Ditto, I actually looked for the justification for it's inclusion. It had something to do with what policies were voted on by who. I will see if I can find it again. Even if it should not have been included the rest would more than make the case.
In theory, one could claim that the budget was already locked in when Obama took office, but thats not really the case. Most of the appropriations bills had not been passed, and certainly the stimulus bill was only signed into law after Obama took office.
Bush had rescued Fannie and Freddie Mac and launched the Troubled Asset Relief Program, which depending on how
you dothemath, was a one-time expense of $250 billion to $400 billion in the final months of his presidency. (The federal government ultimately recouped most of the TARP money.) So if you really want to be fair, perhaps $250 billion of that money should be taken out of the equation on the theory that it would have been spent no matter who was president.
The facts about the growth of spending under Obama - The Washington Post
By the way I do not support Bush's bailout either.
Unlike many on the left I determine what is right based on truth not on who I like and do not. It is also forgotten very often that the recession was caused by the housing bubble. The bubble was started by Carter and exapanded by Clinton. It was pointed out in hearings in 02 I believe by Mccain and others. I have seen the video. Every Democrat said that the program was fine and the republicans were crazy. Then a few years later it actually popped and these scum bags blamed the people who tried to stop it from happening.