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the right religion


Just how important is it to supposedly having the politically-correct dogma?
It is of infinite value to know the true path to heaven given there is one and only one as many major faiths claim. What could possibly be of greater value?


Nonsense. My own theological text is vastly superior to the Bible in informative quality.

I mean, let's be real here.
Oh no!!!! The ambiguous nightmare has begun. Can you link too your text and how many people possess this gem of infinite value? If I only I could get you to be real, even if nothing else occurred, I would feel satisfied .


Well-Known Member
Oh no!!!! The ambiguous nightmare has begun.

Yes, the AmbiguousWord is very much like Jesus -- terrifying to the current regime. It's just the way of things. I hope you'll forgive me. I am only a lowly prophet.

Can you link too your text and how many people possess this gem of infinite value?

Search the forum for 'messages from Ambiguousguy'. That will get you started. Enlightenment is just around the corner!

As for how many possess the text, I guess it could be 7 billion or so. I really don't know.


Yes, the AmbiguousWord is very much like Jesus -- terrifying to the current regime.
Then when is your date with the cross coming up?

I am only a lowly prophet.
I am on board with the former but doubtful of the latter.

Search the forum for 'messages from Ambiguousguy'. That will get you started. Enlightenment is just around the corner!
You said theological text. I do not think your posts are in the running for challenging the Bible.

As for how many possess the text, I guess it could be 7 billion or so. I really don't know.
On what mathematical insanity was that based?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
It is of infinite value to know the true path to heaven given there is one and only one as many major faiths claim. What could possibly be of greater value?

If there's a creator-god at all, I doubt if there's only one path. It seems to me that this would be political correctness on steroids.


If there's a creator-god at all, I doubt if there's only one path. It seems to me that this would be political correctness on steroids.

My comments assumed that there was one path. However there are very good reasons to believe there would only be one though more than one is theoretically possible. Truth is an exclusive category. Very few things have more than one way to be true but there are some that do. It is far more consistent with a benevolent deity to provide one truth in a pure form. It is very inconsistent that he would bury contradictory or multiple truths in mountains of man made garbage scattered around the globe. Truth is truth. Political correctness is selecting a more convenient reality whether it is true or not.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
My comments assumed that there was one path. However there are very good reasons to believe there would only be one though more than one is theoretically possible. Truth is an exclusive category. Very few things have more than one way to be true but there are some that do. It is far more consistent with a benevolent deity to provide one truth in a pure form. It is very inconsistent that he would bury contradictory or multiple truths in mountains of man made garbage scattered around the globe. Truth is truth. Political correctness is selecting a more convenient reality whether it is true or not.

But what if this truth was as simple as having compassion and justice (fairness) for all, which is taught be most major religions and many philosophies?


But what if this truth was as simple as having compassion and justice (fairness) for all, which is taught be most major religions and many philosophies?
That is by far more complex than grace. Though you are welcome to believe in it but the evidence for Biblical revelation is far more substantial that for your assertion.

Justice is extremely complex when actually applied. How much justice? What level? To whom? What is just? How much injustice and of what types do which acts of justice overcome? I can keep going but any works based salvation model eats its self when examined. Grace eliminates the need for exact answers to my questions and is therefor far simpler. I used to be puzzled (even after I was born again) why faith and grace would be the standard. It seems so different from the way humans operate. That is until I tried to apply any other form of salvation and saw its absurdity. It is also it's non human nature that indicates its divine origin. The standard of a just and perfect God would be perfection. All other religions are man's efforts to be perfect or reach an infinitely remote God. Christianity is God's effort to reach man. Only God can legally make us perfect based on substitutionary atonement. Our imperfection is placed on the cross and punished (in your view injustice goes without judgment), Christ's perfection is applied to our account by faith and we are legally perfect. We can never do it ourselves and even if we could we would have no idea if we had until it was too late. Good works are human standards not Godly standards.


Well-Known Member
Then when is your date with the cross coming up?

Please don't make me say what I think of the Jesus-on-the-cross Story. Please?

You said theological text. I do not think your posts are in the running for challenging the Bible.

I do not think the Bible is in the running to challenge my GodTruth. Too much contradiction and confusion in the Bible. It really should be rewritten if people are going to try and use it as some kind of guide to life.

Or they could just read my own (holy) words for that kind of guidance. Whatever.


Please don't make me say what I think of the Jesus-on-the-cross Story. Please?
I knew your take on Jesus long before I knew you. The non-Christian community are all similar in views on Biblical stories. I think you guys go to seminars or something.

