Christians will never understand what is so simple and logical. As you said, there are countless different interpretations of the Bible, yet Christians
assume that their interpretation is the only correct one and the other interpretations are incorrect. There can only be one explanation for this, it is called ego.
I have been doing some research in order to respond to a post that capumetu wrote on another thread and I stumbled upon this website. Given you are a rational person I thought you would appreciate it. It is worthy of a new thread but I don't have time for that right now, maybe later.
What are the odds that the Jehovah’s Witnesses are right?
If we closely examine the objective data, the odds really don’t look good at all for Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Even if we make the colossal assumption that God exists and that He uses the bible as a means of communication with mankind, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have precious little in the way of sufficient evidence.
Let’s consider some of the evidence they present.
They claim that only Jehovah’s Witnesses teach what the bible says. They will then list certain doctrines they believe back up this claim, such as:-
God is not a trinity
Humans don’t have an immortal soul
Humans were to live forever on earth
Only Jehovah’s Witnesses preach God’s kingdom worldwide
The bible translates itself
To back up these claims, Jehovah’s Witnesses will cherry-pick or highlight certain specific biblical passages. According to them, their beliefs are all backed up by the bible and they claim that only their religion teaches what the bible says. This gives them full confidence that their religion is right and they forge ahead with the self-assured conviction that they are being used by and approved by God, who is revealing the truth of the bible to them gradually.
The biggest problem with all of these grandiose claims is the fact that their evidence is a succession of assumptions based on mere human opinion. All the evidence they use is based on the subjective deductions of unguided, uninspired men.
For a start, the way they read and translate the bible is based on the assumption that it is to be taken literally. They then assume that certain parts of the bible are to be emphasised over other portions. From that weak foundation they construct their doctrines, all of them based on subjective human deduction, and as a result, Jehovah’s Witnesses make the bold proclamation that only they have the truth of the bible.
The problem with this methodology is that the evidence is unfalsifiable. Alternative religions will also claim they have the truth about the bible, but their conclusions contradict those of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is because they have a completely different set of assumptions that they construct their belief system on. There are other religions that don’t believe that the bible is the authority on what is true. Instead, they believe that God reveals His truth to his subjects using the Holy Spirit. They claim that the bible is there as a guide, and the literal translation of the bible is not necessary because God speaks to them directly.
However, the structure of these other religions is also based on human opinion and their beliefs are equally as unfalsifiable.
Unfalsifiable assertions, by their very nature, cannot be proved true or false. Therefore, it would be irrational to consider unfalsifiable claims as solid evidence. This is where the methodology of the Jehovah’s Witnesses breaks down. They have extremely low standards of evidence.
However, there are factors in the belief system of the Jehovah’s Witnesses that are verifiable and from these we can assess the validity of the claim that they have the correct understanding of the bible.
The bible is prophetic and prophesies can be tested objectively to ascertain whether they are true or not because they are falsifiable.
If the Jehovah’s Witnesses had a true understanding of scripture, and if they were indeed God’s organisation, the evidence would suggest that they would have an educated grasp and understanding of what they bible says regarding prophetic predictions. One would expect to find a succession of prophesies that uphold the teachings of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. If their interpretation of the bible is correct, it would be reasonable to conclude that this would be true with regard to all aspects of the bible, including the prophetic elements.
So what does the evidence show?
Quite frankly, the evidence is completely against them. Every verifiable prophesy or prophetic speculation made by the Watchtower has failed. All attempts made by Jehovah’s Witnesses regarding the understanding of bible prophesy have failed. Their rendition of prophetic accounts of the bible have proved false time and time again.
Even though they use the same methodology to understand the prophetic biblical passages that they utilise for their doctrines and teachings, accuracy with regards to the prophetic aspect of the bible has consistently eluded them. They have no better understanding of the bible when it comes to prophesy than any other religion which promotes a different interpretation of the bible.
This means that the only part of the Jehovah’s Witnesses belief system that can truly be tested, ultimately proves that they are wrong… in spectacular fashion. A 100% failure rate is about as conclusive as it gets.
Their defence against this failure to understand the prophetic aspect of the bible is to deny they are prophets and also to make the excuse that they are imperfect and prone to making errors in their understanding.
However, this defence works against them. If they are not prophets then how do they know that their unfalsifiable doctrines are true? How can they know that their approach to the bible is correct, if their imperfect opinions result in erroneous bible understanding?
The ‘imperfect man’ argument might account for a small amount of inaccuracy in prophetic interpretation. But in practice it would seem that human imperfection completely overrides God’s efforts to convey His prophetic pronouncements. The ramification of this are huge.
If we were to adopt this excuse, sinful mankind would be excused from not heeding Jehovah’s warnings of imminent destruction, owing to the incompetent manner in which He communicates with humans. It would mean that God’s chosen people preach a nebulous, inaccurate, erroneous and contradictory message in the time period just before God is apparently about to take action to destroy anyone who doesn’t heed His warnings. Such a god would be wholly immoral… to be so utterly reckless as to execute people when the message from His chosen servants was so vague and inconsistent as well as completely inaccurate and false. However, I digress…
In conclusion, it’s easy to make the claim that your beliefs are based on the bible when there is no sure way to prove this one way or the other, apart from subjective opinion. However, if every verifiable prophetic interpretation and speculation of a religion proves to be false, which is the case with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, any other evidence used to back up unfalsifiable claims should be seriously called into question.
This leaves Jehovah’s Witnesses with no valid reason to believe they are correct, even if we make the assumption that the bible is true.
When it comes to the testable, objective and falsifiable aspects of the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ beliefs, they are provably wrong. Therefore, the odds are completely against them when it comes to the rest of their dogma, considering that they use exactly the same methodology for interpreting doctrine from the bible as they do for prophesy.
What are the odds that the Jehovah’s Witnesses are right? - Quora