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The ressurrection of you!


Miss Independent
Ok so the bible speaks about the resurrection of ALL.

That means the living and the dead, those in christ those not in christ, ALL.

Or is that a misconception?

What exactly is the point of resurrrection? And how do you think god plans on doing all of this?

Are people resssurected from their graves, what about people that are cremated?

Lets start with this....the bible says EVERYONE will be ressurrected. What do you make of this resurrection?



Well-Known Member
The resurrection of people is just a small but important part of God's restoration of the whole of creation. At the same time, the cosmos will be renewed and restored, resurrected in a metaphorical sense.

Christian opinion is divided about whether the unsaved are also resurrected, because the bible can be interpreted multiple ways. However, most Christians believe that everyone will be resurrected, after which the righteous will enjoy a renewed creation forever, and the wicked will be consigned to hell (whatever that means, again opinions are divided). So judgment and renewal happen simultaneously.


Not your average Mormon
Ok so the bible speaks about the resurrection of ALL.

That means the living and the dead, those in christ those not in christ, ALL.

Or is that a misconception?

What exactly is the point of resurrrection? And how do you think god plans on doing all of this?

Are people resssurected from their graves, what about people that are cremated?

Lets start with this....the bible says EVERYONE will be ressurrected. What do you make of this resurrection?

Personally, I understand the promised resurrection applies to all life -- no exceptions. I believe I'm going to be resurrected, you're going to be resurrected, and my dog is going to be resurrected. :)


Not your average Mormon
What do you think is meant by resurrection?
To me, it means the perfecting and complete restoration of the physical body inhabited by a spirit during mortality. It means that life will be restored, never again to be taken away. It means becoming immortal.


Miss Independent
Does ressurrection mean you get the same body you had before you died?

I would say no...but then where is YOU before you get the new body.



Citizen Mod
Ok so the bible speaks about the resurrection of ALL.

That means the living and the dead, those in christ those not in christ, ALL.

Or is that a misconception?
I am going to have to go with misconception. I believe I will be raised directly from death because the energy of the soul cannot rest. It must keep going forward. Though the soul will remember Patrick (as it will remember all of my past physical and spiritual experiences) I will no longer be defined as Patrick, my previous earthly family ties and relations detached and I will stand as a spiritual BEing of my accumulative existences until the next physical incarnation (if I decide to plan one).


Well-Known Member
What do you think is meant by resurrection?

A dead person is restored to life in such a way that they do not die again. It's life after life after death. The body and soul are reunited. I don't know whether the body that dies is the body that rises. I tend to think so. So in the case of cremation, I guess God gathers the atoms from wherever they are and reassembles them. :shrug: All I know is that God is faithful, and he will do it.


Well-Known Member
I am going to have to go with misconception. I believe I will be raised directly from death because the energy of the soul cannot rest. It must keep going forward. Though the soul will remember Patrick (as it will remember all of my past physical and spiritual experiences) I will no longer be defined as Patrick, my previous earthly family ties and relations detached and I will stand as a spiritual BEing of my accumulative existences until the next physical incarnation (if I decide to plan one).

What you are describing is not resurrection, even by analogical extension. The word "resurrection" simply means the reuniting of a dead body with its soul, raising both to new life such that neither will die again. You are in effect saying that the misconception is belief that anybody will be resurrected at all, not that some people will be resurrected and others not.


Miss Independent
Ok then, if the resurrected body is a body consisting of matter and that matter is taken from the atoms in the universe, perhaps from atoms in dust, or from stars, since all elements are in some way or form found in rock or in stars, then I can accept that. I also believe that this type of body will be able to go to heaven (whereever that is...lets not quib about that here)

Where is your spirit if you died to enter into this resurrected body?

Would you then say that the body that is resurrected is a spiritual body even though it has matter?



Well-Known Member
this thread disturbs me greatly. not only are the vain believing that the body counts for something, but it also is implying that my long sleep will be disturbed....and that just sucks, i hate being woken up
if we get a choice, can i stay un resserected please:D


Miss Independent
The body might count for something if you need it to live in heaven.

The bible says that everyone will be resurrected, there must be a point to this apart from judgement. Perhaps to give us the bodies that will allow us to ascend into heaven as Jesus did.

Or a body that we will live in on the new earth maybe?


