LOL -- the Democrats have never been as regimented as the right. We think for ourselves and challenge authority.
(grin) No you don't. You ARE the authorities, the dictators of what must be thought, said...even worn. It has always bemused me how, when a group 'rebels against authority' to 'think for themselves," they all say the same thing, think the same thing and wear the same tie dye t-shirts.
It's one of the great ironies of the universe, I think.
There are no "super far left" Democrats. You've been watching too much Fox news. The division has largely been stirred up by the GOP.
You are correct. There aren't. When the whole party moves as far left as a 'super far left," everything realigns; the center moves and what used to be 'super far,' becomes 'normal."
When were these "center left" days? Both parties have been moving steadily to the right for some time now.
Wrong direction.
Much of Nixon and Reagan's politics would be considered far left today.
Actually, they would be considered rather far right. John Kennedy's politics would be considered pretty right wing today. Carter and Johnson would still be 'left' (NO Republican would gut social security to pay for a war, for crying out loud! Only left wing 'The government can do anything it wants to for the 'greater good' would do that).
Our tunnel vision is focused on human rights, fairness, equality and prosperity.
Not really. 'Human rights" as long as it's the humans you approve of, long as the result is that the folks most likely to vote for you win, long as the minorities don't get TOO 'uppity' and decide that they really ARE as good as anybody else and break away from the government teat and make their own way long as nobody gets TOO prosperous. Can't have that.
It's this tunnel vision that freed the slaves, gave women the vote, ended child labor and racial segregation, built our highway system and infrastructure, gave us the eight hour day, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Public education, AFDC, clean air, water, food, drugs, &c.
Almost all of that was done by (whisper this) REPUBLICANS. Do read your history.
Need I remind you that both moderates and conservatives fought all these "far left, socialist" policies tooth and nail? They're doing the same today.
Only if they identify as conservative. If they identify as liberal, they don't dare.
But these are exactly the issues we are focusing on! -- perhaps minus the nuclear option. It's the Republicans who seek to maintain the status quo and overturn popular social programs, its they who spend like drunken sailors and run up deficits.
You really don't read history, do you?
The '80s and '90s saw increasing debt, stagnant wages and increasing income inequality. It was a trickle up economy.
Maybe we need to revisit the policies that curbed the rapacious banks and industrialists that led to the Great Depression; the policies that produced America's golden age of growth and prosperity.
Oh, wait -- that would be the "super far left"...
Please clarify what policies you have issue with. I'm not seeing a regressive left. I'm seeing a resurgence of Roosevelt's politics; the policies that Made America Great.
Look, I'm not going to argue with someone who actually attributes the freeing of the slaves to DEMOCRATS. Here's a hint: Lincoln was a Republican. the KKK was the Democratic party 'action wing.'
The 'infrastructure,' the great freeway and highway web that has allowed this nation to travel and move goods and people? Eisenhower. Republican.
Roosevelt didn't end the depression. WWII did. It has been argued that Roosevelt's polices actually extended the depression longer than it needed to go.
Brown v the Board of Education was enforced by REPUBLICANS against rather violent Democratic opposition. I keep reminding you guys that MLKjr was a Repubilcan. He was assassinated in 1968 by James Earl Ray, who was extremely influenced by George Wallace and his segregationalist policies.
George Wallace was a Democrat. You people darned near elected him president, except that a man named Bremer shot and paralyzed him. You can't even call his assailant 'partisan.' Evidently Bremer would have been just as happy to shoot Nixon.
Now you guys want to co-opt the entire history of the fight for equality and claim that YOU are responsible for the end of slavery, the end of segregation, and all the good things that have happened in America throughout the decades? You are calling conservatives 'racists' when it has been the Democrats who have been the racist enemy we've been fighting for a century or two? You are not only changing sides in your rhetoric, you are attempting to make Republicans guilty of all your sins.
And you folks are STILL the racists to be fought. You are just sneakier about it now, is all.[/QUOTE]