I'm all kinds of NOT STILL... a toast to friend zenzero... helping to kick open the doors of perception.
Me and the spirit of Max Planck grooving to Morrison and the gang a hundred years after -
like a dog without a bone, an actor out on loan - here's Max, back in the day:
E =
hv. ...
I'm not sure what it means, but it is cool as hell! At the time, nobody really knew, it wasn't exactly possible; but twenty-five years later it became part of the foundation of the most successful theorizing ever done by science. The quantum theory. And thus Planck is immortalized in the unassuming
h, Planck's constant - the philosopher's stone transmuting frequency to energy.
Got another one for ya. Benoit Mandelbrot has got a ruler in his hands and a map of the British Isles on the walls -
hmmm, how long is the coastline of England? - and looks closer.
Well, I guess that depends upon how close one gets ...and the size of one's ruler. Would you believe, infinite? They say Nietzsche killed God. They were wrong. A french mathematician and an IBM mainframe killed God with sixteen lines of code. God is dead. Long live god.
A defining characteristic of fractal geometry is self-similarity over differing orders of magnitude. All in THE ALL, THE ALL in all. Ol' Benoit answers a question the Initiates presumed hidden from mortal eyes, smacks the unruly student on the knuckles with his ruler...
you are causing the creator to create. Be still. Next up, symmetry...
I read half that book - then had to go make an online journey to acquire some kind of surety that this wasn't some kind of prank, or joke or fluff or... found in some dusty ol' corner of some obscure bookstore back in the twenties? A repository of ancient Egyptian wisdom - lost, yet carried forward by three anonymous Initiates? The messinger of the gods? Come on, how hokey can you get? This can't be real...
I never liked reality.
We have the technology, We can rebuild it. We can make it better, stronger, faster... I shall unravel the secrets of this work... and I shall become your god! Muah... ha... ha.... ha.... (cough, cough) Kidding. The text is far from perfect, uses a lot of unfortunate terminology; and is narrated along the lines of asinine desires illustrated by the previous sentence. But I'm thinking, some pictures, diagrams - perhaps an updating of the old magic number seven with the new magic number four - this thing just might be
The Idiot's Guide to Enlightenment - and a hope for us all.
the world on you depends
life will never end
Now, If I only know what to do with this (insane, all-consuming, unexplainable) love I have for Gwyneth Paltrow; I might actually know something... and I am
not vibrating in the opposite direction of Gwynnie...