the air outside - finds it is compatable - goes outside WITHOUT his spacesuit but takes with him other technology - a portable sampling device and a WEAPON which I will show you , is NOT a Sumerian "bow and arrow"...lol... So now hes off doing some proper exploration work on a strange planet - a scientific endeavour - it describes him using this portable sampler to find drinkable water - and when he does finally find it we also get to see what type of TECHNOLOGICAL weapon he carries as a sidearm :

With eagerness he bent down, together his hands he cupped, water to his mouth he brought.A coolness did the water have, a taste from Nibiru's water different.Once more he drank, then with fright he asunder jumped:A hissing sound he could hear; a slithering body by the poolside was moving! His carried weapon he seized, a blast of its ray toward the hissing he directed.The moving stopped, the hissing was ended. To examine the danger he stepped forward.

See what I mean Folks..Its all TECHNOLOGY - clearly described so that we modern man have no proble ma t al following their truth -they ARE scientifically advanced off worlders - here look, it clearly describes technology repeeatedly that these in ancient Sumer should not even be day dreaming about at all - a portable sampling device that tells water purity - and a LASER type psitol......It is RIDICULOUS to believe the Sumerians came up with this stuff "all by themselves"...Totally ludicrous conclusion - the only thing that fits is their OWN explanation - for clearly these things they describe ARE technology that we ourselves are just now coming to grips with and yet is described here repeatedly in accurate detail......And this really is - just the tip of the iceburg as they say - many many examples from many many fields of science - all described and recorded accurately..I could be here for ever if I went through and picked out every example of technology or knowledge - it really is cram full of such notions throughout and as I sau these ancient Sumerians should have as yet absolutely no concept of ANY of it -its all totally irrelevant to them and THEIR stage of development - it eien surpasses US and OUR stage of development - but at least we have comparable technology ourselves so can easily understand what is said.....

Oh - and notice the start of the later religious CONFUSION - he gets off his ship, and immediatly first day, is confronted with a SNAKE - he shoots it dead with his technology weapon - the full description makes it very clear it is a snake and can be no other animal except a snake - it says they dont exist on th ehomeworld and htis is the first he has seen - it scare s him,he kills it - and thus the snake becomes immeditly "evil" - he even warns other later arrivals ABOUT snakes, says they are poisonous and need to be eradicated - thus the snake was always the "religious bad guy".....

And so it goes on - cram full of technology and knowledge - speaks of mapping the Earth formorbit -speaks of finding lots and lots of gold in Africa - speaks of plans to build landing sites and miinig opertations - all described with the same unmistakable open detail as the first technology above - it IS unmistakable what they say and mean - very clear to US with our COMPARABLE ideas and technology but as said - way way WAY beyond anything these in Sumer should be thinking about..

During the explanation - the first Annunki death is recorded - and again we see clear evidence they have TECHNOLOGY -this time they use it to REVIVE and restore life itself...:This is on the planet we call MARS - which at first - until the time of the Earth flood is also inhabitable an dhtey have a way station look out post there for many millenia..Her they first explore Mars and one dies

Beside a lakeshore Anzu they found; from his helmet the signals were beaming.Anzu himself was without motion, prostrate, he lay dead. Ninmah touched his face, to his heart she gave attention.From her pouch she took out the Pulser; upon Anzu's heart pulsing she directed. From her pouch she took out the Emitter, its crystals' life-giving emissions on his body she directed.Sixty times did Ninmah direct the Pulser, sixty times the Emitter she directed; On the sixtieth time Anzu his eyes opened, with his lips he motioned. Gently upon his face Ninmah Water of Life poured, his lips with it wetting. Gentle into his mouth the Food of Life she placed; Then the miracle did happen: Anzu from the dead arose!

TECHNOLOGY clearly demonstrated time and time again...His spacesuit has a homing beacon.. Some kind of portable "defib pack" to shock the heart - sounds similar to what an ambulance carries - and something rather exrtraordinary - a crystal device that literally restores life....This will be done a second time also later when the one named Alana goes clinically psychotic and begins to murder her lovers, so this technology is seen again to restore life to one of her Royal victims..Always such things are described clearly, and as offered we have no trouble at all seeing what they speak of - but those ancient Sumerians should NOT be mentioning anything like this at all - should they Folks..???...
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Active Member
So they build their first facilities, then as said the work is too hard for them so they rebel and thus finally mankind is going to be created directly by them...Again - clear and precise descriptions given throughout :

