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The Rapture


Veteran Member
Hi , and how will you connect Rev 7:3-4 ; 14:1-5 and 20:4-6 with 1 Thess 4:13-18 .
The Body of Christ is already DEPARTED before the Tribulation as written in the Book of the Revelation .
The Revelation speaks to the Purging and Testing of Jews and then become Priests and Kings in the Millennium !!
dan p

Since Pentecost the 'Jews' are no longer the natural Jews but are Now Christians or Jews by spirit according to Romans 2vs28,29.

The Israel of God [Gal 6v16] is Now the Christian congregation.
Earthly Jerusalem was destroyed in the year 70.
Since Pentecost the Jerusalem 'above' is free and mother.....Gal 4v26.

Which one of the 'sheep' are departed? -Matthew 25vs31,32
Which one of Jesus 'brothers' are departed ? -Verse 40

Who remains and who goes according to Proverbs 2vs21,22 ?

dan p

Since Pentecost the 'Jews' are no longer the natural Jews but are Now Christians or Jews by spirit according to Romans 2vs28,29.

The Israel of God [Gal 6v16] is Now the Christian congregation.
Earthly Jerusalem was destroyed in the year 70.
Since Pentecost the Jerusalem 'above' is free and mother.....Gal 4v26.

Which one of the 'sheep' are departed? -Matthew 25vs31,32
Which one of Jesus 'brothers' are departed ? -Verse 40

Who remains and who goes according to Proverbs 2vs21,22 ?

Hi , what is the Christian congregstion ?

They , the Christian congregation is just People assembly that follow Jesus !!

We , today , Grace Believers are in the Body of Christ with Christ as the Head !!

These are 2 different things and not the same !!

What is Israel of God ??

dan p


Veteran Member
Hi , what is the Christian congregstion ?
They , the Christian congregation is just People assembly that follow Jesus !!
We , today , Grace Believers are in the Body of Christ with Christ as the Head
These are 2 different things and not the same !!
What is Israel of God ??
dan p

What is the difference between the body of Christ having Jesus as Head
and the Christian congregation having Jesus as head- Eph 5v23; 1st Cor 11v2

The 'church' is a building whereas the 'Christian congregation' is the people.

What does Paul say at Romans 2 vs28,29 ?_______________
The Israel of God [since Pentecost] is comprised of: spiritual Jews.
Not Jews by flesh [physical], but now by spirit. -[Romans 11v21]
A fleshly Jew like a fleshly gentile can now become Christian or spiritual Jews.
At Romans [7v6] says we are delivered from the law....serve in spirit......
Christ is the end of the law according to Romans 10v4
'Law' for the nation of fleshly Israel was the Constitution under Moses.
Under Jesus it is a spiritual nation. -1st Peter 1v9.
That is in fulfillment of Exodus 19v6.
-Rev. 20v6; 14v4; 5vs9,10

dan p

What is the difference between the body of Christ having Jesus as Head
and the Christian congregation having Jesus as head- Eph 5v23; 1st Cor 11v2

The 'church' is a building whereas the 'Christian congregation' is the people.

What does Paul say at Romans 2 vs28,29 ?_______________
The Israel of God [since Pentecost] is comprised of: spiritual Jews.
Not Jews by flesh [physical], but now by spirit. -[Romans 11v21]
A fleshly Jew like a fleshly gentile can now become Christian or spiritual Jews.
At Romans [7v6] says we are delivered from the law....serve in spirit......
Christ is the end of the law according to Romans 10v4
'Law' for the nation of fleshly Israel was the Constitution under Moses.
Under Jesus it is a spiritual nation. -1st Peter 1v9.
That is in fulfillment of Exodus 19v6.
-Rev. 20v6; 14v4; 5vs9,10

Hi and the EKKLESIA that Paul persecuted ( Gal 1:13 ) was NOT the Body of Christ , nor was it Christian !!

Your definition for EKKLESIA or so-called Church , is defined wrong , and EKKLESIA , EK means out from and KLESIA means a calling , close enough , and means Assembly of called out ones , dan p


Veteran Member
Hi and the EKKLESIA that Paul persecuted ( Gal 1:13 ) was NOT the Body of Christ , nor was it Christian !!
Your definition for EKKLESIA or so-called Church , is defined wrong , and EKKLESIA , EK means out from and KLESIA means a calling , close enough , and means Assembly of called out ones , dan p

Poor wording on my part.
Since most people think of a church as the building instead of the people is why I wanted to stress meaning the Christian congregation instead of a building.

