I believe it is true. He was quoting the first line of a prophetic psalm that refers to HIm.
I don't believe it does show that Jesus has one will that is separate from God. The fact is that Jesus like all of us has two wills: the will of the flesh which is not God and the will of the spirit which is God. Our wills are the Will of the flesh and the will of our spirit neither of which is God but when we have Jesus as Lord and Savior we have the will of the Spirit of God as well.
I believe that is blasphemy. I reason very well, thank you.
I believe He does better than anyone.
I believe in its essence it is not polytheism.
While i completely disagree with you and your logic, lets move on to something else. If Jesus and God are in 1, as you (baselessly) assume how about the knowledge of the hour?
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
This also shows that Jesus does not have "Godly" knowledge as "Godly" knowledge is perfect thus, knowing everything, past, present and future. Why does the father know something Jesus does not?
So previously we have seen Jesus cry out for being forsaken by the father (a difference of wills) and now we see the father having more knowledge than Jesus (a difference of knowledge). Yet, you want to say, Jesus, who is a man, that is dependent on food, air, water, bathroom and everything else you and I are dependent on, is some how equal to the father, which is independent of all things?