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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member
Before the earth was created, its was only Gods world, whatever that is. Humanity has not been on the scene forever. Before the earth was made, Heaven existed, and it is Gods home. The home of Peace and Happiness, of Love and Joy, of Power and true Glory. Did you know that all humans are destined to live in this forever?

In Acts 3:21;" Whom Heaven must receive until the " Restoration of All Things" which God Spoke about."

This human experience we live in now is not the final result of Gods creation. All the things we experience now are simply growing pains, like a child in the womb of labor. God will bring his Kingdom to earth and restore things to the atmosphere of Heaven. This is human destiny.



Well-Known Member
If this sick concept of Eternal Hell Suffering has made such a mark on the minds of both believers and unbelievers, what other sick concepts exist out there in this confused world? Well there are plenty. Certain races seem to think they are better than others, and its a sick concept that still exist in this world today. There are men who feel they are better than women, and this sick concept still exist today. There are men who feel like they can mate with young boys, and this sick concept still exist today. There are churchs who feel like they are the only true church, and this sick concept still exist today. And I personally have seen the effects of all of these sick concepts in my lifetime.

I recall comming up in my youth, and becomming a part of a church that I thought was different. I was a young black man who got tired of the Baptist church and their doctrines on hell. This other church I found was more into " The Scriptures", which I liked. But one day I heard the Pastor say something that turned me off. He was explaining how he felt God viewed the different races on earth. This man said that God viewed White people as his " Main Stock", or "Best Cattle", as he put it. And all the other races were secondary. I was deeply disturbed at this, but I knew a lot of White people felt this way back then, and many probally still do. Because they were raised that way. This sickness was " Deeply Instilled" within them, and those roots sprout over the years and grow all into your being. It takes a lifelong committment to remove these kinds of deeply rooted sick concepts.

And I want to go into how to help remove these kinds of things.



Jesus in me
You think that you saying that God speaks to you, increases your value and worth. You believe that saying in public that God speaks to you, gives you more " Spiritual credibility", you think that saying God speaks to you, makes us in the public believe that you can see the emperors robe, thus you are more Spiritual than those who cannot.

You are transparent, I see through you. I see through your religion, which planted this obtuse pride in you.

I know and understand that I am worldly and soaked in my sin. I have confessed in public many many times that I do not know God and that he does not speak to me. But there is one thing I KNOW that God knows about me; I will NEVER tell these " Spiritual Lies" in public just to try and get people to view me as being something I am really not. I know I am without God in my life, and there is no pride in me that can prevent me from telling the truth.


I am sure that an evil person would think of doing as you say but I am an innocent person simply stating what is so because it is so.

I have lots of pride in myself but it isn't present in this regard. As the apostle Paul says (paraphrased) "everything has been given to me, so what is left for me to boast in?"

I have some bad news for you, no-one is ever without God.

There can be pride in speaking the truth. Not knowing God is what you are proud of as though you ought to be congratulated for avoiding Him who loves you so much and wants to have a relationship with you.



Jesus in me
Jesus did not invent hell and God is not punishing us in any way; it is rather our animal drives - dominance, territoriality, and sex - that are causing much of the suffering. Hell is what the human animal has turned the planet into: a dog-eat-dog world. Jesus taught and lived a God of truth, love, forgiveness, and righteousness; he never used the word hell or used it as a threat in his teachings.

Excuse me! I like sex. I also enjoy tasty food a beautiful sunset and pretty flowers. God created it all and called it good. It is the perversion of what God created that is evil.


Well-Known Member

I have some bad news for you, no-one is ever without God.

There can be pride in speaking the truth. Not knowing God is what you are proud of as though you ought to be congratulated for avoiding Him who loves you so much and wants to have a relationship with you.

Well I disagree with you, plenty of people are without God in their life. Ephesians 2:12," Remember that you were at that time seperate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers to the covenant of promise, having no hope and " Without God in the World." Your statement " No one is ever without God", is simply inncorrect, and 1Corinth. 5:13 relates the same thing.

You are also severely inncorrect by prejudging me and saying that I avoid God, I do no such thing. I am insulted by your accusation that I avoid God, thats a horrible thing to say to one that you don't even know.

But thats how christians do things. Say things which are unbiblical and insulting. Gal. 4:8 shows that one has to come to know God, and listening to christians is not the way to come to know God.



Well-Known Member
Well I disagree with you, plenty of people are without God in their life. Ephesians 2:12," Remember that you were at that time seperate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers to the covenant of promise, having no hope and " Without God in the World." Your statement " No one is ever without God", is simply inncorrect, and 1Corinth. 5:13 relates the same thing.

You are also severely inncorrect by prejudging me and saying that I avoid God, I do no such thing. I am insulted by your accusation that I avoid God, thats a horrible thing to say to one that you don't even know.

But thats how christians do things. Say things which are unbiblical and insulting. Gal. 4:8 shows that one has to come to know God, and listening to christians is not the way to come to know God.


If you remove the sick concept of eternal hell torture from christian theology, thats like removing the teeth from a Tiger, their religion would have no fear factor to bite on others. Its the real strength in their cocky crusade to mimick what they think God is like. God is the Salvation of humans, not the torturer of them.

christianity beats on people with their doctrines, much like the Romans beat on Christ.

