I did. That's what the whole "complete fossil record" and "showing the entire evolutionary history" stuff was about.
But you're avoiding the issue. Why do I need to explain the fundamental difference between a parvovirus and an endogenous retrovirus to a world-renowned expert?
Wow. That's absolutely amazing! When do you plan on writing that up and getting it published?
Absolutely. I've read the PLOS paper many, many times.
Sure. When you were asked why biological research continues to produce useful results when it's based on "macroevolution", you responded with a challenge to show modern research that is based on "macroevolution". So I posted the PLOS paper that shows how when researchers plugged genome sequences from taxa as diverse as flies, worms, humans and such into a program that's based on phylogenetic relationships, they were able to predict gene function to a 96% degree of accuracy. Here is the relevant part of the paper:
"Based on phylogenomic principles, SIFTER (Statistical Inference of Function Through Evolutionary Relationships) accurately predicts molecular function for members of a protein family given a reconciled phylogeny and available function annotations, even when the data are sparse or noisy....Given function annotations for 3% of the proteins in the deaminase family, SIFTER achieves 96% accuracy in predicting molecular function for experimentally characterized proteins as reported in the literature. The accuracy of SIFTER on this dataset is a significant improvement over other currently available methods...The results illustrate the predictive power of exploiting a statistical model of function evolution in phylogenomic problems."
So tell me O' wise expert...if "macroevolution" is bunk as you claim, how in the world do we explain these results?