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The "something can't come from nothing" argument


Premium Member
It does so in some ways but not in others. The only relevance the THEORY of evolution has is if used as an argument against God's existence. If you grant God's existence then probability is no longer relevant. But if you deny it then you need many things as absolute necessities long before you get any life to evolve at all. See the above post. I think your confusing what the theory says with what the theory depends on in reality. I am debating reality not a theory.

You would need god to be such a sharp shooter as to predict the effects through the end of time. That sounds rather far-fetched, I would consider it much more likely some non-sharpshooter started it all. You dont have to be a sharpshooter to end up somewhere and the odds make little difference. Really the odds make a the super all controlling deity inconceivable.


Well-Known Member
First I need a universe of some type. The best evidence and virtually all of it strongly suggests the universe began to exist from nothing. The chances of that occurring is zero given any reliable science. Non-being has no property what so ever to do anything. So your swamped at this point but that is boring so lets assume you can get a universe.

Second you need a very specific type of universe. You need one that has structure, gravity, etc... to get any conceivably possible life forms of any kind.
Even given only universe similar to this altering the expansion rate by 1 part in trillions would have either caused things to fly apart or reverse trajectories before any structure could exist to have any life forms on or in. It is much worse when compared to all non impossible universes. You get 1 part in a potential infinity or basically zero. However this is boring and so lets pretend you did get some universe where some possible life can exist.

Third you need one with the parameters that can support structured life. Possible universes would produce countless Boltzmann brain type universes for one that can support material life forms. I will be generous and give it a 1 in a million probability.

Fourth you need this improbable universe to create conditions somewhere that can turn non-life into life. So far that has been shown to be exactly a zero probability. In fact I am going to stop here this is so absurdly improbable that even the attempt to make it sound reasonable without pre-existing intelligence is just silly.
Why stop there?

Fifth you need this improbable universe with life to produce exactly your DNA. Just ten generations ago the probability of your exact DNA coming into existence was at the most 1 in 6000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000. This is so absurdly improbable that even an attempt to make it sound reasonable without pre-existing intelligence is just silly. Congratulations. You have just proven that the DNA of every creature that exists or has existed must have been designed by your god. Are you happy now?

Here are some other statistics that proves that your god must have designed the DNA of every creature on the planet. Probability of you existing at all: 1 in 10 to the power of 2,685,000. http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/abinazir/2011/06/15/what-are-chances-you-would-be-born/
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Well, I think it is more productive than the theory of black holes, for instance.
Perhaps. I really lost my fascination with theoretical science while in college. Maybe black holes can help with space travel somehow down the road. Can you even think of a benefit to the TOE that genetics alone would not produce? I can't.

The argument from popularity is tricky. I tend to avoid it, as long as the counterpart does the same.
I only use it if it involves something that is knowable as suggestive not proof. For example how many people believe there are men on Pluto is not meaningful since we can't know, but claims that men has been visited by aliens if in huge numbers might be suggestive because we can know that. But yes it is tricky.

God prepared a fish. Alright. I hope he prepared some deodorant for poor Jonah, too.
I don't think at the time smell differentiated to much. I think everyone probably stank pretty bad. My point was this cannot be evaluated by a study of the natural because this was not a natural event.

I don't think you do, for there is no convincing evidence for either alternatives.
I can't remember the context but I remember I was right. Give up?

Yeah. Probably. At least you did not have that "in God we trust" on your money. And get ready to buy tons of IBM shares.
Let me ask you this. If in 1980 some obscure Russian technician had said it was a launch instead of a malfunction would you still prefer modernity in a nuclear waste land? If you were wrong there would be no body around to know.

Maybe you should provide an example of this invisible data.
Ok the Sun's accurate weight down to a thousand decimal places exists regardless of our knowing it. The factual truth of God's existence exists whether you know it or not. I am not stuck on the term if you do not like the word "knowledge" then substitute one you do like. I acre about the point not the semantics.