To create a Primitive Worker, by the mark of our essence to fashion him! So was Enki to the leaders saying.
The Being that we need, it already exists! Thus did Enki to them a secret of the Abzu reveal. With astonishment did the other leaders Enki's words hear; by the words they were fascinated. Creatures in the Abzu there are, Enki was saying, that walk erect on two legs, Their forelegs they use as arms, with hands they are provided. Among the animals of the steppe they live. They know not dressing in garments, They eat plants with their mouths, they drink water from lake and ditch. Shaggy with hair is their whole body, their head hair is like a lion's; With gazelles they jostle, with teeming creatures in the waters they delight! The leaders to Enki's words with amazement listened. No creature like that has ever in the Edin been seen! Enlil, disbelieving, said. Aeons ago, on Nibiru, our predecessors like that might have been! Ninmah was saying.It is a Being, not a creature!

So Enki shows them specimens of what sound exactly like neandertahl man as we term it - says they are a natural wild animal that if they tamper a little they can make fit for purpose...They are suprised to find such a creature here - and openly say that this is exactly how their own life began also - Wnlil his brother says though they have NOT seen these in the "Edin", their first settlement and surrounding lands in what we now term the middle east -- the man creatures thus far is only found in AFRICA....Ninmah is a MEDICAL OFFICER - she says that this mimicks THEIR OWN EVOLUTION and therefore she says it is a BEING (with a SOUL?) and not just a "natural creature".....Here then is the first clue as to their spiritual beliefs - a Being is obviously more important than a mere creature as they express it - a Being has a Soul as we would say it...This "man creature" may have a SOUL she says - and so an ETHICAL debate begins...Enki shows them other hybridised animals, none are suitable - bizarre mixes openly described....Only man will do - this is the passage :

To the House of Life Enki led them; in strong cages there were some of the beings. At the sight of Enki and the others they jumped up, with fists on the cage bars they were beating They were grunting and snorting; no words were they speaking. Male and female they are! Enki was saying; malehoods and femalehoods they have, Like us, from Nibiru coming, they are procreating. Ningishzidda, my son, their Fashioning Essence has tested; Akin to ours it is, like two serpents it is entwined;

And this is indeed the exact time and place when modern man will arise.. Clearly there they are speaking about DNA itself -arent they Folks..??....

My son has examined their FASHIONING ESSENCE - and look - it is like ours TWO ENTWINED SERPANTS !!!! That for sure beyond all reasonable doubt says they have looked at the essence of life itself, found a TWO stranded dna exactly the same as their own formation... The rest only corroborates this startling revelation with even more details :

When their with our life essence shall be combined, our mark upon them shall be, A Primitive Worker shall be created! Our commands will he understand, Our tools he will handle, the toil in the excavations he shall perform;
To the Anunnaki in the Abzu relief shall come!

Clearly stated -an intent ot COMBINE LIFE ESSENCE -whch as we now know - looks like TWO ENTWINED SERPANTS - so in modern plain English - a plan to MIX their and our DNA - with intent to give this man thing capability for speech and dexterity - basic upgrades to the dna at first - obvious and undeniable knowledge - it cant mean anything BUt dna can it - really..??...the rwst only provides more convincing evidence....The philosophical debate goes on and is recorded for us as important.. Enlil is directly opposed says NO we should NOT play god like that - but eventually it is agreed it must be done..

Enki to his brother responded: Not slaves, but helpers is my plan! The Being already exists! Ninmah was saying. To give more ability is the plan! Not a new creature, but one existing more in our image made! Enki with persuasion said, With little change it can be achieved, only a drop of our essence is needed!

A grave matter it is, it is not to my liking! Enlil was saying. Against the rules of from planet to planet journeying it is,
By the rules of to Earth coming it was forbidden.

So they have ethical concerns - not a new creature Enki says - but CHANGE to one that ALREADY exists - not CREATING - just surviving, doing what is necassary.. See clear admission here - they KNOW FOR SURE other life exists on OTHER planets - they have rules governing such interactions...Indeed, in the full saga it is hinted that their homewold is one among a federation - their King appears to be supreme ruler - its all physical not spiritual at all - its all technology - it ts all clearly explained in ways we can easily understand...

