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The Rapture


Well-Known Member

In Scripture: 1st John 2 vs18,22; 4v3 and 2nd John verse 7 do Not capitalize antichrist.
I believe there is a spirit of antichrist, many antichrists, and the Antichrist who has at least 25 names given to him and that he is one man, "that man of sin...the son of perdition" 2 Thess. 2:3 who comes before the Day of the Lord.

Messiah, or Jesus, was cut off in death within the one week [7 yrs]
I believe he was cut off at the end of the 69 weeks.

During that 70th week [7 years] Gabriel said that period of '70 weeks' had been determined in order to:
Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people (Israel) and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Dan. 9:24

The 70 weeks brings an end to all these things. God deals with Israel, ends sin, brings in everlasting righteousness, etc. These things have not happened yet.
After '62 weeks' Messiah would be cut off. [midst of that one week or 3 1/2 yrs]
-Daniel 9v26 A; 27 A.

That makes the critical time at the half of that week [3 1/2] years.
In other words, the middle of the last week of those 7 years.

The need for animal sacrifices under the Mosaic law ceased even though the Jewish priests continued to make offerings until the temple's destruction in 70 CE.
As we know such sacrifices were no longer part of God's purpose.
They were replaced by a better sacrifice once for all time.
-Hebrews 10vs12,14.

So, although by means of Christ's death the law covenant or contract was removed,
that still left 3 1/2 years left out of those last 7 years.
That was not because the law covenant was in force, but the Abrahamic covenant.
In other words, God extended the blessings of the Abrahamic covenant to Abraham's fleshly Hebrew offspring or descendants for 3 1/2 more years.

It was Not until 3 1/2 years later [after Jesus death] that the 70 weeks ended for the Jews with the start of the gentile nations [Cornelius] being brought into the Christian congregation.
-Acts 3vs25,26; 10vs1-48; Gal. 3vs8,9,14.

Although the actual desolation of the temple took place in the year 70, it was still the result from the direct happening during that final week when Jesus as Christ was rejected by the Jewish nation putting Jesus to his death.
-Matthew 23 vs37,38; 24 vs15,16; Acts 2 vs22,23; 3 vs12-15

That 'last week' or 7 years is not yet to happen, but past tense did already happen
.I don't believe this. All the things in Revelation have not happened. The destruction of the 2nd Temple is not part of the 70th week. Jesus prophesied it as well as Daniel 9:26. Daniel 9:27 is about the Antichrist who will sign a peace treaty with Israel which starts the 70th Week/7yr. Tribulation. This idea that this has already happened is called preterism and I don't agree with it.

Rapture has to be heavenly resurrection because the living [flesh and blood] can Not inherit the heavenly kingdom of God. [1st Cor 15v50]
It says that Jesus will bring with him those who have died, and their bodies will be resurrected from the earth and changed, then we who are alive on the earth will be caught up and changed and meet him in the air above the earth and be with him. We will be in Heaven with him and will come again with him at his 2nd Coming.

Since Pentecost the 'Israel of God' is now spiritual [not fleshly or natural] Israel.
-Gal. 4v26; 6v16; Romans 2 vs28,29; 1st Peter 2 vs9,10
The Israel of today exists apart as a national group not Christian.
Israel is very much flesh and God is not done with them, there is a remnant...They are the dry bones who have become flesh, who now have the flesh and skin and who God will breathe life into when they trust Jesus during the Tribulation.

The man of sin, or the son of perdition [destruction], of 2nd Thess 2vs2-8, is the composite clergy that sit themselves in the temple [houses of worship] as if they are God when they are really anti-God. -Acts 20 vs29,30
No, its absolutely singular and he will desecrate the Temple in Jerusalem, an absolutely singular temple. Preparations are being made to build this temple, everything is falling into place for the Tribulation, the Rapture is near.


Is this the timeline for the rapture theory?
Last trumpet to be blown
1st ressurection
people raptured
7 year tribulation period
Day of the Lord (those raptured return with the Lord)
1000yr period of rest
2nd ressurection
Great White thrown judgement

Any of you rapturist. Yes this is the timeline? If not where am i wrong


I do understand why this question goes unanswered. This might be where they begin but by the time they are done theres 2 separate raptures, 3 Day of the Lords, 4 resurrections and a partrige in a pear tree. Oh well, the above is the timeline JVI uses and i figure hes the king of the rapturist.


