Vile Atheist
Loud and Obnoxious
Christ almighty. I remember intending on help you out, if I could, about an hour ago lol...
Well there's your first problem. Shaw.
Fix that as soon as possible. I hate Shaw with a passion.
Me: The modem is completely off. It's been off for several days.
Shaw: Have you tried unplugging it?
Me: *annoyed* Yes, I've tried unplugging it.
Shaw: We'll send someone there tomorrow between 12am and 11:59pm.
Me: Fine.
*next day*
*guy somehow shows up late*
*Shaw guy busts out laptop, steals neighbour's wireless Internet connection*
Shaw: Yeah, your Internet is fine.
Me: Clearly it isn't. The modem lights are still out.
Shaw: Well, it must be your router, then.
Me: How does that even make any sense!?
Shaw: Yep. Good day.
*call Shaw again, hoping to get someone competent*
*same guy shows up again, late*
Me: I saw you just stole my neighbour's Internet connection the other day. Are you going to fix my modem.
Shaw: Hmmm....well....I GUESS we can give you a new modem....
If you haven't unplugged it and plugged your modem back in, there isn't much you can do. You can try Shaw, but I wish you luck.