By a male inseminating a female are the essences transmitted, The two entwined strands separate and combine an offspring to fashion. Let a male Anunnaki a two-legged female impregnate, let a combination offspring be born! Thus did Ninmah say. That we have tried, with failures it resulted! to her Enki responded. There was no conceiving, there was no birth! Now this is the account of how the Primitive Worker was created, How Enki and Ninmah, with Ningishzidda assisting, the Being fashioned.

Another way the admixture of essences to attain must be tried, Ninmah was saying. How the two strands of essences to combine another way must be found, That which from the Earth is the portion must not be harmed. To receive our essence in graduations it must be shaped, From the ME formulas of Nibiru's essence only bit by bit could be attempted!

So it says clearly they tried a full on reproduction direct mating - it failed...So they decide to try ARTIFICIAL gestation - and Ninmah says clearly this must be done step by step in stages - trial and error as they work out which parts of the genome govern which functions....Here we see first mention of this extraordinary ME technology...Clearly it has something to do with directly reading a GENOME - "from the me formulaes of the Nibiru essence" - sound like a technology that records and accesses their genome directly - later passages elsewhere will corroborate this theory as they will as said, use this same technology to DIRECTLY alter mankind and bring about SPECIFIC RACES - so whatever this ME is - it is for sure related once again to GENETIC manipulation, clearly described here in detail - detail I remind us all - primitve Sumerian man should have no knowledge of at all...

Thats enough isnt it..??...Beyond reasonable doubt..?...For sure...lol...One last thing then - Tiamat / Eve as we know her...Remember though - they are describing a set of GENETIC EXPERIMENTS - they have failed time and time again - rather than re quote long whole tablets here - I will just present what is directly relevant - they need to make man able to REPRODUCE - so they directly take part of Annunaki FEMALE dna and directly add it to a LIVING HUMAN ADULT - not a baby - Tiamat has grown:somewhat and they now approach puberty when this is done..having watched the humans try to reproduce it is noted they CANNOT have offspring...These are the first SEVEN PAIRS male and female - all mature but none can reproduce..So, before Tiamat matures they tamper again - last minute finishing touches so to speak :

From the rib of Ninmah the life essence he extracted, Into the rib of Ti-Amat the life essence he inserted. Where the incisions were made, the flesh thereon he closed up. Then by Ningishzidda they were awakened. It is done! he proudly declared.

To their Tree of Life two branches have been added, With procreating power, their life essences are now entwined! Let them freely roam, as one flesh let thorn know each other! Ninmah was saying. In the Edin's orchards, to freely roam they were placed. Of their nakedness they became aware, of malehood and femalehood they were knowing. Ti-Amat of leaves aprons made, from the wild beasts to be distinguished.

See again the clear religious confusion...Before puberty they take an Earth female and DIRECTLY alter dna to add a FEMALE Annunaki reproductive gene..The narrative is nearly identical to the later religious misrepresentation - and this original here predates that religion by thousands of earth years..Here, they first name this one as Tiamat, but of course we know her as Eve later in the religious account...

Really - I could be here forever more ...lol...On and on and on - the referance to advanced technology is foundatuional to it all -and it is all described in such plain unambiguous terms.....From OUR standpoint with OUOR modern technology, iti s very easy to follow - BUT - to ancient Sumerians - ALL OF THIS - should be way way WAY beyond their wildest imaginings....When they tell us then that other off world visitors came here and told them all this - we really do not have any reason at all to doubt any word of it - do we..??...SOMEHOW they DO know all this and referance all this technology - SOMEHOW - and the only plausable account for this is the one they themselves offer...

Lizards...????.......NO - I dont think the ANNUNAKI are lizards - as said - we are so compatable they will even MARRY US - once we become fully civilised - we are almost indistinguishable - especially females, no differences noted at all and the males find Earth women VERY attractive - but males as said, fully explained differences....All leads to RELIGIOUS CONFUSION of course...Add to that - other parts of the saga here - plus the ocuntless myths and legends of mankind the owrld over - mention wars with OTHER RACES that come from INSIDE the earth - and likewise a mysterious race of "blonde haired blue eyed humans" who come to occupy the 4th region - and also a blue skinned people are mentioned throughout the world - - so as offered for speculation here - it seems that as all this INTERGALACTIC colony civilisation sprang up here started by these primarily human looking Annunaki - and as it is suggested their homeworld is part of a greater alliance, a federation - so too Earth attracts MORE than one type of "god" it seems - and of course - lets not forget that crucial allimportant NONE PHYSICAL ENTITY - the emisary from the Father of All beginning - certainly not Annunaki or human either ;)
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Active Member
~;> perhaps he is talkin about
the ancient snake people like those characters in conan the barberian movie