I do not think the Bible is in the running to challenge my GodTruth. Too much contradiction and confusion in the Bible. It really should be rewritten if people are going to try and use it as some kind of guide to life.
Well having all that contradiction and confusion and still managing to out sell your text by at least ten thousand to one indicates your text must be a true theological train wreck. It must literally catch on fire and burn those who read it, to have that lopsided of a record verses a book as bad as you describe.

Or they could just read my own (holy) words for that kind of guidance. Whatever.
Has the title escaped you? I have asked what text several times and the best you had was your posts here (which are not even the best posts from a non-theist who's title starts with A). I have no idea what pleasure you get out of this unprofitable banter. I wish I did.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
That is by far more complex than grace. Though you are welcome to believe in it but the evidence for Biblical revelation is far more substantial that for your assertion.

Justice is extremely complex when actually applied. How much justice? What level? To whom? What is just? How much injustice and of what types do which acts of justice overcome? I can keep going but any works based salvation model eats its self when examined. Grace eliminates the need for exact answers to my questions and is therefor far simpler. I used to be puzzled (even after I was born again) why faith and grace would be the standard. It seems so different from the way humans operate. That is until I tried to apply any other form of salvation and saw its absurdity. It is also it's non human nature that indicates its divine origin. The standard of a just and perfect God would be perfection. All other religions are man's efforts to be perfect or reach an infinitely remote God. Christianity is God's effort to reach man. Only God can legally make us perfect based on substitutionary atonement. Our imperfection is placed on the cross and punished (in your view injustice goes without judgment), Christ's perfection is applied to our account by faith and we are legally perfect. We can never do it ourselves and even if we could we would have no idea if we had until it was too late. Good works are human standards not Godly standards.

I don't share you beliefs or opinions here as I tend to think that if there's a creator-god that wants us to live a moral life, then I would suggest that this creator-god must have a universal message in some way given to all humankind during all the ages. The idea that one must believe in one man who lived in one small area of the world quite late in human history doesn't seem quite right to me. I have no problem with you believing as such, but I have a problem with me believing as such.


Well-Known Member
I knew your take on Jesus long before I knew you. The non-Christian community are all similar in views on Biblical stories. I think you guys go to seminars or something.

I doubt that you know my take on Jesus even now.

Well having all that contradiction and confusion and still managing to out sell your text by at least ten thousand to one indicates your text must be a true theological train wreck.

Oh, I could not stoop to marketing God's Word like some kind of coffee-table book. That is beneath both me and God.

Step right up, folks! Get your Actual and True Word of God! Got a special on the pocket-size. Three for $6.50 or a half dozen for ten dollars! Now that's a bunch of Truth for your buck!


Has the title escaped you? I have asked what text several times and the best you had was your posts here (which are not even the best posts from a non-theist who's title starts with A).

Yes, yes. And the Bible isn't even the best holy book that starts with a 'B'.

And so it goes.

I have no idea what pleasure you get out of this unprofitable banter. I wish I did.

I wish you did, too. Think geese and ganders and what's good for one and such as that.


It is of infinite value to know the true path to heaven given there is one and only one as many major faiths claim. What could possibly be of greater value?

This is just your belief - and is the same claim by followers of most other religions.

Your belief holds no value over theirs.



That is not necessarily true. The right religion could just as well be a bad God. I however agree that the only worthwhile religion would do the most good. However as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism teach 95% of their worth occurs after it is too late to serve as testimony. However Christianity has the greatest evidence of Earthly worth of any. I also claim that only one of the world's major religions even claims to offer proof of its truth in this life. Only Christianity demands and offers an experience with God as the INITIAL entrance to the faith. All others always claim there is someone somewhere that is enlightened or something but you can never meet them and they make up a tiny fraction of its adherents. Christianity has billions that will testify they have experienced God personally. I am pressed for time or I would epand on this but I think it one of the strongers indications of which religion is true possible.

It might claim that - but it does not actually do that.

A Feeling, or a "tingle" isn't experiencing God.



Well-Known Member
The Bible right or wrong is vastly superior in informative quality to any theological text in human history.

In human history, perhaps.

But you will forgive me, I trust, if I point out how silly this statement is in light of the many, many other volumes of scripture that are out there--especially if you're stipulating that maybe the Bible is "wrong!"

Why, the Baha'i Faith alone has fully 200 volumes of scripture completely absent the sorts of "errors" and alterations you seem to be willing to admit have affected the Bible.

