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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I'm not sure what Yeshua is, so I can't have gotten it from there. The only book I know from where I could have gotten this is the Bible. Perhaps I'm wrong though, you may be right.

I'm not sure if this was for me or not. I use to call the "biblical man Yeshua" by his given greek name (Jesus) but now, as a habbit, I call him Yeshua...which is the original name he was given.


Well-Known Member
Ross-dad,give me my pocket money.

Me-seek & ye shall find.


Me-my father's house has many rooms.


Me-go forth & multiply my son.


True Follower
I really am looking to understand God, but not this God that humans teach, but the real God of Love , Joy and Peace. Not this God of eternal hell punishing, but the God of Patience, forgiveness and Mercy. You know, the real God, not this insane lunatic that many are trying to pass God off as being. You know, this lunatic that will place humans in this eternal Pain amphlipier and punish them for billions upon trillions of untold time and on into infinity. I just can't imagine how out of control this hell fire belief has gotten. And how much these bloodthirsty christians who teach it have ruined Gods reputation.

The eternal punishing of anything, muchless a human, is a sick concept, yet many believers have swallowed it into their belief, hook, line and sinker. And THAT is evidence of just how much foolishness we will absorb.

(The eternal punishing )
One must understand that God is Love and has great mercy towards all of his children that has been placed a pond this earth that he has created for them. But one need to under stand then if there be no hell then that must mean that those that do wicked must also return to live with the rightness in heaven. is this right no for God must judge the rightness from the wicked those that cause suffering to others because of pride or a evil heart must pay for there evil doings, if this were not so then God would not be God and there would be no creation for man would not be but God dose live and he has a law and if that law is broken there must need be a punishment that the law may be fulfilled .dose this not make since. Hell is a place were the wicked go who has caused great pain to others by taking another’s life and causing grief to the families or abusing others, Physically or mentally or sexuality there are many ways one can cause suffering to another, starvation torture you have the idea. And do you suppose that they that cause others pain and suffering should go to heaven ,you answer that question your self .The pain that the wicked causes to another shell be there torment for all eternity in hell. So that the law may be justified Amen


Well-Known Member
(The eternal punishing )
One must understand that God is Love and has great mercy towards all of his children that has been placed a pond this earth that he has created for them. But one need to under stand then if there be no hell then that must mean that those that do wicked must also return to live with the rightness in heaven. is this right no for God must judge the rightness from the wicked those that cause suffering to others because of pride or a evil heart must pay for there evil doings, if this were not so then God would not be God and there would be no creation for man would not be but God dose live and he has a law and if that law is broken there must need be a punishment that the law may be fulfilled .dose this not make since. Hell is a place were the wicked go who has caused great pain to others by taking another’s life and causing grief to the families or abusing others, Physically or mentally or sexuality there are many ways one can cause suffering to another, starvation torture you have the idea. And do you suppose that they that cause others pain and suffering should go to heaven ,you answer that question your self .The pain that the wicked causes to another shell be there torment for all eternity in hell. So that the law may be justified Amen

Oh boy. Do you even read your bible? Yes all these things you stated has people going to "hell" (im just using your argument here as if hell existed). So all these people are going to hell FOR ETERNITY, but BUT you left out a category---

THE TIMID which also means fearful will also have their place in the Lake of Fire.

Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death

Wow the god you believe in will torture FOR ETERNITY those who are just timid and fearful also! Get outta here. You lack spiritual understanding and what the Lake of Fire represents and whats its purpose. You even fail to realise that ETERNITY as defined by Jerome in the second or third century is unscriptural. Do your research and stop parroting these false ministers.


Stripling Warrior
(The eternal punishing )
One must understand that God is Love and has great mercy towards all of his children that has been placed a pond this earth that he has created for them. But one need to under stand then if there be no hell then that must mean that those that do wicked must also return to live with the rightness in heaven. is this right no for God must judge the rightness from the wicked those that cause suffering to others because of pride or a evil heart must pay for there evil doings, if this were not so then God would not be God and there would be no creation for man would not be but God dose live and he has a law and if that law is broken there must need be a punishment that the law may be fulfilled .dose this not make since. Hell is a place were the wicked go who has caused great pain to others by taking another’s life and causing grief to the families or abusing others, Physically or mentally or sexuality there are many ways one can cause suffering to another, starvation torture you have the idea. And do you suppose that they that cause others pain and suffering should go to heaven ,you answer that question your self .The pain that the wicked causes to another shell be there torment for all eternity in hell. So that the law may be justified Amen

You are basically right but you left out the part that indicates it is not something we can easily do to get cast out with Lucifer as a son or daughter of perdition. God's love for his children is too great for that. All, save a few who are beyond any degree of repentance and who would openly crucify Christ again, will receive a degree of glory. My next post will clarify my point.


Stripling Warrior
I really am looking to understand God, but not this God that humans teach, but the real God of Love , Joy and Peace. Not this God of eternal hell punishing, but the God of Patience, forgiveness and Mercy. You know, the real God, not this insane lunatic that many are trying to pass God off as being. You know, this lunatic that will place humans in this eternal Pain amphlipier and punish them for billions upon trillions of untold time and on into infinity. I just can't imagine how out of control this hell fire belief has gotten. And how much these bloodthirsty christians who teach it have ruined Gods reputation.