I suppose, most of them, if not all, are roman.
Quantity was not relevant (especially for later civilizations). Who originated it would be important depending on what it was. I don't think Aqueducts would be miraculous at any point. They are very easily deduced from nature, which is why I did not list it originally. Now Germ theory is a whole other ball game. It is counter intuitive and completely unknowable which is why even after Israel knew about it, 3000 years later we were still killing people by the tens of thousands in our ignorance.

Slavery is a bad example, obviously.
No because the slavery I referred to is 19th century chattel slavery. One that was in a whole other time. Biblical "slavery" was almost exclusively voluntary debt slavery. One person would owe another. He would contract his labor to a third person who would pay off his debt. There was another type of lifelong slavery that had to do with people like prisoners of war but it was not chattel slavery. Biblical slavery was a crude form of welfare and bankruptcy that our sin required. God never liked it or divorce but our faults made them necessary at least for that time frame. Regardless the biblical rules about it are the most benevolent in the ANE. Now make of that what you will but it will never be modern slavery. My point was that the slavery we think of could only be broken using a foundation only God provides. If I wanted to stop slavery I can't appeal to atheism. I could kill slavers as an atheist but I can only find foundation for doing so in theism. Whether you agree or not do you get my drift?

I don't believe in God. Therefore, no spiritual problem.
The problems existence does not depend on your belief. Whatever it's cost to you is only dependent only on it's existing. If it does exist your paying a price whether you believe or not. I would even argue that even if God does not exist there is a cost to chunking faith. I would probably do so anyway as I hate false hope but it would cause problems.

There is a plethora of possible explanations, which are far less miracolus than the event they try to explain.
In that case I did not claim a miraculous cause but there is no loss of probability to claiming so. The miraculous has no probability effect on anything. For example the idea that water turned to wine by miraculous means does not suffer loss by claiming it miraculous. A miracle by it's nature is an exception.

I think that if you use them as arguments, you should invest this time.
Well it depends. I am certainly obligated to and in fact if insisted upon I will waste much time in examining them. However if not insisted upon circumstances and mood get involved. Actually it is a personal obligation not a formal one. In professional debates no one is required to produce every scrap of data to prove every claim they make. I take on the obligation but do not technically have one. Anyway if you really want to get into it I will.

And it does not really matter what complex things we analyze. One is bound to be more complex than the others. Asking for examples of something even more complex is pointless. What is important is to check if we have violation of naturalistic laws. We don't, until now.
I don't think so. If you claim that in spite of the tendency of everything to come apart or deconstruct over time that in one specific and exclusive area this trend acts in the exact opposite way then only an example with that level of complexity can add to the reliability of your claim. Showing rocks kind of get sorted by size, at times, and in certain places does not indicate that 3.2 billion bits can assemble in the right order to be DNA. Likes with likes are very relevant here.

At least, we start with reality ;)
Not bad. Now that is humorous.

Yes, and did not need to be changed because of life.
I think it would but I have as of yet not resolved to get into that long and torturous argument.

Maybe the problem is that you are still driving a Ford T1. So, you are right, not a lot of traffic.
Your humor is either on or off or my comprehension must be. I do not see how the type of car is relevant to my response.

Continued below:


You seem to have a lot of confidence in Vilenkin's theorem.

I should. It was specifically designed to be robust. It was designed to make irrelevant all the ambiguities and unknowns involved in many less robust theory. It was supposed to be rigorous and bulletproof and I find it to be such.

The Schoedinger equation is a good starting point. But at graduate level the mathematics used involves Hilbert spaces with infinite dimensions or Feynman inegrals ovel all (infinite, again) histories of a particle.
How are cats in a box any help? Another Schrodinger perhaps? That was kind of a trick. The explanation I hear so often is that no mathematics works for that event. It appears the atom does not go anywhere but that the information that represents the atom's construction mysterious get transferred and rebuilds another atom in another place virtually identical to the first. I have never heard any explanation for that process much less a mathematical one. It's a trick another way as well. If you have another explanation that would just show that no general agreement exists as I have said.

I know what it takes to have competence in the mathematical subjects you mention. It would be at least a masters for familiarity plus many years experience for competence. Now if you do not have this or it's equivalent (and very few do) I am reluctant to have confidence in what you state of that type. That is why I asked for credentials. Without it I just can't grant you competence with them because so few have it and a forum is not where you would expect to find them.

