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the right religion


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
If Christianity is the right religion then which branch of Christianity is right :D

If Islam is the Only Right Religion then, either Shia Islam is Right or Sunni Islam :D

If Judaism is right then which branch of judaism :D

If Hinduism is Right then which School of Thought in Hindus is right :D

and the list goes on and on and on and onnnnnnnn............

So the Question should be rephrased like this " Which Religion's which Sect is Right" because there are sub divisions sects are almost in every religion.

If you can't figure out which one is right, just settle for the one that's left. :D


The God that delivered Moses and the Israelites across the red sea is the true allmighty God-- Abraham,Job,David,Daniel,Isaiah,Moses,etc all served this God-- them and every israelite who ever existed served YHWH(Jehovah) a single being God-- So the true religion must be serving the same God and as well accept Jesus his son as the Messiah. That counts out the israelites, the trinitarians. The Muslims, etc--- The Jehovah witnesses fit the criteria.
What are you talking about? Christians believe either that God is one being made up of three persons or God is one person that sent Jesus. Either way your dismissal of them is wrong and then to suggest the JW have got it right is quite the stretch.

islam abduallah

Active Member
I can't speak for other religions but in Christianity the way to get to heaven is by faith in Christ and what he did on calvary. 99% of the Christian denomonations believe that. The rest is simply commentary and second tier issues. In other words as long as you believe in Christ and are born again then the denominational differences do not effect getting to heaven or not. It is certainly not the case that since we have differences within a faith then we should give up, turn out the lights, and go to bed.

I will add that in Islam no one seems to be sure exactly how it is that we get to heaven regardless of sect. Even Muhammad said he didn't know if he would make it.

and how do you know that the truth within Christianity?


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about? Christians believe either that God is one being made up of three persons or God is one person that sent Jesus. Either way your dismissal of them is wrong and then to suggest the JW have got it right is quite the stretch.

If one listened to Jesus they would know that eternal life is not just handed out by saying 3 lines of prayer and having a mortal tell them they are born again. Jesus said one must know God( take in true knowledge of the true God gets one to actually know him) John 17:1-6---- Here Jesus said the one who sent him( John 5:30) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD-- verse 6 = Jehovah. The true servants of Jehovah do just that.


If one listened to Jesus they would know that eternal life is not just handed out by saying 3 lines of prayer and having a mortal tell them they are born again. Jesus said one must know God( take in true knowledge of the true God gets one to actually know him) John 17:1-6---- Here Jesus said the one who sent him( John 5:30) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD-- verse 6 = Jehovah. The true servants of Jehovah do just that.
This is not an is Jesus God discussion. Being born again has nothing to do with what any ones tells you nor does it have anything to do saying with three lines of prayer. It is an actual and unmistakeable spiritual experience. Knowledge devoid of a saving knowledge of Christ is a traditional heretical gnostic teaching. If knowledge has not produced born again salvation it is impotent and will not save anyone.


and how do you know that the truth within Christianity?
After years of study and watching or reading transcipts from every debate I can find, I am quite sure that Islam is not from God. In no category used to determine textual reliability is the Quran superior to the Bible. In no way is Muhammad even close to being as reliable a witness for God than Christ. I can go into great detail if you wish. Maybe you can make a 1 on 1 thread and we can hash it out in detail.

islam abduallah

Active Member
After years of study and watching or reading transcipts from every debate I can find, I am quite sure that Islam is not from God. In no category used to determine textual reliability is the Quran superior to the Bible. In no way is Muhammad even close to being as reliable a witness for God than Christ. I can go into great detail if you wish. Maybe you can make a 1 on 1 thread and we can hash it out in detail.

i'll be glad to be 1 to 1 debate

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
This is the debate that will go on and on my friends. Yes, this debate will never end. Why is it important to possess the one true religion again? Why is it so difficult for the debate to reach a resolution?

islam abduallah

Active Member
This is the debate that will go on and on my friends. Yes, this debate will never end. Why is it important to possess the one true religion again? Why is it so difficult for the debate to reach a resolution?

i'm sure if both sides seek the truth, they will find the resolution. the important element here is being a neutral while judging, missing of this element made the debate useless

islam abduallah

Active Member
Who can be wholly impartial in such debates?

a true seeker

Doesn't neutrality imply suspension of judgment?

no, it means seeking the truth, proofs and evidences whatever it was even if it's against your current belief, ofr example if orbin proved to me that quran isn't the word of god so if i'm a true seeker i have to change it and to begin to seek another religion and if i proved to orbin that bible isn't his word, must change the religion not important to come to mine but to seek another one
you got it?

