The damnedest thing occurred today. On my way to work, I stopped by a GS convenience store just around the corner from my workplace. I grabbed a bottle of tea and two cans of Ceylon tea. The nice and friendly woman who works there scanned the bottle and then the two cans of Ceylon tea. Then, she stopped and looked at them and said something in Korean, pointed at them, and said 'One.' I thought she meant 'Get one more' because a lot of products are either 1+1 or 2+1. No, she meant something else. She got onto a translator app and showed me that she cannot sell me two of them because the product is not an 'event item.' So, she reimbursed me for one of the cans, and all I was able to walk out with was the bottle of tea and one can of Ceylon tea. When I got to work I was thinking, 'What the hell! Doesn't she want to make as much money as she can?' I told another foreign teacher about it and he said that he has never experienced that sort of thing before, and he has been in Korea longer than me.
'And he marvelled . . .'