They are wasting time regardless. Evolution even if true is the most unproductive theory ever. You do not need it for anything except to argue about. Your appealing to popularity despite it having doomed so many in the past. However since popularity is a common foundation I will not reject it as your side does with claims I make whether they rely on popularity or not. I personally find the popularity about what has been experienced meaningful but about an idea not so much.
Well, I think it is more productive than the theory of black holes, for instance.
The argument from popularity is tricky. I tend to avoid it, as long as the counterpart does the same.
Oh I get it. Sort of. Whatever happened to Jonah was a very rare exception. The bible says God specially prepared a fish for the roll, so appeals to the rule just do not apply. What sickness do you reference? Did you hear ISUS destroyed Jonah's tomb? I don't care, but why would they do that? I doubt he was ever in it.
God prepared a fish. Alright. I hope he prepared some deodorant for poor Jonah, too.
No I am not sure but I have almost al evidence in my corner.
I don't think you do, for there is no convincing evidence for either alternatives.
Depends. I would have some caveats I think. I would take 1940 US to 2000+ US any day.
Yeah. Probably. At least you did not have that "in God we trust" on your money. And get ready to buy tons of IBM shares.
I am not being semantically rigorous here. I meant data that exist but is not available for view.
Maybe you should provide an example of this invisible data.
They exist and are some of the oldest but I did not list them. You can still see them today if you want. My family went there and they actually toured them.
I suppose, most of them, if not all, are roman.
It depends on many things how evident the price is. Despite what you may think almost every aspect of your life has been enriched by Christianity. You may not have lost things because of that that would be lost if it was not the case. For example without God humans are not equal so slavery can't be condemned by fact, human life has no actual sanctity so you get abortion, etc..
Slavery is a bad example, obviously.
Separation from God is probably by far the worst of them. Everything else flows from that.
I don't believe in God. Therefore, no spiritual problem.
Actually it was probably luck as the Popes are no examples of revelation constancy. They excommunicated each other far to much to believe that. I just gave some interesting historical details without any conclusion.
There is a plethora of possible explanations, which are far less miracolus than the event they try to explain.
I am actually staling hoping you will forget it. These issues take a lot more time than they deserve and usually wind up with my having to just grant scientific claims I cannot meaningfully evaluate. For example a crystal was said to be maximum entropy by physicists. I have no idea why. I do want to remind of at least one explanation that will account for hydrological sorting. Nature can create less than equilibrium complexity. I believe you will find I stated that long before your example. I did not state it but when I asked for examples I was thinking of the type or level of complexity life exhibits.
I think that if you use them as arguments, you should invest this time.
And it does not really matter what complex things we analyze. One is bound to be more complex than the others. Asking for examples of something even more complex is pointless. What is important is to check if we have violation of naturalistic laws. We don't, until now.
Maybe atheism is the Photoshop of reality.
At least, we start with reality
I didn't. I did not have to guess when Einstein says that thermodynamics is the most immutable natural law in existence.
Yes, and did not need to be changed because of life.
If over the horizon behind me Godzilla was smashing cars as fast as he could it might be accurate. Almost al science is on my side. It is only in the most ambiguous and little understood areas where I find anyone going the other way and it is far less traffic than you describe.
Maybe the problem is that you are still driving a Ford T1. So, you are right, not a lot of traffic.
Just the unreliability of applied science alone causes me to lose sleep on a nightly basis. If we can get it to work here and now so often I have almost no confidence in details about what occurred a billion years ago.
No one who works in applied science should have much confidence in theoretical science until it has become applied for decades or more.
You seem to have a lot of confidence in Vilenkin's theorem.
I am not a quantum physicist but that is what they claim to be true. Let me ask you this. If a benzene atom disappears from location A and another appears in location B and if we assume they are related then what mathematics is used? All the math I was taught says that makes no sense, not that I think it does not occur.
The Schoedinger equation is a good starting point. But at graduate level the mathematics used involves Hilbert spaces with infinite dimensions or Feynman inegrals ovel all (infinite, again) histories of a particle.
By the way: what is a benzene atom? Could not find it on the periodic table
Where does it exist and how could you know if it did? It does not exist in any random number generators, at any casino, in any instrument? I think your getting thought experiments and reality confused again. I feel an appeal to the deep end of science on it's way.
Deep end of science? I was addressing the two slits experiment. Also known for a long time. However younger than the physics known 200 years ago.
I think you really need a new car.
Actually I think that has been resolved the other way around. I have heard how it transpired but not for a while. Regardless Guth does not cancel Vilenkin and Vilenkin has made his views far more emphatically than Guth. Vilenkin went through most of the alternate hail Mary theories and specifically defeated them one by one. I only wished to show my side is intellectually grounded as well as yours if not vastly more so.
But Vilenkin himself said that his theorem is as good as the premises: classical timespace without QM. It is implausible that QM does not become important when our (observable slice of) Universe is very small and compressed. The Heisenberg principle will unavoidably start to kick in.
But I would not have a problem even if the regime is classical all the way down. Tenseless theory matches perfectly with pure classical and not quantistic relativity.
I think so but do not know. I have heard massive studies that suggest both conclusions and gave it up for now as it is to politically charged to get reliable data from. I ran into one unexpected view. That it was un-chosen but still a genetic flaw. Had to do with chemical flaws in a women who has multiple kids.
I don't care about the studies. I am asking you if you feel like you could choose to be sexually attracted by members of the same sex.
That is horrible. How can murder be right. If it can then why was Hitler wrong, would he have been right in another time. The foundations for morality are either objective or non-existent. Your talking more about legality or ethics and just about everyone separates the two from morality, from the Hebrews and Greeks to Lord Lyndhurst.
So, we agree that stoning people for not holding the Sabbath is a universal and immutable wrong?
This one in particular has gone off so often for no reason that no one cares any more. I only had to go so I could put on a F-15 cranium I have laying around. I never even thought fire for a second. I used to work on them and they malfunctioned at least a thousand times more often than performed as advertised. I am not against them but am against science having a reputation it does not deserve.
Then don't use it in your arguments. It is puzzling that you do.
How do we know you are sincere if you use general relativity and inflationary cosmology to prove a point while being skeptical about the overall reliability of science?
- viole