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The qur'an


Veteran Member
Premium Member
So this is wrong:

Yeah, unfortunately, if they oppose what i said about the woman being able to divorce, whenever she wants.

Perhaps you want to read the post which was quoted from an Islamic source, before wasting my time any further.


Yes. The qur'an authorizes human slavery, and slavery has only been outlawed because of secularism. If the whole world was in Dar al Islam, slavery would be legal throughout the world. That's out of the way.

I'm certainly not going to indulge you in this pathetic waste of time. This has already been explained, and Abibi has provided all that which is needed for anybody who wants to understand this issue.

Shall we move on to inequality of the sexes?

No actually we may not. May be when you actually manage to control yourself and refrain from making irrelevant, boring, weak and repeated attacks on Islam (which is completely irrelevant), trying to score points for secularism (which once again is completely irrelevant). Also may be when you actually read the Quran, so that i don't go around in circles with someone who never really read the book.


Hello Sprinkles

While I did find it interesting, it didn't fundamentally tell me anything new, or contradict what I have already said. Sure, Islam has a very charitable and humane view of slaves, perhaps much more humane than other philosophies. But, the ancient Islamic view towards slaves is not so charitable, and not so humane, as the view that most rational people accept today. To "possess" people "by your right hand" is wrong in itself, even if you treat your property humanely and even if you eventually set them free. Surely you agree?
What do you mean the ancient Islamic view? I have cited, in all my examples, either the Qur'an or the four rightly guided Caliphs. Like I have told Auto from the time of Banu Umayya the rule of Shariah ended, period. That is the ancient Islamic view, now the view that so many Muslim despots took to further their wealth is something different.

What is wrong to posses with your right hand? I have explained the necessity of slavery during the time, simply freeing the enemy while they held Muslims in captivity killed them, tortured them, and raped them would be unrealistic. It would lead to the subjugation of the Ummah and the dissolution of Islam, put simply there would be no Islam in the modern world had it not been for the practical nature of our religion.

It's not eventually setting them free. These are people who have opposed you and vowed to kill you. Who have used treachery and deceit and broken their words. And still they were not killed. They were treated as humans. And if they so desired freedom and proved that they had no hostile intentions against the Ummah they could be freed. It is a remarkably simple system.

The other thing I would say, is that while I agree slavery as condoned by Islam was much more humane than other forms of slavery (the American slave trade of the 1800s for example) some of your arguments show your bias. For example, in some cases you have chosen to compare the theory of Islamic slavery, with the practice of European slavery. You neglected the practice of Islamic slavery, and the theory of Christian, Roman, Greek, and Jewish slavery.

If we are going to talk about theory, many philosophies and laws hundreds of years before the flawless Ummah -- Christian, Greek, Roman, Jewish, etc. -- taught that slaves should be treated humanely, all human beings are created equal, freeing slaves is a good thing, etc. Some philosophers in Greece opposed slavery entirely, for example Alcidamas around 400 B.C.E. said "God has set everyone free. No one is made a slave by nature." You say slavery would have eventually been abolished if people had listened to Muhammad's teachings. Perhaps, but then we have to give even greater credit to people like Alcidamas, because if people had followed his teachings then slavery would have been abolished immediately, one thousand years before the flawless Ummah gave us the wisdom that we should only heap bearable burdens on our slaves.

I am not talking about a theory Sprinkles I am talking about the correct application of Shariah law for well over a century. Regardless tell me where I am wrong. I have been educated in America and I know the justifications the Confederates made for their slaves.

They didn't have any theory of equal work, they worked those men to death. They viewed them as property. Tell me the serfs were ideally supposed to be liberated, by theory and by application it was intended to keep them toiling in lands and giving the majority of their wealth to land barons.

Tell me the theory of the Spanish was to be humane to the Natives when the Conquistadors wrote and clearly saw them as sub human and products of the devil. Tell me the theory of secular economics which always aimed at maximizing profit by the most efficient use of capital. And tell me it wasn't widely acknowledged that slaves were indeed nothing more than capital, like lumber or cows harnessed to the plow.

