Intentionally Blank
If you have heard of these people then you know who these people are and that they give evidence contrary to your quote I responded to below.
We do know, and these are 3 sources among others that give us answers to the above questions. Thus it is not simply assertions of fact.
You may have given answers, but they are way out of the mainstream of historical thought on the subject. As I said, I lack sufficient expertise to question that thinking, that is, I do not have a Ph.d level of knowledge of Ancient Near East History, nor have I published books on the subject, and I doubt that you have either.
Claiming something does not make it so. The mainstream view is that we have no clue what anonymous author wrote the various gospels, and whoever did, the first time it ever got written down was a couple of generations after Jesus died, but we do not have that manuscript. The earliest tiny scrap we have dates from around a century after Jesus died, and we have no idea who wrote that.
Who are you claiming wrote the gospels, and what basis do you make that claim? (Of course, you would never use the claims of the gospels themselves in support of that position, right?)