11:61 It is He Who hath produced you from the earth
The Genesis say as much that God created the earth. But so have other religions, like from Sumerian-Akkadian-Babylonian and the Egyptian myths. So this Qur'aic verse (11:61) provided nothing new, and certainly not unique.
And it still doesn't EXPLAIN anything.
If you think there is science in the Qur'an, then it should HOW did Allah create the Earth? Does the Qur'an explain that? It is a BIG FAT NO!
"God did it" is not intelligent answer; it is simply you expressing your superstitious belief.
Now, if Allah actually explain HOW he made the Earth, then I would be more suitably impress, or even be AWE-STRUCK. But I am not impress of 10-word verse. The word "produced" doesn't explain how.
Or dry clay (Arabic Salsaal)?
15:26,28,33 We created man from sounding clay
17:61 ... Thou didst create from clay
32:7 He began the creation of man from clay
Did we come from nothing?
19:67 We created him before out of nothing
No, we did not!
52:35 Were they created of nothing?
Did we come from mud?
23:12 We created man from a product of wet earth (loam) (Pickthall)
23:12 Man We did create from a quintessence (of clay)
38:71 I am about to create a mortal out of mire
Or water?
25:54 It is He Who has created man from water (see also 21:30, 24:45)
Could it be dust?
3:59 He created (Jesus) out of dust
30:20 He created you from dust
35:11 Allah did create you from dust ....
And once again, I am not impress with any of the above quotes from the Qur'an.
Genesis also say that man was created from dust, but we are not made of dust, because dust is by-product waste.
And man being made out of clay, also demonstrate the Qur'an idiot book, and it is not even original.
In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the gods created Enkidu from, who would become Gilgamesh's companion, is found as early as the Old Babylonian version (19th-16th century BCE).
Around the same time, the Epic of Atrahasis, the Old Babylonian version of Noah, predated Genesis Flood story by at least 800 years. In this, the gods created group of men (and women, of course), to help with building cities, temples and irrigate the farmland.
And guess what, Jabar?
They were made out of clay too?
In fact, these clay-turn-to-men were actually made from clay and the blood of sacrificed god - Ilawela, the god of intelligence.
Do you not see why I am not at all impress with the Qur'an?
And these two epics are not even the oldest myth about men being created from clay.
In the clay tablet about Enki and Ninmah.
The goddess Nammu lead other birth goddesses to produce men out of clay. Later at celebratory feast, the god Enki and goddess Ninmah got into argument into who could create a better group of humans.
Enki produce healthy humans, while Ninmah produce enuch and deformed humans.
And even your quotes about people being made out of water ), are not original in the Qur'an (21:30, 24:45).
I have already mentioned the slain god Ilawela in the Epic of Atrahasis, in which the gods use his blood mixed with clay to produce life.
But there is a papyrus dated to 15th century BCE, in which it say that humans were made from the tears of the sun god Re (or Ra).
The Qur'an just showed that the Arabs of that time, including Muhammad haven't grown out of their superstitious fairy-tales phase yet. The Qur'an is no more believable than those ancient myths.
If the Qur'an explain in detail its creation, then I would be impressed, but so far everything you quoted, including posts 811 to 814, demonstrate only how truly unintelligent and uninspiring this book really is.