You say the regulations of Islam would have phased out slavery eventually, but this too was not the first time law had taken this trajectory. The trajectory of Roman law was also to grant more rights to slaves, make it easier for them to become free, make it harder to become enslaved, and give them greater legal recourse to address grievances against their masters. Emperors and Popes and Kings freed slaves as acts of generosity. Freed slaves rose to high positions. The famous philosopher Epictetus for example (~100 C.E.) was born a slave, he was freed and went on to become friends with the Roman Emperor. A freed slave, Callixtus, became Pope of the Catholic Church. This was around 200 C.E. One would hope that 400 years later, it would still be true that slaves could rise to positions of power.
I am not denying that there were not humane figures in Western society. Of course there is always decency in the darkest of times. But when you can claim, with all seriousness, that the Romans were interested in freeing slaves that the founders and Gods of Rome gave mandates and set aside jurisdiction for the freedom of any slave so that he could insult even the highest of Ceaser. Then and only then will I take your claim seriously.

It is not a matter of eventuality. The moment Muslims were in a position that was no longer threatened by believers held in bondage that was incomparable to the extreme there would be no need for slavery.

Clearly there can be no economic gain from the practice in Islam. Clearly there can be no large plantations when the workers are appealing for their freedom. And clearly society does not encourage the practice when it sets aside funds to free slaves and then places these slaves on accounts of merit and not birth.

But these criticisms I have with your argument don't affect your basic conclusion: I agree with you, the Islamic version of slavery was a huge improvement. But the modern view is an even greater improvement, in fact the modern view is a return to basic ideas that were developed a thousand years before Muhammad. I disagree with you that possessing another human being and taking women captives as war booty should be described as a "flawless" state of affairs.
That is not my conclusion. My conclusion is that slavery was set only because it was imposed on Muslims by the hostile tribes of the Quraish the Romans and the Persians. My conclusion is that slavery was never intended to flourish in Islam and all steps were taken to ensure that slaves could not only easily attain their freedom but integrate in their new home.

In contrast the European view of slavery only ended when it was no longer economically viable to do so and even then those who were enslaved were seen for centuries as inferior.

It is not a surprise that many slaves converted to Islam due to their benevolent treatment and they would know of course being that the majority of the Roman and Persian prisoners were slaves captured by their former masters.


pls explain why muhammad captured Juwayriya bint al-Harith from her father and protected her as a slave while her father was alive .....
Juwayriya belonged to a tribe that secretly took actions to wage war against the Muslims. The armies converged and the Prophet appealed for peace and instead they chose to fight.

When the Muslims emerged victorious her husband was killed in the fighting and her tribe was captured.

She found herself enslaved and declared her mukatabah and appealed to the Prophet. The Prophet was so moved by her case that he offered to pay her ransom in full if she agreed to marry him. She was so shocked and moved by the kind response that she agreed in full.

In time her father and the rest of her tribe also converted to Islam.
Badran said:
The financial issues are the main thing here. Being that if the woman is the one who wants a divorce, there are two possibilities as to whats going to happen with regard to the dowry, and the husband's possible fiinancial responsibility for her. Which requires a judge. While if a man wants the divorce, thats not the case.
As I understand, the two possibilities for the woman is she gets her money (her dowry) back, or she doesn't. So the woman might be obliged to give up the wealth she brought with her to the marriage. But the man is never obliged to give up the wealth he brought to the marriage?
Abibi said:
What do you mean the ancient Islamic view?
I mean the view that you should treat slaves fairly, as expressed in the Hadith you quoted.

Frederick Douglass didn't say we should treat slaves fairly. Alcidamas didn't say we should treat slaves fairly. The Declaration of Human Rights does not say we should wear the same clothes as our slaves, eat what they eat, etc. All these sources said slavery is wrong, period, there's no such thing as humane or just or fair treatment of slaves, being a slave itself is already an excessive burden. That is a different view form the ancient Islamic view you have repeatedly quoted.
Abibi said:
I have explained the necessity of slavery during the time, simply freeing the enemy ...
Only captured enemies could be slaves? Where does it say that in the Qur'an?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
As I understand, the two possibilities for the woman is she gets her money (her dowry) back, or she doesn't. So the woman might be obliged to give up the wealth she brought with her to the marriage. But the man is never obliged to give up the wealth he brought to the marriage?

I was surprised when i read this, and found you saying that the dowry is what the woman brings in, so i looked up the word. In some cultures, its the other way around, and in this case it is the man who brings this.


I mean the view that you should treat slaves fairly, as expressed in the Hadith you quoted.

