Well-Known Member
1robin said:I will move on to another prophecy that is far more certain.
"Far more certain?," now that is cute since in your post 41, you said that the odds that God inspired the Tyre prophecy are roughly 75 million to one. The odds are far less than that that Jesus fulfilled any messianic prophecies, and no rational person would ever claim that the odds that God inspired the Tyre prophecy are even ten to one, let alone 75 million to one. You got those utterly absurd odds from the late Peter W. Stoner, who you amazingly tried to discredit for other reasons later in this thread when I told you that he disagreed with you about something, but it wasn't actually amazing since some of your other sources disagreed with you about some other issues. Of course, Stoner was a nut, as his online book at shows if you are interested in reading lots of the book. That is where the odds that you mentioned in your post 41 came from.
1robin said:Holy heck what are you talking about. You have been pushing a debate with me, trying to suck me into new threads, posting the same thing over and over, getting upset even when I was slow in responding, now you really are not interested. Fine with me either way but this is like a Jeckle and Hyde sort of change here.
As is often the case, you have made a false assessment of something. It is you who have a history of withdrawing from debates, not me, four of which I mentioned in my previous post, and you planned to soon withdraw from this thread, which would make five debates that you have withdrawn from. Three of the debates that you withdrew from were not nearly as long as this thread, and the main thread on homosexuality. Your typical tricks when you get into trouble are to claim that I repeat arguments, which I sometimes don't, or that I did not reply to your arguments adequately, which I usually do. In this thread, and in the thread on homosexuality, I replied to far more of your arguments than you replied to mine. Yes, you are busier than I am, but nevertheless, it is you who are evasive, not me. There are still lots of things that need to be discussed regarding those five debates. If necessary, I can provide numerous post numbers from various threads regarding cases where I did not repeat an argument, and you refused to reply to it.
1robin said:You just let me know what you want to do and I will respond accordingly.
Ok, let's continue all five debates, starting with my post 350 in this thread, and my most recent reply to you in the main thread on homosexuality. You thought that you made a good post when you eventually came up with two main arguments, but all that you did was state two problems, not offer any solutions. Obviously, from a secular moral perspective, no action is wrong unless there are better alternatives, and you did not provide any alternatives that all homosexuals need to use. I agree with you that homosexuals who practice unsafe sex should practice abstinence, but any reasonable person knows that there is no need for long term, monogamous homosexuals who are strongly committed to monogamy to practice abstinence, and especially lesbians, who have far less STD risks than gay men do.
1robin said:The 350 that predict Christ and points in his life.
As an article at Why Jesus could not be the Messiah of the Old Testament shows, Jesus did not fulfill any messianic prophecies. There is a multitude of evidence, largely from modern Jewish scholars, that shows that Jesus did not fulfill any messianic prophecies.
Wikipedia says:
Wikipedia said:Judaism generally views Jesus as one of a number of false messiahs who have appeared throughout history. Jesus is viewed as having been the most influential, and consequently the most damaging, of all false messiahs. However, since the mainstream Jewish belief is that the messiah has not yet come and the Messianic Age is not yet present, the total rejection of Jesus as either messiah or deity in Judaism has never been a central issue for Judaism.
Judaism has never accepted any of the claimed fulfillments of prophecy that Christianity attributes to Jesus.......Jewish eschatology holds that the coming of the Messiah will be associated with a specific series of events that have not yet occurred, including the return of Jews to their homeland and the rebuilding of The Temple, a Messianic Age of peace and understanding during which "the knowledge of God" fills the earth, and since Jews believe that none of these events occurred during the lifetime of Jesus (nor have they occurred afterwards, except for the return of many Jews to their homeland in Israel), he is not a candidate for messiah.
So Jesus could not have been the messiah. Even if Jesus performed miracles, and rose from the dead, he did not fulfill any messianic prophecies, and must have been an imposter.
The Hebrews could not have been God's chosen people. The Old Testament says that God promised Abraham and his descendants all of the ancient land of Canaan as an everlasting convenient. However, today, Israel does not control anywhere near all of the ancient land of Canaan, and there is not any credible evidence that the ancient Hebrews did. Even if they did, the covenant was not everlasting since Israel does not control anywhere near all of the ancient land of Canaan today. No discussion about the Hebrews being God's chosen people can begin until modern Jews control all of the ancient land of Canaan since that was part of the original covenant that God made with Abraham. Many secular arguments can easily explain why modern Israel accomplished what it accomplished. Of course, I much prefer Israel to its neighbors, partly because the majority of Israelis accept homosexuals, and Israel has allowed openly homosexual people to serve in its military for decades, and partly because I prefer Judaism to Islam.
During Old Testament times, there is no way that a loving God would have been primarily concerned with Hebrews, and would have essentially turned his back on everyone else in the world.
Anyway, I will not discuss any of those things in detail until we have finished discussing the other issues that I mentioned in my previous post.
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