Science is a religion like no other with a congregation that is unique. They, you, worship their own God with greater zeal and fevor then any theistic God that I know, and they keep their Commandments with greater adherence then mine. Science is a living organism with its own needs and desires. It needs to be worshipped, like the only true God, by a congregation that glorifies it's name and defends it's honour. Your God is, out of necessity, the polar opposite in character to that of the Christian God, however, a God it is and it's congregationalists are folk just like you.
Well Im sorry but the above is evident nonsense. Regardless of whatever hypothesis is held to there is no doctrine to prevent a competing hypothesis from being demonstrated.
The findings of science are frequently wrong or in need of amendment or alteration and will be tested to destruction or accepted as the orthodoxy, subject always to being disproved or faulted in some way. Science is something that can never be true, and at most it can only argue to a high degree of probability, but even then as with the rising of the sun or the existence of gravity, the probability is only held from induction. But of course it is true that on going to bed following the going down of the sun we have faith that we will awake to sunrise in the morning, and that is the case for both the unbeliever and the theist. The rising of the sun is accorded a very high degree of probability but as a fact it can be true or false, for there is no contradiction in conceiving the sun not to rise in the morning since it might not. And that, the Problem of Induction, is the difficulty for science. However, although no argument from the past or present can logically be an argument to the future (the very opposite of what science portends) it is nevertheless the case that science has served us well up to now.
If anything we all have a healthy scepticism of science. Almost on a weekly basis we see some previous findings concerning diet and healthy eating are overturned only to be replaced with a new hypothesis. And if you read the results of clinical trials they invariably find for no firm conclusion or they recommend further investigation in specific areas. Science is like democracy: imperfect but the best we have.
Therefore science can hardly be rated as a polar concept, to be compared with religious faith, where no argument is allowed to count against it.