Frederick Douglass didn't say we should treat slaves fairly. Alcidamas didn't say we should treat slaves fairly. The Declaration of Human Rights does not say we should wear the same clothes as our slaves, eat what they eat, etc. All these sources said slavery is wrong, period, there's no such thing as humane or just or fair treatment of slaves, being a slave itself is already an excessive burden. That is a different view form the ancient Islamic view you have repeatedly quoted.
Tell me again how it is inhumane? There is an hadith that admonishes Muslims not to refer to "slaves" as such but to refer to them as men and maidens.

By the definition of slavery:
Slavery (also called thralldom) is a form of forced labour in which people are considered to be the property of others. Slaves can be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand wages. ...

This certainly does not sound like the system of "slavery" that was practiced under the Ummah.

Fredrick Douglas didn't say to treat slaves fairly because the treatment of slaves in American and Europe was horrendous. He demanded their freedom. Their freedom from working like cattle.

Islam never ascribed that system to begin with. There was no system of "manual work" for economic gain pure and simple. And when a slave had shown his willingness to be a peaceful helpful member of society he was freed.

Only captured enemies could be slaves? Where does it say that in the Qur'an?

Certainly, the only time there were slaves were a result of warfare between hostile tribes. There was no concept of slave raiding as it were under the Rightly guided Caliphs.

The only slaves were a byproduct of war as leverage when Muslims were held in bondage.


Badran said:
I was surprised when i read this, and found you saying that the dowry is what the woman brings in, so i looked up the word. In some cultures, its the other way around, and in this case it is the man who brings this.

Yes Badran you are correct, in many cultures it is the women who pay the man! Indeed it is a case of mixed cultures like oil and water :)

Regardless the women gives back the money if she initiates the divorce but can hold the divorce up to the law and claim stake to the dowry.

There is also an hadith which states that when divorcing a women, do not take back the money you give your women even if it is a pile of gold!


With regards to slavery no where in the Quran does it actually profess that slavery should be abolished. As for the treatment of slaves it appears that we have to ignore anything done by Muslim Empires after about 750AD. so everything including the millions of slaves taken in the "Islamic Slave trade" is not arguable as its nothing to do with Islam.


With regards to slavery no where in the Quran does it actually profess that slavery should be abolished. As for the treatment of slaves it appears that we have to ignore anything done by Muslim Empires after about 750AD. so everything including the millions of slaves taken in the "Islamic Slave trade" is not arguable as its nothing to do with Islam.
And yet Islamic law ascribes a set of codes and conduct that would make slavery as an economic means impossible.

The only exception of course being the necessity of it during warfare.

Regardless kai I absolutely agree, the leaders of Banu Umayya and later on have absolutely nothing to do with Islam. They took Shariah and spat on it. They are innovators and despots who changed the ideas of Islam to its very core. I can go more in depth if you would like.

The only reason Islam survives today is because of the masses of Muslims who took and obeyed the laws of Islam when the politicians and rulers did not.


And yet Islamic law ascribes a set of codes and conduct that would make slavery as an economic means impossible.

The only exception of course being the necessity of it during warfare.

Regardless kai I absolutely agree, the leaders of Banu Umayya and later on have absolutely nothing to do with Islam. They took Shariah and spat on it. They are innovators and despots who changed the ideas of Islam to its very core. I can go more in depth if you would like.

The only reason Islam survives today is because of the masses of Muslims who took and obeyed the laws of Islam when the politicians and rulers did not.

well then the Quran advocates responsible slavery? accept in warfare of course. Muslim Empires since 750 Ad have been enslaving people from Africa and Europe no doubt justifying it because of warfare.


Active Member
Basically Slavery is wrong whatever way you wish to paint it,it may have been acceptable in the Middle ages but it surely isn't now

Please can you tell me about all the Muslims who have been captured by the alien forces in Iraq. Today you don't call it slavery, but actually it is more awful than slavery. People are treated like animals, at least Islam recognizes rights for them. obviously slavery still exist today, but with different paint.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Please can you tell me about all the Muslims who have been captured by the alien forces in Iraq. Today you don't call it slavery, but actually it is more awful than slavery. People are treated like animals, at least Islam recognizes rights for them. obviously slavery still exist today, but with different paint.

Which ones are Aliens though,Shias or Sunnis or or


well then the Quran advocates responsible slavery? accept in warfare of course. Muslim Empires since 750 Ad have been enslaving people from Africa and Europe no doubt justifying it because of warfare.

What do you mean except warfare? The only time it is permitted to hold slaves is when it is a necessary strategic decision. Anything less than that would have resulted in the absolute collapse of the Ummah period.

