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the right religion


I believe your supposition to be incorrect. I believe God is against sin but wishes to accomplish the eradication of it by a change of heart in the individual. I believe that might take a lot of time but God has eternity and patience.
I agree that yes that is his preffered method however the Bible is full of direct intervention by force in extreme cases. The flood for one.


Well-Known Member
I agree that yes that is his preffered method however the Bible is full of direct intervention by force in extreme cases. The flood for one.
Which was a flood that drown out the "breath of life" of all the people who refused to gather unto Noah and his family and board the ark (Zion).
This is the same "breath of life" that made Adam a living soul.
We are talking about spiritual life here, not physical life.
The flood of Noah was a spiritual flood of the philosophies of men.

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
The Bible is very specific in it being a literal flood. Nothing spiritual going on; that idea is an apologetics ploy to fix various scriptural errors.


Veteran Member
Which was a flood that drown out the "breath of life" of all the people who refused to gather unto Noah and his family and board the ark (Zion).
This is the same "breath of life" that made Adam a living soul.
We are talking about spiritual life here, not physical life.
The flood of Noah was a spiritual flood of the philosophies of men.

Adam was Not animated before receiving the breath of life.
It was the breath that gave life to inanimate Adam.
Adam lost his spiritual life at the time he disobeyed and broke God's law.
At death Adam became a dead soul or a lifeless soul.- Ezekiel 18 vs 4,20; Acts 3 v 23

What is Not physical life about Luke 3 v 36-38 ?____________


Which was a flood that drown out the "breath of life" of all the people who refused to gather unto Noah and his family and board the ark (Zion).
This is the same "breath of life" that made Adam a living soul.
We are talking about spiritual life here, not physical life.
The flood of Noah was a spiritual flood of the philosophies of men.
What? I think you are getting this confused.
The Flood wiped out all land animals which breathed through nostrils except those on the Ark (Genesis 7:22).

I think you would be very happy as a Baha'i. Regardless that has nothing to do with the point behind my comments on the flood.
Hi! Jesus Christ said that the true religion would be evident in the lives of the people who practice it. In other words, those who practice the true religion would be recognized by their beliefs and their conduct. Although they are not perfect and they make mistakes, true worshipers as a group seek to do God’s will.


Hi! Jesus Christ said that the true religion would be evident in the lives of the people who practice it. In other words, those who practice the true religion would be recognized by their beliefs and their conduct. Although they are not perfect and they make mistakes, true worshipers as a group seek to do God’s will.
Who was this directed at? Do you need any pointers on quoting statements in the post you are replying to? I am more than happy to help.


Jesus in me
I agree that yes that is his preffered method however the Bible is full of direct intervention by force in extreme cases. The flood for one.

I believe death does not change hearts. I believe Jesus changed my heart towards Him by dieing for me but it took years for me to discover that it was God in the flesh who died for me. I believe that concept changed the way I viewed God from being one who was quick to punish my sins to one who would lay down His life to save me from sin.


Jesus in me
Hi! Jesus Christ said that the true religion would be evident in the lives of the people who practice it. In other words, those who practice the true religion would be recognized by their beliefs and their conduct. Although they are not perfect and they make mistakes, true worshipers as a group seek to do God’s will.

That reminds me how conversations usually go when I meet worldly strangers:

You don't smoke? You don't drink? You don't have sex outside of marriage? What are you, perfect?

Of course I am not perfect. I like to gamble and that is not being a good steward of my money.

However I believe often those sins that God most wants to remove are not necessarily evident to the world. I believe the sin God most wanted to remove from my life was pride. Perhaps that comes out a little and I just don't realize it.



Jesus in me
Adam was Not animated before receiving the breath of life.
It was the breath that gave life to inanimate Adam.
Adam lost his spiritual life at the time he disobeyed and broke God's law.
At death Adam became a dead soul or a lifeless soul.- Ezekiel 18 vs 4,20; Acts 3 v 23

What is Not physical life about Luke 3 v 36-38 ?____________

I believe there is nothing in the text stating this as fact. I believe one could easily conjecture that Adam was both animated and living before he became a living soul.

I don't believe there is such a thing. I don't believe the positive necessitates the negative.
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I believe death does not change hearts. I believe Jesus changed my heart towards Him by dieing for me but it took years for me to discover that it was God in the flesh who died for me. I believe that concept changed the way I viewed God from being one who was quick to punish my sins to one who would lay down His life to save me from sin.
You are talking about something different than I was addressing. Someone made this comment:
I believe your supposition to be incorrect. I believe God is against sin but wishes to accomplish the eradication of it by a change of heart in the individual. I believe that might take a lot of time but God has eternity and patience.
To which I responded with this one:
I agree that yes that is his preffered method however the Bible is full of direct intervention by force in extreme cases. The flood for one.

I was discussing how God acts in opposition to sin. You are talking more about salvation than God's wrath. I am born again, and have been changed by God's love. I was saying above that normally God wishes to change us by his influence but in extreme cases he destroys the wicked. It was no longer an attempt to change them it was to destroy them. Many Christians only think of God in the role of the Lamb and forget he is the Lion of Judah as well. God is perfectly loving as well as perfectly just.


New Member
Excuse my spelling error in my post above - I meant "they're" instead of "their".

