First of all what does everything that you given have to do with 2nd kings 24:6-8 and
2nd Chronicles 36:8-9.
Maybe you should try staying with the subject at hand.
Besides all the books that you give there was only one book that was used in reference and that was KJV 1611.
I am not one to try and keep up with all those other books, As I use to do, I have found it's much better to go by one book than try to carry a bunch of other books around.
And as for Translation, I have the Strong's Concordance of the Hebrew and Greek and the companion bible which also has the Hebrew and Greek and English Translations.
So if you want to talk about the Bible with me, go by the KJV 1611, other than that, you will find it no use with me.
This is why your all mix-up and confused, trying to keep up with so many other Translations of the bible.