This is an early 19th century study of Ophiolatreia, or snake-worship. Deane's primary thesis here is that ancient serpent worship was based on memories of the Garden of Eden. He has a monomaniacal devotion to the subject of snake worship and sees evidence of it everywhere. Deane reviews a massive amount of data from antiquity, travelers tales, and legend and folklore. A particularly compelling portion of the book describes ancient megalithic temples such as the Avebury and Carnac complexes as giant representations of snakes. One wonders what he would have made of the ancient American mound builders, who made huge sinuous earth sculptures in the Ohio valley.

Because he wrote before such advances such as the decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphics, excavations in Mesopotamia, detailed knowledge of eastern religions in the west, and the systematic study of folklore and anthropology, much of this information is outdated or incorrect. For instance, many of his etymologies can't be supported by modern historical linguistics. On the other hand, many later discoveries added to our understanding of the special role that snakes and other reptiles play in religion and mythology.

Modern writers from Carl Sagan to David Icke have taken the same themes and derived interesting, if controversial theses of their own. Sagan (in The Dragons of Eden) wrote about the ancient relationship between mammals and reptiles which goes back to the time of the dinosaurs. Sagan pointed out that there is a section of our brain, which is morphologically and functionally similar to a reptile brain, embedded in our brain stem, called the "Reptilian Complex". He also discussed the fear of snakes which seems to be hard-wired into our brains, and inferred that it began in the primordial struggle for survival between reptiles and mammals. At the other end of the spectrum, Icke believes that a shapeshifting race of reptilians have dominated history and even today are the secret rulers of our planet. Certainly, the full account of this topic has yet to be written.


unto all always


Trying to bring myself ever closer to Allah
Premium Member
Everything I will quote here is taken form this link - https://archive.org/stream/pdfy-MyQJH1dUOQrd7Ojt/Lost Book o Enki_djvu.txt - which is the full text of the "Book Of Enki" I mention earlier and from which all I present here is taken..

Sorry, I should have been clearer. I'm not after Zecharia Sitchin's 'Lost Book of Enki' - rather, I want his sources - the Sumerian tablets themselves. Have you looked at these separately from Zecharia Sitchin's publications? Good translations of these tablets can be found at the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature at the University of Oxford http://etcsl.orinst.ox.ac.uk/edition2/etcslbycat.php. You'll see that Zecharia Sitchin et al do stretch the meaning of the tablets a fair bit to fit a particular agenda (their 'ancient astronaut' agenda). I'd recommend that you look at the tablets independently from Zecharia Sitchin's publications.

Of course, you're perfectly entitled to hold the beliefs you do - and you may well have already looked at alternative translations of these tablets already yourself - and still decided that Zecharia Sitchin's translations make more sense to you. Hell, my beliefs aren't exactly orthodox themselves!


Active Member
Hi Folks...

FunnyKindofMormon; Yes my friend I HAVE looked at the tablets myself...And indeed am so intrigued by all this PHYSICAL explanation, that I actually followed his cross referance links - took into account such things as religous narratives - esepcially the Bible which IS a truth, though a very twisted misunderstood truth....Similar -ncioent Indian myths and legends - N. American natives as well - thats the thing - its not JUSTS Sumer - is it..??...

No - its actually WORLD WIDE - and yes indeed, all over the world we find HARD EVIDENCE that fully supports everything presented...Now -as to what is a "good translation" as opposed to a "bad" translation..?.....well - consider the following LOGICALLY - the first attempt to translate these texts was done a long long time before Sitchin - and at THAT time in popular culture there was - crucially - NO BELIEVE OR INTEREST IN UFOS - none whatsoever - the public hadnt caught hold of the phenomena at all - not until the much later 1950s - after that time such things as UFOS became well known - yes..??...Similar of course to other technology mentioned - and of course dna itself likewise NOT UNDERSTOOD by man when the tabletss were FIRST translated - were they..?.

So then - logically - FIRST scholars come along translate the tablets into a way that THEY can understand - a VERY LlIMITED manner as they themselves have no social referance to such things - yet - no UFO stories to compare the tablets too - no dna scientific wisdom so they can see the same in the tablets..We hadnt even been to the moon yet when we FIRST translated these tablest,and we were still largely -sadly -a very "religion based2 society - still are to a great extent in many respects which is why of ocurse, such startling revelatins are hard to accept....

