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There are no mistakes in Quran


paarsurrey, I don't remember your thoughts the last time I brought up 5:32?

When that became a popular verse to show good, wise things in the Qur'an it was perplexing - partly because it's Jewish and primarily because it is from late Talmud commentary about specific scripture in the Tanakh, yet portrayed in the Qur'an as being from God > to a prophet > to the children of Israel. AKA as Jewish scripture itself....though it wasn't.

It's an example of Muhammad or friends, scribes, editors, whomever not knowing the exact source.

Does it count as a mistake? What is your interpretation of "We ordained for the children of Israel...."?


Active Member
If God comes to you and say Quran is not right, you will not reject Quran. You have been so much brainwashed that you cant see what is rational and what is irrational, what is real and what is myth. You are probably too afraid to think against Quran.
You have tonnes of proof out there and still you can't find a single one?
If it is God who made us then it is our moral and rational thinking capability that God has given us- these are the real virtues, not Quran.
If Quran is right, one has to admit that God doesn't know Human psychology, doesn't have the understanding of free will, along with the many scientific facts.
If God Himself says that the Quran is wrong than I think muslims should reject the Quran. But that is a big if. I don't think that the Quran should be shielded from criticism, but that's just my view. I even think that muslims should be encouraged to think critically.


Well-Known Member
It is due to wrong understanding of Quran, much propagated by the opposing websites.
If one studies Quran oneself:
  • intently
  • unbiased
  • with an open mind
  • and with correct approach
One won't find any mistakes in Quran.
Thread open for discussion to everybody.
There are obvious mistakes in all sacred texts, if one truly studies them and I've studied almost all of them. Humans wrote these books and no human is perfect. One can claim that they are God breathed or inspired but nonetheless, all of these books have been translated from one or another language and as such that invites misinterpretation. There are too many words in other languages that cannot be successfully translated. Also, if one looks only at the Bible, there are so many forms of it to make it incomprehensible that it would not be mistaken in some ways. Look at the disclaimer at the end of Mark, for example.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Could it be that Satan perverted the messages in Scripture?
Thats a stretch to take responsibility of human error and put it on satan. I personally say no. Satan has nothing to do with it. If people depend on the "words" rather than the intent or spirit behind it, I think it is on the person. To interpret and apply things in the BC era to the 21st century boggles me. Unless satan is messing with what people take from these scripturesx no, satan is not involved.


Well-Known Member
Thats a stretch to take responsibility of human error and put it on satan. I personally say no. Satan has nothing to do with it. If people depend on the "words" rather than the intent or spirit behind it, I think it is on the person. To interpret and apply things in the BC era to the 21st century boggles me. Unless satan is messing with what people take from these scripturesx no, satan is not involved.
IMO, satan is a manmade concept to keep people in line with good behavior. Sort of like the boogeyman and children. I cannot comprehend the need to believe in such a concept. There is no evil, IMO, it is more of a Yin Yang issue. People can and do make mistakes, sometimes awful ones but to press that onto evil or Satan is a cop out, IMO.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
IMO, satan is a manmade concept to keep people in line with good behavior. Sort of like the boogeyman and children. I cannot comprehend the need to believe in such a concept. There is no evil, IMO, it is more of a Yin Yang issue. People can and do make mistakes, sometimes awful ones but to press that onto evil or Satan is a cop out, IMO.
From a abrahamic perspective, maybe their satan is messing with peoples minds for them to believe their scripture is perfect. Concept or not, though, when it comes to erroe satan has nothing to do with it. Buddhism has somewhat similar concept. The devilish functions and demons of the Ten Worlds (I believe) that prevent Buddhist from becoming enlightened. Though they believe its a personified concept. I dont see how some christians dont see that given their faith is eastern as well.


Active Member
If God Himself says that the Quran is wrong than I think muslims should reject the Quran. But that is a big if. I don't think that the Quran should be shielded from criticism, but that's just my view. I even think that muslims should be encouraged to think critically.
I agree with you.


Active Member
And if it's about the mind, and human psychology? What if the Quran is right, it's just been completely interpreted wrong?
If so what is the purpose of Quran?
It is like someone writing a book on relativity for donkeys.

What if it's about the mind, reality, virtue, science, rational thinking ability, free will, etc.?
The nature of science is that it can be tried and tested any number of times. The computer that you use now, the satellites, medicines, CT - MRI scanning machines, genetics, electron microscope etc, etc, etc, doesn't these make sense to you?


Well-Known Member
If so what is the purpose of Quran?
It is like someone writing a book on relativity for donkeys.

The nature of science is that it can be tried and tested any number of times. The computer that you use now, the satellites, medicines, CT - MRI scanning machines, genetics, electron microscope etc, etc, etc, doesn't these make sense to you?

They sure do make sense, and there is nothing wrong with the nature of science.

The Quran is a book about the human individual. Just as the bible is. In poetic symbolism, allegory, parable, dark sayings. Individual, internal spirituality.

A donkey in text has nothing to do with science, outside philosophy of the mind, so it shouldn't be viewed externally. A donkey is a stubborn individual who gets in their own way of internal growth. Let science stick to the study of literal donkeys.
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Active Member
Asexual and other that we don't know is mentioned in the quran but the problem with the interpretation.

