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The Sun (Earth) stood still?


The Lost One
Here is the quote:
Joshua 10:12-14 said:
On the day the LORD gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the LORD in the presence of Israel: “Sun, stand still over Gibeon,
and you, moon, over the Valley of Aijalon.”
13 So the sun stood still,
and the moon stopped,
till the nation avenged itself on[b] its enemies,
as it is written in the Book of Jashar.
The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. 14 There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the LORD listened to a human being. Surely the LORD was fighting for Israel!
Miracle, yes.

Scientifically possible, no.

I don't believe in miracles.

The Earth can't just stop spinning and then jump-start again, for one full day. If the earth was to stop spinning on its axis, it would be a very long time for it to restart spinning again. And even then, it WOULDN'T and COULDN'T be spinning at the same rotational velocity as before this so-called miracle happened.

The only way I can see it happening, if the Earth's axis jumped from the North Pole to Gibeon, and then back again, the next day. High improbable.

So it is nothing but make-believe.
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Miracle or make-believe, but there seem to be some "possible" scientific expalnations for this sort of heavenly phenomenon - metroids coming close to earth causing disturbances, etc - that lied in with this event mentioned in the bible. You could probably goggle this piece of information.

David M

Well-Known Member
Miracle or make-believe, but there seem to be some "possible" scientific expalnations for this sort of heavenly phenomenon - metroids coming close to earth causing disturbances, etc - that lied in with this event mentioned in the bible. You could probably goggle this piece of information.

No, there is no possible scientific explanation, none whatsoever.

Any object with an effect strong enough to stop the earths rotation (let alone restart) it would rip the planet apart. Work out the force needed to stop an object with a mass of 6 sextillion tons that is rotating at about 1000 miles an hours at its surface and you will realise that any claim you find on the internet that its possible is a lie.
No, there is no possible scientific explanation, none whatsoever.

Any object with an effect strong enough to stop the earths rotation (let alone restart) it would rip the planet apart. Work out the force needed to stop an object with a mass of 6 sextillion tons that is rotating at about 1000 miles an hours at its surface and you will realise that any claim you find on the internet that its possible is a lie.

So this is another man-made story from the bible.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
metroids coming close to earth causing disturbances, etc





The Lost One
sweetvoice said:
So this is another man-made story from the bible.


I don't know the rotational speed of the Earth, but it has to be very precise, because the orbital cycle of the moon around the Earth (29 days, 12 hours and so many minutes), along with Earth's rotation (24 hours, as well as the Earth's solar year of 365 days, 5 hours and so many minutes), haven't change much in the last 10000 years.

(Note: I've said "so many minutes" twice now, because I don't remember the exact minutes. Maybe someone else can supply those minutes.)

Stopping the Earth would seriously disrupt everything.

It is a myth or made up, because the general thinking of that time is that the Earth is stationary (centre of the universe), while the sun move across our sky (geocentric model or system).
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Well-Known Member
No, there is no possible scientific explanation, none whatsoever.

Any object with an effect strong enough to stop the earths rotation (let alone restart) it would rip the planet apart. Work out the force needed to stop an object with a mass of 6 sextillion tons that is rotating at about 1000 miles an hours at its surface and you will realise that any claim you find on the internet that its possible is a lie.
You have to remember you are looking at data received by people who lived centuries ago. They did not have the technology (at least that we know of) to measure how fast the earth or sun rotates. So looking at the situation with plausible facts aside from deeming this "insane", I would guess likelihood of meteor or a close representation of something similar.


The Lost One
horizon_mj1 said:
You have to remember you are looking at data received by people who lived centuries ago. They did not have the technology (at least that we know of) to measure how fast the earth or sun rotates.

Sure, they couldn't measure the speed of rotation, but they could measure times, and they have learn from experiences, precisely measure the cycle of the years, seasons and the lunar cycles.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Miracle or make-believe, but there seem to be some "possible" scientific expalnations for this sort of heavenly phenomenon - metroids coming close to earth causing disturbances, etc - that lied in with this event mentioned in the bible. You could probably goggle this piece of information.

To say at the least, It wouldn't be a very good thing for us humans if the earth became tidally locked. I doubt we would survive.

From another angle, there would be a need to be closer to the poles for the sun to apparently "stop" in the sky, but again the period of time and geographical location described makes this story to be a mythological account and not grounded in reality whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
Sure, they couldn't measure the speed of rotation, but they could measure times, and they have learn from experiences, precisely measure the cycle of the years, seasons and the lunar cycles.
Right. A light from an object entering the earth's atmosphere could disturb their means of measuring time.


Well-Known Member
To say at the least, It wouldn't be a very good thing for us humans if the earth became tidally locked. I doubt we would survive.

From another angle, there would be a need to be closer to the poles for the sun to apparently "stop" in the sky, but again the period of time and geographical location described makes this story to be a mythological account and not grounded in reality whatsoever.
So geographically there is no plausible way that a meteor could have struck when this was written and where it was written?


It is possible but not plausible that a meteor hit the earth at that time.

If you think of the physics, this meteor would have to have an extraordinary mass, and still have a huge mass once it becomes a meteorite. Then you would also have to think of the angle this meteor would have to enter the earth's atmosphere. It has to be going opposite of the earth's rotational force to be most effective, but still be close to 90 as to actually 'hook' the earth, or 'grab' it. And of course all these numbers would have to reduce the earth's speed to around 0. I assume even if we were going 100 km/h instead of around 1600 km/h, it would still seem like we stopped, for a while.