With out MODERN HINDSIGHT and comparable technology NOW, as said - there is no difficulty at all reinterpreting this in an obviously more definate and more accurate manner - giventhat which WE now know about science and technology we can maje perfect sense of it all whereas earlier scholars were forced ot go along withtheir own social contecext which has no such referances available at all...See..??...its noto that the first translations are wrong - just limited - coming from the wrong persective - not religious - but scientific - knowledge revealed that at that time those first scholars simply did not understand - but later Sitchin and others came along re read them with our modern contecxt and saw that which is blindingly obvious given OUR level of current advancement..

Its only now - after he is dead - sadly - that some try to make THEIR fame by debunking HIS fame.......For mySelf - I rely on my dear old mums advise - what cant speak, cant tell no lies either She would say - look for the unalterable truth to work out what ACTUALLY happened...if there is evidence then we cant ignore it - and as said there is LOTS of scientific truth contained in those tablets that we see EASILY if we keep an open mind... I mean - it is pretty plain - for example - a life essence that has TWO strands - surely can only mean DNA itself cant it..??..we read it now it makes perfect sense that way - but the first translators read it and they had no such referance at all and so they substituted their standard "religious" and "historical" context and clearly it is they who got it wrong from a LIMITED perspective...

As I said before there is indeed a very real academic agenda here - to silence all this and keep it hush hush - ridicule it whenever it comes yo light again - but there is just far too much HARD EVIDENCE that fully supports everything said - and such evidence is indeed found the WORLD OVER just as the narrative predicts and explains...


And so - academia - cannot ignore such things as PYRAMIDS with their advanced construction and PRECISE mathematical cosmological allignements....Cant ignore the FACT that these primitive man could cut quarry and transport HUGE blocks of solid stone that weigh HUNDREDS OF TONNES - and they SOMEHOW managed to lift these hundreds of feet into the air and place them with supra accurate precision....Cant ignore the FACT that these primitves DID - onviosuly so - know the layout and arrangement of the solar system even though the same "academics experts" tell us these same primitves thought the woild itself was FLAT !!!

There is simply far too much HARD EVIDENCE out there in the world that tells us Sitchins version is a lot closer to truth than the "accepted academic knowledge"....For sure - LEGITIMATE truth is simply dismissed and covered up as and when it suits and this has been going on as a concerted unified effort for a good few centuries already...Academics - how to say - are arrogant in the extreme - knowldge is power indeed as they say - they dont like to be wrong - and yet - everything they teach us as historical truth, is in fact a historical twisted truth...

This of course leads to deception and outright lies and subterfuge - the archeological history of man is full of such things...Those who FUND the archeology itself - the universities and and ACADEMIC centres - have full control over what knowledge is then bought forward to the public....They OFTEN LIE and mislead on purpose and of course it is easy for ttem to mislead us fully, totaly unchallenged as it is THEY who literally dictae the "wisdom" of the general public..lol...and of course it is THEY who decide what our children get taught as "accepted truth"...

These "teachers" - are falable - often get it entirely wrong - yet are nearly always stubborn and arrogant - wont admit the errors or allow anything to surface that casts doubt on their accepted "authority"... If any doubt this - then as a direct example - check out the staggering amount of GIANT SKELETONS that are reported as being found - especially when N America was being re colonised by Europeans - such sources as NEWSPAPERS report PUBLICALLY that large numbers of GIGANTIC human remains are found bu gold prospectors, explorers, frontiersman etc etc - (corroborating evidene for my position here of course) - yet strangely -time and time again the SMITHSONIAN museum, collected these specimens NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN !!!

Similar things happened in Eurpose too, and here the BRITISH museum likewise - simply mad eit all disappear, never to surface again......The Smithsonian in modern times, fully admits this happened -says the specimens were destroyed "by accident" - but clearly it must have been a series of such accidents...lol...as clearly such finds were ONGOING for many decades, as reported many times in many newspapers of the time - and yet each time the academics come along BUY the specimen for money then DESTROY IT !!


So what Im saying Folks - CLEARLY - is that we just cant trust those who profess to "teach and lead" us - cant trust them at all actually - certainly should NOT swallow all they offer without some critical thinking of our own...In this case,there is simply far too much real world evidence that the accepted academic widom eithe rignroes or just cannto explain atall - that wont do if we want actual truth...here though - this other source in these tablets - fully addresses such evidence - fullly explains a great deal of it - a much better and obviously more reliable source than that which "academia" presents as "truth"...

