Does evolution prove that God does not exist? Can't speak for everyone else but it can't. Here's why: everything we know about evolution and every fact about evolution is IN THE MIND. Evolution and any atheist belief about the origin of life or the universe depends upon the existence of KANTIAN NOUMENA-a copy of what's in our consciousness that is not our consciousness nor made up of consciousness in the external world.
Sorry, but Charles Darwin was never an atheist.
Darwin was a Christian when he went on voyage as a young man during the 1st half of 1830s, and he was still a Christian when he made public On Origin of Species in 1859. He did leans towards agnosticism, but he never renounced his Christian faith. All Darwin did, was keep his belief from his works, in science, that’s all.
Most of scientists in Darwin’s days, who accepted his Natural Selection, were largely Christians, not atheists.
As to the universe, the expanding universe model, in 1920s (later called the Big Bang in very late 1940s), there were 3 independent scientists giving the same model.
Alexander Friedmann (Russian, in 1922), Howard Percy Robertson (American, 1924-25) and Georges Lemaître (Belgian, 1927) all wrote their papers on this model. Friedmann and Robertson may have been atheists, but Lemaître was a Christian, and even Roman Catholic priest.
So you have 3 scientists coming up with same concept on the origin of universe, so clearly it isn’t about atheists and theists.
And very earlier on, the Pope, in 1950s, I don’t remember his name, actually supported Lemaître’s work on the Big Bang. Again, clearly, the Big Bang isn’t about atheism or theism.
You are generalising, and like all silly creationists, you have ignored some of the scientists with Christian background, having contributed to both evolution and the Big Bang.
Stop making sweeping claims about evolution being “only for atheists”.