(36:36) سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ الْأَزْوَاجَ كُلَّهَا مِمَّا تُنْبِتُ الْأَرْضُ وَمِنْ أَنْفُسِهِمْ وَمِمَّا لَا يَعْلَمُونَ

الْأَزْوَاجَ : pairs
وَمِنْ أَنْفُسِهِمْ : from themselves (asexual)
وَمِمَّا لَا يَعْلَمُونَ : from unknown
(36:36) Holy is He Who created all things in pairs, whether it be of what the earth produces, and of themselves, and of what they do not know.

Glory be to Him: He is free from every defect and fault, from every error and weakness, and that another one should be His associate and partner in His work. The Quran has generally used these words when refuting polytheistic beliefs, because every belief of shirk is, in fact, an imputation of some defect, some weakness and some fault to Allah. When a person says that Allah has an associate, he in fact, thinks that either Allah is incapable of running and ruling His Kingdom alone, or He is under compulsion to make another His associate in His work. Or, some other beings are so powerful in themselves that they are interfering in God’s administration and God is putting up with their interference. Or, God forbid, Allah has the weaknesses of the worldly kings, due to which He is surrounded by an army of ministers, courtiers, flatterers and beloved princes or princesses, and thus many powers of Godhead have become divided among them. Had there been no such notions of ignorance about Allah in the minds, there could be no question of any idea of shirk in the world. That is why it has been stated again and again in the Quran That Allah is free from and exalted far above those defects and faults and weaknesses which the mushriks ascribe to Him.

31. This is still another argument for Tauhid. Here again certain realities of daily experience have been mentioned and it is suggested that man observes these day and night but does not ponder over them seriously, whereas they contain signs and pointers to the reality. The coming together of the man and woman is the cause of man’s own birth. Procreation among the animals also is due to the combination between the male and the female. Also about vegetation, man knows that the law of sex is working in it. Even among the lifeless substances when different things combine with one another, a variety of compounds come into existence. The basic composition of matter itself has become possible due to the close affinity between the positive and the negative electric charges (what about the charge-less neutrons here). This law of the pairs which is the basis of the existence of the entire universe (again false), contains in itself such complexities and finenesses of wisdom and workmanship, and there exist such harmonies and mutual relationships between the members of each pair that an objective observer can neither regard it as the result of an accident, nor can he believe that many different gods might have created these countless pairs and matched their members, one with the other, with such great wisdom. The members of each pair being a perfect match for each other and coming into being of new things with their combination itself is an explicit argument of the Creator’s being One and only One.

Other than a few more additional blunders, there is nothing about hermaphrodites , bi-sexuals or asexuals here.
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Active Member
Some will still find the quran being wrong, I didn't find a better answers than some verses from the quran itself.

I will turn away from My signs those who are arrogant upon the earth without right; and if they should see every sign, they will not believe in it. And if they see the way of consciousness, they will not adopt it as a way; but if they see the way of error, they will adopt it as a way. That is because they have denied Our signs and they were heedless of them.(7:146)

Indeed, those who disbelieve - it is all the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them - they will not believe.(2:6)

Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment.(2:7)

And no sign comes to them from the signs of their Lord except that they turn away therefrom.(6:4)

For they had denied the truth when it came to them, but there is going to reach them the news of what they used to ridicule.(6:5)

And even if We had sent down to you, [O Muhammad], a written scripture on a page and they touched it with their hands, the disbelievers would say, "This is not but obvious magic."(6:7)
Quran supporting Quran itself.

In science, it is nature that support science. we can test and prove science again and again.
It is our rational thinking capability and morale that is truly god sent. It seems the "believers" are the true disbelievers.


Well-Known Member
Rubbish. They DO mix.

Deal with it.

Yes and no. Scientifically, they do mix. Philosophically, they don't. You have shown that they don't mix. I have presented a fresh idea, and based on your preserved traditional idea... You disagree. They did not mix.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Yes and no. Scientifically, they do mix. Philosophically, they don't. You have shown that they don't mix. I have presented a fresh idea, and based on your preserved traditional idea... You disagree. They did not mix.
Your contribution to this thread is of the lowest of the low hanging fruit. Nice work.

Even philosophically, they mix more than you seem to prefer to suggest.


Well-Known Member
That would certainly be refreshing. :) I encourage them to think critically but their fanaticism has proven to be an impenetrable shield.


Indeed, it would... But something "fresh" does not mix with something preserved traditionally. As you have shown again... They do not mix philosophically.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Rubbish. They DO mix.
Deal with it.
This is how the Koran is always right.
Either deny reality where it conflicts, or claim poetic license.
But then, this approach makes every other religious scripture equally true.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
As you've just shown, that fresh water and salt water don't mix.
You can see this yourself with a very simple set up. Get two bowls, fill one with fresh water and add a couple drops of food coloring, and fill the other with salt water and add a couple drops of food coloring of a different color. Pour the two bowls into a larger container. What you will see, very clearly given the water is colored, is that the two mixed without any resistance.