By the way: what is a benzene atom? Could not find it on the periodic table ;)
Benzene is the compound C6H6. Did I say atom instead of molecule? It makes little difference either way. I heard it in Chemistry which I hated. My instructor was Asian and invented many new elements. I remember he said crom-i-um instead of Chromium constantly.

Deep end of science? I was addressing the two slits experiment. Also known for a long time. However younger than the physics known 200 years ago.
It is still the deep-end and is still unexplained. I just saw an atheist scientist use it to some bizarre purpose but he admitted as is well known that no one yet has figured out why this occurs. Hard to use what is not known to prove anything. I view science as a graph plot versus reliability and thorough understanding. It is not an age issue.

I think you really need a new car.
This is just tragic. Two car jokes and I got neither one. I did not mention a car, a road, driving or anything automotive.

But Vilenkin himself said that his theorem is as good as the premises: classical timespace without QM. It is implausible that QM does not become important when our (observable slice of) Universe is very small and compressed. The Heisenberg principle will unavoidably start to kick in.
Well given the Quantum I at least can see no threat to the theorem. Has anyone asked Vilenkin to give his latest review given the state of the Quantum. I like Vilenkin do not make absolutes in this case. I only say that according to the best science we have currently the best conclusion is X but maybe one day some Y will change that. That allows for your deep end if it ever gets shallower but still at this time your stuck with no recourse that I snot in this deepest most unknown section of knowledge. We should be able to leave it there as it is true.

But I would not have a problem even if the regime is classical all the way down. Tenseless theory matches perfectly with pure classical and not quantistic relativity.
Again until the quantum is better understood I do not see how this is meaningful. You might as well be saying well the Antikythera machine or ancient alien theory is evidence against the modern evolution of science. Well I can't say that is impossible but it is not a persuasive or meaningful counter position based on our knowledge of it at this time. Plus another problem. The Quantum even once it is understood sufficient by Phd's will not be understood by the average person. So even when that occurs there will still be a persuasive gap there. Plus just gong by probability and the lack of credential so far I have trouble believing you understand these issues sufficiently. If you do why are you wasting time here every day instead of in a lab making bank?

I don't care about the studies. I am asking you if you feel like you could choose to be sexually attracted by members of the same sex.
No I do not but I think that is the first time I have heard that question. Let me add something here. I can't imagine being able to do so now, but I can imagine that I could learn if hedonism or some other drive trumped my morality and I started down that road. People can develop sexual desire for inanimate objects so I can't put anything past our moral insanity.

So, we agree that stoning people for not holding the Sabbath is a universal and immutable wrong?
That is not really a moral claim. It is very conditional and specific. God also said to not eat pork and that was not a moral demand. It gets confusing because disobedience in general might be moral but the act it's self not. There can be situational theological ethics that are not purely moral issues. Anyway lets simplify this. I would suggest you select another action like murder, lying, torture or something similar.

Then don't use it in your arguments. It is puzzling that you do.
I only rarely make a claim that I will later not want to hash out in detail. However I think you can easily see ho that can occur from time to time. Many times I make secondary points to support a primary one. I find your side gets obsessed with semantics and technicalities to the exclusion of the whole point the secondary claim was made at all. For example whether benzene or molecule was the proper term is irrelevant. The point is that nature can never ever tell what should be. I did not want to have a chemistry discussion.

How do we know you are sincere if you use general relativity and inflationary cosmology to prove a point while being skeptical about the overall reliability of science?
I never even hinted at that. I said in my experience some science is more reliable than others. I have grown to be very skeptical of theoretical science but even some of that is intuitive and easily grasped. It is the purely abstract and not well known and new that I have trouble having confidence in. The last straw was at a faculty dinner where the same scientists argued passionately for both holographic theory and string theory which are mutually exclusive.

I can also add that even my experience with proven 90's technology that is tested constantly I find little opportunity for confidence. If you worked in my F-15 lab you would never feel the same about science again. Not a single instrument new or old works as advertised and this is life and death stuff.


