The website makes clear the difference between Case Study 29 and 54. Whereas Case study 29 focused on the actual experiences of individual abuse survivors, (referred to as BCG and BCB), Case Study 54 states;
The purpose of this public hearing is not to inquire into individual sets of facts or particular events as has occurred in previous Royal Commission case studies.........In other words, the scale of the abuse itself and the fact that it took place is no longer in question. This Case Study is focused much more on the actual policies that were uncovered, the systemic flaws in those policies that allowed such horrific abuse to take place and subsequently go unreported, and the reasons as to why Watchtower is apparently refusing to act on recommendations. It is quite probable that areas of key concern flagged up in the Case Study 29 final report, such as shunning and the Judicial Committee process, will also come under much tighter is highly unlikely that Watchtower will inform Jehovah’s Witnesses that this case study is underway due to the potentially damaging revelations that will be made.