1COR.15 [50] Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.[51] Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,[52] In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, AT THE LAST TRUMP: FOR THE TRUMPET SHALL SOUND, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.[53] For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.[54] So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

The above scripture points out that “we shall all be changed” as the LAST TRUMPET is blown.

MATTHEW 24 [29]IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE TRIBULATION of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: [30] And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. [31] And he shall send his angels with A GREAT SOUND OF A TRUMPET, and THEY SHALL GATHER TOGETHER HIS ELECT from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Here we find a trumpet being blown after the tribulation period. No matter how ya figure it, you cannot have the LAST TRUMPET being blown before the tribulation or at mid tribulation if a trumpet is being blown AFTER the tribulation. Let the song and dance begin


Well-Known Member
The seventh trumpet of Rev. 11;15, the last trump of 1 Cor. 15:52 and 1 Thess 4:16, and the trumpet of Mathew 24:31 are three distinct and separate events with different things happening surrounding those events. If you believe the Trumpet of God, or the Last Trump, is the one blown by the angel in Rev. 11:15, then there are a lot of problems. One, there are several more chapters to go with the vial judgments following the seven seals and trumpets. Two, if Jesus comes and destroys the wicked and raptures all the believers, who is left to repopulate the earth for the Millennial Reign of Christ? Three, who are the saints Christ brings with him at his 2nd Coming. Four, at the Rapture we meet the Lord in the air and go to Heaven where he is now preparing a place for us that where he is we may be also. But at the 2nd Coming he comes with his Saints to the earth and actually splits the Mount of Olives in two. Five, Isaiah 27:13 describes what will take place after Jesus Christ has returned to the earth and a trumpet is blown then, too. Six the trumpet at the Rapture is called the Trump of God in 1 Thess. 4:16, but its an angel's trumpet in Revelation. Seven, we are in the Church Age, or Age of Grace, the Tribulation, or time of Jacob's Trouble, is the 70th week of Daniel where God deals with Israel again and grafts them back in. There are at least 16 more differences between the 2nd Coming and the Rapture. The last Trumpet in the Hebrew festivals is associated with ressurection and there are other trumpets, too, like the first trumpet and the great trumpet. End-times prophecy is difficult to understand and there are many good people who believe in pre, post, mid, trib, and pre-wrath Raptures, Millennialists and Amillennialists, and some who believe in no Rapture. There are many good articles about the Last Trump or Trumpet of God and other trumpets which sound. I may note, too, that at the Rapture, a trumpet starts to blow, and Christ descends and the dead rise then those who are alive rise to meet him in the air. The last Trump is just the last sounding of that trumpet which is blowing when those who are alive are caught up.
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Well-Known Member
Any of you rapturist. Yes this is the timeline? If not where am i wrong

This is what I see:

-3.5 year tribulation
-Day of the Lord (last yr of the 3.5 yr tribulation)
-Last trumpet
-Christ appears in the sky with angels to gather His elect.
-1st resurrection (Saints)
-Saints caught up in air with Christ (1 th 4:17)
-Saints partake of the marriage supper in God's throne room.
-Christ returns to earth with Saints to start their rule with the few who are left (Zec 14:1-5; Isa 24:5-6)
-1000yr period of rest
-2nd resurrection
-Great White throne judgment


Well-Known Member
Christ appears in the sky with angels to gather His elect.
-Christ returns to earth with Saints to start their rule with the few who are left
Honest question. If Christ gathers his elect and destroys the wicked at the end of the Tribulation, who is left to populate the earth during the Millennial Reign? If we are all caught up and changed, who will be the mortals that live on earth? If Christ catches up the church before the Tribulation, and then many get saved during the Tribulation, then when Christ comes with the glorified Church and destroys the wicked, those saved during the Tribulation who survived-endured to the end, would populate the earth for the thousand years, eh?

Thanks for your replys guys. For awile i thought i was being shunned
You are welcome. You're post was good even if I understand it differently.


Veteran Member
Honest question. If Christ gathers his elect and destroys the wicked at the end of the Tribulation, who is left to populate the earth during the Millennial Reign? If we are all caught up and changed, who will be the mortals that live on earth? If Christ catches up the church before the Tribulation, and then many get saved during the Tribulation, then when Christ comes with the glorified Church and destroys the wicked, those saved during the Tribulation who survived-endured to the end, would populate the earth for the thousand years, eh?
You are welcome. You're post was good even if I understand it differently.