Well-Known Member
First I need a universe of some type. The best evidence and virtually all of it strongly suggests the universe began to exist from nothing. The chances of that occurring is zero given any reliable science. Non-being has no property what so ever to do anything. So your swamped at this point but that is boring so lets assume you can get a universe.
"Cosmologists assume that natural quantum fluctuations allowed the Big Bang to happen spontaneously. Now they have a mathematical proof" https://medium.com/the-physics-arxi...ormed-spontaneously-from-nothing-ed7ed0f304a3


That is one horrible comparison. None of them were written long before printing presses existed. Textual criticism is complex. You must view it in the actual context it comes in. The bible unlike a single source you used was written without the printing press, in a hostile nation, in a hostile empire, by hand, at a time when writing material was expensive, precious, and rare, and has been copied for over 2000 years or so, etc.......

You will not find a single text of any kind that is even close to the bible within that context. Only someone with a bias compares things that dissimilar. In fact beyond the fact they are both collections of words what do they have in common? However, even despite this insane level on dissimilarity, the works you named are unanimously thought to be fiction where as the bible has vast numbers of scholars who take it to be a historical biography. In fact it's official classification is not fiction like your sources, nor is it myth as almost all other theological texts are, it is officially classified as historical biography.

I can think of few arguments as lopsided as this nor responses as ineffective as yours. I am not picking on you but only on your argument.

You must explain why every work in the same class with the bible is pathetically inaccurate in comparison and the bible is extraordinarily accurate, with a better explanation that mine. Why do similar human failure rates always fall below 50% and many below 20% for everything else but rise to 95% for the bible? Good luck.
If you don't like using recent examples, and I chose them to make the point as clear as possible, you can use the oldest historical novel ... the Iliad, it points to the same issue, a tale of legend threaded in and out of real like.


I know your position very well, so no debate is necessary from my angle. If your position was so logical, then one would expect most in the scientific community, especially cosmologists and physicists, would agree with you, but they overwhelmingly don't?
Well that's funny because at least lists of the greatest scientists in history is dominated by men of faith. Science has become political these days and just as politics has swings over time in phases. However over long periods of time science and faith cannot be separated. In fact even the atheist (can't remember his name) who wrote the most authorities several volume work on the rise of modern science had to conclude it was faith that produced the entire fields of abstract science themselves. Every single atheist scrimping for grant money today is standing on a theists shoulders. Confining science to only the last few decades is arbitrary and meaningless. The most damage you could possibly due to modern science is subtract theistic contributions it is built on. I would not recommend debating theism on scientific personalities and contributions.

There simply is not one shred of evidence to suggest an "intelligent designer", nor is that necessarily logical since there are other options, especially "infinity", which you in the past falsely claim was disproven. The fact of the matter, which I believe is very obvious, is that your opinion is driven by religious faith and not either science or math. Of course it's always possible you could be correct, so I'll not go to the opposite extreme position.
There is inexhaustible evidence which is why that historical scientific greats in mountains have been theists. Even in todays arbitrarily dominated atheist scientific world some of the absolute best scientists are theists. look at Kripke the father of modal logic. He formulated the notation of modal logic in his teens and is a theist. Or Collins who cracked the genome and is a theist. If you removed theistic contribution to science you would almost fatally effect science and modern science may never have existed at all. Your arbitrarily modern atheists ALL stand firmly on either Christian or Jewish shoulders.

The reasons that official modern science groups make only neutral stances on God is because their fields are related to natural law and God is supernatural.
God is not provable nor disprovable by science and so they take no official position. Yet the history of science it's self is dependent on theists regardless.

I did not say infinity was disproven. I said far better reasons exist to think is impossible than do for it's being possible as a reality. I also added that not one single example of a concrete infinity (not even a potential one) is known to exist anywhere.

Not one single claim of mine you responded to is exclusively a Christian one. They do not follow from the bible, they come straight from secular science and happen to be found consistent with the bible but not deduced from it. There is nothing about God that makes natural infinites unlikely, it is nature that suggests that so strongly but I do think it consistent with God.

