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The Republican Hate Machine...

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
The advantage of a forum is that you can simply choose to not listen --based on the subject line, author and category, you can choose to not open a particular thread and not read it.
So just IGNORE the problem and it will go away? We learned that won't work during the LAST election.

Our country has to make some progress and get OUT of this war NOW. We can't succumb to the shenanigans of the past!


Book mark this thread my friend. They are coalescing right now. The Swift Boat Veterans will rise up once more to spread their fear and propaganda, albeit they will be using a different name.
I don't doubt it. They probalby won't have the mainstream media helping them out though (remember Dan Rather?). That's politics, and it isn't a Republican-only problem.


Active Member
McCain in not your run of the mill Republican. He does not walk lockstep with the party. Yes, John McCain has said he will sign the international agreement and will work hard to improve the environment.

On another note, have you seen the commercial where Nancy Pelosi and Neut Gingrich agree on the environment? It is very funny. they state they agree on very little but both have held the speaker of the house chair and been third in line to the Presidency and both agree about the environment.

It is a first step.

McCain unlike most politicians has a moral compass.

Haha yes I have seen those commercials and I think they are great. And you are right that McCain is not (or doesn't seem to be) like other Republicans. In fact, there are some die hard Republicans I know who think he is too liberal. I just feel like you never really know what someone is going to do until they are actually in office. Prior to being elected it's all about saying the right thing to get the votes. I can't remember an election where I voted with full confidence. It seems like a risk no matter which way you vote!


A fool
Pete said:
So just IGNORE the problem and it will go away?
Me: Don't invade Iraq
GWB: What so you are saying we should just IGNORE the problem and it will go away?

Generally speaking, if all you are going to do is drop bombs then its better for everybody if you just ignored the problem and let other people deal with it instead.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Me: Don't invade Iraq
GWB: What so you are saying we should just IGNORE the problem and it will go away?
This is a terrible analogy. Shrub INVENTED a problem so he could have war #2.

Unfortunately, he allowed the secret service to IGNORE all of the signs pointing towards the WTC attack. IF they had only not ignored THAT threat, then we would have not had the two wars to begin with.


Let's go racing boys !
I hate election time, the politicians making promises they know they aren't going to keep.....INstead of spending money on the campaigns, that money could be used to help our "sick" economy. They are promising to try to fix the gas price situation, but the minute some oil company sticks money in their back pocket, they will turn their head. What has happened to our country? We spend X amount of dollars per day to keep a war going that is killing our loved ones and our country is going to hell in a hand basket while and we are rebuilding a country that would like to blow us up, go figure.

But relax and chill out the Stimulus payment is coming, Wonder if the money came from all the profits the oil companies have paid to the politicians? They know it will be no loss for them, because we will just be giving it back at the gas tank.

Wheeeee I feel better now that I've vented!:woohoo:


A fool
This is a terrible analogy. Shrub INVENTED a problem so he could have war #2.

Unfortunately, he allowed the secret service to IGNORE all of the signs pointing towards the WTC attack. IF they had only not ignored THAT threat, then we would have not had the two wars to begin with.
That isn't really my point. I'm suggesting that there is some middle ground between "dropping bombs" and "ignoring the issue" and also that if all that a person can do is "drop bombs" then it would be better for them to ignore the issue.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Perhaps if the Democrats tried to appeal to the people who are moderates they might win an election. Pandering to the far left causes them to lose more votes than they gain. It's not like the far left is going to vote Republican, so why pander to them? You already will receive their votes anyway.


Perhaps if the Democrats tried to appeal to the people who are moderates they might win an election. Pandering to the far left causes them to lose more votes than they gain. It's not like the far left is going to vote Republican, so why pander to them? You already will receive their votes anyway.
Not if Nader gets involved.


Veteran Member
Perhaps if the Democrats tried to appeal to the people who are moderates they might win an election. Pandering to the far left causes them to lose more votes than they gain. It's not like the far left is going to vote Republican, so why pander to them? You already will receive their votes anyway.

I've seen a certain Democrat that has appealed to people all over the spectrum. ;)

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I've seen a certain Democrat that has appealed to people all over the spectrum. ;)

Obama is the most Liberal member of the Senate. Please define spectrum for me. Your spectrum is leaving out more than half of the voters in America.

Obama is either naive of an outright liar when he says he did not know the views of his pastor of 20 years.

Obama believes some people need to quit clinging to their religion and guns.

Obama attended the million man march as an observer. Please!

Obama said he could no more disassociate himself from his pastor than he could people of color.

Two weeks later, he disassociated himself from Reverend Wright. Did he tell the truth then or now?


Veteran Member
Obama is the most Liberal member of the Senate. Please define spectrum for me. Your spectrum is leaving out more than half of the voters in America.


I know feminists, Mormons, other mainstream Christians, atheists, former and current Republicans, Democrats, environmentalists, Communists, Socialist, independents, Muslims, Pagans, etc. etc. that are going to be voting for Obama.

From my experience and hearing all the different types of people that are voting for him, I'll say he is reaching across the spectrum. :yes:

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I see so many immigrants who work hard and own their own businesses who think this is the land of opportunity. They see how great this country really is. To bad the underachievers think that taking personal responsibility for their happiness is too much work.

So people who support women's and gay rights, concern for the environment, concern for human rights, upholding the constitution, etc. are all somehow magically unsuccessful and unhappy underachievers?

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
So people who support women's and gay rights, concern for the environment, concern for human rights, upholding the constitution, etc. are all somehow magically unsuccessful and unhappy underachievers?

Magically? Hmmmm, There are plenty of sucessful women and gays. Are they all Democrats?

McCain has concerns for the environment so that is not a Democratic thing.

The constitution? What about the second amendment?

I believe we reap what we sow. No smoke and mirrors here.

Being happy is a state of mind. It should not be dependant on the actions of others.

Underachiever are just that, underachievers. Their chickens have come home to roost.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Magically? Hmmmm, There are plenty of sucessful women and gays. Are they all Democrats?

McCain has concerns for the environment so that is not a Democratic thing.

The constitution? What about the second amendment?

I believe we reap what we sow. No smoke and mirrors here.

Being happy is a state of mind. It should not be dependant on the actions of others.

Underachiever are just that, underachievers. Their chickens have come home to roost.

My point was that you're making huge, unfounded generalizations. There are both very successful conservatives and liberals, and unsuccessful conservatives and liberals. How someone votes doesn't magically determine how well they do in life, so stop trying to sell that drivel. For example there were a lot of 'red state' families teetering on the poverty line who voted for Bush. And tell me why you think a homosexual, successful or not, would support a political party that has a history of hatred and hostility toward them? Why would an atheist, successful or not, support a party that tries to remove the wall between church and state?
As for the second amendment, none of the democratic candidates have threatened to ban guns so that's just yet another boogyman under your bead. And btw, even though I'm mostly liberal, I do support the 2nd amendment. I even own a few firearms myself.