Please notice the 'elect' are the 'brothers' of Matthew 25v40; 1st Cor 15v50.

Please also notice the 'sheep' of Matthew [25v32,46] are left to populate the earth during Jesus Millennial Reign over earth because those humble living sheep-like ones are alive at that time and can gain everlasting life without ever having to die.

Remember Jesus was 'caught up' [Acts 1v9] after he was resurrected and ascended to heaven. Jesus 'brothers' are also the ones 'caught up' when they are resurrected to heaven. They are part of the first or earlier resurrection of Rev 20v6.
The rest of the dead do not come to everlasting life, or eternal life, until after the final test. They are resurrected on earth during the messianic [1000-year] reign over earth but still can fall away during that thousand-year period.


Well-Known Member
Honest question. If Christ gathers his elect and destroys the wicked at the end of the Tribulation,who is left to populate the earth during the Millennial Reign? If we are all caught up and changed, who will be the mortals that live on earth? If Christ catches up the church before the Tribulation, and then many get saved during the Tribulation, then when Christ comes with the glorified Church and destroys the wicked, those saved during the Tribulation who survived, would populate the earth for the thousand years, eh?

Isaiah 24 is a prophetic chapter outlining that horrific time. Notice verses 5 and 6:

5 The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants, Because they have transgressed the laws, Changed the ordinance, Broken the everlasting covenant. 6 Therefore the curse has devoured the earth, And those who dwell in it are desolate. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, And few men are left.


Well-Known Member
Please notice the 'elect' are the 'brothers' of Matthew 25v40; 1st Cor 15v50.

Please also notice the 'sheep' of Matthew [25v32,46] are left to populate the earth during Jesus Millennial Reign over earth because those humble living sheep-like ones are alive at that time and can gain everlasting life without ever having to die.

Remember Jesus was 'caught up' [Acts 1v9] after he was resurrected and ascended to heaven. Jesus 'brothers' are also the ones 'caught up' when they are resurrected to heaven. They are part of the first or earlier resurrection of Rev 20v6.
The rest of the dead do not come to everlasting life, or eternal life, until after the final test. They are resurrected on earth during the messianic [1000-year] reign over earth but still can fall away during that thousand-year period.
I understand the Bible says in Galatians 3:28, There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. So, I don't believe in differences like between elect and sheep. Either one has trusted Christ and is saved or one is not. So, If Christ catches up all who are saved and destroys the wicked after the Tribulation, nobody is left. But if he takes the Church before the Tribulation, then those who get saved during the Tribulation and survive would populate the earth.

Isaiah 24 is a prophetic chapter outlining that horrific time. Notice verses 5 and 6:
5 The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants, Because they have transgressed the laws, Changed the ordinance, Broken the everlasting covenant. 6 Therefore the curse has devoured the earth, And those who dwell in it are desolate. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, And few men are left.
I don't disagree with that.


Veteran Member
Isaiah 24 is a prophetic chapter outlining that horrific time. Notice verses 5 and 6:
5 The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants, Because they have transgressed the laws, Changed the ordinance, Broken the everlasting covenant. 6 Therefore the curse has devoured the earth, And those who dwell in it are desolate. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, And few men are left.

Jesus said 'few' at Matthew [7v14]

'Few' saved [Matt. 24v13] in comparing 'genuine wheat Christians' with the many 'fake weed/tares Christians' [Christian in name only].
-Matt.7 vs 22,23
The genuine sheep are separated from the goats of Matthew 25 vs31,32.

However, Jesus ransom covers 'many' according to Matthew 20v28 B.
So, the majority of mankind will have an opportunity for everlasting life on earth after the 'goat/weed/tares' are destroyed before the start of Jesus millennial reign over earth.
- Jeremiah 25 vs31-33; Isaiah 11v4; Rev. 19 vs11,15


Veteran Member
I understand the Bible says in Galatians 3:28, There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. So, I don't believe in differences like between elect and sheep. Either one has trusted Christ and is saved or one is not. So, If Christ catches up all who are saved and destroys the wicked after the Tribulation, nobody is left. But if he takes the Church before the Tribulation, then those who get saved during the Tribulation and survive would populate the earth.
I don't disagree with that.

