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the right religion


How may one be sure? Surely there is not one faith which has monopolized faith? Perhaps there are people (of many different faiths) which have found the True path; but can it be said that any one religion (which is a construct of man) is wholly right? No, it is illogical at best; religion may lead one to God, but so may it lead one away from God. And if there is one religion; What may be said to be the religion of God? For how many different ideas of God are there? Sure there may be religions for Allah, Yahweh, Vishnu ( I am sorry if that is not what is considered to be the highest God in Hinduism, or one of) ect. But are those ideas of God correct? The concept of God the early Jews had is radically different from the ideas of God they have today. So which is right? People can know God, but they can't make that religion; for religion is open to bias, cultural corruption and many other factors leading to its detriment.
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Jesus in me
The Baha'i Faith clearly states otherwise! I quote:

"There can be no doubt whatever that the peoples of the world, of whatever race or religion, derive their inspiration from one heavenly Source, and are the subjects of one God. The difference between the ordinances under which they abide should be attributed to the varying requirements and exigencies of the age in which they were revealed. All of them, except a few which are the outcome of human perversity, were ordained of God, and are a reflection of His Will and Purpose. Arise and, armed with the power of faith, shatter to pieces the gods of your vain imaginings, the sowers of dissension amongst you. Cleave unto that which draweth you together and uniteth you."

—(Gleanings, CXI, pp. 217-8)

Peace, :)


Just because something is right temporaneously does not mean that it is right eternally. Therefore temporal religion isn't really right religion. For instance temporily divorce is right but eternally it is not. I would not extoll divorce as right religion.

That is the whole issue. Written religion is temporaneous but religion given instantly by Jesus is contemporaneous and if He wills eternal.


Well-Known Member
Written religion is temporaneous, but religion given instantly by Jesus is contemporaneous and if He wills, eternal.

What you overlook is that we consider the Baha'i scriptures fully as relevant and applicable as the Bible--indeed, even more so given that the Bible has been at least slightly altered over the millenia, whereas we have the original manuscript of every one of our 200 volumes of Baha'i scripture! (And anything for which we don't have the original isn't Baha'i scripture no matter how "inspirational" it may be!)




Well-Known Member
We see them as falling under the overall umbrella of Christianity.

Certain of their beliefs are exactly opposite those of Baha'is (and many other religions), but we don't condemn them outright.


OK, but isn't Mormonism based upon Joseph Smith as a prophet of God?

I was thinking that Baha'is reject any prophet after Baha'u'llah.


Well-Known Member
OK, but isn't Mormonism based upon Joseph Smith as a prophet of God?
I was thinking that Baha'is reject any prophet after Baha'u'llah.

Smith was in fact before Baha'u'llah--and even before the Bab--, but that's irrelevant because IOV he isn't on the list as one of the Divine Messengers--or even a prophet--in any case.

And again, some of his teachings were identical to ours, while others were directly opposite!

We reject any recent claim, yes; but stipulate that there will be more Divine Messengers in the future--this being defined in our scriptures as at least millenium into the future, now down to about 850 years (quote upon request).

Peace, :)

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Well... unless there's no such thing as not true.
Then what does exist? Is the sentence: Ambiguity is true (true or false) or neither? You stand squarly and firmly upon nothing it seems?

Hehe. You're a card, man. I love you.
I am not kidding. That statement you made is a kind of punchline to what absurdity Biblical criticism forces it's adherents into. It is commonly used as a "what's wrong" with a persons philosophy evidence statement.

It is always a good thing to reject truth. I think I'm having an effect on you.
I do not think the effect you have had on me is grounds for pride but then again the natural order of things is no longer common ground when talking with you. That's a joke, mostly.

And I haven't even put my clown nose on yet!
If you did not get my tar baby reference then I feel cheated. Since truth is out I was relying on humor.


Well-Known Member
Then what does exist? Is the sentence: Ambiguity is true (true or false) or neither? You stand squarly and firmly upon nothing it seems?

I stand for absolute honesty in the godsearch. That's about it.

If I may say so, I think you could learn a lot about God from me if you ever decided to tone down the preaching and start listening. But I myself am not a preacher, so you'll hav to ask. And convincingly.

Think of me as one of those giant clams. You have to coax me open for a chance to appreciate my pearls of wisdom. Try singing me a siren song or something.


I stand for absolute honesty in the godsearch. That's about it.
Honesty is a rare commodity when you first claim no truth exists.

If I may say so, I think you could learn a lot about God from me if you ever decided to tone down the preaching and start listening. But I myself am not a preacher, so you'll have to ask. And convincingly.
I have repeatedly asked for the very basics and to no avail. No avail even attempted. Give me the slightest reason to think you are capable of teaching anything about any God.
Think of me as one of those giant clams. You have to coax me open for a chance to appreciate my pearls of wisdom. Try singing me a siren song or something.
To use this ridiculous analogy your shell has the same acoustic signature as the other 1000 empty ones mankind has previously bothered to open and the opposite signature of the one that contained a pearl that we are aware of. I have grown weary of prying them open and now let the acoustics tell if my time is merited in any investigation. No far NOPE.