Looking with an honest open and UNBIASSED mind - NO religious agenda -NO academic superiority complex - no station or position to protect - I just want TRUTH - I want ALL the angles covered - FULL disclosure....Thus far - given all the sources available - the Sumerian texts are the closest we have to PHYSICAL truth of our creation - but the SPIRITUAL truth we seek - is NOT to be found there (nor in any of the religions that come from all this)...


Active Member
Hi Folks...

SNAKE WORSHIP - its role in all this..??....

Well as I have said in the PHYSICAL aspect - the snake was the first "adversary" they found on Earth - first threat - first "enemy" - so it is iobvious why it became a SYMBOL of "evil". to the much later religions....

However - in its mystical context - SPIRITUAL context - the snake is NOT a negative things at all - it is an ESSENTIAL PREREQUISITE for ALL legitimate spiritual phenomena in fact....

All that presented above - purely PHYSICAL - NOT GODS but scientists - except for the two events where a NONE PHYSICAL - none corporeal entity - Galzu sent from the Father - appears ot each of the Princes in turn..This is a SPIRITUAL phenomena - and now - I will switch form relying on the "written text" -and explain it instead from the DRIECT EXPERIENCE of how these things play out here in the waking world...

the SNAKE - is a definate symbol for the phenomena many know as KUNDALINI....This I will vouch is a very real and authentic SPIRITUAL energy that quite literally allows mortal man to commune directly with OTHER realms of existance - other dimensions - spiritual reality - becomes FULLY ACCESSABLE though the energy we contain WITHIN our own body....All we need to do is first recongise this internal force - come to understand it - cultivate it to follow our GUDED direction......It literally allows us to merge our ,limited mortal mind - with the Divine mind that causes Creation itself - as far as we can each individually attain - and forever approaching that Divine Source until eventually we do become One with it FULLY....

ALL legitimate spiritual practice the world over - utilises this INTERNAL energy - for we are right now and always will Be - a part of that great spirit that caused All Creation to exist..."snake worship" in its original intention was the Self realisation of this inner Divine force - the goddess Kundalini - or Sofia as She is known to the Gnostics - or the Holy Ghost as my mate Christ termed it ;)


Active Member
Hi Folks..

Papoon; Thats a very enigmatic statement - not sure I follow your meaning - can you elaborate..??..


Trying to bring myself ever closer to Allah
Premium Member
Hi Folks...

FunnyKindofMormon; Yes my friend I HAVE looked at the tablets myself...And indeed am so intrigued by all this PHYSICAL explanation, that I actually followed his cross referance links - took into account such things as religous narratives - esepcially the Bible which IS a truth, though a very twisted misunderstood truth....Similar -ncioent Indian myths and legends - N. American natives as well - thats the thing - its not JUSTS Sumer - is it..??...

No - its actually WORLD WIDE - and yes indeed, all over the world we find HARD EVIDENCE that fully supports everything presented...Now -as to what is a "good translation" as opposed to a "bad" translation..?.....well - consider the following LOGICALLY - the first attempt to translate these texts was done a long long time before Sitchin - and at THAT time in popular culture there was - crucially - NO BELIEVE OR INTEREST IN UFOS - none whatsoever - the public hadnt caught hold of the phenomena at all - not until the much later 1950s - after that time such things as UFOS became well known - yes..??...Similar of course to other technology mentioned - and of course dna itself likewise NOT UNDERSTOOD by man when the tabletss were FIRST translated - were they..?.

So then - logically - FIRST scholars come along translate the tablets into a way that THEY can understand - a VERY LlIMITED manner as they themselves have no social referance to such things - yet - no UFO stories to compare the tablets too - no dna scientific wisdom so they can see the same in the tablets..We hadnt even been to the moon yet when we FIRST translated these tablest,and we were still largely -sadly -a very "religion based2 society - still are to a great extent in many respects which is why of ocurse, such startling revelatins are hard to accept....