Christians are not to forsake assembling according to Hebrews 10v25.
That does Not mean assembling in a building called a church.

'All the more so' gather together as we see the 'day' getting near.
That 'millennial-long day' of Christ reigning over earth for a thousand years is approaching.
So assembling together would be as meeting together for survival classes.
Not in a material or physical way, but spiritually educated and prepared before the time when Jesus ushers in global Peace on Earth toward men of goodwill.
- Rev 7v14; Matt 24v21


Jesus in me
Hi , and how will you connect Rev 7:3-4 ; 14:1-5 and 20:4-6 with 1 Thess 4:13-18 .

The Body of Christ is already DEPARTED before the Tribulation as written in the Book of the Revelation .

The Revelation speaks to the Purging and Testing of Jews and then become Priests and Kings in the Millennium !!

dan p

I would not connect Rev 7:3-4 and 14:1-5 with the general rapture of I Thess 4.
This appears to be a firstfruit rapture of Jews (pictured on Mt Zion) before the general rapture.

I associate the general rapture in Thess 4 with Rev 7:9 and Rev 20. Rev 20 speaks of the first resurrection of which Thess also speaks. The reason I have for saying that the Thess rapture does not occur after the thousand years, is due to the fact that Jesus is not going to rule over a wicked unredeemed earth.

I would be interested in seeing what you think is good exegesis on this. I find that God does last minute rescues. However a rescue it is from the destruction of the earth even if not from the troubles preceding that destruction.

I don't see Revelation as being all about the Jews.
here's a good site for those in to the word and wondering about the rapture. read all the pages it explains quite a bit with prophecy. you can request to see the rapture revealed to a guy


For the record, the word “rapture” comes from the Latin word rapturo, which is a translation of the Greek verb "caught up" that’s found in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. You can call it the “pre-trib rapture,” the “pre-trib rapturo,” or the “pre-trib caught up” - it's all the same thing.

Isn't it true that the word "rapture" is not found in the Bible?
c.1600, "act of carrying off," from M.Fr. rapture, from M.L. raptura "seizure, rape, kidnapping," from L. raptus "a carrying off" (see rapt). Originally of women and cognate with rape (v.).


For the record, the word “rapture” comes from the Latin word rapturo, which is a translation of the Greek verb "caught up" that’s found in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. You can call it the “pre-trib rapture,” the “pre-trib rapturo,” or the “pre-trib caught up” - it's all the same thing.

Isn't it true that the word "rapture" is not found in the Bible?

With one little passage from Thessalonians, american create a massive movement, concerning "the Rapture" (Gimmick), and place typical bill boards everywhere, as well as seriously mental abusing people with fables .

The idea of being "Caught up in the Clouds", is actually refers to "Cremations", you see, upon death in Rome, they usually Cremate them, and there body is Caught up with the AIR, and is lifted towards the clouds to heaven (The Sky).

This happened at Caesar' funeral when he was cremated, after which he was with the Gods, and became a God.
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With one little passage from Thessalonians, american create a massive movement, concerning "the Rapture" (Gimmick), and place typical bill boards everywhere, as well as seriously mental abusing people with fables .

Actually, there is far more support in the scriptures than just one little passage. I do agree the teaching of the rapture has been used and abused, but that in itself does not prove it to be untrue.

Scriptural Evidence for the Pretribulation Rapture

The Pretribulation Rapture


Veteran Member
With one little passage from Thessalonians, american create a massive movement, concerning "the Rapture" (Gimmick), and place typical bill boards everywhere, as well as seriously mental abusing people with fables .
The idea of being "Caught up in the Clouds", is actually refers to "Cremations", you see, upon death in Rome, they usually Cremate them, and there body is Caught up with the AIR, and is lifted towards the clouds to heaven (The Sky).
This happened at Caesar' funeral when he was cremated, after which he was with the Gods, and became a God.

Scripturally, [Acts 1v9] Jesus was 'caught up in the clouds' after he was resurrected and the resurrected Jesus ascended up to heaven.

So 'caught up in the clouds' refers to resurrection not rapture.

Jesus 'brothers' [Matthew 25v40;1st Cor. 15v50] that are alive at the time of separation of Matthew [25v31,40] will then be caught up after they are resurrected because 'flesh and blood' [physical] can Not inherit the kingdom of the heavens.