The 'sheep' are Not the elect 'brothers' of Matthew [25 vs32,40]

The elect are Jesus 'brothers' of 1st Cor 15v50.

Jesus 'brothers' have a heavenly reward.

Jesus 'sheep' have an earthly everlasting life reward.

The great un-numbered multitude of Rev. [7v9] are the ones saved out of the great tribulation according to Rev. [7v14].

Who goes and who remains according to Proverbs 2 vs20-22?


Well-Known Member
So, If Christ catches up all who are saved and destroys the wicked after the Tribulation, nobody is left.

That's my point. All the wicked will not be destroyed. Isaiah states a few of them will be left. After witnessing the mind blowing events pictured in Revelation, their attitude toward God will be transformed. Although, I do believe there will be pockets of rebellion in the very beginning of the millennium which Christ and the saints will have to stamp out (Rev 19:15)

But if he takes the Church before the Tribulation,

The church will be somewhere on the earth in a place of safety and protection during the 3.5 year tribulation.(Rev 12:14)

then those who get saved during the Tribulation and survive would populate the earth.

Those saved during the tribulation will become spirit beings at Christ's return along with the Saints (Rev 7:14; 14:1-3). As spirit beings, they can no longer marry (Luk 20:35) so they will not be populating the earth.


Well-Known Member
The 'sheep' are Not the elect 'brothers' of Matthew [25 vs32,40]

The elect are Jesus 'brothers' of 1st Cor 15v50.
Then why does it say we are all one in Christ and that we have all been baptized by one Spirit into the body of Christ? That there is neither Jew nor Greek, i.e. brothers, sheep? (I do understand all believers are freely saved by having trusted Christ but they will have differing rewards and positions depending on what they did for Christ after they were saved, but not as in sheep and elect.)

Jesus 'brothers' have a heavenly reward.

Jesus 'sheep' have an earthly everlasting life reward.
At the end of Revelation, it says we all live on the earth with Christ for a thousand years, and on a 'new' earth with God forever. So the only time people are in Heaven is since the Ascension through the Tribulation.

The great un-numbered multitude of Rev. [7v9] are the ones saved out of the great tribulation according to Rev. [7v14].
It doesn't say they were saved out of it, but came out of it. I believe they are Tribulation Saints who were martyred. But, these aren't mortals who populate the earth, nor are they going to be in Heaven forever, but will rule and reign with Christ on earth when he returns with them. .

Who goes and who remains according to Proverbs 2 vs20-22?
Wicked go, righteous remain. And that is what happens when Jesus returns, he destroys the wicked and the righteous mortals who survived-endured to the end remain to populate the earth during his Reign.


Well-Known Member
That's my point. All the wicked will not be destroyed. Isaiah states a few of them will be left. After witnessing the mind blowing events pictured in Revelation, their attitude toward God will be transformed. Although, I do believe there will be pockets of rebellion in the very beginning of the millennium which Christ and the saints will have to stamp out (Rev 19:15)
But it says the wicked will be removed and the righteous remain. Those who are saved during the Tribulation will remain to populate the earth and the wicked are destroyed at Christ's coming.
The church will be somewhere on the earth in a place of safety and protection during the 3.5 year tribulation.(Rev 12:14)
The Woman described in Rev. 12 is Israel, not the church...she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. The Church is conspicuously absent from the earth after Chapter 3 until she returns with Christ.

Those saved during the tribulation will become spirit beings at Christ's return along with the Saints (Rev 7:14; 14:1-3). As spirit beings, they can no longer marry (Luk 20:35) so they will not be populating the earth.
I believe Those Saints who survive the Tribulation will populate the earth as mortals and that everyone else will have their changed, immortal, sinless, glorified bodies that were resurrected or raptured, and will rule and reign with Christ during the Millennial Reign.
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Veteran Member
That's my point. All the wicked will not be destroyed. Isaiah states a few of them will be left. After witnessing the mind blowing events pictured in Revelation, their attitude toward God will be transformed. Although, I do believe there will be pockets of rebellion in the very beginning of the millennium which Christ and the saints will have to stamp out (Rev 19:15)
The church will be somewhere on the earth in a place of safety and protection during the 3.5 year tribulation.(Rev 12:14)
Those saved during the tribulation will become spirit beings at Christ's return along with the Saints (Rev 7:14; 14:1-3). As spirit beings, they can no longer marry (Luke 20:35) so they will not be populating the earth.