With out MODERN HINDSIGHT and comparable technology NOW, as said - there is no difficulty at all reinterpreting this in an obviously more definate and more accurate manner - giventhat which WE now know about science and technology we can maje perfect sense of it all whereas earlier scholars were forced ot go along withtheir own social contecext which has no such referances available at all...See..??...its noto that the first translations are wrong - just limited - coming from the wrong persective - not religious - but scientific - knowledge revealed that at that time those first scholars simply did not understand - but later Sitchin and others came along re read them with our modern contecxt and saw that which is blindingly obvious given OUR level of current advancement..

Its only now - after he is dead - sadly - that some try to make THEIR fame by debunking HIS fame.......For mySelf - I rely on my dear old mums advise - what cant speak, cant tell no lies either She would say - look for the unalterable truth to work out what ACTUALLY happened...if there is evidence then we cant ignore it - and as said there is LOTS of scientific truth contained in those tablets that we see EASILY if we keep an open mind... I mean - it is pretty plain - for example - a life essence that has TWO strands - surely can only mean DNA itself cant it..??..we read it now it makes perfect sense that way - but the first translators read it and they had no such referance at all and so they substituted their standard "religious" and "historical" context and clearly it is they who got it wrong from a LIMITED perspective...

As I said before there is indeed a very real academic agenda here - to silence all this and keep it hush hush - ridicule it whenever it comes yo light again - but there is just far too much HARD EVIDENCE that fully supports everything said - and such evidence is indeed found the WORLD OVER just as the narrative predicts and explains...


And so - academia - cannot ignore such things as PYRAMIDS with their advanced construction and PRECISE mathematical cosmological allignements....Cant ignore the FACT that these primitive man could cut quarry and transport HUGE blocks of solid stone that weigh HUNDREDS OF TONNES - and they SOMEHOW managed to lift these hundreds of feet into the air and place them with supra accurate precision....Cant ignore the FACT that these primitves DID - onviosuly so - know the layout and arrangement of the solar system even though the same "academics experts" tell us these same primitves thought the woild itself was FLAT !!!

There is simply far too much HARD EVIDENCE out there in the world that tells us Sitchins version is a lot closer to truth than the "accepted academic knowledge"....For sure - LEGITIMATE truth is simply dismissed and covered up as and when it suits and this has been going on as a concerted unified effort for a good few centuries already...Academics - how to say - are arrogant in the extreme - knowldge is power indeed as they say - they dont like to be wrong - and yet - everything they teach us as historical truth, is in fact a historical twisted truth...

This of course leads to deception and outright lies and subterfuge - the archeological history of man is full of such things...Those who FUND the archeology itself - the universities and and ACADEMIC centres - have full control over what knowledge is then bought forward to the public....They OFTEN LIE and mislead on purpose and of course it is easy for ttem to mislead us fully, totaly unchallenged as it is THEY who literally dictae the "wisdom" of the general public..lol...and of course it is THEY who decide what our children get taught as "accepted truth"...

These "teachers" - are falable - often get it entirely wrong - yet are nearly always stubborn and arrogant - wont admit the errors or allow anything to surface that casts doubt on their accepted "authority"... If any doubt this - then as a direct example - check out the staggering amount of GIANT SKELETONS that are reported as being found - especially when N America was being re colonised by Europeans - such sources as NEWSPAPERS report PUBLICALLY that large numbers of GIGANTIC human remains are found bu gold prospectors, explorers, frontiersman etc etc - (corroborating evidene for my position here of course) - yet strangely -time and time again the SMITHSONIAN museum, collected these specimens NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN !!!

Similar things happened in Eurpose too, and here the BRITISH museum likewise - simply mad eit all disappear, never to surface again......The Smithsonian in modern times, fully admits this happened -says the specimens were destroyed "by accident" - but clearly it must have been a series of such accidents...lol...as clearly such finds were ONGOING for many decades, as reported many times in many newspapers of the time - and yet each time the academics come along BUY the specimen for money then DESTROY IT !!


So what Im saying Folks - CLEARLY - is that we just cant trust those who profess to "teach and lead" us - cant trust them at all actually - certainly should NOT swallow all they offer without some critical thinking of our own...In this case,there is simply far too much real world evidence that the accepted academic widom eithe rignroes or just cannto explain atall - that wont do if we want actual truth...here though - this other source in these tablets - fully addresses such evidence - fullly explains a great deal of it - a much better and obviously more reliable source than that which "academia" presents as "truth"...

