Alright, back to evolution. Seems like MoF was with us and agreed that new species arise, and also new genii, all in the way described by evolutionary theory. He doesn't know what a "kind" is, but feels comfortable that species and genus fit within it.
Say so far we covered 10,000 years. This process continues and is going on all the time all around you. (Isn't God amazing?) So over a million years, after many new species have emerged, they will continue to differentiate from the ancestral lizard in the same way, over and over, getting more and more different from their ancestor and each other as you go along. After a million years, you have new species, new genii, new families, and so forth. Over a billion years, you inevitably get new orders, new classes, and even new phylla, all from the same ancestor.
Some important things to be clear about: you never see a new class or even a new genus emerging. All you ever see is a new species. It's only over much time, and many new species, that they can be grouped into genii, families and so forth. In retrospect, you might say.
And, as you can see, it's very, very, gradual. Individuals don't change, populations do. Each generation resembles its parents almost exactly, with slight variation. But over thousands of generations the population has gradually changes so much that the descendants are not in the same species as the thousands-of-generations-ago ancestor.
Got any problems with any of that, MoF?