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The Republican Hate Machine...


How someone votes doesn't magically determine how well they do in life, so stop trying to sell that drivel.
You are right. That causality doesn't make much sense at all. The oposite direction may work better (how well someone does in life determines how they vote), or another variable could influence both (something else determines both how well they do in life and how they vote).

There is a bit of disparity that needs to be explained though...

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
You are right. That causality doesn't make much sense at all. The oposite direction may work better (how well someone does in life determines how they vote), or another variable could influence both (something else determines both how well they do in life and how they vote).

There is a bit of disparity that needs to be explained though...

In rural areas the majority seems to vote Republican. In urban areas the majority seems to vote Democrat. Political leanings seem ingrained in upbringing and culture rather than the ridiculous notion of whether or not someone is happy and successful. I think religion plays a huge part in it, too. That seems to be the conservatives major selling point.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Why don't we see more people that do not follow either path. You hardly ever see anyone who believes in a woman's choice that is for capital punishment, or second amendment folks screaming for gay rights. This has to be social conditioning.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Why don't we see more people that do not follow either path. You hardly ever see anyone who believes in a woman's choice that is for capital punishment, or second amendment folks screaming for gay rights. This has to be social conditioning.

Too true. It would be nice to see some of the 3rd parties like the libertarians and greens gain broader recognition and support, and offer the populous an alternative to the same cut 'n dry two. Speaking of second amendment folks screaming for gay rights, have you ever heard of the advocacy group "pink pistols"?

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Yeah, that's what I am talking about. As far as third parties, I could get on board with the libritarians.

In a free country, we all should be able to do our own thing so long as we do not step on anyone else's toes.

If you want the United States to mind it's own business around the world, we could shut down the borders and not trade with anyone. Talk about creating jobs and a good economy. That goes for oil as well. We either drill over here or park the cars. I'm cool either way.

Now if you make me compete in a world economy, I am going to stick my nose into international affairs. If imported oil was outlawed, I doubt many Republicans would give a flip about Iraq.


New Member
It's about to start up again! As soon as the Dem primaries are done, we will see them in all their glory: spreading hate and lies about whoever the candidate is. The best part is when they come up with a "who me"? look when this is pointed out!

Conservatives do not "lie". Liberals do.
Conservatives have the moral standards that liberals do not.

Telling the truth about a liberal does not make a "lie" even though they claim it is.
Just one obvious example..... among 1000's.
The Clinton's claimed the "Republican Attack Machine", created the "lie" about Monica Lewinski as well as all the other Bill perversion excapades. But, remember who turned out to be the REAL LIAR????

Here is the big question: Can you see their front men in forums like this, greasing the wheels of the Republican Hate Machine? With threads about Obama's choice of preachers rather than WHY we are still in this war, it appears that they only want to divert the attention from how they have SCREWED UP AMERICA.

1. Who you associate with and learn from on a regular basis IS IMPORTANT.
But I know liberals don't think a little thing like "character" matters.

2. Liberalism has screwed up America. It just so happens that conservatives are sometimes stuck trying to put the pieces back together to at least trying to stop the blood loss. I'm not saying every republican in every instance has done everything right or perfect. But conservatism is FAR from facism/communism, while Liberalism are bed brothers to such. So, I'll take imperfection over actual evil and perversion of truth and good any day.

Secondary question: what tack do you think they will use? With Kerry they slandered a veteran so a draft dodger could get in the White House. What will it be this time?

1. 100's of men told their PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE with and about John Kerry. They weren't the liars. Kerry is.

2. Bush didn't "dodge" any draft. He served honorably.
Further, to every "John Kerry" military man you can show me, I can show you a 100 CONSERVATIVE military men who served just as well and more than John Kerry, and have a 100 times more character and honor than John Kerry. In fact, most of the swift boats veterans are indeed such men.

Even further.... The swift boat veterans and others who had experience with John Kerry giving their story are a 100 to 1 compared to John Kerry's evidentiary backers. I'll trust their experience, character, history, and honor way more than I will trust the small few who blindly and foolishly support Kerry that also knew him. I see way more honor and truth in those MANY men compared to Kerry and his small 5 persons or so.

But, I guess I'm weird like that.... I like solid truth and evidence.... You like little.


New Member
They do like to cover it up. It's there and it will have a new name. Last election it was called "Swift Boat Veterans", this year will see yet another abomination.

Those "abominations" as you like to refer to them were simply telling their own experience and knowledge of John Kerry. Telling the "truth" that needed to be known, for those that aren't able to dicern as well as some of us that John Kerry was nothing more than a wicked opportunist.

We can even see the front men for this type of thing right here on this forum. Rather than sticking to the issues they run a smear campaign. These character assassins are the lowliest form of scum in my eyes. They are cowards who simply abhor the truth about what they are doing to our country. Rather than see the mess Shrub has created with policies that benefit ONLY the rich, they hone in on inanities like Obama's preacher.

1. Actually, we love the truth..... That's why we share it so people can make an actual "informed" judgement, rather than one based on false perception and "feelings".
Anyone that actually studies Hillary's and Obama's history, experiences, decisions, etc. will know that they are evil people putting on a "mask". True, Obama is not really evil, I don't see much evil in him, but, he is increadibly and dangerously ignorant and foolish. No "sane" man would spend 20 years in a church that spued that malarky every week from most of it's preachers, not just Wright. Not to mention many of Obama's other close associations and decision making actions and fruits.

2. I'm upper range poor.... Our family made $35,000 last year. We got ALL of our tax money back PLUS another $3000 for nothing.

So, tell me again how the Bush tax cut's only benefit the Rich??? BULL!!!

Also, look at the actual tax structure and see who actually pay's most of the taxes.
Further, taxing liberals do nothing but hurt small business which is the stable engine of this economy and employees most of the people. When small businesses are overtaxed, they can't pay or employ as much and it is one of the main reasons they go out of business. Tell us again how "Bush" is the one trying to hurt the little guy???

Just look at New Orleans.... New Orleans was essentially a cess pool which has been run by Democrates forever. They had been warned forever to fix the levies, they didn't, and the money's that wen't to help improve the levies over the years went to other things, etc. etc. Liberals are what "destroy" society's, not conservatives.

I'll give you an example of my point.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a people and thus as a Church is the wealthiest of all per-capita. It's people are as a whole highly successful. Guess why. It's because of the Conservative values taught by the religion. Industry, self-reliance, teaching a man to fish, rather than only giving him a fish, etc. Liberalism works the opposite, rather than have "teaching a man to fish" as the highest ideal, it has giving a man a fish as the highest. Therefore, everytime liberal ideology is implimented, it fails. There is a reason why all of Europe has recently voted in many conservatives. It's because the people have been suffering from liberal ideology. Their health systems are failing, their taxes are going through the roof, etc.

You know not what you do.... by your liberal ideology.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
1. Actually, we love the truth...
Too funny. You haven't posted a truth YET.

Here's how Shrub has helped small businesses and you poor folk: FOUR DOLLAR GAS!!! It's soon to be EIGHT DOLLAR GAS.

How else has he helped? The Haliburton War! Over FOUR THOUSAND of our brave soldiers are dead so Shrub can line the pockets of Haliburton. If it's not real enough, just click here: iCasualties: Coalition Casualty Count - DoD Confirmations