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the right religion


رسول الآلهة
Although some say that the big monotheistic religions all believe in the same God in different ways, I'll say it crudely like this:

Judaism and Christianity say that Islam got it wrong.
Islam and Christianity say the Jews got it wrong.
Islam and Judaism say the Christians got it wrong.

I say that they are all correct in what they say. ;)

You state that "surly there r only one right religion", but have you considered the possibility that there is not one right religion. In other words, maybe they are all wrong?

Welcome to the wonderful world of Perennialism. Where depending on geographical location one religion claims superiority.
All religions are wrong and right at the same times because the concept of "The One True Religion" is something that is highly questionable due to subjective opinion. The one true religion is the one a person practices and that alone qualifies as truth


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Although some say that the big monotheistic religions all believe in the same God in different ways, I'll say it crudely like this:

Judaism and Christianity say that Islam got it wrong.
Islam and Christianity say the Jews got it wrong.
Islam and Judaism say the Christians got it wrong.

I say that they are all correct in what they say. ;)

You state that "surly there r only one right religion", but have you considered the possibility that there is not one right religion. In other words, maybe they are all wrong?
I've never heard any real expert of any of these religions state that the others are "wrong." But I've heard plenty of self-proclaimed "experts" say that. Who are you going to believe? The experts, or the charlatans?


Well-Known Member
There is no "right" religion. If you want a religion pick one but it does not make it right or true. I am a openminded person so I do not rule out religion entirely either. I just do not choose to be sure when there is no clear cut reason for beliving. BTW i am not an atheist.


Although some say that the big monotheistic religions all believe in the same God in different ways, I'll say it crudely like this:
Judaism and Christianity say that Islam got it wrong.
Islam and Christianity say the Jews got it wrong.
Islam and Judaism say the Christians got it wrong.
I say that they are all correct in what they say.
You state that "surly there r only one right religion", but have you considered the possibility that there is not one right religion. In other words, maybe they are all wrong?
That is simply impossible. Two or more exclusive claims to absolute truth can't possibly all be right. In fact only one or less can be true unless you butcher their claims into an unrecognizable form in an effort to reconcile what can't and should never be reconciled.

1. Christianity says Jesus was the son of God and was crucified for our sins and was resurrected as proof. He is our messiah and greatest prophet.
2. Islam says he was not the son of God and was not crucified nor was he resurrected. He is only a type of messiah and Muhammad is the greatest prophet.
3. Judaism says Christ was guilty of blasphemy and that there is a future messiah but Muhammad is not him nor any kind of true prophet.

By what mechanism of logic can more than one of these possibly be true?
BTW did you notice only one offers potential evidence to establish its claims?


Active Member
Sorry i chose my words badly. What I mean is that they are all correct in claiming the others to be wrong.

I think your words were right. I read the humor as you wrote it. I think someone(if they're honest with themselves) will see it was a reading comprehension problem on their part

John Martin

Active Member
there r many religion in the world, but surly there r only one right religion, but how could we reach the right believe, the right path? :)

There is only one right path to God that is the purification of our ego from its ignorance in such a way that we surrender ourselves to God and become vehicles of God. The purpose of every religion is to help us how to purify our ego.
There are three important stages that we grow in our relationship with God: God is the creator and we are the creatures: God is our father/mother and we are his children; only God is and we come from God and return to God.
Some religions keep us in the first level; some take us to the second level and some take us to the third. We should distinguish between RELIGION and Religion. RELIGION embraces these three. Religion may hold only one. RELIGION takes us from the first level to the third level.


Active Member
There is only one right path to God that is the purification of our ego from its ignorance in such a way that we surrender ourselves to God and become vehicles of God. The purpose of every religion is to help us how to purify our ego.

This is one (of many) issues that I don't understand with religion. We are to surrender ourselves to God and become vehicles of God. In other words, we are to stop thinking about what we personally would like to do, and instead think about what God wants us to do.

So we have a God that wants us very strongly to do specific things with our lives and our thougts, and infact if we do not do has God desires, we will spend eternity in Hell paying for our bad behaviour. And yet God has given us free will.

The combination of a God that has given us free will to do whatever we want, and a God that gets furious and angry when our free will doesn't coincide with God's free will, doesn't quite add up to me.

The thing I wonder is why we all should use our free will in the same way. It's a bit like Henry Ford who said that you can choose any color you like for your new car, as long as it is black. At least he didn't offer and sell white cars, and then, after the purchase, send those who wanted white cars to an eternity of torment and damnation.

I'm sorry if I am putting words in your mouth, because it may very well be that I misunderstand what you're saying.

John Martin

Active Member
This is one (of many) issues that I don't understand with religion. We are to surrender ourselves to God and become vehicles of God. In other words, we are to stop thinking about what we personally would like to do, and instead think about what God wants us to do.

