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The Republican Hate Machine...

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
It's about to start up again! As soon as the Dem primaries are done, we will see them in all their glory: spreading hate and lies about whoever the candidate is. The best part is when they come up with a "who me"? look when this is pointed out!

Here is the big question: Can you see their front men in forums like this, greasing the wheels of the Republican Hate Machine? With threads about Obama's choice of preachers rather than WHY we are still in this war, it appears that they only want to divert the attention from how they have SCREWED UP AMERICA.

Secondary question: what tack do you think they will use? With Kerry they slandered a veteran so a draft dodger could get in the White House. What will it be this time?

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
What ever it takes Pete. Keep the Liberals out of the oval office at all costs. Plenty of us enjoy our lives and do not view this country as all screwed up.

Right now, the Democratic candidates are doing a good enough job of shooting themselves in the foot all by themselves. McCain can take a nap and relax right now. The effect Reverend Wright has on Barrack Obama has transformed a master orator to a stuttering impotent. He sounded just like GWB the other night. :yes:

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...

The Republican Hate Machine would rather use those smear tactics rather than dealing with the issues that are plaguing this country:

1) The economy
2) The war
3) Fuel

They have their heads in the sand as the ruin our country with their mean spirited slander.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I see so many immigrants who work hard and own their own businesses who think this is the land of opportunity. They see how great this country really is. To bad the underachievers think that taking personal responsibility for their happiness is too much work.


Active Member
I could be wrong here (and probably am), but I think the current democratic candidates will be able to hold their own with the Republicans, at least better than Kerry did. I think the main problem with Kerry is that he was a weak candidate.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I could be wrong here (and probably am), but I think the current democratic candidates will be able to hold their own with the Republicans, at least better than Kerry did. I think the main problem with Kerry is that he was a weak candidate.

I think that Barrack Obama is on the ropes but Hillary is too far behind to capitalise on the current debacle. If Obama gets the nomination, Reverend Wright will help Republicans win the election. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

If Hillary convinces the superdelegate that Barrack is unelectable and wins the nomination, the Democratic party will be so divided, the Republicans will win by a landslide. There may be so much rioting, that we might have to postpone the election. :yes: GWB may enact marshal law.


Active Member
Well, I agree with you to a certain extent, though I'm not as happy about it as you are. :rolleyes: Hillary is very polarizing and Obama - well, the media has gone so far overboard focusing on Reverend Wright that we will no longer be focused on the issues anymore and this may hurt his campaign. The Republicans no doubt will jump on the bandwagon with that one. It seems that elections are won and lost by sound bites these days. Even with 24 hour news channels we rarely get to hear much about the important issues.

And I am curious Reverend Rick (but please stop me if this is too far off topic) - based on another thread you seem to have a lot of concern for the environment. Do you think McCain will deal with the environmental problems in an effective way? It doesn't seem like either party has made much headway there, but that is one of my hesitations when it comes to voting Republican.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Do you think McCain will deal with the environmental problems in an effective way? It doesn't seem like either party has made much headway there, but that is one of my hesitations when it comes to voting Republican.

McCain in not your run of the mill Republican. He does not walk lockstep with the party. Yes, John McCain has said he will sign the international agreement and will work hard to improve the environment.

On another note, have you seen the commercial where Nancy Pelosi and Neut Gingrich agree on the environment? It is very funny. they state they agree on very little but both have held the speaker of the house chair and been third in line to the Presidency and both agree about the environment.

It is a first step.

McCain unlike most politicians has a moral compass.


A fool
Apex said:
I agree. Whenever people go on about the Republican or Liberal "Hate Machine" all I see is a display of ignorance.
It makes me sad that people can't find a way to express love for one another.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
I don't really think there is a Republican Hate Machine...
They do like to cover it up. It's there and it will have a new name. Last election it was called "Swift Boat Veterans", this year will see yet another abomination.