Isaiah [11v4] mentions the wicked slain.
Slain from one end of earth to the other. -Jeremiah 25vs31-33
The words from Jesus mouth will execute all enemies. -Rev 19vs11,15.

Who is left and who remain according to Proverbs 2vs21,22; 10v30; 21v18 ?

Rebellion [Rev 20v8] will come from the resurrected ones,
or those who then fall away.
[Matthew 12v32; Hebrews 6vs4-6; 10vs26,27]

Rev [12v14] has to do with the time of Rev [12v12; Psalm 37v10] when Satan has a limited or short time period starting with 'our time frame' fulfillment of Matthew 24 and Luke 21.- Not a 3 1/2 yr tribulation.
The Flood in Noah's day nor Sodom and Gomorrah lasted 3 1/2 years.
Jesus said [Matt 24v37] like the days of Noah.
The Flood came hard and swift, and so did Sodom.

Those that are resurrected to heaven are like the angels [spirit bodies]
The living on earth are married until death do them part.
Those resurrected on earth will have perfect 'human bodies'.
The living sheep of Matthew [25 vs32,46] are alive on earth and can remain alive,
and since there will be: No more death [Rev 21vs4,5], then those married living ones can remain alive forever on earth. New scrolls or books will be opened during Jesus millennial reign over earth so mankind will know the rest of God's purpose at that time.


Well-Known Member
But it says the wicked will be removed and the righteous remain.

1. Yes the wicked will "eventually" be removed and righteous remain. But this alludes to a different time period--the New Heavens and New Earth! Read Rev chp 21 and 22.

Those who are saved during the Tribulation will remain to populate the earth and the wicked are destroyed at Christ's coming.

2. To avoid confusion, we have to make a distinction between physically saved and spiritually saved from the tribulation. According to Isaiah, there will be some who are not spiritually saved as a result of the tribulation but will physically survive through it in order to repopulate the earth during the millennium. Those spiritually saved during the tribulation will be granted eternal life, along with the other saints, at the return of Christ, to assist Him in preaching, teaching, and caring for the few (Isa 24:6) who are not spiritually saved.

..she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. The Church is conspicuously absent from the earth after Chapter 3 until she returns with Christ.

3. Rev. 12 describes a condensed, figurative history of God's church beginning with Israel. Notice the parallel between Gen 37:9 and Rev 12:1. John describes God’s Church from before Christ’s birth (vs. 4), through His life, resurrection and ascension (vs. 5). He then describes the 1,260 years of persecution this Church endured and how it had to flee to remote areas to avoid the government powers that sought to destroy it (vs 6). Verse 14 describes the church being protected from satan's wrath during the tribulation. Verse 17 confirms it:

Rev 12:17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Israel rejected Christ so at this point in the narrative it cannot possibly be referring to Israel. It is referring to the "true" NT church "..who keep the commandments [all ten] and have the testimony of Jesus Christ". Apparently, one part of the church will be protected, and another part will undergo a great deal of persecution.

I believe Those Saints who survive the Tribulation will populate the earth as mortals and that everyone else will have their changed, immortal, sinless, glorified bodies that were resurrected or raptured, and will rule and reign with Christ during the Millennial Reign.

4. If I understand you correctly, this would contradict scripture. Rev 14:1-3 tells us the 144,000 who came out of the tribulation (Rev 7:14) will be singing a song before the throne of God. This is impossible for a mere mortal! Conversely, Isa 24:5-6 implies few "mortal" men will survive the tribulation..and it is with these that Christ and the saints will begin the millennium..


Well-Known Member
Isaiah [11v4] mentions the wicked slain:

1. Yes He will slay the wicked who oppose Him. But nowhere in the passage does it state "ALL" the wicked will be slain.

Isa 11:4 But with righteousness He shall judge the poor, And decide with equity for the meek of the earth; He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, And with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked.​

Isaiah 24:5-6 tells us a few will be spared.

Slain from one end of earth to the other. -Jeremiah 25vs31-33

2. Again nothing about "ALL" will be slain. This simply highlights the all encompassing severity of God's wrath. Implying that all the wicked will be eliminated would be fallacious.