So we have a God that wants us very strongly to do specific things with our lives and our thougts, and infact if we do not do has God desires, we will spend eternity in Hell paying for our bad behaviour. And yet God has given us free will.

The combination of a God that has given us free will to do whatever we want, and a God that gets furious and angry when our free will doesn't coincide with God's free will, doesn't quite add up to me.

The thing I wonder is why we all should use our free will in the same way. It's a bit like Henry Ford who said that you can choose any color you like for your new car, as long as it is black. At least he didn't offer and sell white cars, and then, after the purchase, send those who wanted white cars to an eternity of torment and damnation.

I'm sorry if I am putting words in your mouth, because it may very well be that I misunderstand what you're saying.

I am sure you have completely misunderstood me. Surrendering our ego to God does not mean that lose our free will and become slaves. by surrendering our limited will to God we discover universal will, in which we discover our inner freedom from which we operate our life. In the first level of relationship, Creator and creature-there is a master and servant relationship.Here God is the God of authority and commandments. In the second level our relationship with God is Father and Son: Jesus said, the Father has given all authority to the son and the son does what he sees the Father doing. Here God is the God of freedom and silence. In the third level one enters into the infinite freedom of God. What you are describing is the first level of relationship. We need to distinguish between free will and freedom. God did not manifest us with free will but with freedom. Free will belong to the evolutionary process of our consciousness. Freedom is not something we can take for granted. It is discovered in the profound experience of God. Freedom means freedom from becoming, from the past, present and future. When we live from this freedom all our choices give us freedom and give freedom to others.


Sorry i chose my words badly. What I mean is that they are all correct in claiming the others to be wrong.
That is theoretically possible but impossible to know even if true. It also is not very likely given the evidence for a God that all got it wrong, at least in general.


If it is impossible to know that all religions got it wrong, then it is even more impossible to know if one of them got it right.

That's pretty basic logical thought, 1robin.
This stuff is simply tiring and depressing. That is not even a little bit logical. I can examine a single religions claims. It is not even theoretically possible to examine histories thousands upon thousands of religions. However I also consider it impossible to post something less rational that you did last time and yet it happens over and over again.


Well-Known Member
This stuff is simply tiring and depressing. That is not even a little bit logical. I can examine a single religions claims. It is not even theoretically possible to examine histories thousands upon thousands of religions. However I also consider it impossible to post something less rational that you did last time and yet it happens over and over again.

OK. I think you should go ahead and believe whatever makes you happy.

Maybe I'm just wishing that you wouldn't share quite so much. Maybe that's it.


OK. I think you should go ahead and believe whatever makes you happy.
Is this an argument?

Maybe I'm just wishing that you wouldn't share quite so much. Maybe that's it.
I am sorry. Some Baha'i guys used up my daily allotment of quiet reserve, as is their want. In fact your argumentation and their's is very similar in tactics. However none of this allow anyone to know whether all religions are true or not (even theoretically), nor prevent anyone from knowing if a single one is.


Well-Known Member
Is this an argument?
I am sorry. Some Baha'i guys used up my daily allotment of quiet reserve, as is their want. In fact your argumentation and their's is very similar in tactics. However none of this allow anyone to know whether all religions are true or not (even theoretically), nor prevent anyone from knowing if a single one is.

There's no such thing as 'true' -- and especially no such thing regarding something as huge, vague and complex as 'a religion.'

Words delude us. We should never get too cozy with our words. There is danger there.


There's no such thing as 'true'
That would mean that the statement "there is no such thing as true” is not true. Do you realize that statement is used as the archetype for what is wrong with Bible critics all the time? Do you not see what an embarrassing self-contradictory spiral into oblivion your irrationality forces you into?

-- and especially no such thing regarding something as huge, vague and complex as 'a religion.'
I reject the truth of this based on your previous statement.
Words delude us. We should never get too cozy with our words. There is danger there.
Said the man who used words to claim that. It is quite appalling just how efficiently and consistently your claims destroy themselves. As I have said you are aptly titled. Self-refutation becomes you. I feel like "brer rabbit with the ambiguous tar baby" (are you familiar with that story?) every time I talk with you. However it is so silly it creates needed comedic relief, I guess.


Well-Known Member
That would mean that the statement "there is no such thing as true” is not true.
Well... unless there's no such thing as not true.

Do you realize that statement is used as the archetype for what is wrong with Bible critics all the time? Do you not see what an embarrassing self-contradictory spiral into oblivion your irrationality forces you into?
Hehe. You're a card, man. I love you.

I reject the truth of this based on your previous statement.
It is always a good thing to reject truth. I think I'm having an effect on you.

As I have said you are aptly titled. Self-refutation becomes you. I feel like "brer rabbit with the ambiguous tar baby" (are you familiar with that story?) every time I talk with you. However it is so silly it creates needed comedic relief, I guess.
And I haven't even put my clown nose on yet!