Anyway you just seem to be against my view (or your view of my view) and are throwing anything at hand at it without thinking any of them through. Maybe you want to rethink and clarify some of this stuff.


If you don't like using recent examples, and I chose them to make the point as clear as possible, you can use the oldest historical novel ... the Iliad, it points to the same issue, a tale of legend threaded in and out of real like.
Ok that will be fine. You have claimed it was a book and is false. Is there any other reasons you feel it appropriate to compare the bible with before I show it's comparative failures in all relevant categories comparatively. I have no objection to it's use but as I already know it fails the test miserably when compared I am reluctant to think you would want to use it.


Coincidentia oppositorum
If you don't like using recent examples, and I chose them to make the point as clear as possible, you can use the oldest historical novel ... the Iliad, it points to the same issue, a tale of legend threaded in and out of real like.

Or the Rig Vedas and Vedas. (Zoroastrianism)

Alt Thinker

Older than the hills
"Cosmologists assume that natural quantum fluctuations allowed the Big Bang to happen spontaneously. Now they have a mathematical proof" https://medium.com/the-physics-arxi...ormed-spontaneously-from-nothing-ed7ed0f304a3

Not quite. de Broglie-Bohm quantum potential is an essential part of the math used. Bohmian quantum mechanics makes predictions indistinguishable from standard quantum mechanics but requires an entity called the pilot wave, which is inherently undetectable. Bohmian mechanics is not part of currently accepted quantum theory. While the idea is interesting, nothing has actually been proven.


You can say that again. Just go back ten generations and the chances of you being born at all is at most 1 in 6000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.The chances of you existing So 1robin this proves that the DNA of every creature must have been designed and created by a god because these are "astronomical goal oriented odds". Right?
Please show me how you arrived at that number.

You also do not seem to understand the competing claims here. One side says everything which would include me is accounted for by chance alone. I say everything is much better explained by agency and intent. So there is no dividing and conquering possible here. My view accounts for the improbability of everything. Yours does not. On my world view both me specifically and all the other billion improbable things have an explanation. Your response would only be meaningful if you knew my existence was not planned. You do not and will never know that. So you did nothing about what you responded to but only added a suspicious number and an inert contention with no teeth. Maybe you misunderstood what I said.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Anyway you just seem to be against my view (or your view of my view) and are throwing anything at hand at it without thinking any of them through. Maybe you want to rethink and clarify some of this stuff.

LOL! Keep telling yourself that.

As both a scientist and one who taught theology for many years, for you to claim that I haven't thought it through is literally crazy-talk and idiotic, which is just one reason why I really don't like even dealing with your posts. As with some other things you write here, you're fantastic at jumping to unwarranted conclusions, which is the opposite tact that science takes.


Well that's funny because at least lists of the greatest scientists in history is dominated by men of faith. Science has become political these days and just as politics has swings over time in phases. However over long periods of time science and faith cannot be separated. In fact even the atheist (can't remember his name) who wrote the most authorities several volume work on the rise of modern science had to conclude it was faith that produced the entire fields of abstract science themselves. Every single atheist scrimping for grant money today is standing on a theists shoulders. Confining science to only the last few decades is arbitrary and meaningless. The most damage you could possibly due to modern science is subtract theistic contributions it is built on. I would not recommend debating theism on scientific personalities and contributions.
Unfortunately most of the greatest scientists in history knew less than a bright middle school student does today.
There is inexhaustible evidence which is why that historical scientific greats in mountains have been theists. Even in todays arbitrarily dominated atheist scientific world some of the absolute best scientists are theists. look at Kripke the father of modal logic. He formulated the notation of modal logic in his teens and is a theist. Or Collins who cracked the genome and is a theist. If you removed theistic contribution to science you would almost fatally effect science and modern science may never have existed at all. Your arbitrarily modern atheists ALL stand firmly on either Christian or Jewish shoulders.
You don't even know who did what. Collins did not "crack" anything. He is a brilliant administrator, but no great shakes as a pure scientist. He ran the program, no mean feat, but you make it sound like he did it himself.
The reasons that official modern science groups make only neutral stances on God is because their fields are related to natural law and God is supernatural.
God is not provable nor disprovable by science and so they take no official position. Yet the history of science it's self is dependent on theists regardless.
My understanding is that scientists (not doctors and dentists and mathematicians and mining engineers) are predominantly atheists or agnostics.
I did not say infinity was disproven. I said far better reasons exist to think is impossible than do for it's being possible as a reality. I also added that not one single example of a concrete infinity (not even a potential one) is known to exist anywhere.

