Agnostic75 said:
Henry Morris, Ph.d., Institute for Creation Research, was an inerrantist. He once said that “the main reason for insisting on the universal Flood as a fact of history and as the primary vehicle for geological interpretation is that God’s word plainly teaches it! No geologic difficulties, real or imagined, can be allowed to take precedence over the clear statements and necessary inferences of Scripture.” (Henry Morris, ‘Biblical Cosmology and Modern Science,’ 1970, p. 32-33.
Stanton Jones, Ph.D., psychology, and Mark Yarhouse, Ph.D., psychology, are conservative Christians. They wrote a book about homosexuality that is titled 'Homosexuality, The Use of Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate.' Chapter 4 is titled 'Is homosexuality a psychopathology?' After discussing a lot of scientific issues in that chapter, the authors conclude with the following paragraph:
"Finally, we have seen that there has never been any definitive judgment by the fields of psychiatry or psychology that homosexuality is a healthy lifestyle. But what if it were? Such a judgment would have little bearing on the judgments of the Christian church. In the days of Nero iit was healthy and adaptive to worship the Roman emperor. By contemporary American standards a life consumed with greed, materialism, sensualism, selfishness, divorce and pride is judged healthy, but God weighs such a life and finds it lacking."
Morris, Jones, and Yarhouse all have, or had a Ph.D. in science, but implied that the Bible alone is sufficient evidence to accept the global flood theory, and to reject homosexuality. Do you agree with that? If so, your supposed interest in science is bogus.
Fredcow9 said:
Of course I do, I don't worship science.
Then your supposed interest in science is bogus.
Fredcow9 said:
I would have to see the whole page [about Dr. Henry Morris] to understand the context of this quote as this could as you put it be an example of quote mining. I would say he is speaking as a man of faith first which is what he should do. As a Christian everything else is secondary and God is first. Now is he ignoring science in favor of God? You would have to prove his assertions wrong to make that precedence. which if your up to discuss lets do it!
I have read many articles by the late Dr. Henry Morris. It is common knowledge that he was an inerrantist, and that he accepted creationism, the global flood theory, and the young earth theory. He obviously believed that science supports those theories, but he, like many other inerrantists, also believed that that Bible alone is sufficient evidence for people like laymen to accept creationism, the global flood theory, and the young earth theory.
Regarding the book by Jones and Yarhouse, I have the book, and I read all of it, and there are not any doubts whatsoever that Jones and Yarhouse believe that the Bible alone is sufficient evidence to reject homosexuality, which means that they would still object to homosexuality even if they did not have any scientific evidence against it, and by implication that the Bible alone is sufficient evidence for anyone to reject homosexuality. If the Bible alone is sufficient evidence for people to accept creationism, the global flood theory, and the young earth theory, and reject homosexuality, what need is there for any Christian, or prospective Christian, to discuss what science says about those things?
What I quoted from the book all comes from a chapter that is titled "Is Homosexuality a Psychopathology?" The authors spend most of the chapter discussing only science, only to finally eventually and essentially say that science is only an unnecessary convenience since the Bible opposes homosexuality.
Fredcow9 said: Bible believing Christian is going to support homosexuality and as they stated.......
Iceland is predominantly Christian, and a past prime minister was an admitted lesbian.
Spain, Argentina, and Canada are predominantly Christian, and same-sex marriage is legal in all three of those countries. Would you like to claim that no Christians who live in those countries, and support same-sex marriage will go to heaven?
Lots of Christians believe that Christian homosexuals will go to heaven. In the Christian Western world, as far as I know, the majority of inerrantists live in the U.S., and in some poor African countries.
The same Internet article that shows that a study showed that 99.86% of American experts accept common descent shows that some of the most likely groups of people who accept creationism are women, and people who have less education, and people who have less income.
Fredcow9 said:
.......and the APA used to state that it is a psychological issue before the whole politically incorrect thing came around.
That can easily be refuted since the majority of experts today would say that there was not sufficient scientific evidence to add homosexuality to the DSM of the American Psychiatric Association in the first place.
From a secular perspective, there are not any doubts whatsoever that some homosexuals are much better off having safe sex than they would be if they practiced abstinence for life. If you wish to discuss homosexuality further, the main thread on that topic is at
Fredcow9 said:
I can appreciate this, my only beef however is that evolution is just bad science plain and simple. There is a reason so many distinguished scientists are not on board with the evolutionary agenda. One has to really wonder why that is.
You have not reasonably proven that evolution is bad science. In order for you to do that, you would need to provide comprehensive explanations for lots of scientific literature that you do not understand, and cannot adequately refute. No serious, honest debater would show up at an Internet forum where there are not any experts in biology, and make a few posts about common descent, and refuse to explain lots of evidence, and then make a claim that evolution is bad science.
According to a research study, which is mentioned at
Beliefs of the U.S. public about evolution and creation, 99.86% of American experts accept common descent, and that "By one count there are some 700 scientists with respectable academic credentials (out of a total of 480,000 U.S. earth and life scientists) who give credence to creation-science..."
700 out of 480,000 scientists is certainly not very many scientists, and it is reasonable to assume that many of those Christian experts believe that the Bible alone is sufficient evidence for people to reject common descent.
If you wrote a letter to the National Academy of Sciences, and told them what you have said about common descent in this thread, they would immediately reject your amateurish arguments, and they would surely make an issue out of the fact that you do not have even a bachelor's degree in biology, or knowledge that is roughly equivalent to a bachelor's degree in biology. Surely very few college students who do not have a degree in biology would ever get anywhere claiming that evolution is bad science. You take yourself, and your knowledge about biology, geology, and physics too seriously.
You have implied that people are lazy if they do not learn enough about biology, geology, physics, history, biblical theology, and biblical textual criticism in order to make informed decisions about what those fields have to do with accepting, or rejecting some of biblical literalism. That is unreasonable, and it unfairly criticizes many Christians who have low IQ's, do not have much education, and live in third world countries, sometimes in remote areas. Some of your comments are contrary to the simple faith that the Bible sometimes mentions.
Creationists who lived 1,000 years ago, and knew very little about evolution were certainly not lazy since very little was known about evolution, but I doubt that you object that most Christians back then were creationists.
Fredcow9 said:
I would also add that any person is free to think for themself. The large consensus of scientists are wrong many many many many times throughout history.
That is true, but experts have been right many times, and what you said does not reasonably prove that common descent is wrong. Common sense indicates that the fact that a particular large consensus was wrong does not necessarily have anything to do with whether or not another large consensus is wrong about a different subject.
Fredcow9 said:
Do you find a life filled with the latter fulfilling?
What kind of life are you referring to?
Fredcow9 said:
I mean come on...obviously these people are doing nothing more than what you yourself said, If a God exists, he is free to cause evolution to occur at whatever speed he wants it to occur.
What people?
Fredcow9 said:
This is an indication that regardless of God, you're going to believe evolution is that cause and drive of everything. It's not unfair, it's just natural human bias, everyone has one.
In spite of initial bias, many Christians who used to accept creationism are now theistic evolutionists, and many of them did so because they studied biology a lot. You could argue that many creationists used to be skeptics, and are now creationists, but I assume that the majority of them do not know a lot about biology, and reject common descent primarily because of the Bible, not because they studied biology a lot.