Scripturally, [Acts 1v9] Jesus was 'caught up in the clouds' after he was resurrected and the resurrected Jesus ascended up to heaven.

So 'caught up in the clouds' refers to resurrection not rapture.

Jesus 'brothers' [Matthew 25v40;1st Cor. 15v50] that are alive at the time of separation of Matthew [25v31,40] will then be caught up after they are resurrected because 'flesh and blood' [physical] can Not inherit the kingdom of the heavens.

Resurrection is also a Roman Concept that also has roots with Julius Caesar and indisputable fact written on Epigraphy, including Coins and Stone.

15th March - 17th March - 19th March
Death - Resurrection - Interment

The Book of Mark was designed to be read poetically not literally, it was only when they started to re-write it as Matthew and later Luke that it became an anti-Jewish Agenda
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Veteran Member
Jesus went to hell [sheol] the day he died and interred.
Jesus slept in death in three days. [Fri.Sat. Sun.]
God then resurrected Jesus out of the Bible's hell.

Before coming to earth, Jesus had a pre-human existence in the heavens as being the beginning of the creation by God. [Rev. 3v14]
After God resurrected Jesus out of hell [sheol] then Jesus returned back to the spirit realm.
- Acts 2vs27,31,32

So, unlike mankind who was created on earth, Jesus returned to the heavens.
Up to the time of Christ, the only resurrection offered to mankind was a future physical resurrection. [John 3v13] Even king David did Not ascend to heaven. [Acts 2v34]

So,according to Scripture the only resurrection Julius Caesar would have would be earthly.
Or, resurrected on earth during Jesus messianic 1000-year reign over earth. [Acts 24v15]

Easter is Not in Scripture. Easter means resurrection of spring.


Jesus in me
Scripturally, [Acts 1v9] Jesus was 'caught up in the clouds' after he was resurrected and the resurrected Jesus ascended up to heaven.

So 'caught up in the clouds' refers to resurrection not rapture.

Jesus 'brothers' [Matthew 25v40;1st Cor. 15v50] that are alive at the time of separation of Matthew [25v31,40] will then be caught up after they are resurrected because 'flesh and blood' [physical] can Not inherit the kingdom of the heavens.

Do you bother to read your Bible? Jesus had already been resurrected and walking around appearing to people for forty days. That means He was caught up in the clouds physically. Jesus was raptured and so was Elijah.

That has noting to do with it. People are not raptured to the Kingdom of Heaven but to the clouds.

There is no mention of resurrection in those verses.


Well-Known Member
I haven't time just now to study fully that which you have written here, but you are correct in stateing that the Bible tells us that God did not create the earth for nothing, but created it to be inhabited.

After the fire from heaven has incinerated all physical life forms on this planet, and when, at the sound of the last trumpet, the elect and chosen will be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, from bodies of corruptible matter, into glorious bodies of incorruptible light, they will be caught up to heaven to be with their brother Jesus, who was the first of many brothers to be raised from the dead past of "The Son Of Man" to whom all the sins of mankind has been ascribed.

Then, when the earth is once more able to support physical life forms, It is their Lord Jesus, who will renew the earth with the seeds and genetic material that had been prepared through the thousand years of peace, and when the system that is able to support the human race has been put in Place, it is He who will say to his brothers, "And now let us make man in our image and likeness."

And the new light species that had evolved from the body of mankind, "The Son Of Man," which is the new temple of God that replaces his old earthly tabernacle, (The body of Mankind, for the kingdom of God is within you) as the Most High in the creation, in them, God will dwell on earth among a new and more humble race of Mankind.

