Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
You have not got one single example of anything ever beginning to exist that you know to have a cause.
My response
Second Evasion.
2. The universe began to exist.
Well here the problem is that it didn't. The universe has always existed, there was no time when the universe did not exist. Just as you claim that God is exempt from first cause, so by exactly the same logic is the universe.
My Response.
How do you know that the universe has always existed.
There was no time when the universe did not exist? Time didn't exist prior to the big bang so you are right, there was "no time" when the universe didn't exist. No time, no matter, no space and no energy either. Just us and God existed. So, how did an entire universe exist with no time, mass, energy and space? I look forward to your explanation. Until then I will continue to believe, as does Professor Stephen Hawkins, that the universe, as we know it, had a beginning 15 billion years ago.
Thus far the evidence is sound.
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