The words from Jesus mouth will execute all enemies. -Rev 19vs11,15.

3. You've taken this passage out of context. This refers to the destruction of the armies that come to fight against Christ at His coming. Read the chapter!

Who is left and who remain according to Proverbs 2vs21,22; 10v30; 21v18 ?

4. Pro 2 and 10 refer to the dispensation of the New Heavens and Earth--not the millennium. Who is left at what point in time should be the real question.

Rebellion [Rev 20v8] will come from the resurrected ones, or those who then fall away.[Matthew 12v32; Hebrews 6vs4-6; 10vs26,27]

5. Satan will be let loose at the end of the millennium to incite this rebellion on the descendants of the few men left (Isa 24:6) who started the millennium!

Rev [12v14] has to do with the time of Rev [12v12; Psalm 37v10] when Satan has a limited or short time period starting with 'our time frame' fulfillment of Matthew 24 and Luke 21.- Not a 3 1/2 yr tribulation.

Rev 12:14 She was given the two wings of a large eagle in order to fly to her place in the desert, where she will be taken care of for three and a half years, safe from the dragon's attack.​

6. The Holy Spirit inspired the amount of time for a reason. It tells us two things:1.How long the church will be protected from Satan's wrath and 2. How long Satan's wrath will last before he is put in prison (Rev 20:2).

The Flood in Noah's day nor Sodom and Gomorrah lasted 3 1/2 years. Jesus said [Matt 24v37] like the days of Noah.The Flood came hard and swift, and so did Sodom..

7. The context of Mat 24:37 has nothing to do with the severity or length of time of those disasters. Christ is merely illustrating an example of how the people would be caught by surprise when He returns.

Those that are resurrected to heaven are like the angels [spirit bodies]The living on earth are married until death do them part. Those resurrected on earth will have perfect 'human bodies'.The living sheep of Matthew [25 vs32,46] are alive on earth and can remain alive, and since there will be: No more death [Rev 21vs4,5], then those married living ones can remain alive forever on earth. New scrolls or books will be opened during Jesus millennial reign over earth so mankind will know the rest of God's purpose at that time.

8. Sorry UR but this theology is so convoluted I don't even know where to begin addressing it.


Well-Known Member
1. Yes the wicked will "eventually" be removed and righteous remain. But this alludes to a different time period--the New Heavens and New Earth! Read Rev chp 21 and 22.
I believe it will happen at the end of the Tribulation, and again at the end of the thousand years.

2. To avoid confusion, we have to make a distinction between physically saved and spiritually saved from the tribulation. According to Isaiah, there will be some who are not spiritually saved as a result of the tribulation but will physically survive through it in order to repopulate the earth during the millennium. Those spiritually saved during the tribulation will be granted eternal life, along with the other saints, at the return of Christ, to assist Him in preaching, teaching, and caring for the few (Isa 24:6) who are not spiritually saved.

3. Rev. 12 describes a condensed, figurative history of God's church beginning with Israel. Notice the parallel between Gen 37:9 and Rev 12:1. John describes God’s Church from before Christ’s birth (vs. 4), through His life, resurrection and ascension (vs. 5). He then describes the 1,260 years of persecution this Church endured and how it had to flee to remote areas to avoid the government powers that sought to destroy it (vs 6). Verse 14 describes the church being protected from satan's wrath during the tribulation. Verse 17 confirms it:
Rev 12:17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Israel rejected Christ so at this point in the narrative it cannot possibly be referring to Israel. It is referring to the "true" NT church "..who keep the commandments [all ten] and have the testimony of Jesus Christ". Apparently, one part of the church will be protected, and another part will undergo a great deal of persecution.
I believe the woman is only Israel. The offspring who have the testimony of Christ are Jews who have trusted Christ during the Tribulation who will flee, probably to Petra.

4. If I understand you correctly, this would contradict scripture. Rev 14:1-3 tells us the 144,000 who came out of the tribulation (Rev 7:14) will be singing a song before the throne of God. This is impossible for a mere mortal! Conversely, Isa 24:5-6 implies few "mortal" men will survive the tribulation..and it is with these that Christ and the saints will begin the millennium..
I believe those who "came out of" the tribulation are tribulation saints who were martyred, killed, so they aren't mortal. The few saints who survive the Tribulation will repopulate the earth.