In order for us to have the full truth we must make all the scripture by in harmony. This is what Intertextuality means. The things you have said are supported by some scripture, but when you put other scripture with the doctrine, you can get a slight difference in meaning.
Lets start first with The New Heaven and The New Earth, meantioned at Rev 21:1. First, reason on this, please. God surely will not destroy His Heaven!! His heaven is perfect, no reason to destroy it, His dwelling place, Ps 33:13,14, 123:1, 1Kings 8:39,43,49. The Bible also tells us that there was a war in heaven and Satan and all his demon angels were thrown out of heaven, so there is NO reason to believe that God will destroy His own perfect home.
The heavens mentioned here actually mean the new ruling Kings over mankind, Which will be Jesus and his co-heirs, his adopted by God, BROTHERS, Rev 20:4-6, 5:9,10, 1:5,6, Rom 8:14-17. Notice that in Eph 2:2, Paul speaks of the Ruler of the authority of the AIR; then at 1Thes 4:15-17, where the dead and the living will be taken to heaven, and meet the lord in the AIR. Before they are removed Satan and his demons were the rulers of the air, after the resurrection, it will be Jesus and his co-rulers in that AIR, as the New Heavens.
The New Earth will be the ones resurrected back to life on earth, and the ones who COME OUT of the Great Tribulation on earth, Rev 7:14, Matt 5:28,29, Acts 24:15. When all the wicked are remove from earth, it will indeed be a New Earth, 2Pet 3:7, Isa 45:18, Ps 37:29.
God will allow time for the ones on earth to prepare it for other ones to be resurrected, when they have houses to live in, food to eat, and clothes to wear. God will bring back people to life when thins are prepared for them. God is not miraculously make the earth a paradise, because He has given the earth to the sons of men, we will, with the guidence of the New Heavens, bring the earth to the paradise condition that God originally intended, Ps 115:16.:yes:
God will not burn off the entire earth, remember some will come out of the Great Tribulation, and have the prospect of living forever and not having to die at all. Most of this earth is a beautiful place, and asGod has had written that He will RUIN those ruining the earth, Rev 11:18.
When Jesus was talking of the Kingdom of God, at Luke 17:21, because Jesus was the designated King of the Kingdom, Jesus was saying that the Kingdom was in their MIDST, not that the Kingdom was within them, for it surely was not.


Veteran Member
Do you bother to read your Bible? Jesus had already been resurrected and walking around appearing to people for forty days. That means He was caught up in the clouds physically. Jesus was raptured and so was Elijah.
That has noting to do with it. People are not raptured to the Kingdom of Heaven but to the clouds.
There is no mention of resurrection in those verses.

By 1st Cor. 15v50 saying 'flesh and blood' [physical] can not inherit the kingdom rules out taking one's physical body to heaven.

That is why Paul is using the illustration of the plant in verses 40-54
The plant's seed is sown. But the seed sown does not remain a seed.
The seed gives up the seed [body] in order to become a plant.
In this case the natural body [physical] is raised up as a spiritual body [plant].

When the cloud received Jesus [Acts 1v9] it was the resurrected Jesus in a spirit body that ascended to heaven. [Jesus did not remain in a cloud] Hebrews 9v24.
Jesus being the first from the dead according to Rev. 1v5.

During the 40 days, Jesus appeared in different materialized bodies to his followers so that they would know he was resurrected in spirit form.
-Mt. 28vs3-15;Mark 16vs5-8;Luke 24vs4-12;13-48; John 20vs2-18; 19-29

What Scripture do you have in mind that Elijah was raptured?
Do you mean that Elijah was not raptured to the kingdom of heaven but raptured to the clouds, or ?

Didn't Jesus confirm about Elijah at John 3v13? No one had ascended but Jesus.
Even king David did Not ascend to heaven according to Acts 2v34; 13v36.
The way to heavenly life was first opened up after Jesus death, not before.
-John 14vs3; Hebrews 9v24; 10v20

Do you mean that Elijah died while in the windstorm [2nd Kings 2v11] ?
A windstorm would exist, not in heaven, but on earth in the atmospheric heavens or mid-heavens where the birds fly.
Elijah was carried off out of sight by that whirlwind.
Even today we hear of people being transferred from one spot or place to another by strong winds.
What Scripture says Elijah died ?
If Elijah had died on that day then how could Elijah still be alive as an active living prophet about five years later writing to the king Jehoram of Judah at
2nd Chron. 21 vs12-15 ?

If Elijah had died, then wouldn't Elijah's successor or servant have held the customary period of mourning for his master according to 2nd Samuel 19v1; 1st Chron. 7v22; 2nd Chron. 35v34.

Like David, who was still in the grave according to Acts 2vs29,34; 24v15,
'all' the faithful of old mentioned at chapter 11 of Hebrews had all died,
but had Not yet received the promise according to verse 13 and 39.
They had not yet received God's promise to Abraham [Gen. 12v3; 22v18]
that all nations of earth, and all families of earth would be blessed.
Blessed with the healing or curing of the nations during Jesus messianic 1000-year reign over earth when all who died before Jesus died will have an earthly resurrection as the prophet Daniel looked forward.- Daniel 12 vs2,13.
Wouldn't Elijah be included with that group ?
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Jesus in me
By 1st Cor. 15v50 saying 'flesh and blood' [physical] can not inherit the kingdom rules out taking one's physical body to heaven.