Looking with an honest open and UNBIASSED mind - NO religious agenda -NO academic superiority complex - no station or position to protect - I just want TRUTH - I want ALL the angles covered - FULL disclosure....Thus far - given all the sources available - the Sumerian texts are the closest we have to PHYSICAL truth of our creation - but the SPIRITUAL truth we seek - is NOT to be found there (nor in any of the religions that come from all this)...

Okay, so you have Zecharia Sitchin's translations and, say, the translations from the ETCSL website I posted above. How do you know which are the better translations?


Active Member
Hi Folks..

FunnyKinofMormon; Well - Id have to say - logically - - that Sitchin MUST be the more accurate and reliable - for as said - the ORIGINAL translations were coming from a very limited social background with no referance to the things Sitchin presented, because obviosuly back then ufos aliens and all that wasnt maistream at all so they had nothing to compare to in that regard - similar, scientific knowledge itself has taken off at a staggering rate in the last century or so - so again,Sitchin had distinct advantage with definate new referance points that HE could compare this too that the previous translators had no referance to at all..

Rather more crucial than that though -Sitchin - and I myself - have then gone away and CROSS REFERANCED these tablets with all the other sources available - ancient texts form ALL OVER THE WORLD - especially the rich sources of Egypt and mespatamia ...Yes, WE may say they are "myth" and legend - BUT -coming from the new perspective offered by Enkis tablets - we can then go look again at those "myths" and see they are speaking about the EXACT same events - for instance - the "war of the kings" recorded in the bibles old testamant - is likewise fully explained IN the Sumer chronicles themselves - EVERYTHING dovetails PERFECTLY - the scientific off world scientist narrative fits and dovetails with Earths ENTIRE global history - and it all can be traced right back to the one single source...

BOTH translations give the same words and SAME basic narrative- - except of course Sitchin has taken the bigger view and started as if all this was LITERAL and real bona fide and treats it ALl as if it is "ione event" one history one ongoing civilisation..Whereas the "academic scholars" have ALWAYS started from the opposite view this was all "myth and allegory" dealinig with INDIVIDUAL tablets, individual narratives SEPERATELY - individual cultures SEPERATELY and so they are missing the the thread that links it all as cohesively as Sitchin manages to do...Clearly, we see Sitchin has the right approach as OTHER SOURCES record the IDENTICAL REAL WORLD EVENTS and so corroborate Sitchins interpretation fully - not to mention all that REAL WORLD HARD EVIDENCE that "academic scholars" try to ignore, simply will not comment on as they simply cannot explain any of it - when we allow modern wisdom - modern influences - modern "accepted" ideas and knowledge - then for sure Sitchins version makes a whole lot more logical and reasonable sense...


Trying to bring myself ever closer to Allah
Premium Member
Well - Id have to say - logically - - that Sitchin MUST be the more accurate and reliable - for as said - the ORIGINAL translations were coming from a very limited social background with no referance to the things Sitchin presented, because obviosuly back then ufos aliens and all that wasnt maistream at all so they had nothing to compare to in that regard - similar, scientific knowledge itself has taken off at a staggering rate in the last century or so - so again,Sitchin had distinct advantage with definate new referance points that HE could compare this too that the previous translators had no referance to at all..

On this argument, we should accept the translations of those Sumerianists who have translated the tablets more recently still than Zecharia Sitchin..

BOTH translations give the same words and SAME basic narrative- - except of course Sitchin has taken the bigger view and started as if all this was LITERAL and real bona fide and treats it ALl as if it is "ione event" one history one ongoing civilisation..Whereas the "academic scholars" have ALWAYS started from the opposite view this was all "myth and allegory" dealinig with INDIVIDUAL tablets, individual narratives SEPERATELY - individual cultures SEPERATELY and so they are missing the the thread that links it all as cohesively as Sitchin manages to do...Clearly, we see Sitchin has the right approach as OTHER SOURCES record the IDENTICAL REAL WORLD EVENTS and so corroborate Sitchins interpretation fully - not to mention all that REAL WORLD HARD EVIDENCE that "academic scholars" try to ignore, simply will not comment on as they simply cannot explain any of it - when we allow modern wisdom - modern influences - modern "accepted" ideas and knowledge - then for sure Sitchins version makes a whole lot more logical and reasonable sense...

I think the way forward from here might be if you present a particular tablet, Zecharia Sitchin's translation of that tablet (word for word), an academic translation (let's go with one from the ETCSL website) (again word for word), and then quotes from other sources (elsewhere in the world) that support your argument wrt the meaning of that particular tablet.