I’ve been reading through a couple of threads, and I see that it is said that there is no evidence for a god, it’s an unfalsifiable idea. We all agree on this? If you don’t, care to explain the evidence there is for god?
I’m in agreement. I used to believe my personal experiences to be subjective evidence for god, but I know now that’s not the case. I am not a theist anymore because I recognize I was a Christian thanks almost completely to my environment. That’s why I believed. I was brought up in it. Wasn’t because of any proof or anything,
So, theists, why do you believe? Is it mainly because of your environment and geographical location? There is no proof for god (right?), so what logically keeps you believing? Or is logic not supposed to be a factor when it comes to faith? Is it too jarring, the idea of leaving the comfort that religion and belief in a god brings?
I am curious about personal evaluations on why you believe. It can’t be because of logic, as there is no proof of god, right?
To respond to this I needed some time to reflect on what and how one believes or does not believe.
Fundamentally I am philosophical agnostic in that regardless of whatever I believe it is subjective and in reality, I do not know, I also describe myself as a universalist as believing the reality of our existence both physical and possible spiritual beyond the physical is in harmony and without contradiction.
I believe in a 'Source' some call God(s), but the question as to whether this 'Source' exists as what we call God or simply exists is an open question.
The problem of contradiction and the issue of the fallible cultural human perspective of belief is reflected in the following response in another thread concerning the doctrine of the Trinity in Christianity,
Matt. 28 Verses 19 to 20
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
There are more verses that elevate Jesus to the station of an incarnate manifestation of God and the agent of Creation, we can go into this further. Yes, the doctrine of the Trinity is controversial, and opponents of the Trinity can cite their side of the scripture. Nonetheless, the New Testament was compiled edited, and redacted by the Greek and Roman Church Fathers that concluded that the Trinity is the reality of God and the relationship with Creation.
Yes, the Tanakh contains no references that may be interpreted as God is a Trinitarian God without first relying on the references in the NT.
I am a Baha'i and reject the Trinity and the claim of the exclusiveness and uniqueness claim of Christianity in the relationship with humanity and Creation. All the ancient religions make exclusive tribal claims for their relationship with God or God(s), which reflects a cultural view of God and is irrational and illogical, culturally egocentric, and contrary to the relationship of a universal Creator God undefinable from any one cultural belief.
IF God exists God is not a Hebrew, Christian, Islamic, Vedic, Zoroastrian or whatever ancient God or God(s) of the past. God would be the 'Source' of all of our physical existence, and the relationship with ALL of humanity since the first human knew of their relationship with the 'Source' sone call God(s) by many different names. From the universal perspective, the different diverse and conflicting divisions of religions are a fallible human view of God,