Don't be serious. Seriously
At its core sexual selection
I'm tracking.
It's interesting though to think of division between "sexes" at the cellular level, and then to see those spawn into full grown "mammals."
In my mind, it's still quite the stretch (what isn't when trying to understand a universe exponentially older than what we can comprehend??)
Reason being; so let's follow this. We have cells that will "split", makes sense... even from a purely Darwinian standpoint that makes sense, if you have two pairs to exchange information (one "male" and one "female") you increase the odds that a much better combination can be found. It's hard to grasp however, that those two single celled organisms to morph into matching primates, or even at the basic level let's consider spiders. Imagine if you will, the immense strides life would have to go through to ensure that both male and female pairs continued to evolve in a matching pair. Think of a wolf spider vs. a black widow. The evolution that life would have to follow is mind blowing simply to maintain the integrity of each species!
Again, we have 4.5 billion years to work with... so what's NOT possible?
Scientists are specifically trained to rule out false positives. You are talking about trained audio technicians here whose task and entire learning is to separate signal from the noise. I routinely find trace chemicals in air at parts per billion level through training and instrumentation. Such capability is the basic bread and butter for every scientist. We can always be better, but would you not heed my advice if I say your water has ppb levels of a poison or a micro-organism that makes it unsafe? Why do you not ask questions about how we could ever do this and not follow the advice then?
Such is the fault of every man. If I truly believe there's nothing wrong with my water, why the f*** would I listen to some jack hole scientist???
It is interesting though. Another point to consider is that some of these shows have no "trained specialists" to pick out voices... they hear a pattern and repeat what they think they heard. Think of DDT. Sprayed it everywhere because it was safe. Then we found out that it was hurting the Eagles eggs. Then we found out that study was produced by some lobbying group. So what's the truth there? There are links between DDT and skin cancer, but can I even believe that anymore?
Doubt... it's a hell of a drug.
There is no such thing and there can be no such thing. Every species is a transition between one past species and one future species. Think of it this way.
That's evidence. There are lots like it.
This makes sense. My understanding of evolution is that everything takes an ungodly amount of time (no pun intended). So to develop a tail for example, you first have a generation with a nub. Then you have a generation with a larger nub. The process continues until many years later you wind up with a tail. Hence my comment about something happening to where massive changes were needed very quickly. If anything, life is very clever about adapting.
Now, it makes sense to think of it this way.... it just seems that between the ground I walk on and dinosaur fossils (a time we "know" pre-existed primates), I would've come across something showing a bit more "progression" between the various species.This again casts much doubt.
How atrociously absurd!
There are two books that I would highly recommend to balance the Eurasia centric perspective of history many of us have (and lead to such crazy notions that aliens made those stuff in those other places as surely these savages couldn't could they?).
Whoah, slow down.
That wasn't my point at all. One held hypothesis was that this was the origin of the huge leap. It certainly lends to extraterrestrial intervention, but not solely of their doing. Simply that the people who inhabited those lands had a much more advanced understanding of the natural world around us than we seem to grasp today. For example, if you were to look at those structures from high elevation, you see very intricate patterns that resemble understanding of some very advanced geometrical stuff. Straight lines across hundreds of miles. Not something a "savage" would willy nilly accomplish. To your point below, people were as smart then as we are today, they just saw the world differently.
An interesting side note: The Hebrew word for God as used in Genesis 1:1 is Elohim, which directly translated means "Gods"... plural.
As soon as there is evidence. Basic fact, aliens coming from outerspace would make things out of steel, titanium or other exotic materials, not granite and stone like pre-industrial civilizations. People were as clever and as intelligent 6000 years ago as they are today, and their expertise in the materials they used then (stone) far exceed ours. Heck, I can't even make fire without a match or a lighter. And SETI and exoplanet search is actively looking for aliens. It would be great news if we do see that they have visited here before. But remember..false positives? Scientists are trained to detect false positives first and foremost.
Like the machined stone(s) in Egypt.
It's a fair judgement... there's there interesting Russian film called "Hard to be a God." It's a horribly boring flick, but interesting because they are travelers to another time and dimension where those people are just witnessing their precibus change. They cannot interfere nor leave evidence they were there.
Again, not promoting belief in such a line of thinking, but I imagine if some species was smart enough to "create" us, they would also be smart enough not to leave their red bull cans on the ground when they bounced out.
Groupism is nothing new. If its not that it will be football...
True that.... wait, you mean proper football or American football.... there's a huge difference
Thats like asking why we can only find puzzle pieces before being able to complete a puzzle. Really every fossil is a piece of the puzzle, every last one of the ape fossils tells part of the story, and apes certainly weren't around during dinosaurs, species don't just rise out of the ground fully formed.
Which is a fair counter. Seems as much as we've discovered, we'd have found those pieces though. However, the above replies clarify my responses to this quote.