Not one single claim of mine you responded to is exclusively a Christian one. They do not follow from the bible, they come straight from secular science and happen to be found consistent with the bible but not deduced from it. There is nothing about God that makes natural infinites unlikely, it is nature that suggests that so strongly but I do think it consistent with God.

Anyway you just seem to be against my view (or your view of my view) and are throwing anything at hand at it without thinking any of them through. Maybe you want to rethink and clarify some of this stuff.
No, not really.


Here is the link. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights I don't understand the X and Y. Simply ask your god whether he can confirm whether each article is moral or not. According to you he is the one who's got the objective standard therefore he is the one who has to be consulted.
I asked for the basis for the declarations because that is the ontological issue on which all your epistemological responses depend on. You can take Hitler and Charles Manson give each apiece of paper and tell them to write out a bunch of morals they think are true. They would each produce some and probably many you would affirm but neither their writing them nor your affirming them would make them either the source of moral truth nor a standard for it. If this UN decree is true in every claim it would not mean very much unless you had the foundation they based them on.

The ones I glanced out sounded fine but since it won't make any difference lets assume we both agree with them all and that no God exists. What is it you think this means. I can tell you what it does not mean. I does not mean and never could mean that a single one is true. Without God there are no rights and no moral facts. Our agreement would only mean we agreed, nothing more. Lets say Stalin lived and took over 90% of the world and invented a set of rules exactly the opposite on what basis can you say these Un ones are right? On what basis can you say we need to fight and die to stop his rules? You can't, all you can ever say is you do not agree with him.

Now with God I can say that these all may be true and if they are they were true long before the UN existed or even if they never had. I can say they are true and that truth is absolute. Stalin would be absolutely wrong.

Dismissing God from reality without cause does not a single thing to add to morality but does take away from it everything that makes it meaningful. There is only loss and no gain.

Add to all this that the UN came very late in human affairs. Long after God had communicated morality to men and it became a tested and proven over time. They just seemed to officially adopt some of it's most obvious aspects.
What do you claim it means anyway? I read it, now what use are you putting it to?

I believe all men have a God given conscience and do get all correct morals from it, so may the UN. You must show that UN is right and it's declarations are true and did not come from God. IOW get rid of God and see what is left. Good luck.


Premium Member
Please show me how you arrived at that number.

You also do not seem to understand the competing claims here. One side says everything which would include me is accounted for by chance alone. I say everything is much better explained by agency and intent. So there is no dividing and conquering possible here. My view accounts for the improbability of everything. Yours does not. On my world view both me specifically and all the other billion improbable things have an explanation. Your response would only be meaningful if you knew my existence was not planned. You do not and will never know that. So you did nothing about what you responded to but only added a suspicious number and an inert contention with no teeth. Maybe you misunderstood what I said.

Seems to me the odds would get better with intent but you cant show that intent was existing at the big bang. God could have 100 choices and not one decision would make the other 99 choices less probable. What does sound improbable is a god predicting from the beginning against all odds, god could just do what he wants and the new probabilities still stay the same. Gods random acts are as probable as acts that have intent, however if god has intent then there is a prior cause. Chance works much better in allowing an act with no prior intent.


Well-Known Member
Please show me how you arrived at that number.
What do you mean? You quoted the link to the calculations in your own post...

I say everything is much better explained by agency and intent.
Yes exactly the point. "Just go back ten generations and the chances of you being born at all is at most 1 in 60000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000". Obviously the agent must have intended exactly you to be born because with those odds against exactly you being born it is unthinkable that your DNA could be due to chance? Isn't that what you're saying?


