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The Sumerian Flood Story


Well-Known Member
Sex with others while your married, can be wrong, unless you have an open relationship, and both parties are clear about this. But thats not what this is about, you can pass aids on to your wife and or husband without ever cheating on them. So, the point is moot. And sex isn't the only way aids is transfered, it could be transfered by an open wound.

And no apologies necessary.

I know that but as I said that is what got it revved up.


Atleast now we are all in agreement that the jews stole the sumarian story to build up there god as a angry jealous god that wont bink an eye without murdering everyone LOL


Well-Known Member
Atleast now we are all in agreement that the jews stole the sumarian story to build up there god as a angry jealous god that wont bink an eye without murdering everyone LOL

Hey are you french or pregnant? This aint no we thang ;)


Jehovah our God is One
Atleast now we are all in agreement that the jews stole the sumarian story to build up there god as a angry jealous god that wont bink an eye without murdering everyone LOL

who's everyone?

I certainly dont agree with your conclusion in the slightest.


Well-Known Member
*scratching head* :confused:

How did this thread become a debate about AIDs and sexual immorality?

There is no connection at all between "the wonders of science" and any religious doctrine.

Evolution is not "wondrous". It is, more often than not, brutal and unforgiving. It would not work without death.

Nobody who "believes in evolution" would ever make the absurd claim that human beings came from monkeys. There is a difference between apes and monkeys. ;)

Both are furry critters:) I think if I did evolve I came from a Dog:)

Just let me ask one question. How will the earth end? The Bible told us long before science.

Pork is bad for you and the Bible said this long before science.

The Bible warned of homosexuality and immortality and that is what got aids going good.

Void and formless thousands of years before science confirmed it.

Cain went out and bread with a neanderthal and we have proof of that now.

The earth will most likely end in heat death, but not for a few billion years.

And your ignorance of AID's is quite amazing. AID's when first discovered was thought to be a homosexual desease, but that myth has long been proven false. Genetic studies indicate that it passed into the human population from chimpanzees.

I never said that it came from homosexuals and you should learn to read. I said that was what got it going not what started it. Now if you are so stupid you can't comprehend what I said then don't make a post putting words in my mouth. I never said that.

In your blind ignorance you did not take notice that I also said immorality which covers all peoples.

Also turn spell check on if you can.

BTW I don't know what AIDs is. AIDS is Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) no little s or 's

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
who's everyone?

I certainly dont agree with your conclusion in the slightest.

I'm in agreement that the story was lifted from the earlier Sumerian story. There could have been the possibility they (the writers) wrote the story to put fear or to control the masses but I'm really not sure about that part. I simply think they took the story to try and make some sense of man's possible beginnings considering they weren't as knowledgeable about the natural world as we are today.


I'm in agreement that the story was lifted from the earlier Sumerian story. There could have been the possibility they (the writers) wrote the story to put fear or to control the masses but I'm really not sure about that part. I simply think they took the story to try and make some sense of man's possible beginnings considering they weren't as knowledgeable about the natural world as we are today.

Im not sure why the stole the story there are a handfull of metaphores and parabals that could be used and they did.

the sumarian story predates noah and is only changed the slightest.

either way we know only a regional flood happened and the OT version is fiction


Well-Known Member
Im not sure why the stole the story there are a handfull of metaphores and parabals that could be used and they did.

the sumarian story predates noah and is only changed the slightest.

either way we know only a regional flood happened and the OT version is fiction

I would not say fiction by original intent but I will concur that the story no matter the source was likely embellished by the original scribes and further embellishment has come from some deceitfulness on the part of the Christian Church focusing on the massive flood instead of the truth of the tale. I mean sometimes I think the flood is the focus in a sermon and the meaning of the story is lost.


further embellishment has come from some deceitfulness on the part of the Christian Church focusing on the massive flood instead of the truth of the tale

If im not mistaken the christian church did not every touch the OT story. The tale we know was down pat and can be traced back through early jewish writings in what 500bc

thi sis how we knoe it didnt stray from the sumarian version

I would not say fiction by original intent but

the early hebrews often wrote storys as poems and jus like inoccent fables ment to be read allegorically. They did not however write it to be read literally. They knew it was fiction that explained there morals and thoughst they were trying to convey. This is even written in early text.