These aren't even slaves we are talking about. Tell me where else a slave can petition and demand his freedom? Tell me where else a slave can insult and threaten to assassinate a Rashidun and in turn is not harmed nor harassed. Tell me where else those who use deciet and war unprovoked are given such mercy and the chance to integrate in their new society as they wish.

No where and most definitely not in Europe which clung to slavery until it was no longer economically viable and even then held former slaves as substandard beings.

There were no slave raids during the time of the Prophet or the Rashidun Caliphates. Only when we forsake Shariah did we revert to the barbarism that was so common in the world though never ever to the degree of the Europeans.

Basically Slavery is wrong whatever way you wish to paint it,it may have been acceptable in the Middle ages but it surely isn't now

And yet the Prophet and the Caliphs agreed with you, in this progressive style of thinking they agreed with you, centuries before Europe took the tentative steps to abolish slavery.


Intentionally Blank
Yeah, unfortunately, if they oppose what i said about the woman being able to divorce, whenever she wants.

Perhaps you want to read the post which was quoted from an Islamic source, before wasting my time any further.

Sure, here's what it says:

In the case that the husband is at fault and the woman is interested in divorce, she can petition a judge for divorce, with cause. She would be required to offer proof that her husband had not fulfilled his marital responsibilities. If the woman had specified certain conditions that are Islamically accepted in her marriage contract, which were not met by the husband, she could obtain a conditional divorce.[emphasis added] As you can see, from your source, a husband can divorce his wife any time, for no reason. The wife, OTOH, must ask a judge and prove that the husband is at fault. The two cases are not the same. They are different. It is not equal.

I'm certainly not going to indulge you in this pathetic waste of time. This has already been explained, and Abibi has provided all that which is needed for anybody who wants to understand this issue.
Abibi tried to present a ridiculous concept that Allah really intended to outlaw slavery eventually, when Muslims became perfect and obeyed the law, but since that has never happened and obviously never will, then under Islam slavery remains legal to this day. I note that under Abibi's scenario, which has not a shred of support in the qur'an (the subject of this thread) Allah is either not all-powerful, not all-knowing or not all-merciful. That is, according to Abibi, He chose a plan that would not work, and which He should have known would not work.

No actually we may not. May be when you actually manage to control yourself and refrain from making irrelevant, boring, weak and repeated attacks on Islam (which is completely irrelevant), trying to score points for secularism (which once again is completely irrelevant). Also may be when you actually read the Quran, so that i don't go around in circles with someone who never really read the book.

Oh, o.k., what subject in the qur'an would you like to cover? Did you want to talk about slavery some more, and how it is permitted in the qur'an, or what subject exactly did you want to discuss? I am happy to discuss the second-class status of women. What subject would you like to talk about?

Rather than just declare my conclusions wrong, it is incumbent on you to actually make an argument by using the qur'an (the one you say I'm ignorant of) to show that I'm wrong. For example, here you would cite the non-existent verse that prohibits Muslims from owning slaves.


As you can see, from your source, a husband can divorce his wife any time, for no reason. The wife, OTOH, must ask a judge and prove that the husband is at fault. The two cases are not the same. They are different. It is not equal.

Ok maybe you are a slow learner? You see in Islam the man gives the women a dowry. If they divorce the money is given back to the man. If she petitions her case to the court and with just cause she may keep the dowry.

Abibi tried to present a ridiculous concept that Allah really intended to outlaw slavery eventually, when Muslims became perfect and obeyed the law, but since that has never happened and obviously never will, then under Islam slavery remains legal to this day. I note that under Abibi's scenario, which has not a shred of support in the qur'an (the subject of this thread) Allah is either not all-powerful, not all-knowing or not all-merciful. That is, according to Abibi, He chose a plan that would not work, and which He should have known would not work.
Hah! Instead it was applied perfectly for more than a hundred years.

There is numerous support from the Qur'an and the Hadith and the Sunnah, which is all we need to form our basis on the matter.

I'm sorry your secularism failed you and still does fail in the essence of racial intolerance. The system worked and it failed only when we abandoned it. You have made numerous claims all unsubstantiated. Perhaps it's best if you actually provided your claims with evidence rather than bigoted opinions.

Rather than just declare my conclusions wrong, it is incumbent on you to actually make an argument by using the qur'an (the one you say I'm ignorant of) to show that I'm wrong. For example, here you would cite the non-existent verse that prohibits Muslims from owning slaves.

There are no slaves in Islamic thought.