As far as I am concerned my Toyota will only be replaced by another. I don't expect that purchase will need to be for sometime. I also had a cougar and was quite happy to pass it on to a used car lot, some years ago.
I did enjoy and love my Cougar, and despite the problems I wouldn't mind another because it was a fun and pleasant ride. But for practicality and financial reasons, unless I could actually afford something like a Porsche, Lotus, GT, or McLaren, I can't see a reason to get anything that isn't a Toyota. Mines taken 10 years of heavy driving (it's a 12 and had 160,000 miles when I got it in early '09), and, well, yeah parts wear out and stuff and though I am having a plague of heavy usage maintenance issues lately it still does actually run great and is in good overall condition. And if this has taken 10 years of 260,000 miles of such abuse and just needs stuff that goes bad when the miles get high, I get another one when I'm done driving for a living and I don't see any reason (baring accident or whatever) why it wouldn't last me the rest of my life. But I can't say I'm a fan of the shape and form of this unholy ******* love child between a Jeep and Minivan, the result of a town of tweakers making the transmissions for Chrysler, giving to their cars a drive for unnatural and wicked lusts. And because the Japanese are into some weird stuff like that they adopted the child, raised it properly on the Metric system, raised it to be good and strong, and they called it the xD.