Its all a misunderstanding.



Well-Known Member
The concept of eternal hell suffering is sick because it teachs that God will make a monument of sin in eternity. It teachs that God would " Allow the existence of sin forever", the existence of pain forever. As if he will stay angry at sin and pain forever.

Psalms 103:8-8;" The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in Lovingkindness". He willNOT always strive with us; nor will he keep his anger forever." THIS is how the real God is. Hes compassionate and Kind, Loving and Forgiving, all the things that make hell a rediculous desire of perverted self righteous believers.



Well-Known Member
A christian without hell is like a maggot without garbage.


A maggot feeds on waste and refuse. The sick concept of eternal hell suffering is a sick, rotten, doctrine of garbage. Based on fear and merciless torture, it has no place in the true characther of God.



Well-Known Member
A maggot feeds on waste and refuse. The sick concept of eternal hell suffering is a sick, rotten, doctrine of garbage. Based on fear and merciless torture, it has no place in the true characther of God.


Mark 10:27;" With humans it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God. This is Jesus response to who can be saved. This speaks volumes concerning our Salvation. We are dealing with a being so Powerful, that ALL things are possible, nothing is beyond his reach. Someone needs to tell the christians that, as they teach this limited salvation they are so proud of announcing to unbelievers. Romans 3:3 just comes right out and says that unbelievers can be saved, unbelief does not make Salvation impossible.

Gods purpose for humanity is Life, and Life in abundance, meaning eternal Life. And Gods will, will supernova Salvation for us all. Don't let the christians set the standard of Salvation for you, let the word of God set it up.



Well-Known Member
No matter what a hell humping christian says to you about the future of unbelievers, Titus 2:11 simply sums it all up;" For the Grace of God has appeared, bringing Salvation to ALL humans!"

Notice Salvation was " Brought to Earth by God", not summoned to earth by human belief. Also notice it was delivered to earth for ALL humans, and unbelievers cannot be excluded from that by pious over zealous believers.

We ALL will make it in the end.



This human experience we live in now is not the final result of Gods creation. All the things we experience now are simply growing pains, like a child in the womb of labor. God will bring his Kingdom to earth and restore things to the atmosphere of Heaven. This is human destiny.
Then it really doesn't matter (eternally speaking) whether we are good or bad right now?


Well-Known Member
Then it really doesn't matter (eternally speaking) whether we are good or bad right now?

I personally don't think it matters, no. I no longer accept the thinking that our destiny is in our hands, no, no. I think thats what Revelations 22:11 really means;" Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong. Let the one who is filthy, still be filthy. Let those who do right, still do right." Other words, it does not matter what humans do, it only matters what God and Christ have done.

Such is my belief.



I recall comming up in my youth, and becomming a part of a church that I thought was different. I was a young black man who got tired of the Baptist church and their doctrines on hell. This other church I found was more into " The Scriptures", which I liked. But one day I heard the Pastor say something that turned me off. He was explaining how he felt God viewed the different races on earth. This man said that God viewed White people as his " Main Stock", or "Best Cattle", as he put it. And all the other races were secondary. I was deeply disturbed at this, but I knew a lot of White people felt this way back then, and many probally still do. Because they were raised that way. This sickness was " Deeply Instilled" within them, and those roots sprout over the years and grow all into your being. It takes a lifelong committment to remove these kinds of deeply rooted sick concepts.

And I want to go into how to help remove these kinds of things.
1) Promote inter-racial marriage. 2) Encourage people to use reason and logic to evaluate such claims. 3) Don't worry about the ignorant generation as they are dying off anyways. 4) Teach your own children to think and to evaluate all things with their minds rather than their feelings.


I am sure that an evil person would think of doing as you say but I am an innocent person simply stating what is so because it is so.
I thought that the whole Christian doctrine was based on the premise that no one is innocent. ("All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.")

I have some bad news for you, no-one is ever without God.
And you can prove this? Or is that simply your opinion? Seems to me that there is more proof against this statement than for it.


It is the perversion of what God created that is evil.
Yeah! Like taking plants and turning them into medicines or digging up metals and forming them into tools just for your own profit and benefit or killing trees just so you can build a house or slaughtering animals just so you can eat! You horrible people...
The sick concept, it is. When you do not believe in God, you will perish in Hell.
About free-will we cannot talk here. Because you cannot choose.

And you live on this planet only for 80 years. Why should you spend ethernity in Hell.
And how about when small child dies before it could become a Christian?
No need to speak about people which leave in countries where Christianity was not accepted too much.

As I read here the biggest portion of humankind will go to Hell after the End of World.
And I read in Genesis that God decided that he will not let to die all entities he created.


The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: "Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.

I cannot help myself, but I am feeling bitterness while I am reading that book.
But that is only me, probably.:sarcastic:(


Well-Known Member
Why do you keep quoting the Bible as a defense when its the Bible that gives us the concept of Hell in the first place? That's like quoting the more rational portions of Mein Kampf.

Your wrong, its not the bible that gives that suck concept, its believers in the bible. Its not the book, its the juiced up followers of the book who are sick in their conceptions of the books message.

If you don't believe the bible, thats your problem. christians do not interpit the bible for me. God is nothing like Hitler, only disillusioned people see a hell in the bible.
