I did not mean to imply their cultures are simple, rather that they are free of many of the burdens and hassles that people who live a life of "modern convenience" often face. Such as how they don't have to have all this fancy stuff and expensive clothes just to try and land a job interview because they just do what they have to for the group to survive; they commonly even have far more free-time to boot.
Ah, and now you think that learning how to fashion fishing gear out of twigs and plant fiber is easy??
FYI. I once lived with people who ate with their fingers and used utensils only on occasion. I thought, hey no problem I fit right in. After two weeks i still couldn't do it right. I made such a mess of things that the neighbors' kids came over to watch me mess up. Ok, it was mostly a matter of me being left-handed and having to eat with my right hand and not being coordinated enough to do so.
Come to think of it, if I had to eat with utensils I probably would have stabbed myself in the eye if I had to eat right-handed. But still, those things that look so simple to us are often much more involved than assumed. I for one have realized that I fit into my social environment and would have a hard time making it in a--on the surface--simple environment.
You can always go on a wilderness trip without phone and other gadgets to take a break. Me, I draw the line at not having an outlet for my coffe machine and my lap-top. Probably and age thing, too.