I mean sometimes I think the flood is the focus in a sermon and the meaning of the story is lost

there was allot in this story you can relate with is so many ways. new start, birth of a new nation with the slate wiped clean. Sins of the past flushed, mans new chance to get it right. using Fear to keep heathens from sinning. ect ect ect thats just scratching the surface. It left the door wide open for someone to preach many many different positive meanings.

just my opinion


Well-Known Member
If im not mistaken the christian church did not every touch the OT story. The tale we know was down pat and can be traced back through early jewish writings in what 500bc

there was allot in this story you can relate with is so many ways. new start, birth of a new nation with the slate wiped clean. Sins of the past flushed, mans new chance to get it right. using Fear to keep heathens from sinning. ect ect ect thats just scratching the surface. It left the door wide open for someone to preach many many different positive meanings.

just my opinion

Nothing wrong with that opinion and What I was saying you have, in a way, clarified. I did not mean that the Word was changed but that it was preached in such a way that it was embellished no matter the text. You know kind of like some Churches make it up as they go along.


Nothing wrong with that opinion and What I was saying you have, in a way, clarified. I did not mean that the Word was changed but that it was preached in such a way that it was embellished no matter the text. You know kind of like some Churches make it up as they go along.

thats one of the problems i have if read so literal.

must be something powerfull to it lol, people to this day still search for the ark.


Well-Known Member
thats one of the problems i have if read so literal.

must be something powerfull to it lol, people to this day still search for the ark.

As I have said I believe the truth of the story (lesson) and I believe it is based in some fact somewhere, sometime that ended up being attributed to God, and all is attributable to a creator.

I believe the account of the flood in the OT happened exactly like it is written for the purposes of teaching a lesson. I mean we are talking about an oral account that probably crossed languages and traditions (get my drift?).


(get my drift?).

i dont

oral account that probably crossed languages and traditions

as written its a hebrew legend, of a hebrew, passed down to hebrews.

I believe the account of the flood in the OT happened exactly like it is written for the purposes of teaching a lesson

this is where i get lost, you believe there was really a worldwide flood that killed everyone and started mankind a new??? and that we are all inbreed from noahs clan?


Well-Known Member
i dont

as written its a hebrew legend, of a hebrew, passed down to hebrews.

this is where i get lost, you believe there was really a worldwide flood that killed everyone and started mankind a new??? and that we are all inbreed from noahs clan?

Ok my drift is it was written as it was worded. I believe that the story said there was a worldwide flood and it was not written as fiction and every word of it was true in the eyes of the writer. As to the first person to tell the story? Who knows to them the world they knew (fertile crescent) flooded all the time and the world was a small place. Perhaps their world had been flooded and they did not know of the rest of the world.


Ok my drift is it was written as it was worded. I believe that the story said there was a worldwide flood and it was not written as fiction and every word of it was true in the eyes of the writer. As to the first person to tell the story? Who knows to them the world they knew (fertile crescent) flooded all the time and the world was a small place. Perhaps their world had been flooded and they did not know of the rest of the world.

in that case I understand where your coming from.

I do not agree, based on there own written words. I think you may underestimate there intellegence. they were smart as me or you and the story in my eyes is very clear what there intent was. since there are conflicting versions we know the tale was told from more then one previos version. well that and the 5 different authors.

They knew the earth was large and they also knew there were people further away from them and a regional flood did not cover everything.

fact is, the authors were never there and never a witness. The fable was handed down for centurys orally before the story was expanded as written. The storys also went through close to 500 years to get to the present form.

if you take a story you know nothing about and expand upon it 5 different times I dont know how you can not find it fiction. Were the jewish scribes telling blatant lies, I believe they were. the early sumarian clay cuneiform have almost all of genesis written in it.

so now you have to judge if the sumarians god did it because the hebrew stole/borrowed and made someone elses history there own for there own god and needs.

seems like hebrew fiction to me no matter how you slice it.

all just my personal opinion


Well-Known Member
You are entitled to your opinion. As I said embellished "The fable was handed down for centurys orally before the story was expanded as written." and so do you.

"I think you may underestimate there intellegence." No I do not. It was a small world back then.