Not your average Mormon
Does ressurrection mean you get the same body you had before you died?
It all depends on what you mean. I think that if I knew you personally during your mortality, I would recognize you in your "new" body.

I would say no...but then where is YOU before you get the new body.
From my perspective, the part of us that makes us who we are is our spirit, and the spirit is eternal. It never dies. It existed as a cognizant entity before it entered into a physical body and came to Earth as a newborn baby; it continues to exist when it leaves the body after death, and it will exist forever in a resurrected body when that time comes.


Miss Independent
Hello Katzpur

If you walk past abraham you wont recognise him, but you will recognise his spirit. Thats how I think it might work.

Where do you think your spirit is before it is reintroduced into the resurrected body?



Not your average Mormon
If you walk past abraham you wont recognise him, but you will recognise his spirit. Thats how I think it might work.
Well, I see where you're coming from and I agree to some extent. After all, if I were to be separated from a loved one for many years, what a would miss most would be his spirit. It is the part of us that makes us who we are -- far more than our physical appearance. On the other hand, if I meet my husband again in heaven after we're both resurrected, I'm not sure how I'd like it if he didn't look a thing like he does now. I kind of like the man I've gotten used to living with, and his physical appearance is a part of his identity, too. Actually, my religion teaches that our spirits actually do have a physical appearance and are made up of matter, too. It's just far, far more refined matter, matter so pure that it is invisible to us as human beings. So, if that's true, what you're saying would make sense. I fully anticipate being able to hug my loved ones again, though, so I do believe that we will have bodies of physical substance.

Where do you think your spirit is before it is reintroduced into the resurrected body?
I think it continues to exist in an invisible realm here on earth during the interum between death and the resurrection, and that it continues to grow spiritually, and to develop emotionally and intellectually.

What about you? Where do you think it is?


Miss Independent
I think our spirits go to paradise when we die.

But I also believe that the spirit continues to grow in wisdom and understanding.

What is your view on everyone being resurrected? Children of God and other?

If you do believe that everyone is resurrected do you think that everyone gets a resurrected body?

If so what will the non-believers do with a resurrected body if they are going to be sent to hell? (That is what a lot of christians believe!)

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
There are no scriptures that support us having a resurrected body that has matter. The term used is "incorruptible", which means it is distinctly different than our current body.

This will be our Spiritual side that awakens.

The whole concept is exceedingly hard for many to comprehend. We shall all be changed! In the spirit world, life and death refer not to existence, but to a quality of that existence. Death is the absence of God (darkness), while life is to be in his presence (light).

Don't be confused: our spirit is JUST AS REAL as our physical bodies. It exists even though you may not see it.


Not your average Mormon
I think our spirits go to paradise when we die.
Technically speaking, I do too. But I believe Paradise is just a different sort of dimension here on earth. Do you have any feelings as to where Paradise is and how it differs from Heaven (assuming it does)?

But I also believe that the spirit continues to grow in wisdom and understanding.

What is your view on everyone being resurrected? Children of God and other?
I believe everyone will be resurrected, including animals.

If you do believe that everyone is resurrected do you think that everyone gets a resurrected body?
Yes, I do.

If so what will the non-believers do with a resurrected body if they are going to be sent to hell? (That is what a lot of christians believe!)
Well, since I believe that hardly anyone is going to go to Hell, it's not really an issue with me. I suppose that since I believe that everyone will get a resurrected body, there are going to be a few resurrected bodies in Hell. But very few. Heaven's pretty good-sized. :)


Well-Known Member
The body might count for something if you need it to live in heaven.

The bible says that everyone will be resurrected, there must be a point to this apart from judgement. Perhaps to give us the bodies that will allow us to ascend into heaven as Jesus did.

Or a body that we will live in on the new earth maybe?

Sorry that I can't believe this scientifically impossible statement. No real "evidence" of any resurrection has ever been shown to be anything more than a myth.


Miss Independent
There are no scriptures that support us having a resurrected body that has matter. quote]

I take the account of Jesus' resurrected body as evidence, and since I dont believe he lost this body, that is the type of body we will get when we see him, and be like him the bible says. We are already spirit, so we wont change in that way.


Good points. I would like to talk about why you think few are going to hell since I have been wondering abaout that myself. Perhaps a different thread?

What is your view on the order of things:

1. Resurrection of the body and then judgment
2. Or judgement and then the resurrection of the body