I'm a man of science and very skeptical by nature, so if i can't see it for myself or if I can read about a well known and respected scientist who makes a very good, well-reasoned, and scientific or mathematical argument that cannot be refuted (i.e. theories that have stood the test of time), I generally cannot believe something. For instance, if a priest told me he spoke with god and that god told him to do something I would not believe it unless there was absolutely no other explanation for him hearing what he thinks he heard. I guess it's tough to explain. I simply like things to be proven rather than to simply accept because someone tells me to.


New Member
sorry for using r instead of are, but u know it's common in chat and forums but i'll try to avoid that, and yes english isn't my native language

but could u explain how we could have more than one right religion? although that each religion has contradicts with other religions? how contradictions could be all right?

We'll not contradict if we agreed on the moral concept of all religions and commit to them. cults or worships are differents and that's not really matter it the aim is to spiritual contact with the supreme creator whatever its name as there're so many languages.

islam abduallah

Active Member
We'll not contradict if we agreed on the moral concept of all religions and commit to them. cults or worships are differents and that's not really matter it the aim is to spiritual contact with the supreme creator whatever its name as there're so many languages.

how come, to worship Jesus isn't like worshiping Allah or Buddha
they are three different, Jesus isn't Allah and both are not Buddha, so if i worship one of them and he's not the god, then i'm not grateful to my real creator


Excuse my spelling error in my post above - I meant "they're" instead of "their".

I'm a man of science and very skeptical by nature, so if i can't see it for myself or if I can read about a well known and respected scientist who makes a very good, well-reasoned, and scientific or mathematical argument that cannot be refuted (i.e. theories that have stood the test of time), I generally cannot believe something. For instance, if a priest told me he spoke with god and that god told him to do something I would not believe it unless there was absolutely no other explanation for him hearing what he thinks he heard. I guess it's tough to explain. I simply like things to be proven rather than to simply accept because someone tells me to.
I do not blame you for not believing a priest who said he heard from God. However you do indeed believe in many faith based things.

1. Do you believe life arrose on its own?
2. Do you believe love exists?
3. Do you believe astetic values exist?
4. Do you believe that reality was not created 5 minutes ago with the appearance of age?
5. Do you believe Caeser existed?
6. Do you believe right and wrong are actual real concepts?

I can literraly make a list of thousand sof the things that you believe in that are not an observable or provable fact. As always it comes down to our hearts. They determine what will be accepted on faith or not. A Christian has a far more consistent and logical way of determining what is beleivable (though many exceptions exist). An atheist bases his on mainly what he prefers.
how come, to worship Jesus isn't like worshiping Allah or Buddha
they are three different, Jesus isn't Allah and both are not Buddha, so if i worship one of them and he's not the god, then i'm not grateful to my real creator
I think that if the Creator really had a problem with our varied perceptions of who He is, He would've come down here and set the record straight once and for all, in a way that everyone throughout the ages could agree on.

In the meantime, the fact that one attempts to acknowledge a Higher Power at all, regardless of what name is applied to Him, seems to be enough for Him. :)


If Christianity is the right religion then which branch of Christianity is right :D

If Islam is the Only Right Religion then, either Shia Islam is Right or Sunni Islam :D

If Judaism is right then which branch of judaism :D

If Hinduism is Right then which School of Thought in Hindus is right :D

and the list goes on and on and on and onnnnnnnn............

So the Question should be rephrased like this " Which Religion's which Sect is Right" because there are sub divisions sects are almost in every religion.


If Christianity is the right religion then which branch of Christianity is right :D

If Islam is the Only Right Religion then, either Shia Islam is Right or Sunni Islam :D

If Judaism is right then which branch of judaism :D

If Hinduism is Right then which School of Thought in Hindus is right :D

and the list goes on and on and on and onnnnnnnn............

So the Question should be rephrased like this " Which Religion's which Sect is Right" because there are sub divisions sects are almost in every religion.
I can't speak for other religions but in Christianity the way to get to heaven is by faith in Christ and what he did on calvary. 99% of the Christian denomonations believe that. The rest is simply commentary and second tier issues. In other words as long as you believe in Christ and are born again then the denominational differences do not effect getting to heaven or not. It is certainly not the case that since we have differences within a faith then we should give up, turn out the lights, and go to bed.

I will add that in Islam no one seems to be sure exactly how it is that we get to heaven regardless of sect. Even Muhammad said he didn't know if he would make it.


Well-Known Member
If Christianity is the right religion then which branch of Christianity is right :D

If Islam is the Only Right Religion then, either Shia Islam is Right or Sunni Islam :D

If Judaism is right then which branch of judaism :D

If Hinduism is Right then which School of Thought in Hindus is right :D

and the list goes on and on and on and onnnnnnnn............

So the Question should be rephrased like this " Which Religion's which Sect is Right" because there are sub divisions sects are almost in every religion.

The God that delivered Moses and the Israelites across the red sea is the true allmighty God-- Abraham,Job,David,Daniel,Isaiah,Moses,etc all served this God-- them and every israelite who ever existed served YHWH(Jehovah) a single being God-- So the true religion must be serving the same God and as well accept Jesus his son as the Messiah. That counts out the israelites, the trinitarians. The Muslims, etc--- The Jehovah witnesses fit the criteria.