That what I wonder... why wouldn't the stories about Jesus be fiddled with, embellished and made to fit Church dogma? A virgin birth, casting out demons, walking on water and rising from the dead and ascending into heaven make him a God/man.
Who in those days wouldn't want to be on the side of a God/man that is going to come back and save them and destroy all the evil people?
Claiming that a person was an eyewitness to all those miraculous things helps make it sound true... like those things really happened. They say, "Hey, one of the guys doubted. But them Jesus appeared and let the guy touch him. And the guy saw with his own eyes... Jesus was real."
Then comes the "good news"... "Hey, you're a sinner. I'm a sinner. We're all sinners. But believe all this stuff we're telling you. All these crazy stories... And you'll be saved. Everyone else, all those that don't believe? Well, they going to burn in hell for eternity. You want that?"
Who in those days would say, "No" to that? And it still works today. "Jesus is real. He is God. And he's coming back. You don't want to be left behind." It makes it pretty easy to be a Christian. What does a person got to lose? They can even keep on sinning and get absolved and forgiven as they go. Technically, I guess, a person is supposed to repent and not do those sins anymore. But who does that? I'd imagine... not too many, if any.
Now the big problem... people telling them that those stories about Jesus aren't true. Who in any religion wants to hear that? Of course they're gonna get defensive. But how does a person defend beliefs they can't prove? And beliefs that make them feel so good and rest assured that one day they will go to heaven to be with Jesus?
They're going to find someway to prove what they believe is true. And every religion and every sect of every religion does the same thing... find ways to prove that what they believe is The Truth.