The eternal punishing of anything, muchless a human, is a sick concept, yet many believers have swallowed it into their belief, hook, line and sinker. And THAT is evidence of just how much foolishness we will absorb.

Your absolutely right, there is nothing about God’s eternal punishment that involves the intentional infliction of pain for any amount of time save the pain that we inflict on ourselves in our own minds. It is called eternal punishment because God is eternal and, as His children, so are we.

As I have indicated many times, Damnation is a term use to indicate a cessation of forward progress in our quest to return to the presence of God. Since no unclean thing can abide the presence of God, there must needs be a place prepared for that that is unclean, a place that does not deny justice but also takes into account the love of God for ALL his children. It does not have to be a torture chamber, in fact there are glories between the realms of Lucifer and God wherein one can receive the glory of the place but not the glory of where God Resides.

What we as mortals fail to comprehend is the size of the gulf between God and Lucifer. Being placed in a place somewhere between those two extremes, a place that we, as mere mortals, would call a glorious paradise could quickly become a place of eternal anguish when one consigned to that place is given to know the true heights that they might have obtained if they had been wise enough to keep a few relatively simple commandments while in mortality.

Haven’t you ever been completely bummed out because you came so close to gaining a desire just to have missed it because of some stupid little decision you made? It’s like that but magnified beyond mortal comprehension and, alas, will have to last forever because there are no second chances. Even if there were the outcome would be invariably the same so why bother?


Miss Independent
Look at what jesus did when he went to hell...he cleared it out!

Col 2: 15 And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

He also took the keys that kept us locked up there. Satan and his co was excommunicated out of hell (spiritual holding place for the dead)...and guess where they went....

Rev18 :1

"Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!
She has become a home for demons
and a haunt for every evil spirit,
a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird.

Now if babylon is full of demons and and a haunt for every evil spirit, i dont think the rest of the world is excluded from it.

Babylon represents a place on earth. Hell is on earth folks. And hell is going to be destroyed. your not going to suffer for eternity in some flaming fire. You are in the fire already. Jesus said, he came to start a fire and how he wished it was blazing already. The heat is being turned up here. Can you feel it? Its getting hot in here...so KEEP on all your clothes.

Blessed is he Rev 16: 15
Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed.:faint::D


Well-Known Member
Harrowing if Hell is cool.

me-ok Ross,here is £1.

Don't buy alcohol,don't buy drugs & never bring a pregnant girl home.

Ross.??? eh ok.


Well-Known Member
The sick concept of eternal hell suffering is complette evidence of how much human meddleing has interfered with the truth. It shows just how deep the sick views of some believers in God have raped this world of hope. It shows you how a believer can be decevied into being a bloodthirsty, hell touting, shortsighted salvation believer. And this sickness reins in the hearts of many believers, again its evidence of just how deeply satan has penertrated into the beliefs of believers.

The Salvation of Christ is great, greater than hell, greater than shortsighted believers, greater than any foolish human attempt to limit salvation.



Well-Known Member
To spend time slagging off satan is self-defeating,is this what you are saying brother Mickiel?

If so your post is highly enlightened.

If not we better define*satan* so we know what the hell you are on about?

Great Love



Well-Known Member
To spend time slagging off satan is self-defeating,is this what you are saying brother Mickiel?

If so your post is highly enlightened.

If not we better define*satan* so we know what the hell you are on about?

Great Love


The effect of the eternal hell belief is rabid, doing far more damage and no good at all. Consider this; if we have allowed this demonic " spiritually decorated" belief into our belief system, just how many more such infestations exist in our errant view of scripture? Readers have taken hell, or the grave, the old terminology for the burning pit they used to exterminate dead people in, a hole in the ground, to mean that God will roast humans forever inside of an eternal pain amphliphier, and have installed this rediculus belief into the physce of many believers, and unbelievers as well.

It makes no sense when senseless beliefs rule in religion. And that is also a sign that religion is becomming worthless.



Well-Known Member
You are very well defined Mickiel! *salutes*

The *Harrowing of hell* is just defeating ignorance.......In Nordic pantheon you enter hel as fire from our location in Midguard.

In Hindu great tree you enter as fire into the realm of Agni or Igni,again as fire.

To *Harrow* you must be fearless in your examination of all things in order to bring these to light for a greater understanding/point of perspective.

Daemonn is an adjective as in *Daemonn Times* aka *at a dam in time* or once every so often.

Ie,the fisherman caught a fish at daemonn time,or every so often.

I only object to organised religion throwing people from pit to pit for being human,or trying to identify the human relationship to the universe.

No excuse for murdering some poor dude.

Without fear or prejudice,



Depends Upon My Mood..
This is interesting..I saw somethign on this last night.I cant remember the original word that used for hell..But it was referring to the garbage pits outside the city ..where I also believe they burned the dead bodies of criminals..and they used sulfer for whatever reason.The fires burned 24/7..So you have the stench of garbage..burning corpes."eternal" fire".and the stench of sulfer on top of that.