So like it or not, I'm afraid the Bible's "informative quality" can't quite measure up to at least some of the alternatives. . . .

Peace, :)



I don't share you beliefs or opinions here as I tend to think that if there's a creator-god that wants us to live a moral life, then I would suggest that this creator-god must have a universal message in some way given to all humankind during all the ages. The idea that one must believe in one man who lived in one small area of the world quite late in human history doesn't seem quite right to me. I have no problem with you believing as such, but I have a problem with me believing as such.
It is not necessary that you share my beliefs to appreciate the simple and unavoidable logic behind what I have stated. A merit based salvation system is a logical absurdity. Just try and create one your self (any type you wish) and you will quickly see it is an ambiguous nightmare.

The God I describe is a God that insists on moral obedience. In fact he is the being most associated with moral commands, more than any other in history. However salvation is not a reward for good behavior. It can't be. His standard is perfection. No one achieves this. I am not discussing my preference between two concepts. I am describing why one of the can't possibly be true. Merit based salvation is a logically incoherent standard.

There is little about any God that would be easy to swallow. The idea of belief in one man who lived in the ANE is not any harder to swallow than believing a disembodied mind, is timeless, non-material, and does not require space to fit into created everything that exists. Especially if that man born in an obscure backwater against all odds and even being killed has become the most well known being in human history. I think you point was concerning universality but Christianity is the only faith that is present in significant numbers in every nation on Earth so that contention would demand you accept it if that is your standard. I do not believe things based on what I wish to or not. I believe things that appear to be true no matter how bizarre they seem (or not). I came to Christianity kicking and screaming because in spite of the wall of objections I threw up as a shield I eventually just could not deny it's evidence any longer.


I doubt that you know my take on Jesus even now.
They come in maybe a dozen flavors so I would probably guess the wrong one. However I would bet that whatever you take on him is would fit in one of the categories.

Oh, I could not stoop to marketing God's Word like some kind of coffee-table book. That is beneath both me and God.
Ok then. I would bet that the Bible has sold a million copies for every one copy of your revealed text that has been taken and read.

Step right up, folks! Get your Actual and True Word of God! Got a special on the pocket-size. Three for $6.50 or a half dozen for ten dollars! Now that's a bunch of Truth for your buck!
I have no idea what to do with this.

Yes, yes. And the Bible isn't even the best holy book that starts with a 'B'.
It is number one in every category many times over that is relevant to theological texts starting with any letter. You know very well what your doing is a form of entertainment and not even meant or hoped to be a academic discussion of any type. What I can't figure is what it appealing about this to you.

And so it goes.
Still no title I see.

I wish you did, too. Think geese and ganders and what's good for one and such as that.
If I were to have posted a list of possible answers you would make to my statement. That one would not have made it.


Well-Known Member
It is not necessary that you share my beliefs to appreciate the simple and unavoidable logic behind what I have stated. A merit based salvation system is a logical absurdity. Just try and create one your self (any type you wish) and you will quickly see it is an ambiguous nightmare.

The God I describe is a God that insists on moral obedience. In fact he is the being most associated with moral commands, more than any other in history. However salvation is not a reward for good behavior. It can't be. His standard is perfection. No one achieves this. I am not discussing my preference between two concepts. I am describing why one of the can't possibly be true. Merit based salvation is a logically incoherent standard.

There is little about any God that would be easy to swallow. The idea of belief in one man who lived in the ANE is not any harder to swallow than believing a disembodied mind, is timeless, non-material, and does not require space to fit into created everything that exists. Especially if that man born in an obscure backwater against all odds and even being killed has become the most well known being in human history. I think you point was concerning universality but Christianity is the only faith that is present in significant numbers in every nation on Earth so that contention would demand you accept it if that is your standard. I do not believe things based on what I wish to or not. I believe things that appear to be true no matter how bizarre they seem (or not). I came to Christianity kicking and screaming because in spite of the wall of objections I threw up as a shield I eventually just could not deny it's evidence any longer.

Noah was deemed perfect for his generation. Elijah was brought up to heaven directly he didn't even have to die (mind you that the wages of sin is supposedly death). God let terrible things happen to Job despite Job being blameless and upright before God.

As for Christianity being the most well known, it's like how English is also the most well known language in the world. Not due to simplicity but due to years of colonialism, slavery and imperial power...not sure that was what Jesus intended but it's what has happened.



Who can argue with such scholastic excellence? All logic and reason pales in comparison with the fiery intellect that could argue with such potency and precision. The intellectual capacity of you side never ceases to amaze.