Well-Known Member
To use this ridiculous analogy your shell has the same acoustic signature as the other 1000 empty ones mankind has previously bothered to open and the opposite signature of the one that....

OK. But please try to remember that I've extended the invitation. If you ever get tired of blindly assaulting the other guy's position, day after day after day, and decide to try instead to listen and learn new stuff, come look me up.


The "right" religion is the one that does the most good for the practitioner.
That is not necessarily true. The right religion could just as well be a bad God. I however agree that the only worthwhile religion would do the most good. However as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism teach 95% of their worth occurs after it is too late to serve as testimony. However Christianity has the greatest evidence of Earthly worth of any. I also claim that only one of the world's major religions even claims to offer proof of its truth in this life. Only Christianity demands and offers an experience with God as the INITIAL entrance to the faith. All others always claim there is someone somewhere that is enlightened or something but you can never meet them and they make up a tiny fraction of its adherents. Christianity has billions that will testify they have experienced God personally. I am pressed for time or I would epand on this but I think it one of the strongers indications of which religion is true possible.

John Martin

Active Member
there r many religion in the world, but surly there r only one right religion, but how could we reach the right believe, the right path? :)

We need to distinguish between 'Religion' and 'RELIGION'. Religion is a belief system to which people adhere. Religion is like a house people build according to their need and conditions. There are many religions. Truth in the religions is like the space within four walls and roof.No religion is right or false.Religious truths are relative truths. There is truth in every religion. Because there is space within the walls people can live there. RELIGION is like the infinite space. It embraces every religion but transcends them. There are four levels of truth: Individual truth,collective truth,universal truth and unitary truth or divine truth. Individual truth is very small room. Only one person can live in it. Collective truth is a very big room,may be millions can live there. Universal truth has no boundary-no walls and a roof. Every individual and every religion are in it. Unitary truth is that in which everyone is united with God. Religion stops people at the stage of collective truth. RELIGION takes people to the Divine truth.
Hence there is no right religion or wrong religion.All religions,as far as they have a boundary are relative truths. They are the fingers pointing to the Divine Truth. So every religion should not be a closed system but should have a door so that people can move from the relative truth to the eternal truth of the divine.


We need to distinguish between 'Religion' and 'RELIGION'. Religion is a belief system to which people adhere. Religion is like a house people build according to their need and conditions. There are many religions. Truth in the religions is like the space within four walls and roof.No religion is right or false.Religious truths are relative truths. There is truth in every religion. Because there is space within the walls people can live there. RELIGION is like the infinite space. It embraces every religion but transcends them. There are four levels of truth: Individual truth,collective truth,universal truth and unitary truth or divine truth. Individual truth is very small room. Only one person can live in it. Collective truth is a very big room,may be millions can live there. Universal truth has no boundary-no walls and a roof. Every individual and every religion are in it. Unitary truth is that in which everyone is united with God. Religion stops people at the stage of collective truth. RELIGION takes people to the Divine truth.
Hence there is no right religion or wrong religion.All religions,as far as they have a boundary are relative truths. They are the fingers pointing to the Divine Truth. So every religion should not be a closed system but should have a door so that people can move from the relative truth to the eternal truth of the divine.
Let me clarify then. My comments were only concerning a belief system based on revelation. I have little use for man made philosophies even if called religions.


Well-Known Member
Let me clarify then. My comments were only concerning a belief system based on revelation. I have little use for man made philosophies even if called religions.

All religions are man-made. In your case, you made a decision about which prophets you would accept as legitimate, which words you will consider holy, and how you will interpret those words as you go along. Sometimes you read a bit of verse as literal, for example, and sometimes you decide to read it metaphorically. Sometimes you accept what your preacher says about the scripture; sometimes you decide to reject his opinion and form your own.

Only we genuine prophets of God can claim to transcend man-made philosophies. We just open our ears and let God tell us what is true. It's true revelation. I wish I could teach everyone how to listen so carefully for the voice of God. Then they wouldn't have to make up their own religions!


Christianity has billions that will testify they have experienced God personally.

Just like Islam has billions of people who will testify that they have experienced god personally. All religions make that same exact claim.


Just like Islam has billions of people who will testify that they have experienced god personally. All religions make that same exact claim.
No they don't, in either case. To become a Muslim you must simply claim an intellectual assertion or two is true. It makes no general offer nor demand of direct access to God. In fact many prominent Muslim scholars and leaders including Muhammad himself expressed doubts as to whether they would even make it to paradise. A very prominent early Muslim (I forget the name but will look it up if necessary) said he would not feel safe from Allah's schemes even with one foot in paradise. Christianity on the other hand demands that each and every convert experience God directly as the entry point to faith. No other major religion even attempts this same thing. It does this for many reasons, including as proof of a quality that enables true martyrdom (not tyrannical killing with the risk of death, all kinds of groups do that), as a sign of sealing until the day of redemption, and as a direct consequence of actual forgiveness and infilling by the Holy Spirit. I have debated maybe a hundred Muslims or more and I have never heard but one even claim to have experienced God directly. It does not require it, but even if it did it's claims are very doubtful because the Quran nor Muhammad offered any evidence of the supernatural even when directly asked to provide it.