We can even see the front men for this type of thing right here on this forum. Rather than sticking to the issues they run a smear campaign. These character assassins are the lowliest form of scum in my eyes. They are cowards who simply abhor the truth about what they are doing to our country. Rather than see the mess Shrub has created with policies that benefit ONLY the rich, they hone in on inanities like Obama's preacher.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
It makes me sad that people can't find a way to express love for one another.
If you are not outraged by these smear campaigns, you are simply NOT paying attention. But then, you are a Republican, so maybe you think this kind of character assassination is OK? I left the Republican party right after Reagan as I didn't like the way things were going then. Has it really come to this?


They do like to cover it up. It's there and it will have a new name. Last election it was called "Swift Boat Veterans", this year will see yet another abomination.

We can even see the front men for this type of thing right here on this forum. Rather than sticking to the issues they run a smear campaign. These character assassins are the lowliest form of scum in my eyes. They are cowards who simply abhor the truth about what they are doing to our country. Rather than see the mess Shrub has created with policies that benefit ONLY the rich, they hone in on inanities like Obama's preacher.
You know - that sounds an awful lot like the way you approch things. Practically all I hear from you are smears of Rebublicans.


A fool
Pete said:
Rather than sticking to the issues they run a smear campaign.
I think sticking to the issues is good and starting threads entitled "The Republican Hate Machine..." is bad.

Pete said:
If you are not outraged by these smear campaigns, you are simply NOT paying attention.
That would be a smear if a Republican said it.

Pete said:
But then, you are a Republican, so maybe you think this kind of character assassination is OK?
Hey I've been accused of never speaking to an American Conservative and surrounding myself with Liberals to being a Republican in the space of a few short hours.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
You know - that sounds an awful lot like the way you approch things. Practically all I hear from you are smears of Rebublicans.
I suppose you are right. I should just let the mean people have their way and run over our rights as citizens!

Here's how I will change. I will now believe that the Swift Boat Veterans were right. That somehow Obama's church makes him a terrible person and that Hillary should be hated because she is female and incredibly intelligent.

Next, I will embrace the war. Hey, it must be GOOD for America because the Republicans say it is! We just have to be there for God, mom and apple pie! I won't worry about the economy either, or that Shrub has managed to double the price of gasoline. McCain has promised to keep this good work up! In fact I will ignore ALL of the issues that are affecting us and concentrate on meaningless tripe.

There, is that better for you? It makes ME want to puke!

Now, show me ONCE where I have maligned McCain, his great service to our country or ANYTHING about his personal life. ONCE. It's not my fault you can't stand the truth about this.


I suppose you are right. I should just let the mean people have their way and run over our rights as citizens!

Here's how I will change. I will now believe that the Swift Boat Veterans were right. That somehow Obama's church makes him a terrible person and that Hillary should be hated because she is female and incredibly intelligent.

Next, I will embrace the war. Hey, it must be GOOD for America because the Republicans say it is! We just have to be there for God, mom and apple pie! I won't worry about the economy either, or that Shrub has managed to double the price of gasoline. McCain has promised to keep this good work up! In fact I will ignore ALL of the issues that are affecting us and concentrate on meaningless tripe.

There, is that better for you? It makes ME want to puke!

Now, show me ONCE where I have maligned McCain, his great service to our country or ANYTHING about his personal life. ONCE. It's not my fault you can't stand the truth about this.
How about instead you deal with issues and stop just resorting to "Republicans are evil" and "Bush is dumb"? That would be more effective.


Just me
Premium Member
It's about to start up again! As soon as the Dem primaries are done, we will see them in all their glory: spreading hate and lies about whoever the candidate is. The best part is when they come up with a "who me"? look when this is pointed out!
Our Liberals fell flat on their face with that look in the last election. It was almost like they took a dive (and they just may have).

Here is the big question: Can you see their front men in forums like this, greasing the wheels of the Republican Hate Machine? With threads about Obama's choice of preachers rather than WHY we are still in this war, it appears that they only want to divert the attention from how they have SCREWED UP AMERICA.
The advantage of a forum is that you can simply choose to not listen --based on the subject line, author and category, you can choose to not open a particular thread and not read it.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
How about instead you deal with issues and stop just resorting to "Republicans are evil" and "Bush is dumb"? That would be more effective.
Book mark this thread my friend. They are coalescing right now. The Swift Boat Veterans will rise up once more to spread their fear and propaganda, albeit they will be using a different name.