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
a true seeker

no, it means seeking the truth, proofs and evidences whatever it was even if it's against your current belief, ofr example if orbin proved to me that quran isn't the word of god so if i'm a true seeker i have to change it and to begin to seek another religion and if i proved to orbin that bible isn't his word, must change the religion not important to come to mine but to seek another one
you got it?

A true seeker changes until change becomes constant and they realize eternity. Why must religion be the end all of truth? You are a completely original manifestation of the cosmic unfolding. Your experience and perspective will never manifest again. You are ordinary and yet wholly original. Your personal path is custom. It represents a particular expression of the divine that cannot be copied. There is no one true path that all must follow. There is only the exploration of the great unknown. There are many paths that life may take. You are already following the right path at this very moment. Realize it and it becomes your own.

islam abduallah

Active Member
A true seeker changes until change becomes constant and they realize eternity. Why must religion be the end all of truth? You are a completely original manifestation of the cosmic unfolding. Your experience and perspective will never manifest again. You are ordinary and yet wholly original. Your personal path is custom. It represents a particular expression of the divine that cannot be copied. There is no one true path that all must follow. There is only the exploration of the great unknown. There are many paths that life may take. You are already following the right path at this very moment. Realize it and it becomes your own.

i'm talking about the true path in the sight of god

islam abduallah

Active Member
What is the sight of God?

we are here worshiping or not worshiping a deity, Muslims worship Allah, Christian jesus, other Buddha,... so we are seeking a certain deity, other denied his existence at all.
this deity is who we believe that he created us, created this universe, and so we have to be grateful for him more than our parents

this deity "if he's existing" has one path, it's Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism or any other religion
why only one path? because we can't combine between two contradictions, we can't say that the sun set in east and set in west, we can't say that, it can't be, it sets in west or east
the same for religion, we can't say Jesus is god and he's a servant of god, we can't say the bible is true and false, we can't say allah is god and devil

so that it's the importance to seek the truth, to meet the true god "if he exists" with a true, pure knowledge and faith

i said the statement "if he exists" not because i have doubt about him but in order not to exclude atheists

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
What if the god that can be known is not the one true God? What if the word that can be written is not the Eternal Word? I have doubts that the Absolute Reality can be expressed in words or pigeonholed into a category of human knowledge. This whole debate results in relativizing the absolute. You cannot adequately capture the divine with words or doctrines. It is beyond human categories of discernment. That's not to say we should abandon discernment, but merely recognize its limitations. We must be humble in our interpretations or otherwise we become proud and prone to the corruption of power.

islam abduallah

Active Member
well, i agree with you about many things but disagree about others.

What if the god that can be known is not the one true God? What if the word that can be written is not the Eternal Word?

that means all the current religions and beliefs are wrong and the religion-less people are the right believers, so still there's a path to him even if you don't recognize him

I have doubts that the Absolute Reality can be expressed in words or pigeonholed into a category of human knowledge. This whole debate results in relativizing the absolute. You cannot adequately capture the divine with words or doctrines.

if this doctrines from the divine, so it would express it self

It is beyond human categories of discernment. That's not to say we should abandon discernment, but merely recognize its limitations.

surly we have to be humble and open minded to others in all cases :)
agree with this and because of that, Allah told us "It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah" quran 3:7
We must be humble in our interpretations or otherwise we become proud and prone to the corruption of power.

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
that means all the current religions and beliefs are wrong and the religion-less people are the right believers, so still there's a path to him even if you don't recognize him.

Not necessarily. It means that all human paths are prone to error so should develop defenses through logical means. I don't find it necessary to argue against your specific belief in God. I only seek to emphasize that your experience is unique to your manifestation of being. You posess an inner dimension that resonates that which is divine. It supersedes all other dimensions. The absolute simply cannot be grasped by words. All religious disagreements are due to a communition problem. The god that can be named is not the One True God.