That is why Paul is using the illustration of the plant in verses 40-54
The plant's seed is sown. But the seed sown does not remain a seed.
The seed gives up the seed [body] in order to become a plant.
In this case the natural body [physical] is raised up as a spiritual body [plant].

When the cloud received Jesus [Acts 1v9] it was the resurrected Jesus in a spirit body that ascended to heaven. [Jesus did not remain in a cloud] Hebrews 9v24.
Jesus being the first from the dead according to Rev. 1v5.

During the 40 days, Jesus appeared in different materialized bodies to his followers so that they would know he was resurrected in spirit form.
-Mt. 28vs3-15;Mark 16vs5-8;Luke 24vs4-12;13-48; John 20vs2-18; 19-29

What Scripture do you have in mind that Elijah was raptured?
Do you mean that Elijah was not raptured to the kingdom of heaven but raptured to the clouds, or ?

Didn't Jesus confirm about Elijah at John 3v13? No one had ascended but Jesus.
Even king David did Not ascend to heaven according to Acts 2v34; 13v36.
The way to heavenly life was first opened up after Jesus death, not before.
-John 14vs3; Hebrews 9v24; 10v20

Do you mean that Elijah died while in the windstorm [2nd Kings 2v11] ?
A windstorm would exist, not in heaven, but on earth in the atmospheric heavens or mid-heavens where the birds fly.
Elijah was carried off out of sight by that whirlwind.
Even today we hear of people being transferred from one spot or place to another by strong winds.
What Scripture says Elijah died ?
If Elijah had died on that day then how could Elijah still be alive as an active living prophet about five years later writing to the king Jehoram of Judah at
2nd Chron. 21 vs12-15 ?

If Elijah had died, then wouldn't Elijah's successor or servant have held the customary period of mourning for his master according to 2nd Samuel 19v1; 1st Chron. 7v22; 2nd Chron. 35v34.

Like David, who was still in the grave according to Acts 2vs29,34; 24v15,
'all' the faithful of old mentioned at chapter 11 of Hebrews had all died,
but had Not yet received the promise according to verse 13 and 39.
They had not yet received God's promise to Abraham [Gen. 12v3; 22v18]
that all nations of earth, and all families of earth would be blessed.
Blessed with the healing or curing of the nations during Jesus messianic 1000-year reign over earth when all who died before Jesus died will have an earthly resurrection as the prophet Daniel looked forward.- Daniel 12 vs2,13.
Wouldn't Elijah be included with that group ?[/quote]

The verse says nothing about entering Heaven and The Rapture is not about going to Heaven. It is true that a person doesn't go to Heaven physically but I am not sure if there is a scripture that supports that.

However a plant although not a seed is still a body. The metaphor breaks down some because the plant doesn't look much like a seed but our future bodies will look like our current bodies.

Jesus appears in Heaven but that does not mean that He is physically there as stated previously the physicl body doesn't go there and there is no doubt that Jesus had a physical body when He ascended into the clouds. As for staying in the clouds, has anyone seen Him there?

You will have to point out what you mean. I haven't seen anything in scripture that would support such a supposition.

2Ki 2:11 And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, which parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

This is heaven with a small "h" which means that it is referring to that which is above the earth. Evidently there were no clouds that day.

Jesus does not mention Elijah in that verse.

I had a Rama about this Tuesday at Bible Study. There is no evidence that there was a real whirlwind but the witness probably thought there must be one, in order to explain the ascension of Elijah, especially if his body rotated during the ascension. Elijah did not die. There is nothing in the verse that says that. It only says that he ascended.

A letter can be written anytime. Elijah died eventually because he was re-incarnated as John the Baptist.

Elishah had no way of knowing the fate of Elijah. He only knew that he was no longer on earth.

Man proposes but God disposes. God will do with people as He wishes.


Jesus in me
Resurrection is also a Roman Concept that also has roots with Julius Caesar and indisputable fact written on Epigraphy, including Coins and Stone.

15th March - 17th March - 19th March
Death - Resurrection - Interment

The Book of Mark was designed to be read poetically not literally, it was only when they started to re-write it as Matthew and later Luke that it became an anti-Jewish Agenda

For Romans and Egyptians resurrection is a concept. For Christains resurrection is Jesus walking around on earth in a body until he ascended.

