It is entirely possible to recognize all rights as equally valid...with the caveat that unless you can enforce them, all the idealism in the world is utterly pointless dribble.
all rights? I only listed 4.
So you're morally opposed to our legal system's existing double standard when it comes to judging children as minors instead of automatically lumping them in with adults, correct?
No. The moral code is for adults. It has gray areas for children and even animals, and most of those rights become applicable gradually and into full force at different times. The right to life for instance sometime between conception and (?). Parents have the right to make children do chores and and we can hardly argue against keeping toddlers "locked up" in a play pen instead of letting them play in the street. These gray ares are subjective and can differ in degrees between cultures, like what liberals want to do sometimes with rights for adults.
So you would argue that depriving convicted felons of firearms is evil, correct?
Hardly. When you violate the rights of another, you forfeit your own rights to property, liberty and even life. Though I will say I don't know why we couldn't release a felon's rights to a more effective way of self-defense, even though most of them can get guns illegally anyway so I've never heard any argument against it.
I mean, after they've served their time and paid their debt to society, of course.
Or would you even go so far as to say that it's "evil itself" to deprive convicted felons of their liberty in the first place? I mean clearly, it is a legal double standard, right? We have one standard for the convicted felons and another for the rest of us
See above.
So you're not opposed to different pay scales based on gender, correct?
No, not as long as the qualifications are equally applied, and there should certainly be no quotas--and I don't like the government micromanaging the private sector. I believe if the market is allowed to float, after some initial, minimal meddling things will settle out. As an extreme example of the market floating, if a black woman could play quarterback competitively at the NFL level, there would be no need to force the issue of whether to hire her and how much to pay her--but that's what's happening in other industries. If someone is qualified and able, they will be hired. Look what happened to major league baseball in the 40s at the height of Jim Crowe. Other industries will come around in order to be competitive, which is what drives a free market.
As long as a person's "life, liberty, property and self-defense" are respected, we're free to establish double standards ... and those double standards aren't to be considered "evil." Correct?
Yes. You can hate someone all you want, but if you don't act on it, you're not evil. I'd agree that would be unvirtuous, which is subjective and would therefore be fair game for social pressure, but not legislation. Thought police are not what we need.
What are your views on gay marriage? Is that a moral/legal double standard that infringes on an individual's liberty or not? And if you agree that marriage is a universal right, then would you also agree that those who're opposed to gay marriage are agents of "evil itself?"
I think it's a dumb issue, and don't think homosexuality is wrong (evil) any more so than polygamy between consenting adults. Marriage is a religious rite and given that most religions are anti-gay, especially Islam, I don't see why they want any part of it. The only legal issue is the rights for equal treatment under the law when it comes to hiring perks etc., but they shouldn't need a marriage certificate for that.
Also, just as moral grey areas are there to protect the children (not the parents), I think child adoption is best for the child with a parent of each sex. But I'm only talking priority, no prohibition. This is complex issue and probably needs it own thread.
I get dictators, and can understand anarchists, but how do nihilists violate the rights of others?
Yeah, just added that one recently. The problem is that the impetus behind the necessary morality is the nearly universal desire for good order, which requires a government to enforce it. Nihilists, if any actually exist, don't care about good order and would not support a moral code or government, though technically they wouldn't oppose it either. They'd just be obstacles on the roads so to speak, unless they stayed in their caves eating mushrooms and tree bark--and fed themselves to the bears when it was time to die.
In any case, far as I can tell, the root of all evil is the conception of evil itself.
IOW, the Devil, which you consider to be an actual force in the world like a revealed God? But the "Devil" is nothing but the temptation to attempt to rationalize a moral double-standard for your own benefit.
Is that a true statement?
No, it's a self-contradiction. Everything that exists, including that which is imagined, is Truth. Lies only exist in the minds of beings with free will and self-awareness who chose to adopt it. Animals are innocent and cannot lie.
Cold is the absence of heat. Darkness is the absence of light. Death is the absence of life. And Lies are the absence of Truth.