Now it has to get even sillier. Another meteor would have to hit the earth, this time at an angle that would favor the direction we were spinning in and it would have to equal the exact speed we were rotation before.

The problems with this:
-I don't know how long this event supposedly happened but if the earth would be tidally locked, the side facing the sun would start to burn up, while the other one would cool down. Meaning we would not be able to survive because of these extreme temperatures.

-Once the meteor has struck the earth and caused our rotation to slow down we would be flying at a speed around 1600 km/h. This would happen again once the earth starts rotating.

-These meteorite holes would defiantly be evident, even in the year 2011.

It is silly to say that it is impossible, but it is even sillier to say that it actually happened.

David M

Well-Known Member
-These meteorite holes would defiantly be evident, even in the year 2011.

A meteor of sufficent mass and velocity to stop the rotation of the earth would make the KT impact look like someone dropping a pebble. It would be the proverbial planet-killer and there would need to be two of them.

It is silly to say that it is impossible, but it is even sillier to say that it actually happened.

It is not silly to say its impossible in the period specified, an event that significant would have left evidence that could not be overlooked (assuming anyone survived it).

So geographically there is no plausible way that a meteor could have struck when this was written and where it was written?

Its not plausible that a meteor could have caused the effect that was written about.

Right. A light from an object entering the earth's atmosphere could disturb their means of measuring time.

No, it wouldn't. Because the event would be over too quickly and remember it was day when this was supposed to have started so the sun would also have been visible. There is also the fact that people would have seen meteors before (they are not that rare) even if they didn't know why they happened or where they came from and the ancient Egyptians, for example, already knew that nickel-iron meteors did come from the sky.
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Would it be plausible if this "big" meteorite struck the earth surface so hard putting a large enough dent under sea level (maybe the whole continent of Atlantis), which then start a reverse directional rotation of the earth as we know it today. This reverse sprint took hours to right itself causing some changes in the earth axis and re-positioning of continents as well. From the angle on earth the sun then would seem to stand still for a few hours before moving down the wrong direction.
Well, some fantasy or harry porter stuff for us. Have fun!


Well-Known Member
No, it wouldn't. Because the event would be over too quickly and remember it was day when this was supposed to have started so the sun would also have been visible. There is also the fact that people would have seen meteors before (they are not that rare) even if they didn't know why they happened or where they came from and the ancient Egyptians, for example, already knew that nickel-iron meteors did come from the sky.
So you are telling me all astronomical occurrences at this time are recorded and known by science through conventional means? An astrological body creating an illusion is the only plausible (reasonable,IMO) theory. I am curious to know all of the astrological bodies that may have appeared at the time (I guess I gave myself some homework if the answer exists yet).


Well-Known Member
Would it be plausible if this "big" meteorite struck the earth surface so hard putting a large enough dent under sea level (maybe the whole continent of Atlantis), which then start a reverse directional rotation of the earth as we know it today. This reverse sprint took hours to right itself causing some changes in the earth axis and re-positioning of continents as well. From the angle on earth the sun then would seem to stand still for a few hours before moving down the wrong direction.
Well, some fantasy or harry porter stuff for us. Have fun!
Yeah, if people would only take the time to realize what they are ***uming.;)I highly doubt that many mammals or any other life form for that matter would survive enough even to evolve.


Well-Known Member
Y'all are missing something.

It says the sun and the moon stood still on the that day in the same verse. If these two places existed at that one time, there was maybe 15 miles separating them.

Are you going to tell me that you have never looked up in the sky and seen the sun and the moon occupying the sky at the same time? or have never thought that maybe Joshua is describing an eclipse of some kind?

Further, as to the meteor spoken of earlier. I present verse 11 of that chapter
11. And it was as they fled from before Israel, and were in the descent of Beth-horon, that the Lord cast down great stones from heaven upon them to Azekah, and they died. There were more who died with the hailstones than whom the children of Israel slew with the sword.
It mentions hailstones Which assumes one of two things. A severe storm or a meteor shower. Meteors, when entering the atmosphere, can look like the sun or the moon depending on your interpretation.
Y'all are missing something.

It says the sun and the moon stood still on the that day in the same verse. If these two places existed at that one time, there was maybe 15 miles separating them.

Are you going to tell me that you have never looked up in the sky and seen the sun and the moon occupying the sky at the same time? or have never thought that maybe Joshua is describing an eclipse of some kind?

Further, as to the meteor spoken of earlier. I present verse 11 of that chapter

It mentions hailstones Which assumes one of two things. A severe storm or a meteor shower. Meteors, when entering the atmosphere, can look like the sun or the moon depending on your interpretation.

The sun is on one side and the moon on the other side of the earth (night time), and it, the moon, also stood still (because the earth stood still). As to the metaorites, they could be called hailstones of those days, which could be debris from those bigger metoeorites. Maybe???


non-existential luminary
Joshua 10 vs 12 to 14:
The sun stood still. Miracle or scientific possiblity?
Surely, Lucifer can stop a misly little planet from rotating.

That the event happened is possible.
That it didn't happen is also possible.
None of it has any say on whether it was natural or magical.
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