Wow! you were there with the author and could read his mind? Otherwise your statement is pure speculation

I see no evidence that the other gospel writers had an anti-Jewish agenda.


Well-Known Member
Yes, finally somebody gets it.

Verse 5 of Rev 20 is a spurious verse, it shouldnt be there and it doesnt fit or match any other scripture. Where esle does it say that there is a first then a second resurrection. There are no second or third witness for that Rev 20:5 verse therefore it is spurious because it also doesnt show up in the earliest complete manuscripts. All the resurrection verses say that there is A RESURRECTION. I agree with you when you say that the ones who are "changed" will rule with Christ and they will be ruling over the others who were not changed and those who are resurrected to judgment (same resurrection).

You say resurrected to heaven....if they are to rule on earth with Christ then where is heaven? Not many know what heaven is so im just curious what you may say.

The 144,000 [which is a symbol and not literally 144,000] are the ones who came out of great tribulation. Notice how the meaning changes when one sticks to how the scriptures are and dont add "the" in front of great tribulation. There is no "THE" great tribulation. All those who are being called AND chosen now, in this life, are in great tribulation, are put in tribulation, are to go through MUCH tribulation.

Again, those are man made doctrines, first resurrection and general resurrection, this is not scriptural and as for "for some who will not prove worthy of life, so the will receive a resurrection of judgement, while some will receive life, everlasting life on earth" consider this

Ver. 21-22: "For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For AS in Adam ALL die, EVEN SO in Christ shall ALL be made alive."
Comment: First I want to show you that the word "alive" in this verse is a word that is used with reference to imparting immortality, and not just mortal life. The Greek word is zoopoieo, and it means to give life beyond the grasp of any future death. Notice how it is used in Rom. 8:11, "But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead [Christ was raised to immortality, not back to a mortal life] dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken [zoopoieo] your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwells in you." So clearly God does not give "mortal" life to our "mortal" bodies, seeing that we already have mortal life. No, He imparts IMMORTALITY to us. And this is exactly what Paul tells us in I Cor. 15, "For this corruptible [body] must put on incorruption [spiritual], and this mortal [dying or dead body] must put on IMMORTALITY [Gk: DEATH-LESS-NESS]" (Verse 53). And to whom does Christ grant immortal "zoopoieo" life? Answer: "ALL." The very same "all" who die in Adam are the very same "all" who are given life IN CHRIST.
It is also noteworthy that it is "…IN Christ ALL…" and is not restricted to only, "…ALL IN CHRIST…" as many have tried to twist this verse to mean. They say it is only all those who are "in" Christ. But that is not what this verse says. It says "in Christ ALL." That is the order of words. This verse is not speaking of those just the "all believers" who are said to be "IN Christ." No, this verse is speaking about the very same "in Adam ALL" who die become the very same "in Christ ALL" who are made alive. And although this particular verse does not say that "all" are now "IN Christ," it does most definitely say that "in Christ," the "ALL" shall be shall be "made alive." "Made alive" does not prove they are "in" Christ or that they are "saved," only that they have been given immortal life. Then comes JUDGMENT. But don’t think that therefore there is no Scripture that says they will eventually "ALL" be "IN" Christ, because there is:
"That in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in one ALL [‘things’ is not in original] IN Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth, even IN HIM" (Eph. 1:10).
Christ first raises ALL to mortal life. At a later date He gathers this same ALL into Himself. The "in Christ ALL" (I Cor. 15:22) then becomes the "ALL IN CHRIST" (Eph. 1:10). Every creature in heaven and earth will be ONE IN Christ! I hope you can believe that.

