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There are no mistakes in Quran


Veteran Member
Repeating a religious ideology that even the early Muslims didn't believe is just that, repeating an ideology. This ideology is one of the primary reasons scholarship within Islam is lacking as the ideology drives everything. Read Tabari


Active Member
Yes, Quran is 100% protected against Errors. I believe that till death.
And after death, if you happend to meet god, God will say " I have nothing to do with Quran", and will be asking you- " I had given you morale and a rational mind -why didn't you use it, you could have easily figured it out".


Well-Known Member
And it is He who has released [simultaneously] the two seas, one fresh and sweet and one salty and bitter, and He placed between them a barrier and prohibiting partition.
From wikiislam

In science, if one makes a mistake, he/she accepts it and corrects it. That is how science has grown this far.
In religion, if one finds a mistake, he has to defend it for the sake of religion - and it stagnates.

Science has scientists and religion has religionists. In both, some are traditionalists and some are not. Some are closed-minded and some are open-minded. It's the individual that allows traditions to stagnate external and internal growth, science and the texts are fine.

One should be external, one should be internal. External growth and internal growth.

You're very right, most religions have made it about the outer, and external. Reading texts literally, historically and doing whatever it takes to prove them that way which is easily picked apart by a rational mind. One would also be irrational to conclude that since an internal book cannot be shown externally, that the book is false. It would be like saying, since a religion interprets texts a certain way... it must be what it means and that the text is worthless. The text is not, the interpretation is. The text is not, the particular religion is.

That is where the barrier is.

Science is fine, but certain scientists are traditional. Why classics and quantum don't blend/mix/mesh. The old traditional and the fresh and new stagnate one another. The mind of a traditional scientist is internal, and would need altered and changed in order for growth. The mind of a traditional religionist is internal, and would need altered and changed in order for growth. Change and alterations have to come from the inside first for growth. That's where the mind is.

We are always seeking "new" and "fresh" truth but fail to leave certain aspects of the old behind. Doing so, makes the minds of some bitter. We continue to serve the old wine, rather than the new wine. Stubborn donkeys.


Well-Known Member
Oh look its the usual "Nothing wrong in the Quran/Islam is the true Religion"-thread by paarsurrey.

After this thread is done paarsurrey will once again go on a "Islam is the true Religion/Your scripture is false"-trip in another thread.

And thus the cycle of life continues.


Freedom Of Mind
Your Quran and your religion has been cheating you all throughout the years and throughout history. It only shows how much brain washed you are that you can never figure out a single fault in Quran.

Or is that you have problem with understanding elementary science?

How your reply answered my questions ?

My questions once again

And what science has to tell about the born of the universe from null, what was before the singularity ?
How life started from a non-living universe, where did life come from if there was no life to begin with ?


Well-Known Member
Oh look its the usual "Nothing wrong in the Quran/Islam is the true Religion"-thread by paarsurrey.

After this thread is done paarsurrey will once again go on a "Islam is the true Religion/Your scripture is false"-trip in another thread.

And thus the cycle of life continues.
Funnily enough, if Islam was the "one true religion" (if such a thing existed), then it certainly wouldn't need its subscribers continuously parroting how it is so to non-believers, as if to convince themselves.


Well-Known Member
How your reply answered my questions ?

My questions once again

And what science has to tell about the born of the universe from null, what was before the singularity ?
How life started from a non-living universe, where did life come from if there was no life to begin with ?
We don't know yet, we're in the process of finding out. That's what the scientific method does, rather than just make grand supernatural claims from day 1, without showing a willingness to accept new evidence.


New Member
Wrong interpretation shows that there should be someone from Prophets lineage "Imam" leader of Ummah chosen by God to tell real meaning and explanation of the verses of Quran. And According Shia believes in 12 imam chosen by god to guide people. Quran alone is not ok but there should be a teacher.
Prophet Muhammed (sawa):
" After there will be 12 infallables(Imams)" (Sahih Bukhari)
" I have left two weighty things one is Quran and other is My Progeny those who with them will on the right path" (Sahih Muslim).
Event of Ghadeer-e-Khum:
Prophet Muhammad (sawa):
"........Whomsoever I am Master Ali is his Master, who angries Ali angries me and Allah......."

So the conclusion is There should be a Imam (leader) who was appointed by god to guide people on right path.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Are you professional in the Arabic language ?

This is a common variant on the "you're not reading it right" argument. Plus, it implies that a poster here, is more expert than scholars who spent YEARS laboring over translations.


Transitioning from male to female
This is a common variant on the "you're not reading it right" argument. Plus, it implies that a poster here, is more expert than scholars who spent YEARS laboring over translations.
So we agree that islam is only for middle east. Just a local religion,like thousands of animist ones. But you repeatedly tell us that islam is universal?


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Unification said:
Science has scientists and religion has religionists. In both, some are traditionalists and some are not. Some are closed-minded and some are open-minded. It's the individual that allows traditions to stagnate external and internal growth, science and the texts are fine.

Close minded scientists are never well-regarded in the scientific community. Close-mindedness is antithetical to science.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
So we agree that islam is only for middle east. Just a local religion,like thousands of animist ones. But you repeatedly tell us that islam is universal?

I'm not sure if you mean to be addressing me? Clearly, with 1.6 billion followers, Islam has become a worldwide religion.


Transitioning from male to female
Just another thing,Mohamed is known to be illiterate but he is also known to have signed aggrement as stated clearly in some hadiths. Don't ask me to refer just google.

Princeps Eugenius

Active Member
Just another thing,Mohamed is known to be illiterate but he is also known to have signed aggrement as stated clearly in some hadiths. Don't ask me to refer just google.
Jesus was also probably illiterate but in the Gospel of John he sits down on the ground in order to scribble/write on the ground.


Transitioning from male to female
Jesus is mentioned in the quran :) so i see no problem here. Infact Jesus is mentioned more often in the quran than muhammad, the alleged author of the book.
But he is called Issa in Koran not Jesus. Certainly it does not mean the same thing. There is no trinity in islam.Jesus definitely means trinity and this concept has nothing to do within islamic theories,so it remains meaningless .