Premium Member
What do you mean? You quoted the link to the calculations in your own post...

Yes exactly the point. "Just go back ten generations and the chances of you being born at all is at most 1 in 60000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000". Obviously the agent must have intended exactly you to be born because with those odds against exactly you being born it is unthinkable that your DNA could be due to chance? Isn't that what you're saying?

If god is doing stuff on purpose then why are we talking probabilities? Either god likes chance or god can calculate billions of years into the future with detailed precision. Saying god can predict that much is not fathomable. Even with being god.


Unfortunately most of the greatest scientists in history knew less than a bright middle school student does today.
Boy this just keeps getting worse. Did Newton, Pascal, Faraday, Di Vinci, Descartes, Copernicus, Galileo, kepler, Augustine, Volta, Ampere, Babbage, Maxwell, Riemann, Lavoisier, Marconi, Carver, Hershel, etc times thousands only have the equivalent of a modern middle school education? Not even close. Most of what they discovered is not even available in high school. I have a degree in math and some of the stuff they dreamed up I still can't understand.

When you open with something so astronomically incorrect how can I view anything after that with any confidence?

You don't even know who did what. Collins did not "crack" anything. He is a brilliant administrator, but no great shakes as a pure scientist He ran the program, no mean feat, but you make it sound like he did it himself.
He received the Albany Medical Center Prize in 2010 and the Pro Bono Humanum Award of the Galien Foundation in 2012. I was going to get into what he specifically did but it does not matter. I don't think even you would deny that he is very very familiar with the science as it exists today in genetics and has found no reason in it to challenge his faith. This is true of hundreds of top scientists like Sandage, etc.... The point was the never the exact level of his contribution, as usual you guys get obsessed with technicalities and miss the entire point. The point is that so many theists are at the top levels of scientific research it can't be an impediment to faith. Th evidence suggests that whatever faith preference you have going in colors the science. I have even given many quotes from secular scientists who admitted such. So science is not impediment to faith and should never be said to be.
Modern science is a result of faith.

My understanding is that scientists (not doctors and dentists and mathematicians and mining engineers) are predominantly atheists or agnostics.
That is only if you arbitrarily restrict it to certain decades. Looking at science as a whole, especially it's moment of greatest glory and you will find theists way over represented. What you need to show is that the predominance of theists in the modern and far more political and money driven age of science is the result of sciences disproving God. You can't so nothing to see here, lets move along. The zenith of science corresponded exactly with the amount of theists in it but I never make claims that proves God exists why do you attempt the opposite without any correlation at all and arbitrary criteria?

No, not really.
A declaration in direct conflict with the evidence is not a persuasive argument. It is not even an argument at all. Not even a bad one.


LOL! Keep telling yourself that.
Don't have to when you constantly remind me of it.

As both a scientist and one who taught theology for many years, for you to claim that I haven't thought it through is literally crazy-talk and idiotic, which is just one reason why I really don't like even dealing with your posts. As with some other things you write here, you're fantastic at jumping to unwarranted conclusions, which is the opposite tact that science takes.
There is some reason your claims are perfectly and utterly wrong. I was being generous and saying you had not thought them through.

1. The history of science, especially modern abstract science is dominated by theists. Limiting that to ultra modern science which stands on theistic science in al aspects is not just a tactic it is an arbitrary and intellectually dishonest one.
2. Not only was abstract science founded by theists it was founded on theism. They believed a rational God would create a rational universe and set out to find that rationality in it and did.
3. Ultra modern science as opposed to theistic science jumps to not just pure conjectured conclusions but even ones that defy evidence so often I have given up on my chose field in these areas.
4. I have a degree in mathematics and work in a avionics lab doing science every day. I have studied the history of science. I know it's nature and foundations well enough to know that everything you have said is inconsistent with them.

I am not required to make you like me. I am required to give truth whether anyone likes it or not and leave it there. I am not even required to bother with whether you accept it or not. I have no control over that and am not responsible for it. Like the truth or hate it and attack it. It is up to you. Science (real science not science fiction) is not only no enemy to faith it is evidence for it.