Do you realize what you are saying?? You are the one who desides which scripture is true and which is not true. God Himself said that He would protect His word, Ps 12:6,7, 1Pet 1:25, John 17:17. People who have called themselves Higher Critics of the Bible have always been proven to be in the wrong.
One thing you must believe is; every scripture is related to all other scripture. For any scripture to be interpreted correctly it must agree with all other scripture.
let's look again at 1Cor 15:22, where it says that all would be made alive. Does your interpretation agree with all other scripture?? What did Jesus day at Matt 7:13,14, and Luke 13:23,24. Here Jesus says that many would not be saved. Matt 25:31-46, tells us the same. What about 2Thess 1:6-9??
There is a similar scripture at Rom 11:26 whichh says; in this manner ALL Israel will be saved. Do you think thast this scripture is saying that ALL Israel will b e saved??? Neither of the scriptures are saying that ALL will do anything, they are saying that all who do the prescribed rules will be saved.
Consider what Paul said at Rom 9:27, 11:5, only the Remnant will be saved.
Consider what Peter said at 2Pet 3:7, that fire is stored up for the ungodly men.
Nothing can be further from the truth than Apocatastasis, Universalism, Ps 92:7, Zeph 1:14-18, Revf 19:11-21.
God had recorded that He did not make the earth for nothing, but formed it to be inhabited, isa 45:18. When God says something it is certain to come true, Isa 55:11. God says that the heavens are His, but the earth He has given to men, Ps 115:16. God says that righteous men will live on the earth forever, Ps 37:29. That the wicked will be the ones to be removed, Prov 2:21,22.
There are many scriptures that speak about ones who will go to heaven to be kings and Priests with Jesus, Rev 5:9,10, 14:1-5, 20:4-6, Heb 3:1, Phil 3:14, John 14:1-3, Ron 8:14-17, 1Thes 4:13-17, 1Cor 15:50-54. All the ones resurrected to heaven will be the ones BORN AGAIN, BORN OF GOD, John 3:1-8, 1:11-13. These ones have the same resurrection as Jesus has, to spirit life, Rom 6:4, 1Pet 3:18, 1Cor 15:42-49. They become a NEW CREATION, 2Cor 5:17, Gal 6:15. The people resurrected to life on earth are a RE-creation, Matt 19:28. They will not be immortal, because we are told that some will be resurrected to a JUDGEMENT, not life, John 5:28,29.
Revelation 21:1-5 tells us how it will be for the ones resurrected to life on earth.


Jesus in me
Do you realize what you are saying?? You are the one who desides which scripture is true and which is not true. God Himself said that He would protect His word, Ps 12:6,7, 1Pet 1:25, John 17:17. People who have called themselves Higher Critics of the Bible have always been proven to be in the wrong.
One thing you must believe is; every scripture is related to all other scripture. For any scripture to be interpreted correctly it must agree with all other scripture.
let's look again at 1Cor 15:22, where it says that all would be made alive. Does your interpretation agree with all other scripture?? What did Jesus day at Matt 7:13,14, and Luke 13:23,24. Here Jesus says that many would not be saved. Matt 25:31-46, tells us the same. What about 2Thess 1:6-9??
There is a similar scripture at Rom 11:26 whichh says; in this manner ALL Israel will be saved. Do you think thast this scripture is saying that ALL Israel will b e saved??? Neither of the scriptures are saying that ALL will do anything, they are saying that all who do the prescribed rules will be saved.
Consider what Paul said at Rom 9:27, 11:5, only the Remnant will be saved.
Consider what Peter said at 2Pet 3:7, that fire is stored up for the ungodly men.
Nothing can be further from the truth than Apocatastasis, Universalism, Ps 92:7, Zeph 1:14-18, Revf 19:11-21.
God had recorded that He did not make the earth for nothing, but formed it to be inhabited, isa 45:18. When God says something it is certain to come true, Isa 55:11. God says that the heavens are His, but the earth He has given to men, Ps 115:16. God says that righteous men will live on the earth forever, Ps 37:29. That the wicked will be the ones to be removed, Prov 2:21,22.
There are many scriptures that speak about ones who will go to heaven to be kings and Priests with Jesus, Rev 5:9,10, 14:1-5, 20:4-6, Heb 3:1, Phil 3:14, John 14:1-3, Ron 8:14-17, 1Thes 4:13-17, 1Cor 15:50-54. All the ones resurrected to heaven will be the ones BORN AGAIN, BORN OF GOD, John 3:1-8, 1:11-13. These ones have the same resurrection as Jesus has, to spirit life, Rom 6:4, 1Pet 3:18, 1Cor 15:42-49. They become a NEW CREATION, 2Cor 5:17, Gal 6:15. The people resurrected to life on earth are a RE-creation, Matt 19:28. They will not be immortal, because we are told that some will be resurrected to a JUDGEMENT, not life, John 5:28,29.
Revelation 21:1-5 tells us how it will be for the ones resurrected to life on earth.

This is an intriguing verse but there is no indication that the Rapture is involved. More likely he is referring to re-incarnation which is a form of resurrection.