The tree of knowledge of good and evil, was the tree of the LAW.
Good vs bad
Right vs wrong
The law basically tells us the same thing.
The tree of knowledge of good and evil was a kind of tree that did not GIVE life, but took life.
Whoever would eat from it, it would take its life in order to sustain itself and live.
Hence....when adam and eve ate from it....they did eventually die. They would have lived forever. Man, they must have been AWESOME beings of life! So the tree of knowledge of good and evil has been sustaining itself with the living souls on this planet. But the souls here on this planet, have subsequently been drained of eternal life.
Anyway...the tree of life...was a different kind of tree. This tree would give you life if you ate from it, and not take your life to sustain itself.
The one tree, would suck the life out of you, the other would give you life.
The one tree requires you to sustain it. The other will sustain you.
If you are a branch on the tree of knowledge of good and evil, it will drain you of life. If you are connected to the tree of life, it will give you life.
Jesus died when he gave his life to the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and it no longer requires our life to sustain it. Jesus came to 'fullfill' the law..thereby fullfilling its hunger.
Comments? Ideas?
The Bible tells us that God placed in the middle of Garden of Eden two trees, The tree of The knowledge of Good and Bad, and the Tree of Life.
Why were these trees put in the garden??
Since God had given Adam and Eve everything they could want or need, God put just ONE thing they were NOT to do. God did this in order for Adam and Eve to be able to show God that they were going to listen to Him, and follow His rules, and that they appreciated what He had done for them. There is a term in Theology called Cuncursus, which means that God would protect them from any harm, and they would continue to live as long as they obeyed Him. If they had continued to obey God they would still be alive on earth today.
Another interesting point is the fact: When God makes a statement about His PURPOSE, that purpose WILL come true, Isa 55:11. So as soon as Adam and Eve rebelled against God, He immediately put into force, what is called in Theology, The Federal Theory, or Covenant Theory. This meant that God would give, at a future time, the same promises that were meant for Adam and Eve, to anyone who proved faithful to God and accepted His son as their ransom savior, John 3:16, Matt 20:28, Acts 4:12 13:38,39, Gal 2:16.
The reason for the Tree of Life being in the Garden was: If Adam and Eve had continued to listen to God for a period of time God would have let them eat of the Tree of Life, and they would have granted Everlasting Life, and then they would never have to worry about dying as they saw the animals do. This point is brought out in Rev 2:7,22:14.